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Gin woke up with a loud yawn. She had a smile on her face until she saw Jurou's face. That wasn't the first thing she wanted to see after such a pleasant nap. Her face instantly contorted into a scowl. It was almost a reflex by now. Seeing the Mizukage's face like that only brought on bad memories. She looked around for a moment. She saw that Jurou was now holding a new weapon - one of the swords that had been sealed in the scroll, she assumed. Additionally, the representative from Kumo was nowhere to be seen. It didn't take a genius to tell that the swords had been unsealed. Gin got up slowly, grunting as she did so. She wiped the dirt off of her clothes and turned to stare at Jurou. "You already know that I want one of the swords," She said, straight to the point as she always was. "And I already know you won't just hand it over. Tell me, Osada, what do I need to do for it?" She asked. She anticipated something degrading. It was either that, or a fight. Hell, it he might even ask her to stop drinking for the twins' sake or even to give him the twins for an entire year.


Last edited by Gin on Thu Nov 29, 2012 8:01 pm; edited 1 time in total



Hmm... so Gin wants one of the swords eh? This might be fun for Jurou and to probably test their long lost "connection" at that. He leaned on a much different tree away from Gin and looked at the scroll and then Soshin in his hands. Time to give her a piece of the sword's abilities. Putting the scroll down, he bent on one knee and opened it to the first symbol; Sourukattā, which means Soul Cutter. Maybe this was the sword that Gin was rambling on about what she wanted. Nonetheless, if it meant leveling half of the forest, by all means what the hell. Give the bitch the sword, because bitches love swords. He touched the symbol as the symbol did nothing. It seemed it was nothing more than a symbol. The specialization of Bukijutsu was in everyone. So, similar to Tenten, Jurou and many others can used scrolls to use weapons for their aid. And it did not require a seal or Fuuinjutsu to do so. Good job Raijin.

Looking at Gin, Jurou rolled up the scroll as he looked at his ex girlfriend and walked from the shade and into the open sun. "All you have to do is fight me." He tells her as he gets to the point. Looking once again at the scroll, he figured Bukijutsu would be on his side with his first scroll of where the blades can be sealed in. He sighed, hoping that inserting his chakra in with the scroll, can help him with using the weapons. Since Bukijutsu is somewhat in conjunction with Fuuinjutsu, it might take him some time to figure out.

Word Count; 275
Total; 275/9000

Last edited by Jurou on Thu Nov 29, 2012 8:01 pm; edited 1 time in total



Gin cocked her head to the side. A... fight? Really? That was it? No "give me back my kids" or "quit drinking in front of Reiko"? Gin felt like she was in luck, really. Jurou wasn't forcing her to go months sober. That was good. Gin smirked and looked at Jurou. "Is that really all you want?" She asked, already knowing that his answer would be yes. She just wanted to make sure. She knew Jurou wasn't the type of person who would start second guessing himself from one minute to the next. She seemed cocky, but in reality, she knew that this wouldn't be easy, not by a long shot. Gin was physically stronger than Jurou, but he was faster. Not only that, but he was now wielding one of the legendary Seven Swords of the Mist, not to mention his Kekkei Genkai. Gin internally shuddered, remembering a time when she had witnessed what the Boil Release could do to a person's skin. "Want to set any ground rules before we begin?" She asked. Gin sank into a stance, keeping her eyes locked on Jurou. She kept Naiya - one of the few swords that she owned and did not have to create - by her side, wrapping her left hand around the sword's hilt. She was ready, as ready as she could ever be to face Jurou. She knew what he was capable of - they had both fought alongside each other several times. Then again, he also knew what she could do. Neither had the clear advantage if they were to disregard Jurou's new collection of high ranking blades. It made Gin wonder if this fight was merely a means for Jurou to test what the famous blades could do.


Last edited by Gin on Thu Nov 29, 2012 8:02 pm; edited 1 time in total



Is that really what he wants... that's funny. He could be an asshole and lay more then what he said, but he wanted to be nice. He had heard of her drinking habits, and decided to toy with her. "You can keep custody of the little ones for a year." That was only one of the two horrible tragedies from Jurou. If she wanted Soul Cutter that bad, she would have to follow his rules. There was alot of thinking but no sudden hesitation to what his next saying would be. " While the girls are there for the remainder of their stay, no matter how long..." He actually felt kind of bad saying what he thought, " cannot pick up a single bottle of liquor whatsoever." This is not a mere second guess, this is a reminder and a understanding of what Gin has to do to get something that she wants because she will not get everything she wants. Being the ex of the Kazekage, the Mizukage sighed at the conversation as a whole. This was going to be a long battle.

Onward to battle. Gin had the upper body strength but was slow. Jurou had the immensive speed, but was weak to physicality. It would be a even match to say the least. He knew her Kekkai Genkai, a very powerful Kekkai Genkai that can create and utilize swords from chakra. But, there was also a backdrop, she loses chakra while doing so. Draining her chakra renders her useless, so Boil Release against her Kekkai Genkai would be something to see. "Do you have any in mind?" He questioned her. He had Soshin in his right hand and his regular sword in his left. He sheathed his other sword.

Word Count; 291
Total; 566/9000



Gin's eyes went wide. Her face fell. She blinked several times. Did he just...? No, he didn't. He didn't just ask her not to drink. He couldn't be serious. He just couldn't. "W-what?" She asked. She almost looked like she was about to cry. Almost. She shook her head and sobered up a little. "I can't keep the twins for a whole year," She began. Her tone was somewhat soft, sympathetic. "Not that I wouldn't want to, honestly," She stopped for a moment, thinking of how to phrase what she was thinking. "I mean, they'd miss you, you know?" She said with a sigh. Gin had never really had a father. He had left even before she was born. The young Kazkage has grown up with her mother, that was it. She had always wanted a sort of father figure, someone to guide her. She had obviously never found someone who could fill that role. Gin's mother would bring in strange men every once in a while, but there was really nothing constant. She had promised herself that she would be different, that she would do everything she could to ensure that her children knew their father and actually spent time with him, despite the fact that she and Jurou didn't get along. The young Kazekage once again sighed. "I'll try to stop drinking, though," She said, though she was somewhat unsure of her self in that regard. She had been drinking constantly since she was about 14 years old. She had her reasons - she drank to forget. "I suppose I have a reason to stop, now," She said, smiling slightly to herself. Her smile soon dropped, however. They were here to fight, not to discuss Gin's life choices.

Jurou asked her for conditions, eh? Gin pursed her lips for a moment, pondering on what these conditions should be. "Starting off with the obvious, no killing and no maiming," She began and then paused. Should she limit the rank of the jutsu they could use? No, that would be no fun. Besides, it would put her at a disadvantage, seeing as he had the Seven Swords... wait ... that could be a good condition. "Choose one of the swords and stick to it for the rest of the fight," She finished, sinking into her stance once again and finally drawing Naiya out of its scabbard. "Now let's get this show on the road, shall we? People are waiting on me to go back to Suna and I'm not leaving here without one of those swords, Jurou," She said. She held Naiya with one hand, at the level of her eyes and drawn back over her shoulder. her other hand was extended towards Jurou. She wouls take a defensive position for now and wait for him to attack first. She had to be wary, she knew that much. She couldn't let her guard down for one instant. That would mean forfeiting the fight altogether. She narrowed her eyes and waited, concentrating on both Jurou and her surroundings to detect any change at all.




Oh the sadness, oh the irony. It was another sad, sad attempt by Gin. Jurou could tell that what he said broke her down to pieces, but she quickly picked herself back up. Jurou was very serious in what he said about the requests he made to Gin, whether she liked it or not. Judging by her soft tone of voice and facial expression, she was a sad, sad puppy. Jurou took a little consideration into what she said and her tone of voice. A small hint of sadness came across his cold heart; just a small hint. "You do want the sword... abide by the rules." Jurou said to her in a soft tone. Why did the feelings of sadness and remorse come to him? Why all of a sudden? It did not matter to him at the very moment. He continued to hear her talking, rambling about the little ones and what not. "I know and fully understand Chie Osada and Reiko Kuroka would miss their father in all ways of aspect. I would miss them myself. But..." Saying those words put Jurou in a state of mind of the request he gave to her. Was it the right thing to say to her? Did he give her too much just by that one request? Jurou thought different, and sighed at the conversation once more. "You need to learn the responsibility of not being an alcoholic in front of our daughters. If you cannot do that for the remainder of their stay, tell me now and I will keep Soul Cutter for myself." Jurou was on the hard ball here. He wanted to make it easy on Gin, but thinking back at the past when the little ones were first conceived, making it easy was not an option to him at the moment. Sighing again, the goddess of symphony and forgiveness hit him in his heart and smiled down on him, telling him to care for the mother of his children, and to love her as an equal plus more, a queen. "If you want..." He hesitated for a minute, then continued, "I can stay in Sunagakure in another hotel for the year. If they need to see me, I'll give you my location." The goddess of symphony smiled on him, thanking him for what he said. He would never ever do that again.

Now, onto more pressing matters; this battle. He listened to the conditions that she gave him. So, no killing or maiming. Fair enough. Jurou was not even thinking of doing such anyway. Gives himself less bloodshed already. What's next? Choosing one of the Swords and stick to it the rest of the fight? This might be a good challenge after all. Now he has the decision to choose either sword he wants to battle with from the seven. He was thinking Soul Cutter, Soshin, or Samehada. Decisions, decisions, decisions... Soul Cutter would do the trick. Cutting chakra pathways will render Gin useless much quicker. With the swing of the scroll, Soul Cutter came out of it's domain. Jurou catches Soul Cutter's handle in his right hand and twirls the blade as the blade glistened in the sun. "We can make this long or quick. Your choice." Jurou said. This is going to be fun. Soul Cutter, the sword that can cut chakra pathways. Jurou's going to have lots of fun.

Word Count; 584
Tota;; 1150/9000



Gin nodded, she knew that she was the one that was at a loss here. And she supposed Jurou was right. She had to learn about responsibility... whatever that meant. Nevertheless, she sighed. The young Kazekage knew her priorities. She wanted a blade quite badly. However, she had priorities and a promise to herself wasn't something that she took lightly. Gin would never go back on her word. That went against the very nature of the young woman. She was about to speak, about to call off the match. She wouldn't keep her twins parted from their father, as much as it hurt her to have Chie and Reiko away from her. As she opened her mouth to protest, to tell Jurou that the match was cancelled, that she no longer wanted one of the blades, Jurou began to speak. But there was something odd in his words and his behavior. Was he being merciful for her sake? That was most certainly strange. It made her briefly wonder if this was really Jurou or some sort of impostor. She quickly discarded that possibility, though. She took his words of kindness - rare as they were - and simply accepted them. She smiled softly and briefly closed her eyes. "I won't ask that much of you," She began. "You have duties to tend to as the Mizukage, despite Kirigakure's current state. You can't leave what's left of your people for an entire year. The remnants of Kiri wouldn't survive, you know that as well as I do." She said and paused for a moment. "However... I would like it if you stayed in Suna with the girls while you decide to move or rebuild Kiri," She said. That was a fair deal. It would mean that Jurou could spend a good deal of time with the girls before he had to tend to his duties once again. And now, on to the task at hand.

There was nothing like the thrill of a good fight. Gin could already feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins as the air filled with tension. This was bound to be entertaining. In less than a minute, all of the odds had shifted towards Jurou. Of all of the swords he could have chosen, he had to choose Soul Cutter, and by doing so had basically rendered the young Kazekage's Kekkei Genkai useless. This would be interesting. At least Gin still had Naiya. If there were ever a time when she was thankful for that sword, it would be now. "We both know that this fight won't end until one of us passes out," Gin said, keeping her eyes fixed on Jurou. Her stance was steady and balanced; it was that of a true master of blades. She already had a strategy formed in her head and several others to back it up in case the first one failed. It was just like her to analyze all of the possibilities in a split second and act accordingly. It made her a versatile fighter, someone who could easily adapt to any situation at hand. "Let's do this already, Osada," She said while a large smile made its way onto her face. She was as ready as she would ever be. This fight would prove to be a challenge, without a doubt. She would have to rely on her skills alone, though that could come as an advantage. Silver lining: She didn't have to spend chakra constantly.




Day 11-

The ex love my life... Gin Kuroka...


Simple, yet excruciating. Sounds hard, but really it's not. Still a little hard, though. Depends upon the work ethic he puts in. Jurou thought this, many times. As his father told him: "Quiet your mind; yet, calm the storm. Drown out all disturbance. Put your body in an eternal resting. Then when you are done resting, open your eyes." He remembered every word, every phrase, every sentence. His father and grandfather were true mentors when it came to Jurou's training, simply removing one's body from all else and stay in one place, relaxing the mind and stay true to what your movements predicts. The Osada were meant to be shinobi's that kept things at a mellow pace; both hot and cold (water at freezing temperature, 32 degrees Celsius.) That is why Boil Release was created, to let off steam when the emotion of anger is at a high rate. All of this talk and thinking about the past had Jurou in a state of mind; a state of mind that precedes to be stated, If you train in silence, everything will commence perfectly. That was the life lesson learn from his father and his father' father: Calm your body and free your actions.

Jurou was still thinking the same thing his father told him after the training with the clone, his father in his dream, and with Isshin. But now, he wanted to train with someone of great importance to his heart this time. Training with Gin would be extraordinary to say the least, but that was what kept his cold heart sane this time. Kenjutsu training again, didn't he already had enough of 10 long days of it? He sighed.


Pertaining to techniques that entail the use of swords, whether the users be shinobi or samurai. Kenjutsu can be used in combination with taijutsu, ninjutsu, chakra flow and even genjutsu in order to achieve more devastating techniques. There have been many practitioners in the arts of Kenjutsu. Jurou could only name the most important people in his village; 7 Swordsman of the Mist. There was: Zabuza Momochi, Mangetsu and Suigetsu Hozuki, and Kisame Hashigaki and many others. Jurou wanted to be just like them, strong in Kenjutsu to where he can wield almost any sword. Time to get started with this training.

Jurou listened in to what the mother of his kids were saying. His little show of symphony and sympathy was heart-touching as he saw the smile she had after he said such a thing. After hearing what she had said to him about having duties as the Mizukage, he pondered on the fact. He was the newly appointed Mizukage with a burned down village that he needed to get back in order. He knew this day would be hell, but it would be worth it. But moving to Suna just to stay with the girls? Bad idea all together. Not because of the girls part, but moving. He cannot leave Kirigakure, let alone for a year. But, he would do it for his babies; the daughters he put inside Gin to bring into this world, Chie Osada and Reiko Kuroka. He would do it this once and leave Kirigakure to the hands of Seto, Hiragana (hopefully), and Otto for the time being while he is away. "..." Still pondering, he sighed once again and looked at Gin. Despite her height, he still loved her for some reason, was older then her, faster then her, a tad less stronger than her, but probably more efficient in combat-related tactics. "I can sacrifice a year from my village for my daughters. A father's intuition. Sacrifices have to be made somehow." He said. He heard a hint of rejoice yet sadness in Gin's voice when she said the she would like if he actually did stay in Sunagakure with the girls. "If you want me to stay, I'll stay. If you don't, just say it and I will take my leave when we are done." Jurou said, getting straight to the point. With that said, time to start the good fight.

Jurou sheathed his regular wakizashi as Soshin immediately returned inside the scroll with a water-like disappearance. Tension filled the air. Silence was given. Jurou took a good look at Gin's diamond-like sword, Naiya. A sword not made from stainless steel, but diamond. Sharp cutting edge as it glistened brightly through the sun. Soul Cutter against Naiya. She can only use one sword since Soul Cutter basically cancels her Kekkai Genkai use of all her other swords. Good choice Jurou. Jurou thought to himself as he held Soul Cutter's handle in a reverse-hand grip formation; the blade pointing behind Jurou upward. "I wasn't planning on us passing out, but that's fine too." Her stance was complex yet simple, steady and balance. She kept her ground at the moment. Time to get her off her feet. He planned his strategy out; formation by formation. Movement by movement, and pace by pace. "Ready when you are, Kuroka." She is elusive in her feet, for a big-tittied Kazekage, who takes very enthusiastic shots of different liquor.

Word Count; 895
Total; 2045/9000



Such a difficult decision to make. Gin had to weigh two things that affected her in very different ways. The fate of Kiri and the happiness of her children stood facing each other across the balance. Could Jurou really expect her to choose between two such things? Should she tell him to stay in Suna, both Chie and Reiko would have access to their father whenever they wanted. Hell, they could even act like a family for the sake of the kids every once in a while. But then Kirigakure no Sato would remain nothing but a myth; a pile of ashes buried in the memories of each of its villagers. The balance of the shinobi world would be thrown off almost completely. Without a leader, how could the shinobi of Kiri rebuild their homes? Gin sighed internally. She would leave this for another time. She would make her decision after they fought. Right now, she had a more pressing matter to attend to: Ripping Soul Cutter out of Jurou's tiny little hands. But that would prove to be difficult, she knew that much. The guy had magic swords... and magic hands.

Gin took a moment to admire Soul Cutter. She had heard the legends about the sword, she knew full well what it was capable of doing. Soul Cutter could - as its name indicated - slice through chakra like butter. But Gin wouldn't turn away from a challenge. No, that would be quite unlike her. She giggled internally, trying to imagine what Jurou's face would look like if she beat him just using her A rank sword, Naiya, and a handful of jutsu. She knew it was unlikely, but that didn't mean that she wasn't going to put up a decent fight. Quite the contrary, actually. Like she said, she wouldn't stop until one of them passed out from either their injuries or their exhaustion. She analyzed the distance between them. It was a good 6 meters, from what she could roughly tell by just using her eyes. She wouldn't charge at him, that would be idiotic at a time like this. She had to plan her moves carefully. But first thing was first: She had to increase her strength if she wanted to cause any sort of damage. Gin smirked. "Yami no Katana: Brute Force," She whispered, the words were almost inaudible. The instantly felt the muscles in her body tense as chakra ran through them. The feeling was slightly uncomfortable at first, but it was the type of thing you got used to rather quickly after using it so often. Gin rapidly swung the sword, hitting the ground underneath her.

A loud rumbling sound erupted from the earth beneath them as the ground was torn in half, forming a ditch that would stretch over 8 meters long and two meters wide. In other words, Jurou would likely fall into the pit if he didn't dodge the blow. A large dust cloud covered the area, stemming from the crater that Gin had created. She had practically destroyed the clearing with one swing of her sword. Not bad, not bad at all. But now wasn't the time to admire her own strength. She had to be cautious and look out for whatever Jurou's reaction would be.





Jurou looked at what happened so far, she slammed the blade of her sword to the ground and the whole ground splits into a pit of imminent death. Oh fuck; she created a pit with her strength enhancing jutsu... OH FUCK; SHE CREATED A PIT WITH HER STRENGTH ENHANCING JUTSU!! Using the hand seal; Tiger, he said with a soft tone that can only be heard as a whisper, "Void Walk." Suddenly, Jurou felt his legs vibrating, telling him to move. As the opening of the pit got closer to Jurou's feet, he swayed to the left, motioning his body to his left. As he motioned his body to the left, a blur of pure speed had occurred. He was going in a straight line at approximately 300 mph or probably even faster, depending on his natural speed. Having much better control of the jutsu, he pinpointed his next whereabout and stopped in his tracks by stabbing his sword onto the ground. Sure Void Walk was a continuous movement, but like a race car, it has to stop somehow. "That was close..." Jurou said to himself softly. Strength against Speed.

He was now distance away from Gin and her attack. He was glad that the attack did not follow him around, otherwise the forest itself would be reduced to a bottomless pit. "Very impressive, but a little ditch won't help." Jurou said while releasing Soul Cutter from the ground. The odds were in both favors. It would have to stay away from her until the jutsu dies down. His reflexes could help out, but his reaction timing is short thanks to his height. Gotta to think this one out a bit... Jurou thought to himself. He got it. This is going to be good. Using the handisgn with one hand; Snake, he said the following words, "Fire Release: Fire Clone Technique." After that was being said, four shadow-like figures appeared from behind Jurou. And to no surprise, they all had the same appearance, and equally, the same Soul Cutter.

5 against 1; what are the odds? All of the Jurous looked at each other and nodded. Using Void Walk, every Jurou zoomed to Gin while the clones jumped upong Jurou's back. To spread out the playing field, as Jurou got closer to Gin, the clones jumped in different directions and sprinted as fast as they could to their direction. They all separated into different directions while the original ran toward Gin in a very fast pace. "Now... hit me with your best shot." All of the Jurou's said to Gin in unison. The plan was simple, confuse her into attacking one after the other.

Word Count; 462
Total; 2507/9000
Void Walk chakra; 20
Fire Clone; 60
Total chakra used; 80
Chakra remaining; 170
Void Walk:
Katon Bushin no Jutsu:



Jurou dodged Gin's blow, just as the young Kazekage had expected. Jurou was fast, after all. He moved quickly. Gin watched him as he performed several handseals. She recognized that jutsu, Fire Clones. Gin grunted. She could use her Shadow Clones to even the numbers, but that would waste a great amount of chakra that she wasn't sure she was willing to spend just yet. She had to pace herself, after all. Jurou himself was spending a lot of chakra already, so much so that he was about to surround her. She swung her sowrd once again, creating a ditch in the ground, directed towards one of Jurou's clones. However, Gin needed to get to higher ground. Being above Jurou would give her and advantage, a way to get over the numbers against her. Gin jumped in the air. "Wind Style: Solid Air!" She yelled. The air beneath her feet now became solid, alowing her to stant two and a half meters above the ground. For now, that was enough of an advantage for height. Now, she had to move to the offensive position. It would be useless to just evade Jurou constantly. It would bore her to no end, really. Though that strategy - playing a game of patience and waiting - might prove to be more useful. She would store it in the back of her mind, should offense prove not to work.

She held her sword with both hands now. She could still feel her increased strenght run through her body. She would keep it that way for a while. Canceling it would mean having to wait for a while before using it again. No, she would keep it. The young Kazekage smirked. "Tell me Jurou, are you a betting man? I'll end you with my next move. Heaven Style: Holy Seven," She said simply. She could feel her speed increase greatly, now. She moved at an incredible speed, aiming seven different slashes at seven different locations of the original Jurou's body: Two to either of his upper arms, in order to impair his Kenjutsu. Another two to his upper thighs, aimed at slicing his tendons to slow him down.Two others where aimed towards his chest, causing a diagonal cut across his skin. The last one was similarly aimed to his back. She avoided his major arteries, but went for his muscles and tendons to weaken his movement. All the while, it seemed as if she hadn't even moved, simply stayed in her place, above the air.





Oh great, she went airborne on all 5 Jurou's at the same time, and she increased her speed also, while her strength was still at badass bitch mode. The original Jurou sighed while all of the other Jurou's looked at her direction. It was time to take it into the offensive. But more importantly, what the hell is coming for him? What better to be safe than have the clone take the hit for him? Not knowing what he was, he did not want to be hit by it. Still having Void Walk in his legs, he swiftly dashed backward to give him some distance away from the source and put his clone in front of him instead. But, not seeing what was behind him, he face crashed into a tree. Ouch. Suffering a gash of blood on the forehead and blood from the nostrils, he got up and shook his head. He felt Void Walk disappearing from his legs at the moment. Great; no speed boost to save him now. Stop and think; what better way to keep her occupied. The clone was enough already. As the clone took the slashing hits and dispersed itself into flames and burn the clothes of anyone that came in contact with, Jurou looked at everyone and nodded his head as the others nodded back in unison. "Shame on you, you activated my Osada card... Burning Ash Technique. Jurou said softly under his breath. Each clone then spewed a black smokescreen from their mouths and onto Gin's direction, covering almost the entire atmosphere around her. Burning Ash all around her direction, and with a single small touch of fire, sets off a big explosion. Now for the final touch of phase 2, "Hidden Mist Technique." In doing so, Jurou covered the entire area around him and above him where Gin was with mist, kneaded enough chakra and spewing that from his mouth also, disabling her sense of sight. If it was Skilled Mist on his 3rd try, it would be smell and taste. But, he wanted to level the playing field a bit, make it easy on Gin for a little while.

Phase 3: Attack. "I believe that's your schtick." Jurou said, answering Gin's question as he stayed in the mist as his clones got close to him. He grabbed the collar of one clone as 1 other grabbed the legs. Then they launched the clone to Gin's direction, preparing for an airborne battle. Jurou did the same for the last clone as it was now a 2 on 1 in the smokescreen. With a fire technique, should he end it now? Nah, too easy. Seeing how many smokescreens are in the atmosphere, one small fire can easily cause the partial forest to go boom. Each of the clone had Soul Cutter in their possession, so even if one did make a cut, her chakra path would be rendered useless. Jurou waited for one of the clones to explode so it can set off the explosion. If it did not work, he always had another clone to ready himself for another fire-release technique. In the meantime, it was better to lay low and watch from below as Jurou looked at where the smokescreen covered in the air. But, remembering that she is the Kazekage, she does have Wind Release either way. And chances are that the Wind Release will blow away the smokescreen and possibly the mist altogether. Jurou sighed; did not want to do this. The Fire Clone executed different handsigns before saying, "Fire Style: Small Fire." The Fire clone that fired of a mini fireball the size of a baseball. As the fireball trailed to the smokescreen, only two things could happen: Gin gets hit with the explosion along with the clones, or Gin uses a Wind Element while fighting off the clones with Soul Cutter. Jurou was thinking about using Infinity Slice and bringing back Void Walk to match her as of right now, but decided to hold off and create the big boom.

Word Count; 690
Total; 3197/9000
Hidden Mist; 10
Total; 160/250
Katon Count:
Hidden Mist:
Burning Ash:
Fire Release: Small Fire:



Gin rushed towards her target. She knew that Jurou still had Void Walk in play. She wondered how, exactly, he would avoid her attack if he had time to catch on to it. A milisecond before the hit landed, she managed to see Jurou exchange himself for one of his clones. She felt her blade connect seven times against Jurou's clone, basically ripping it to shreds. As it disappeared, the clone burst into flames. Some of the flames landed on Gin's skin, causing a small first degree burn on each of her forearms. She quickly retreated to her original position in the air, above Jurou. Gin quickly put out the small flames that caught on her pants and groaned. Those were new. She turned to look at Jurou, crashed against a tree and bleeding from his nose and forehead. "You cheeky dickwaffle!" She yelled, smirking at him from above. She stood still for a moment, waiting to see what his next move would be. She held her sword steadily, in a basic stance, kept stable by her control over the wind beneath her. She watched Jurou perform a series of handseals that she didn't recognize. It was best to get out of its range, in case it was some sort of attack. She jumped in the air and was now about 6 meters above Jurou. With her fast reaction timing, that distance would give her enough time to deflect whatever he threw her way. But Jurou wasn't planning an offensive attack.

Suddenly, she was angulfed in a thick fog. Wonderful. Just wonderful. Her vision would be completely impaired now. She could only see a couple of meters in front of her. This would be interesting. The young Kazekage would have to concentrate on her hearing and her sense of smell in order to guess what Jurou was doing. She listened to him call the name of his following jutsu. She smelled the ashes that covered the area. She knew what this jutsu meant for her. Not to mention the fact that more than one of his clones had used the same jutsu. She had to get away from the ashes quickly, otherwise she would be blown to bits by Jurou's technique. She had to run and she had to do it now. But if she jumped to 15 meters, she would still be in the techniques range just because of the sheer size of the ash could. "Oh fuck all kinds of duck," She wheezed. The young Kazekage had a coughing fit. She was breathing in ashes, now. The best she could do was get as far away from the source of the explosion in order to soften the blow. She jumped into the air, as far as she could. She was on the edge of the cloud of ashes now. And she had gotten there just in time. She automatically winced when she heard Jurou's following words. Fire Style: Small Fire. The loud explosion rang in her ears. The trees in the forest were blown appart by the sheer force and range of the jutsu. The trees in the forest were blown appart. Fire spread across the area in mere seconds. "Well, there goes the Dense Forest," Gin thought for a brief millisecond before the explosion caught up to her.

The young Kazekage was blown away several meters away. She fell to the ground, effectively cancelling her Solid Air jutsu. She rolled away from the source of the explosion, tumbling on the ground. She could feel her skin getting scraped as it grazed against the ground beneath her. She didn't stop rolling on the ground until she lost momentum and hit a tree. The wind was knocked out of her. She could feel 1st and 2nd degree burns scattered all over her body. She panted and slowly got up on her feet to assess the damage. She had a broken rib, she could feel it whenever she inhaled. Burn wounds were scattered over her back, stomach and arms. Her pants had caught on fire and had effectively been reduced to nothing. She removed the few pieces of cloth that remained over her legs. At least her underwear was still intact. But there was a fight still going on. She couldn't afford to let her injuries keep her back. She sprinted to the source of the explosion, where there was now nothing but a large crater on the ground. On the other side, she saw Jurou. And as far as she could tell, he had received as many wounds as she had if not more than her. Gin smirked. The idiot had gotten himself trapped in his own jutsu, though she wouldn't have been surprised if it had been on purpose. He hated her enough to do so, to injure himself as long as he got to see her hurt. It made Gin chuckle, much to her dismay. Laughing hurt. And to think that they had once loved each other, that they had been in a relationship once. Gin scoffed. The thought of it was ridiculous now. They could barely stand to see each other, let alone have a conversation that didn’t end up in yelling.

Chakra: 170




What the hell just happened... what the hell just happened? Did the jutsu go wrong, or did he do something wrong himself. This was suppose to be Kenjutsu spar, not a Ninjutsu death match. And this... this was going on too wrong. "What the fu-" BOOM! The biggest explosion that Jurou has ever witnessed, or even experience, had happened. And Jurou was lucky enough to use his Soul Cutter has a defense cushion to block the explosion. But, even that wouldn't save him, as the force of the explosion was very strong enough to push him back a few, crashing through certain trees in the forest as the last impact hit his back hard, very painful as his face lit up slightly as he whinces little of the pain. Suffering from first degree to almost second degree burns, with the addition of his blood trailing from his forehead to his nose, possibly a broken back at that, loss of his clones, and scrapes everywhere from his torso to his legs, Jurou thought that Gin had suffered worse. It was stupid move at that, getting caught in his own jutsu. Was it really a good thing? Was it really worth it? Did he finally show Gin who was boss by even inflicting pain on himself? It wasn't. Although it was very difficult for him to get up, a flashback had occurred in his mind. He remembered it all to well.The thought of it made Jurou sick to his stomach but even stomach pains were getting to him. He scoffed at the thought of the flash back, making a slight smirk as he tried to get up on his feet, but trembled easily with little strength. The fire from the explosion tarnished the forest, part of Jurou's clothes at that. He tore them off, going bare from the waist up while still keeping his ninja pants on and going barefoot. Scars everywhere; wasn't nothing new to him. Onward to the flashback. The thought was idiotic, but it made him think, the first time they loved each other, and was in a relationship for all of that time.

The flashback had occurred three years ago; three long, gruesome, painful years ago in Jurou's eyes. It was at that time Gin was 15 years old, and Jurou was 16. They were both Chuunin at that, always fighting; sparring; playing around. This was after the incident after his father had passed by his hands. He still sighed, but at least seeing his girlfriend Gin made his day. Gin Kuroka, a beautiful and intelligent kunoichi with the Kekkai Genkai of a masterpiece; something even Jurou had trouble winning against. But Jurou had Boil Release, so parts of Gin's clothing came off in the process with her itching at that. At the end of the day, the two loved each other. Jurou was still the cynical, anti-social, no emotion type of guy back then, but it was something about Gin that made him change that for some odd reason. Sunagakure is where they were located at the time, where Jurou had permission of the Mizukage to infiltrate on a mission but decided to pay Sunagakure a visit first. He wore the standard Kirigakure flak jacket with the regular ninja attire. They were both Kenjutsu users, so swords were all on their ideal when they sparred together. But, onward to more important things; the whole start of how this had happened. Sunagakure, village hidden in the sand. It was hot, humid, and such a warm atmosphere everywhere you go. Jurou felt uncomfortable being in a village where it was little cold, but mostly hot. Gin had invited Jurou into her home and what surprise to Jurou, no one was home except her. "I see you live by yourself. Must be good doing so." Jurou spoke to Gin. They were both young, but had big dreams as the ninjas they were. It did not matter to Jurou, as long as he wanted to see Gin happy under any circumstances, he would do anything to protect her from all costs. Jurou kept his vision alert; looking at all of his surroundings and whatnot, pinpointing the exits, just in case of a needed emergency.

Jurou then spotted the little ninja-like board games on the table. He pondered the fact that they should at least do something before he takes his departure for his mission. But, nonetheless he would have to wait on it. He still had unknown whereabouts of where Soshin, his father's sword, and was destined to find the sword after his visit with Gin at the moment. "I like to make a bet with you." He said to Gin while looking at her. Jurou wasn't really in the mood for activities but, hey, wouldn't hurt no one if he decided to do some activities. Liquor was everywhere, on the ground; on the kitchen table; and on the counter. The best way to get Gin's attention is for her to drink. Jurou soaked up the guts to finally come out and say it, "I can drink more liquor then you can." Jurou wasn't really much of a drinking type, and he definitely wasn't going to push himself into being one. But, this was his girlfriend for 3 years so he had to make some sacrifices to please her.

Jurou was a workaholic trying to get stronger. He would always do missions for the Mizukage if it means increasing his rank and making him grow stronger within each mission, and teaching him new things while going to different villages at the moment, since he knows everything of what there is to know in Kirigakure. Jurou was the type of Chuunin that stated, I don't have time for silly Boyfriend-Girlfriend nonsense. He thought to himself when sitting on Gin's couch. But, there was something different about Gin that made him wander about what he was thinking. Maybe he was a stick-in-the-mud, in which everybody was calling him because he would never have any leisure time to do nothing else except train. Jurou wouldn't blame them, but that was what he liked to do.

Word Count; 1037
Total; 4234/9000
Chakra Remaining; 160/250

Last edited by Jurou on Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:21 pm; edited 1 time in total



Gin was struggling. Her breathing was labored and slow. She took several deep breaths as she walked. She used Naiya as a cane to support her own weight. She could still fight, she knew she could. But there was no need to make the painful effort to stand up on her own if Jurou was still lying on the ground. No, there was no need to exert herself just yet. She admired the large crated that they had left in the middle of the forest. It spanned at least over a 30 meter radius. Fire burned the surrounding trees, sending smoke into the air. The heat around Gin made a thin layer of sweat cover her skin. But that was the least of her worries right now. If they didn’t do something about the fire soon, Kenta would likely ring both their necks for destroying his forest. But then again, Gin didn’t have water as an element. There wasn’t much she could do, really, nor did she care all that much at that very moment. No, her priorities were elsewhere. She looked at Soul Cutter, the blade glimmering, reflecting the wildfire around the area. It was still in Jurou’s hands, lying at the other end of the clearing, about 60 meters away from Gin. She waited for a moment before she saw the young Mizukage start standing up. At this point, Gin shifted back into a stance, holding her sword with one hand. She was wary and cautious. She knew full well what Jurou was capable of. They had fought together for years – alongside each other and against each other. It would be strange, really, for her not to know how far he could go and exactly what he had in his arsenal. Memories of what they used to be still lingered in her mind. Back then, she was almost a different person.

Gin Kuroka – born a mere merchant, under the name Gin Nanahara – hadn’t always been what she was today. Her former self was but a shadow of what she had become. At age 15, she was empty; she had been for a while. A year before, when she had met Jurou, she was plagued by loss, misery and sadness. It was around that time that she had discovered alcohol – a temporary way of escaping the overwhelming guilt that invaded her mind, her very soul, every time she closed her eyes and every time she found herself alone. Images of his face – she dare not speak his name, even inside her own thoughts – smiling at her like he always did always crept into her mind at night. So she cried herself to sleep every single night, because it was her fault that he was gone. It was around that time that a group of shinobi from Kirigakure had traveled to Suna. It was part of her job to take care of them, to show them around the Hidden Sand Village and make sure that they had everything they needed. It was a simple, mindless task that kept the young kunoichi busy. She accepted the job without second thought. It was there that she met Jurou Osada. He was a handsome man, just one year her senior. He had white hair and light eyes, much like her own. At that time, they were both around the same height. In other words, short as hell. In him she would eventually find comfort. With him, she would eventually begin to feel like her old self again. She began to smile, she began to laugh. But above all, she began to truly forget. A small part of her felt as if she were betraying his memory, but she did her best to ignore it. She had a right to be happy, or so she told herself. And so, she and Jurou began to date after a short while. She had been the one to ask him out, knowing that he would likely never do it himself. He wasn’t the type. Jurou was cold and distant, but that was only the surface. Gin saw much more than that. She knew that he could be incredibly kind, trustworthy, someone she could count on. She would well ahead come to change the way she saw him completely, but more on that later.

After one year of dating, they were both in her home. “You know I’ve lived alone for over a year, now, Jurou,” She said in a sing song tone, smiling at him as he took a seat on her couch. As always, there was a scowl on his face. “Jurou wants a hug~!” She called out, jumping into the couch and almost violently wrapping her arms around him. Back then, she didn’t wear the kind of clothing – or lack of clothing – that she did now. She wore the standard Sunagakure jacket and tight black pants. It was a simple outfit, easy to move in. She tied her hair in a tall pony tail and still wore her headband proudly on her forehead. She was only a closet pervert back then and was rather embarrassed when anyone asked her what she was reading. She kept her perverted novels hidden, even from Jurou. She eased up, knowing that Jurou wasn’t a fan of physical contact. She settled for simply sitting next to him with a small smile on her face. “Hm?” She said when Jurou asked if she wanted to make a bet. He had sparked her curiosity. “A bet?” She repeated before he went on to explain himself. So he wanted a drinking competition? That was quite unlike him. She was slightly taken aback. “You, Jurou Osada, want to try and outdrink me?” She asked before she burst out laughing. Her alcoholic tolerance was higher than that of most people. She drank constantly, after all. “You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into, Jurou!” She said. “But if you insist, I suppose I can go get the drinks.” She said as she got up from the couch, resisting the urge to kiss his cheek, and headed towards the counter. She paused for a moment before she pulled out a bottle of vodka – her personal favorite – from the fridge. “What’s in it for me, though?” She asked. If it was a bet, there had to be something that they could each win or lose, after all. If not, they couldn’t really call it a bet.




A terrible waste of perfectly good ninjutsu at that time. And on top of that, the forest is destroyed and surrounded by forest fire at that. What a mess these two made. What a mess these two made. It wasn't until a few seconds after he stood up, the young Kazekage herself got up as well. And immediately, she went right into her battle stance. Jurou sighed and shook his head at the effort Gin gave at the moment. She still wants to fight after the explosion tarnished her on the outside. Sweat dripping from Jurou's skin from the intensive heat, nothing new to him. Wait, he has Boil release and Fire release altogether, why should he be sweating? No matter, that was unimportant right now. Gin was on the battle-ready stance as Jurou held Soul Cutter in his reverse-grip, similar to how Sasuke held Kusanagi a century ago. This spar was far from over; and right now was nothing more than straight Kenjutsu-related techniques. Meaning Void Walk, Infinity Slice, and 15 Hit Kill were his only options of not utilizing that much chakra. But, still would be wasted at that manner. So, no jutsu. Just straight sword-to-sword combat. Jurou had Soul Cutter, and Gin had Naiya. Jurou was slowly recovering by only staying in one spot, but the pain still traveled within his entire, yet non-fragile body visciously, rendering him unable to quite stand up straight, since he was putting pressure on where the pain excels the most in his body, his back. That face-crash to the tree was painful enough, now his back almost gave into the harsh pain. Why today out of all day to endure such a back-breaking pain? The goddess of victory smiled on neither Jurou nor Gin at the moment; she was still enjoying her time, watching the two Kenjutsu masters go at it all for one sword, Soul Cutter. "...It seems she's more than meets the eye..." Jurou's voice of tone was soft and polite, but at the same time, quiet and reserved, only for his ears to be heard and not no one else. He knew what his ex girlfriend was very capable of, both weakness and strength. They had fought numerous times; side-by-side and even against each other. It wasn't new to him how far Gin would go to utilize her arsenal abilities; Jurou wanted her to do so. If only Jurou was going easy on her, he would've seen everything much sooner. Back then, he was quite the same, but with more politeness then anything in his world.

Jurou was a workaholic trying to get stronger. He would always do missions for the Mizukage if it means increasing his rank and making him grow stronger within each mission, and teaching him new things while going to different villages at the moment, since he knows everything of what there is to know in Kirigakure. Jurou was the type of Chuunin that stated, I don't have time for silly Boyfriend-Girlfriend nonsense. He thought to himself when sitting on Gin's couch. But, there was something different about Gin that made him wander about what he was thinking. Maybe he was a stick-in-the-mud, in which everybody was calling him because he would never have any leisure time to do nothing else except train. Jurou wouldn't blame them, but that was what he liked to do. He was born into a small, snowy-like town in the outskirts of Kirigakure. His family was more of a nuclear family, two parents and their dependent children/child. But all of that changed when his parents were killed in an ambush. That's when everything went haywire, and the killing intent start to come into place, and Jurou's personality from cheerful, changed to mere hatred. Until Gin came along. He heard intel of a little girl with a very powerful Kekkai Genkai, and he was assigned to inspect the girl and bring her to Kirigakure for further background examination of how her clan worked. When first seeing the girl, Jurou thought that she was very beautiful and pretty in appearance, a sight that any man would want to have. She was young, a one year junior. Jurou made sure that he continued on with the mission, but left the inspection part to someone else, and further spend time with Gin. He kept his tanto set vertically behind his right shoulder just in case. The more and more they spend time with each other, the more and more Jurou felt closer to her. He never had the mother-figure he once had, but Gin was something more then that, and Jurou made sure she stayed that way.

After the one year of being in a relationship with Gin, they both settled in her home where Jurou would stay until it was his time for him to depart to Konohagakure to continue the mission. Jurou felt the hug that was given to him, a warm, nice hug. But, then again, Gin eased up because she knew that Jurou wasn't the physical contact-type of person. Which was true, sadly. But, Jurou paid little attention to that and sneaked a small kiss on the forehead for his appreciation. When he saw that look on Gin's face, she thought that he was joking. Jurou wasn't the drinking type, but he had his fair share of liquor with Isshin at that time. "I see there is a problem to my bet with you. We can postpone it." Jurou said. Too late, Gin had already got the battle of Vodka. But wait, no Lemon Ciroc? This was not his day. But he would leave it alone. Gin's confidence was higher then her tight black ninja pants to her waistline, and Jurou shook his head at that. Jurou chuckled at that statement. "And like that you lost me. But, that's funny. I want Lemon Ciroc." Jurou said, sounding like a hypnotist with his last dialogue. He heard the pouring of the drinks and eventually what Gin said. What's in it for her? Hmm... "A kiss. Preferably something much more. What did you have in mind? Jurou said. That was the first thing that came to his head, and preferably, a good thing at that. "Take your time. No rush sweetie." Jurou said, calling her what she called him while in the relationship.

Word Count; 1074
Total; 5308/9000



Gin held her stance steadily. Should she attack or should she let Jurou make the first move? It was a difficult choice to make. The outcome could go several different ways. She could be overpowered by Soul Cutter, or more likely by his Boil Release if she got too close. Or she could end up overpowering him with her natural skills in Kenjutsu by combining it with her wind jutsu and keeping Jurou's corrosive mist away from her body. But that would drain her entire chakra pool. She would have to risk finishing the fight in a maximum of 4 attacks. But she would have to plan this carefully. Jurou was a master tactician. She would have to keep her guard up at all times. It would still be a while before she could actually walk on air again. She could use Heaven Style: Holy Purge, but she didn't want to kill Jurou. Using that would mean that she might end up slicing off a limb. She didn't want to risk it. No, she would stick to lower ranked jutsu unless the situation called for a dire change of plans. She was still unsure of how far Jurou was willing to take this fight. All she knew was that this wasn't a death match. But the fight could quickly escalate, knowing how much they despised each other. Gin slowly walked towards Jurou, edging around the large crater on the ground. She was cautious and deliberately slow. She held Naiya in one hand as she walked, narrowing her eyes towards Jurou. Was it just her, or was he now unable to stand up straight? The impact could have easily broken his back. Gin scoffed. "You're letting yourself get injured this easily, Jurou?" She yelled out to him. It was just like her to taunt her opponent while fighting. But she knew Jurou wasn't the type of person to buy into such a thing. No, he was different. He had always been much too calm and cold. He thought before he acted. He planned out every single detail before doing something. He was meticulous and distant. It made Gin wonder if she had ever actually had his heart or at least a sliver of his affection. Probably not, considering how things turned out between them. Gin took a deep breath and let the memories of such a time invade her once again.

A quizzical look formed on Gin's face as she felt Jurou press his lips lightly to her forehead. He rarely ever showed her any form of affection, but she was glad whenever he did. She appreciated; it often made her smile and laugh. His lack of affection only made her appreciate him even more whenever he went out of his way to make her smile. But in retrospect, maybe he never did make her happy just for the sake of making her happy. Maybe her happiness was just a consequence of the things he did for himself. But she would never know now. Jurou would never admit it. "What's gotten into you today?" She said, searching her fridge for the bottle of Lemon Ciroc that he had asked for. All she had in her fridge back then was alcohol, not too different from how things were now. But she now had to stop drinking. She wondered how that would affect her mental and physical health. But that would come later. She could think of that later on. "You've kissed me and asked me for a drink in the past five minutes, not to mention the fact that you finally agreed to come to my house after a whole year of dating. Tell me, who are you and what have you done to the Jurou Osada I know? Or did someone slip drugs into you breakfast?" She asked, teasing him mostly. She knew that he found her teasing uncomfortable most of the time, but that was why she liked it. Jurou was adorable when he blushed. She downright burst into laughter when he suggested something more than a kiss. She put her hand to his forehead and the other to her own to as if trying to tell if he had a fever. Not that she actually could if she wanted to. Kuroka were bad with all things medicine. "No fever..." She mumbled. "Delusional maybe..?" She asked, pretending to talk to herself. She brushed her hand against his hair, gauging for a reaction. She wanted to see if he would go back to his usual self if she showed him any sort of affection. She stopped running her hand through his hair and cupped his cheek. She slowly inched her lips closer to his, but gave him time to stop her. She wouldn't be surprised if she did. Actually, she would only laugh. What would surprise her was him letting her actually kiss his lips. Regardless of whether he kissed her or not, she would then turn to the bar and swallow her shot in one gulp. She wiped her lips with the back of her hand and sighed happily. "Let's see... what do I want from the great Jurou Osada?" She said, pondering for a moment. A couple of ideas ran through her head, making her blush. "You say you want more than a kiss, right?" She asked, testing the waters before proposing her next idea. Back then, she wasn't the confident woman that she was now. "How about we take shots. First person to start getting tipsy loses a piece of clothing, deal?" She asked, trying to make herself seem like she knew what she was doing.




Decisions decisions decisions... what is Jurou suppose to do now... wasting his ninjutsu on 3 attacks would be suicidal since his chakra was a low number. Hidden Mist then Skilled Mist? Void Walk then Infinity Slice? Decisions decisions decisions. The element of surprise at that, but how was he going to pull it off? Seeing both her jutsu that can enhance her speed and strength, and her ability to walk on air, Jurou had to think. The explosion totaled the forest, she created a crater, in which she is at right now, looking at him. This back pain was really getting to him; A quick stretch wouldn't hurt. Setting Soul Cutter on the ground beside him, he wrapped his left arm around his right arm and stretched back as far as he could. He heard a popping sound of the right elbow while doing so. He did the same procedure with the opposite arms, hearing that same popping sound. He then grabbed his knees and leaned over to his right downward, keeping pressure on his right knee while stretching out his left leg. He did the same procedure in the opposite direction with the opposite leg. Now, for the hard part, his back. He locked both of his hands together and stretched back as far as he could. The pain extended, causing him to strain a painful look on his face, but nonetheless, the pop sound came about. He turned his torso to the left and to the right as much as he could. "Not use to being in pain this much." Jurou said to himself while stretching. A good stretching maneuver and he was brand new again with a slight pain issue in his back still. Grabbing the handle of Soul Cutter, he walked to the edge of the crater, looking at Gin. Hearing what Gin said, Jurou crept a small smile and sighed while shaking his head. It was always like her taunt so much, and can back it up at that. "..." No words were being said from the Mizukage. But, time to elaborate and think. He could use another clone and Void Walk at the same time, that would decrease his chakra more. Worth a shot, but he didn't want to kill Gin at that, hitting her with another Burning Ash Technique then using Fire Release: Great Dragon Fireball Technique. If she dodges that, utilize another one. Only two clones can do so much. Perfect. He finally found out what he was going to do. Now, let's see if he has the necessary chakra to do so. Jurou had to act at a normal pace, so speed boost would render him useless. Gin had a knack for finding the weaknesses of her opponents and using it against them, better than anyone else Jurou has ever seen in battle. But Jurou was a cold and calm person, always has been. Now, time to plan a strategy. She's a kazekage, so her main element is wind. She can walk on air at the most. Jurou thought to himself. But, all of this would eat away her chakra and my own, her at the most. Jurou thought again at the moment. Best thing to do, natural Kenjutsu. Because of her clan, Gin had the upper advantage, but Jurou knew all too well that Gin's clan had a weakness: Chakra Eaters. A Hyuga with Taijutsu and Kenjutsu with Soul Cutter is the ultimate chakra eater against Gin's clan; against anyone at that. The thought of that shook Jurou in his torso. It was worth a shot. Jurou took a few steps back from the crater. He had to time this perfectly, or go around the crater. "Void Walk." Jurou said. Chakra utilized itself to his legs, giving him an advantage in speed. He leaned forward, and with a blur motion of pure velocity, he swiftly dashed to the crater. As soon as he got to the edge, he shifted his body upward to the air to jump. As he body got off the ground, the faster he went, the higher he was. He was now 8 feet in the air. As he was in the air, he dived to an open space behind Gin, using his speed boost to go much faster. He twisted his body forward and as he landed on the ground, he landed on one foot and one knee behind Gin. He got up from the landing and stretched his back once more. The pain was still hitting him hard, but he needed a short break before he had to keep going. But even the greatest Kenjutsu masters didn't need a break, so why should he start now? The flashback made him ponder to the fact he did that before, but the memories of Gin and Jurou together came back to him every time he came close to her. He remembered that same day, that same night.


In a relationship, yes you do have to be yourself, but there are some things you also do to surprise your mate; and that was what Jurou did with the kiss. He knew that the kiss gave Gin a 'omg what just happened' look on her face, because Jurou wasn't all this passionate and affectionate, but he promised her he would be so. Jurou wanted to see Gin smile more and more, so why not lack the feeling of affectionate to make her smile even more? "I'm at least trying to be affectionate. Bare with me." Jurou said in a cold, yet quiet tone to his girlfriend. Did Jurou change because he was in his first relationship? Or because Gin reminded him of his dead mother? So kind, passionate, peaceful, playful, and loving? It never occurred to Jurou at the slightest. But, he loved doing what he does the most, making her think twice. "The same Jurou Osada is right here, just being a polite, soft-spoken individual at the moment. I'll stop." Jurou said, getting to the point. He never thought he did something wrong. He just wanted to surprise his girlfriend and show her that she meant so much to him. He didn't blush this time, but a small red cheek came across his cheekbone, damnit... the blushing was slowly kicking in. As he saw the kiss coming in, more surprising. He took the urge to kiss her back on the lips. Gasp! Jurou... no... yes. Now Jurou know why she reminded him of his mother, that kiss. He remembered his mother telling him, "When you meet a lovely lady, surprise her. It will give her something to think about; a good thinking, because you never done it before." His mother's exact words, and Jurou did that. Grabbing his cup, he shot the ciroc down in one gulp, feeling the cold liquor in his stomach. It was nothing new. He gave up drinking when he became a Special Jounin to pursue his dreams of getting stronger and faster. Jurou listened in to what Gin had said about the small bet. A piece of clothing eh? Sounds kinky. She was confident at that. She wasn't like this when she met Jurou. Jurou didn't change her in the slightest, just opened her eyes a bit to life. He would crack a small smile when Gin tried to act like she knew what she was doing. "Fine with me." That was all Jurou had to say to get the bet going.

Word Count; 1268
Total; 6576/9000
Void Walk chakra; 20
Chakra remaining; 140/250
Void Walk:



Gin braced herself when she heard Jurou say the name of his jutsu. Void walk. She feared his speed, but then again her strength was still in play. Her reaction timing was also quite impeccable, enough to be able to react as he approached. The distance also gave her a chance to do something about his incoming attack. Her muscles tensed as did her grip on her sword. The blade glinted with the flames that surrounded the area. They lit up the night sky, like beacons of their battle. They were symbols representing two people who had been at odds for years, now. The light shining from Naiya's blade was almost blinding. For a brief moment, Gin saw her reflection in it. She was beaten and battered. Her face was bruised, her hair was singed. She was covered in soot and dirt from head to toe, not to mention the sweat pouring from her brow. She smirked at the telltale signs of the fight. There was nothing better than the adrenaline coursing through her veins now. The thrill of a battle brought Gin true happiness, especially when she could test her skills against someone who might even outmatch her. Not to mention the fact that she could let all of her pent up anger and resentment free. She wondered if he had any resentment or if he just felt cold and indifferent towards her, the way she assumed he always had. She didn't know whether or not she was right or wrong. Her memories of her time with Jurou Osada were tainted and tarnished by the way things had ended between them. They were ruined by her personal feelings. She knew that much. She was aware of the type of person that she was - proud and strong on the outside but oh so frail on the inside. That was why she often had trouble showing her feelings or letting people too close to her. It was why she often focused on actions rather than words. In the end, Gin Kuroka was broken, she knew that much.

The young Kazekage could hardly see Jurou's movements. She would have to resort to guessing his patterns and his intentions. She relied on her instincts, but then again, she was a Kuroka. Her instincts for battle were strong. In any case, he would have to target her. Gin smirked. There was an easy solution for that. She grabbed the hilt of Naiya. She held the sword over her head and pointed the blade directly to the ground. With all of her strength, she stabbed the ground. The blade descended just as Jurou was landing behind her. As it touched the ground, the earth underneath her rumbled loudly. A large crater burst into the ground, expanding over the edge of the old one and spreading towards the woods. Gin's jutsu uprooted the trees around the area, likely throwing Jurou completely off balance. Knowing what would happen already, she jumped away from the impact. Now was her chance, a chance to end this battle once and for all. "Heaven Style: Flash of Light!" She yelled. A blinding burst of light spread from her fingertip, over the entire area, its power made greater by her natural skill for all things related to Kenjutsu. As the jutsu would take effect, Gin sprinted towards Jurou. If he was blinded, it would be idiotic to try to use Void Walk to dodge her attack. As she approached him, she would aim to stab Naiya through his left shoulder, thus impairing his ability to hold Soul Cutter.


Gin's eyes went wide as she felt her lips connect with Jurou's. She was surprised, but she relished the feeling of being close to the man she loved - or thought she loved. Three years later, she wasn't sure of what she felt for him. Had it been real? Genuine? Maybe. She would never really know now, would she? But at that time she smiled into the kiss and let Jurou hold her. Once the kiss ended, she would simply smile at him. "Trying to be affectionate, huh?" Gin repeated, mostly to herself. "Well, I like it. Keep it up!" She said to him now, kissing his cheek as she moved both the bottles and shot glasses to the coffee table in front of the couch and sat. She grabbed the remote control for the TV and decided to turn it on. Having some background noise while they drank would be nice, especially if she could find some good music playing. But she had forgotten a key detail. Her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped. Her face flushed a bright crimson red as she fumbled with the remote to turn the TV off again. Sounds of someone's passionate lovemaking filled the room as an erotic scene played on the TV. Why had she not changed the channel again? She forgot, honestly. She had never actually expected Jurou to accept her invitation. In her nervousness, she wound up dropping the remote on the ground before she finally picked it up and managed to turn the TV off. "Well that was... Awkward." She said, avoiding Jurou's gaze altogether. She just hoped and prayed that he wouldn't comment on it. She shifted the topic back to the drinks as fast as she could. "Well, you're one drink behind," She said quickly, her words running over each other. She took another shot to calm herself down. "Correction, two shots behind." She said, still avoiding his gaze and pouring the third shot.

Chakra: 145




Hmm... He had to think of something quick because the light was massively blind and he felt a sword point to his shoulder. The pain was almost deep enough to render his left arm useless to him, and by far it did. Is this what Gin wanted? Killing her baby daddy and ex boyfriend all for a sword? The pain felt like it, now Jurou had to take matters into his own hand. This spar was going out of hand, but the violet version gave Jurou a sweat. All for a legendary sword, he'd spill sweat and blood, and so would Gin at that moment. Jurou was speechless enough as blood dripped from the stab wound. He moved his lips quietly as to only his ears were the only ones listening to his voice. "Fire Clone..." He whispered softly as he felt the tip of the blade entering his shoulder. He felt the blade go through the bare skin of his shoulder as he then was shoved away from the impact as one of his clone pushed him out of the way and took the stab to the shoulder. The other dashed a few feet away from what happened, positioning itself for an attack. The clone then dispersed itself into flames as the flames got caught onto Gin's clothing, leaving Jurou a wide open sneak attack along the way. Now, still having Void Walk in his legs for a speed boost, what Kenjustu technique shall Jurou do this time? Oh he remembered; "..." No words were being said as Jurou thought of a more better way to not only end Gin, but give her Soul Cutter as a whole. The perfect jutsu to grind her chakra; 15-Hit Kill. Gin... I love you... Here's your reward... Jurou thought to himself as he positioned Soul Cutter's handle in a normal-grip to the point where Soul Cutter's blade was pointed forward as he switched hands from his left to right since his left shoulder rendered him useless for quite some time. He ducked low as to hoping the fire clone distracted Gin for a moment for Jurou to at least pull off a combo with both Kenjutsu and NInjutsu. Well, let's see how this all works. First, Jurou swiftly yet quickly dash toward Gin with Void Walk and slash at her body precisely 9 times, inflicting only First degree cuts to the skin, causing scratching and slash marks. If done so and the slash attempts were a complete success, Jurou would then stick the sword in the ground and kick Gin in the air with a Fire Release infused upper kick to the chin, the force of the impact popping Gin in the air; counting that as 10 hits already. If the slashes were successful and Gin was popped in the air, Jurou would jump above the opponent with amazing speed with Void Walk, giving time to react before his next assualt. If the reaction was slow, Jurou would slice Gin's body precisely 3 times, and then kicking her to the ground. If those 4 hits were successful while she was in the air, Jurou would do the hand seals on one hand as he spits out a Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique as Jurou's second clone would spit two of the same jutsu in succession. But, that would only be if the hits were connected. The blinding light affected his vision for a minute after the slashes were connected in all 15 hits. There was little possibility on how she could avoid 3 Great Dragon Fire Techniques coming from above and on the side.
This spar was working Jurou out, giving him a small sweat on the eyebrow. He never actually remembered when he did this much work. Although his chakra was running low, he needed to stop the Ninjutsu assault and resort to Kenjutsu for the time being.


Seeing her reaction to Jurou's kiss on the lips was priceless. Kind of glad she didn't expect it all. Jurou thought to himself at the moment. Good job Jurou; good job. This was the 5th time Jurou had ever seen Gin blush from his kisses, as he rarely gives them to her because he wasn't much of an affectionate type of person. Probably because no one has ever brought out that side of him all his life after his mother died. It never happened; It just never happened. Jurou just wasn't the affectionate type after his parents died. He's not a mother's boy, he just stayed close to his mother when his father had left the village; being banished from the village at that. Having being close to his mother meant everything to him. Now, it is just a haunting memory, both a good thing and a bad thing in regarding to his father's killing of the Osada clan. But enough Jurou's past, his present was what mattered to him right now. As to what Gin said, "I'll try." He said, teasing Gin in the process of doing so. He crept a small smile as she turned on some soothing music and then she turned the TV on but quickly turned it off because of what they were watching. Jurou's face cheeks got a little red himself because he did not expect a love-making movie scene turn right straight into a pornographic, erotic scene on TV going on when she had the TV on. "Really?" He questioned her, teasing her some more. His short comment wouldn't last long, but why not say it? "That would be the first thing you turned on..." He said, teasing her some more. Jurou liked being passionate and affectionate. It gave Gin alot to think about. His favorite thing out of her was to see that beautiful smile of hers whenever she got happy and all lovey dovey. Although Jurou never had that feeling, it felt good for once. To feel that feeling with someone who you loved - or had thought you loved. Three years later, Jurou did not what to feel of Gin, but he hoped it lasted for a good time. Jurou then grabbed another cup of Ciroc and killed the drink in one gulp. This was just kitty play to him, "Two shot overkill." He said as he looked at Gin as he pour his third shot.

Word Count; 1080
Total; 7656/9000
Fire Clone chakra; 30
15-Hit Kill chakra; 20
Great Fire Dragon Technique; 20
Total Chakra; 70/250
Fire Clone Chakra:
15-Hit Kill:
Great Fire Dragon:
Fire Clone:



Gin felt her blade sink into Jurou's shoulder. She smirked, but something felt off. It felt as if... as if... as if she didn't want to hurt him, as if this entire fight was wrong, as if she didn't want to keep injuring him. Ger gaze softened and she looked at Jurou in the eye, trying to convey a message. And that brief moment was enough for him to catch her completely off guard. His clone had pulled him out of the way of Gin's full attack and had instead deviated the blow to himself. The clone exploded, sending flames towards her bare skin. Gin winced. They had fallen over her other burn wounds, some on her uninjured skin. The damage wasn't as bad as it could have been, though. The burns from the explosion had been worse, much worse. Gin knew that Jurou was a tactician, that there was more to his attacks than meets the eye. He was as strong and intelligent as they came and that had been one of the reasons why she had fallen in love with him so long ago. He had been one of the few men that could genuinely put up a decent fight when he faced her full strength. Very few people could say the same for their skills. In any case, she knew that there must be something behind the exploding clone. He wouldn't just lose it like that. After all, his shoulder had already been injured; throwing himself out of the way could do very little at that point. He still had Void Walk in play, but he was also blind. It made things tricky and slightly more unpredictable. But she knew that Jurou could rely on his other senses. He could probably attack her anyways by just relying on his sense of smell and his sense of hearing. In any case, she wouldn't let herself be caught off guard again. It was humiliating, really. She had shown him sympathy in a way that she rarely did, only to get burned for it in the most literal sense of the word.

He would run towards her, there was no doubt about it. She turned towards where Jurou was and tore the ground apart with her blade once again, enough to deviate Jurou. But she had been a millisecond too slow. She felt rather than saw her skin being slashed. She managed to block most of the hits, but the first one was still there: A gash across her left cheek. That would likely leave a scar behind once it healed. She recognized this jutsu and knew what would come next. But she could let this work in her favor. She let Jurou kick her beneath the chin and propel her towards the air. She felt his foot burn into her skin, but at this point, she couldn't let that affect her. She readied herself for her next move. The young Kazekage shifted her blade and swung it across Jurou as he was about to slash her once again. She smirked. She wasn't aiming to cut him. No, on the contrary, all she wanted was to hit him with the flat end of her blade. her strength at the moment was enough to swat him down, towards the ground when her blade connected to his. If the attack hit, he would find himself in the middle of another crater, likely hurting his back even more than it already was.

Gin landed gracefully on the ground. But she had made one fatal mistake. She had forgotten about Jurou's clone altogether. She heard the name of a justu being called and braced herself. Nothing good could come out of this. Fire Style: Great Fire Dragon. She barely managed to move out of the way of most of the attack. It had caught her back and her right side, effectively leaving a 2nd - possibly even 3rd, at some points - degree burn. Gin let out a yell as she rolled over to the side and tried to stand up again. She was in pain, a great amount of it. She could feel her muscles straining from overusing her strength technique. But she wasn't about to undo it now. No, she couldn't take that risk. She would still focus her attention on Jurou - the original one. He should still be blind. She had to act quickly if she wanted to end this once and for all. "Shadow Clone Jutsu," She said, summoning an exact copy of herself. The new clone quickly moved to the side so that they could both use the same technique at once. "Heaven Style: Holy Seven," They said in unison, targeting Jurou. Each one would target a different side of him. The original Gin targeted the left while the other went for the right. The moved rapidly, they were now able to match, if not overcome Jurou's speed. Each would aim for several different parts of his body that would cause 14 different slashes across Jurou, deep enough to damage his muscles, tendons and possibly his organs due to her added boost in Kenjutsu. She hoped that this would finally end it all, that they could call it quits before they actually killed each other. She felt that it wouldn’t be long before she collapsed from the injuries on her skin.


And of course Jurou would tease her for having erotic content on her television. It didn’t help that she actually paid an extra part of her salary every month to subscribe to that channel. Again, she kept silent as he teased her, hoping that he would forget about it soon. She had no such luck. “Shut up,” She mumbled helplessly. “So what if I like watching that kind of stuff? It’s not like you don’t,” She tried to defend herself, though she didn’t sound too confident, to be honest, quite the contrary. But could he blame her? She knew that men were into that sort of stuff. Was it wrong for a woman to like it just because she was a woman? Gin didn’t think so. She watched as Jurou easily downed the other shot and pursed her lips. “Hmm…” She said, pouring him another. “This is going too slow,” She said, taking the equivalent of four more shots directly from the bottle in just one go. There. She felt more confident now, or at least she would in a couple of minutes. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and set the bottle on the table again. She then decided to approach Jurou. If he was bent on showing more affection, she might as well make sure that that was true. She got close to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She hugged him tightly to her and kissed his lips slowly at first. She now felt the oh so familiar buzz of the alcohol run through her body. She slowly separated herself from him and smiled. “I think it’s already my turn to take something off!” She said, laughing at herself. Might as well start, right? She slowly unzipped her standard issue flak jacket, trying a little clumsily to tease him. Because of the heat in Suna, she never really wore anything underneath it except her bra. It felt… strange to reveal herself like that to Jurou.


Chakra: 60/250




"..." A slash here, a cut there. A slash there, a cut here. But, it wasn't going to be everywhere. Jurou had to do some quick thinking and fast. Feeling deep cuts penetrating his skin, Jurou almost forgot he had another fire clone in the order. The fire clone held onto Soul Cutter and proceeded to attack Gin's shadow clone with 4 swift slices on the shadow's clone's body, reducing it to smoke. After that was done successfully, Jurou's clone paid his attention to the original Gin who commenced her last strike on Jurou. The pain of Naiya penetrating his skin only the cuts even worse, but all of that was about to end, fatally. Jurou's fire clone did hand seals on one hand and used the technique, "Fire Release: Small Fire." In saying and doing so, the fire clone then shot a small fireball in the size of a baseball that was moving at a very fast pace over to the original Gin. As the fireball trailed to Gin, Jurou's clone followed from behind, drawing his wakizashi as well, a dual-sword combination. If the fireball hit Gin or at least distract her, the clone would then hold a good battle with Gin, allowing Jurou to regain his senses from the blood loss, and hopefully attack as well. Jurou jumped put of the way from the final assault as his clone was dealing with Gin now. The severe cuts, damage, and minimum blood loss clearly took a toll on Jurou, for the very first time. "Not use to seeing so much of my own blood..." Jurou said as he panted between the words. Seeing his jacket free of fire yet still on the grass, he swiftly dashed to the jacket. While dashing to the jacket, he picked up the jacket and used the sleeves to dap his wounds a bit to stop the bleeding. He tried to find a nearby--wait, he has water jutsu he never even used. Why was he the stupid one now? He concentrated his chakra into water now as he proceeded to do the hand seals with one hand, he insisted on saying, "Water Release: Archerfish. As he said that, a simple stream of water from thin air was created from the last of his hand seals. The water stood to be at least 3 acre ft., partially big enough to wet the sleeves to stop the bleeding, and utilizing another jutsu at that. As he wet the sleeves with the stream of water, he dapped the sleeves to his wounds to at least stop the bleeding on the cuts and scars he had. They burned like hell, but that didn't matter to him at the moment. Dapping all of the wounds with his wet sleeve to dry out the bleeding and the wounds itself, he wrapped his jacket around his waistline like a rope belt and saved it for another day to come. Using the same jet stream of water, he utilized the handseal: Tiger, and said; "Water Release: Piercing Blade." As the Soul Cutter stayed in his right hand as his left shoulder felt a tad numb from the dapping of the wet sleeve, but at least able to move it freely to a certain extent, Jurou generated a blade of water to his left hand. Using the jet stream of water from thin air, he focused primarily now on his left shoulder to at least calm the numbness from Naiya's piercing attack. Shit; that hit hurt like hell, especially from a sword entirely made of diamond that's sharp enough to cut almost anything in its path. T'was the first and hopefully not the last time Jurou would be using water jutsu again. Now, time to have fun. Since Void Walk was unusable because of the slash cuts on his legs, he resorted to two jutsu, and hopefully these two jutsu would be the end of all of this. T'was the time to finally use his Kekkai Genkai, Boil Release. He wished he hadn't done in doing so, but at least it'll distract Gin in the process, and even the clone. As Jurou jumped in the air, he put the handle of Soul Cutter in his mouth to utilized the hand seals with his right hand. As he motioned his head upward to spit out Soul Cutter, he said; "Boil Release: Skilled Mist Technique."


With that being said, Jurou had adjusted the pH levels of the mist to much safer levels because he did not want to kill Gin but at least melt the sword itself, since the mist can easily melt even the hardest particles, even Gin's sword Naiya. But, Jurou did alter the temperature a bit, making the mist hot enough to match to a mere 145 degrees fahrenheit, easily enough to melt parts of the skin on the inside by inhaling the mist with the nostrils. Making himself immune to the effects of his own jutsu, Jurou then spat out a large cloud of mist from his mouth to Gin's direction as she was dealing with the small fireball coming at her and also the clone in behind. The mist itself stretched out it's length, with enough chakra kneaded. Since it was an open area that did not contain allies, it's usage was good enough. Jurou then landed on the ground as he caught Soul Cutter by the handle while keeping Water Release: Piercing Blade in his left hand. "Time to end this charade." Jurou said softly. Positioning the handle of Soul Cutter in a reverse-hand grip for more special purposes, Jurou said the following words for one jutsu that's name was what Jurou was given the title, 'Mizukage of the Infinite Path'. His tone was silent, as the words of that tone meant more than destruction, "...Infinity Slice. As he said that, his body naturally vanished out of sight. Using Piercing Blade wasn't going to affect the jutsu, since the jutsu had to be done with the blade of a sword. Utilizing both velocity and movement of the upper body in the arms and lower body in the legs, Jurou instantaneously appeared behind Gin and aimed to sliced her where her appendages lied in a matter of 4 precisely slash attempts, 2 in both arms and 2 in both legs. He also used Piercing Blade to attempt to swing at her right arm where the sword Naiya was being held, feeling the ice cold feeling on her arm in which as the swing connected, numbed her arm for a very short period of time and left a scratch in the process. If all of this succeeded, Jurou's body would vanish to the outside the mist. Vanishing outside the mist, the Mizukage would spit out blood from the one cough, as his chakra was very, very low, and with those 14 slash attempts that fatally wounded him from Gin's attack. "Why is my body giving up..." Jurou said as his vision got blurry for a quick second. He then fell to his knees as his vision continued to get blurry. His body couldn't take on much longer at that. It wasn't his final call, he was the Mizukage, he had village to run; He was a good father to two lovely daughters, Chie Osada and Reiko Kuroka; He still had a life ahead of him. Maybe a quick nap would make things much better for him. He gave into his heavy body, as he landed on the grass, passing out at the process. Before he passed out, the flashbacks came back to him. He remembered Gin and his relationship. And even that's something the calm, aloof, and cold-hearted Mizukage will never forget in his life.


Jurou looked at Gin as she blushed when he had caught on to what happened. He let out nothing but a small laugh with a slight smirk at the end. He loved being smarter than she was. As he heard what she said as she tried to defend herself, it was a good defense, but not strong enough against Jurou's offense at that. "I don't actually. Usually I wouldn't have time to be watching television. Just work, and train. Besides, I bet there's even more channels of different titled movies but with the same erotic tension in it." Jurou said in blunt honesty, but in a nice voice. Jurou was right, he was a hard-working shinobi of Kirigakure. He wanted to become strong as a Chuunin, and nothing will stop him at achieving past his limits and even pass that to more exciting expectations. As Gin poured him another shot, he also poured him 3 more shots at that. Taking the 4 more shots, he then took 25% of the bottle to the head, feeling a little tipsy but not alot. The Chuunin know how to hold his liquor, dark or light, mostly light. Dark liquor had that disgusting taste and the aftertaste was even worse. "This is going quite slow... How's about we speed up this lovely process..." The slight pauses gave away his tipsy attitude sinking it, but Jurou was stronger to control it. Instead he positioned his head to the side for a slight but long burp. He chuckled, saying; "Pardoned me." As Gin got on top of Jurou to try and show affection, it was turn to take the plate. He wrapped his arms around her fragile, petite frame from the swaying hips and passionately pressed his lips against hers in a soothing motion. The touch of both cold lips made his spine tingle with passion and comfort. He felt the small buzz running through his body, does the fun have to start now? Yes; Yes it did. "I guess it's my turn to take something off." Jurou said. In saying that, he unzipped his Kirigakure flak jacket as he kept his compression ninja shirt on in the process. In Kirigakure, it was rather chilly. The weather varied between warm and even cold, depending on where the shinobi lives. But in Sunagakure, it was hot. As in, sun hot. Hence why the name Sunagakure, the base word is "Sun". Jurou also took off his compression shirt to level the playing field. Now the fun really begins. As he saw Gin's huge yet beautiful breasts, he kissed them and playful teeth on the skin so that he also could not hurt his girlfriend in the process. He trailed the kiss onto the neck of Gin and stayed there, passionately kissing the neck and sucking it in that manner, leaving a nice small hickie in Jurou's name. He trailed the kiss over to her chin and back to her cold, yet luscious lips. The fun was just about to begin.

Word Count; 1832
Total; 9488/9000 (S-SS rank training complete.)


Piercing Blade; 10
Archerfish; 10
Skilled Mist; 25
Infinity Slice (without Void Walk); 20
Chakra Remaining; 5/250
Piercing Blade:
Infinity Slice:
Skilled Mist Technique:



Gin watched as her clone dispersed. Wonderful. Now she had lost a good portion of her chakra, half of what she had left. The fight was getting out of hand. Both she and Jurou were covered in injuries. Burn wounds were scattered all over the young Kazekage's body. She was panting and out of breath. The cloud of smoke surrounding her made her have coughing fits once every couple of minutes. The heat from the forest fire was almost unbearable. It made her sweat profusely, not to mention how excreted her body was. And what for? A sword? She looked at Jurou, who now had 14 long gashes around his body. He was losing blood quickly. The sight of him like that made Gin want to simply call out the entire match. It hurt her to see Jurou like that, though she didn't know why. Weren't they supposed to hate each other? Weren't they enemies? No... Truth be told, they weren't. Deep down inside, Gin still cared for Jurou. She didn't know in what way, exactly, but hurting him like that didn't feel right. It didn't feel as relieving as it should have. Hurting him should be satisfying, not... not this. Gin managed to swat away Jurou's fire release technique with the flat end of her blade. As the clone attacked her, she deflected his blows, placing her full concentration into parrying each blow and finding an opening to disperse the clone. It was difficult, seeing as the clone was using two swords. But Gin was a skilled swordsman, one of the most powerful ones in the world. She managed to make the clone stagger, using her sheer increase in strength. With another slash, it would disperse, spreading flames across Gin's stomach once again. Through the corner of her eye, she saw Jurou using water release jutsu to heal himself or at least to keep his injuries at bay. She let him, spending even more time with the clone than she could have. She saw that he was panting and losing even more blood. But he still had no intention of giving up. She could see it in his eyes. Both of them were much too prideful to simply give in to the other, especially given their current situation and how they got along.

When the clone finally dispersed, Gin felt like she was about to collapse. But she couldn't for one very specific reason: Boil Release. Gin winced. She knew what that meant perfectly well. She felt the mist hit her skin. It was hot, almost burning. But she knew that the jutsu took a while to sink into the victim's skin. She had some time, still. But she felt her clothes - what little remained of her bra and underwear - burn off of her body. But being naked in front of Jurou right now was the least of her worries. Nothing he hadn't seen before, really. She stood in her stance, still eyeing Jurou carefully. She knew that the Skilled Mist Jutsu wasn't the only thing that he would use against her. But he was dying of blood loss, she could just see it. She wanted to stop this madness. "Jurou-" She called, but it was too late, he was already using Infinity Slice, two slashes aimed at her arms and another two at her legs. She had dropped her guard and was barely able to deflect two of the slashes and was able to redirect one of them to her torso instead of her arm. She screamed. The slash had hit her burn wounds, causing her even more pain. She wanted to bend over and rest, hold her injuries and take a time to breathe, but she couldn't, not right now. She had a limited time to run away from the mist. In the process of deflecting his blows, she had managed to slice the skin on his face, over his nose, with the tip of her sword. It would leave a scar on his face, much like the one he had left on her. They were both marked, now. They had left their marks on each other. Their destinies were bound together. The scars were but proof, a symbol of their union. Gin switched her sword from one hand to the other. Jurou had managed to slice the arm that she was holding Naiya with. Gin panted. Her vision was faltering, she was exhausted. She didn’t want to attack Jurou anymore. The fight was over; it had been for a while now. She breathed in deeply. She sheathed her sword and dispelled her jutsu. This was enough. She walked towards Jurou slowly, she could see that he was about to collapse. His vision faltered. He was closing his eyes now. Gin broke into a jog and caught him before he fell. “Jurou? Jurou!” She yelled. He couldn’t die. No, she couldn’t have killed him. No! She knew little of medicine, but she could tell that his heart was still beating. He collapsed into her embrace. They were now both kneeling on the ground. Jurou’s head was leaning on her shoulder. She leaned into him, laying her head on top of his. “How did it come to this?” She whispered as she held him against her. She ran her fingers through his hair as she remembered how they used to be. She pressed her lips to his temple for a moment. “You can rest now, Jurou,” She whispered and threw him over her shoulder. She had to take them both to the hospital. She drew Naiya again, using it as a cane. She staggered through the flames of the forest, covered in injuries and trying to carry Jurou over her shoulder. She was tired and panting, but she had to get them both to safety. She couldn’t let them die, not like this. Two Kages dead in a fire because of their own stupidity, now that would make for a pathetic story. They would be No, that wouldn’t be them.

Gin etched her way through the forest, still nude and bleeding and hugging Jurou to her to keep him safe from the flames. She finally reached the edge of what was left of the Dense Forest. She was about to collapse, her vision was blurry. But she couldn’t faint now. The pain was excruciating, but if she faltered now, Jurou would die of blood loss. She refused to let that happen. She wouldn’t be the one who killed Jurou. That would only send her into a downward spiral. She couldn’t go through a loss like that again. “Jurou, if you die, I will hunt you down in the depths of hell and make sure I’ll kill you again.” She said. Tears welled up in her eyes and threatened to spill over. But she could see Konoha now… She was so close now. So close. As she walked, memories of that night filled her mind.


Gin laughed at what Jurou said. He had always been kind to her. Most people saw him as cold and ruthless, but he wasn’t. He was warm, underneath his façade. “You know that’s a lie. Men have needs, despite the fact that you say you just dedicate yourself to training. Besides, of course there are plenty of movies out there. They’re good ones, too. Graphic, you can see every detail.” She said, shaking her head. She hadn’t realized that she had said too much. She didn’t believe one word of what Jurou said. And now that she was buzzed, she would prove to him that he had needs just like everyone else. She pressed her lips to his harder, responding to his passion just as he was doing. She let him take the lead the way she always did when it came to anything physical. She pressed her chest to his. She moaned as Jurou moved his hips against hers. It was almost as if he were teasing her. Gin only separated herself from Jurou so that he could take his shirt off. She ran her hands down his chest, tracing his firm muscles with her fingertips. Her fingers lingered over the edge of his pants. She let Jurou run his hands over her breasts and even spurred him further when he grazed his teeth over her bra. In her drunken haze, she realized that her clothes were getting in the way. She pushed Jurou off of herself gently so that she could stand up. Why not try to give Jurou a show?

Gin stood up, only a few feet away. She moved gracefully, slowly running her hands down her own body before running her hands over the edge of her pants once. Her hands stopped over her zipper, which she slowly and teasingly pulled down. She peeled her tight pants off of her skin and stood there for a moment, letting Jurou admire her physique. She then decided to slip out of her bra so that she was essentially half naked in front of her boyfriend. She walked towards him again, straddling him so that they could continue to kiss. She moaned at the feeling of her bare chest over his skin, the feeling of his mouth trailing kisses all over her body.

That night was the first and last time they had made love to each other. They had both lost their virginities, but they had gained so much more. That was the happiest they would have both been for a long time. But only a week later, Gin found out she was pregnant. Only a week later, Jurou’s mission was called off and he had left her in Suna, stranded and bearing two baby girls inside of her. He had preferred his duty over his love for Gin. So she had called it off. They had broken up. They began to hate and resent each other with a passion. But now… there was something about that fight that changed her. She was sure that he felt the same.

Gin could finally see the doors to Koonha’s hospital. They would be safe now. Jurou would live. She let herself faint in front of the hospital doors, cradling Jurou to her as she did.


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