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1Timmy fell down the desert [mission] Empty Timmy fell down the desert [mission] Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:08 pm


Trilby threw aside his old flak-jacket, the seem holding it together had finally broken, leaving him with only his tool pouch strapped to his belt and his various hidden kunai. Drawing every tool he could from the jacket, he tossed it into a corner of his room, rearranging the equipment he could, and storing the rest. Still, he had no time to linger on that, he had a new mission to attend to, and the finer details of his equipment would have to come later. Trilby slung a backpack over his shoulder, full of order specific supplies he had been given. Food, water, basic medical supplies. Everything he would need to find and help some people lost in the desert. According to his debriefing, a man had stumbled in from the desert on death's door, and said his family was still lost in the desert. Trilby, having had tracking experience, both in thieves and animals, was chosen to take care of the mission. Apparently, the man and his family were travelling from a village to the west. Wolves drove them off the road, and chased them through the desert. They got lost, and ran low on supplies. His wife was too injured to travel and he had to go for help. It'd been two days since he left them, if they were out there for much longer they'd be dead, assuming they were first alive.

The sand churned and swayed in the Sunagakure breeze. According to the men that found him, he was five miles north-east of Sunagakure, at the bottom of a small nose of sandstone sticking out from the desert sands. The crew apparently marked the location with a large stick with a piece of red cloth nailed to it to make it easier for him to locate. Thank god for men with foresight, Trilby thought as he made his way north-east. It was a reasonable walk for the first three miles, before a pair of wolves came out of the distance, blood lust in their eyes. ”Damn wolves...Every time I want a quiet walk in the damn desert.” Trilby reached into his pouch, drawing two kunais, grasping one in each hand. As the wolves galloped closer, Trilby casually swung one of the kunai towards the closest wolf, hitting it directly in the eye, causing it to collapse. The other wolf charged on, undeterred. Trilby casually kicked his foot in the sand, causing a quick burst of sand to swing up into the wolfs eyes, blinding it as he casually sidestepped the leaping bite of the wolf, shoving the kunai into it's chest. Gathering up his kunai, he set off towards the north-east again, leaving the wolves to feed the vultures.

The fluttering of red cloth in the distance let Trilby know he had reached the point he seeked. Standing on the tip of the sandstone peek that pierced out of the desert sands, he observed the are around him. He could see no sign of life in any direction, most likely due to the wave style rising and falling of the desert sands. He needed a higher vantage point. Clapping his hands together, Trilby leapt into the air, shooting a stream of air from his lungs into the ground below, while simultaneously thrusting out his arms, sending a burst of wind from his hands. The combined force of the two wind techniques sent him volleying up far into the air, allowing him a few seconds to survey the environment. About a kilometre to the west was a small area that stood out from the rest of the sand, though he couldn't tell what it was, it could be simply a strange patch of stone or some makeshift shelter. Either way, he had no choice but to investigate it, as it was his only lead.

The sun was beginning it's slow march from high noon to the horizon, and Trilby was beginning to feel the temperature. Granted, it was a lot easier to trek through the desert without his old flak-jacket weighing him down, he still missed it dearly. After another ten minutes of marching, he saw the same anomaly he saw earlier in the distance, it was definitely man made. Some branches were holding up what looked like a sheet or a jacket. Probably as some sort of makeshift sun shield. There was no more time to delay, If these were the people he was after, they'd be on deaths door by now. Running over, Trilby saw what he trekked out here for. A woman, mid thirties, and a young boy, twelve at the oldest. They both looked like they were about to drop dead. The woman in particular looked horrid. The boy at least had some life in him, whereas the mother was covered in blood and looked a lot more dehydrated than the boy. She'd probably given him the majority of their rations. Dropping his pack, Trilby drew out a water bottle and some bandages. Shaking the pair awake, it was clear they were exhausted. The most they could manage was a weak smile. Trilby gave each of them a sip of water before examining the mother. The had a large set of teeth marks in her forearm, which looked slightly septic. Even if he got her out of here, that infection could kill her. Still, that wasn't his problem, all he had to do was get them both out of here alive. ”Can you walk?” The mother shook her head, and the boy tried to stand but quickly fell over. ”Right, don't worry, we're getting you out of here.” he declared confidently, rapidly stringing together a few hand seals. Snake, Ox, Ram. Two stone duplicates of himself rose from the ground. The clones shared the weight of the mother, while Trilby carried the boy. The walk was long and harsh, and the mother had lost too much blood. She died just before they reached Sunagakure. The boy, however, was fine, albeit reasonably distraught.

Word Count: 1000/1000

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