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1Inn or Out? [Private/NK/Kiyomi] Empty Inn or Out? [Private/NK/Kiyomi] Sat Apr 08, 2017 4:54 am



It was... hot in Sunagakure, hotter than what Hirohiko would expect. When he met the strange female in the forest back in the wilderness of Konohagakure, he didn't expect a desert to be, well, a desert. Of course he expected heat, a lack of water, and sand, but he was hoping that at least the indoors would be as cool as it was hot and not overall standard to warmer temperature than normal. It felt less like he hoped for feeling of cold air on a burn and more of a warm dish rag, if that dish rag was filled with sand and people that seemingly looked like they hadn't really seen anything beyond than a jail cell. Though, he couldn't complain too much, at least they were staying in an inn and not outside or, at least, Hirohiko is wanting to remain in an inn while his traveling companion, his new master, seemingly is believing otherwise.

This inn was relatively dark, though standard for a building set up within the desert, where while the bar had stools before it, the tables were set at a lower height than normal, with pillows used for seats and the occasional hookah strewn along throughout the inn. Small floating vapors of smoke were in the air, and the inn had a moderate amount of people kept within it, creating the standard loud chatter and horsing around generally found within inns and bars at this time at night. Hirohiko didn't mind the accommodations overall, even if the smell was somewhat on the worse side, with a light scent strewn along the corners of the inn that smelled faintly of... pee? But other than the smell and the noise, overall, a bed would actually be nice, or a roof under their heads, for that matter. Hirohiko himself would be standing just inside the entrance, his bare feet happily feeling the now colder ground, relieved from the grueling experience.

'Why do we have to leave the inn, master? Wouldn't a bed work for you better than sleeping outside?'He would attempt to shoot the message into his counterpart's head. Ever since they had begun traveling together, he was able to further push the ongoing guilt about his crime to the back of his head, allowing him to actually begin building a mental barrier within his head to help keep the feelings at bay, to help him actually function again. It was working as well, as now he could actually begin to somewhat see, to squint between his almost completely closed eyelids and actually see without feeling like he was exposing his eyes, and as a result, he also began to bump into things far less as well. Granted, he was still pretty blind, but at least he can actually walk around without hitting a wall or a tree.

It also helped out that he had grown more accustomed to communicating with the master as well, though he still mainly used sign language, he felt slightly more free with communicating via thought with her, already assuming pretty much that she had figured out that the voice has been him all along. He still didn't know how he truly felt about her, nor does he trust her that much, but these were a few of the necessary things he needs to do to be able to serve and communicate, and so while his own comfort was partially sacrificed, he knows it will eventually help out in the end. 'Where else would you sleep if you aren't sleeping here? It's either extremely hot outside or extremely cold, and both ends aren't good.' He would continue, trying to further reason with the female should she be here are the moment.

Wc 630

2Inn or Out? [Private/NK/Kiyomi] Empty Re: Inn or Out? [Private/NK/Kiyomi] Mon Apr 24, 2017 7:25 pm



Kiyomi looked down at her young companion, the outer edge of her lips turned up slightly in what could have been either amusement or annoyance. In this particular case it was a delightful mixture of both. Hirohiko was a wonderful diversion, and so far had been a welcome change from the solitude she had been thrust into unwillingly. And yet, he was young and could not know the impracticalities of staying for long in a place like this, still she held her tongue and instead chose to consider his words at face value. She spoke in a low soothing tone, the young man was still somewhat fragile, and she had no intention of breaking him while he remained broken in a way that was useless to her.

“My darling Hirohiko. It is not simply that we must leave the inn. It is well enough to stay here. Until we find something more acceptable. It is that this is no place for either of us to conduct what work we must.”

She would stretch her spine lazily as she glanced around the room, her movements graceful and practiced. This was a skill she used often enough, she did not much care for this place, this Suna, and she would be damned if some thief was going to catch her unawares. Not that she had too much to steal, however it was the principal of the thing. Looking around the dimly lit tavern room Kiyomi spied a low table that was currently unoccupied by any of the unsavoury patrons that were littered like refuse throughout the rather repulsively scented area. She would sigh quietly as she gently laid her hand along Hirohiko’s shoulder and coaxed him, “Come darling, I have been walking for ages it seems. So have you. We should sit.” She would leave her hand on Hirohiko’s shoulder until he either shifted away or she could sense the closing off of himself. He was a darling boy and she had high hopes for him, but it would not do if she could not even touch him without him flinching away. It would also cause problems with anyone nosy enough to look at them, having him in a bar was strange enough, but the flinching would draw unwanted attention.

Hearing Hirohiko’s voice again in her mind, she would smile at him with genuine warmth, something she rarely did, and it felt almost entirely unnatural. What are you doing love? This is not wise and you know it. . . She shook the thought away with a look of annoyance and without a second glance would stride purposefully towards the table she had silently laid claim to. She hoped the darling boy would follow her, she did not want to have to lead him across the room, but she would, she would pick him up and carry him if need be. Even she only had so much patience. Patience love. You are better than that.

The cushions on the floor were probably once made of the finest silk, woven intricately by loving hands over many days and months. This sort of work was back breaking, done by those with a trade; sleep deprived, inspired by passion to the point of insanity. Or perhaps they were merely created by slaves, driven to perfection by the beatings of their masters. A glint of malice entered Kiyomi’s eyes as she slowly lowered herself on to a blue cushion, elegantly folding her long legs beneath her off to one side. She would lean down on one elbow, lounging with a positively malevolent smirk haunting her lips, waiting for Hirohiko to join her before continuing. By now it was probable, she supposed, that she may be able to solely think on her words and the darling would understand her. Where is the fun in that though love? Don’t want him to have the upper hand do you? Afraid? Her thoughts were more annoying than usual today, and she silently cursed Suna and its oppressive heat as the cause of the disturbance, for any other reason was not something she wished to dwell on.


3Inn or Out? [Private/NK/Kiyomi] Empty Re: Inn or Out? [Private/NK/Kiyomi] Thu Dec 21, 2017 5:06 am



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