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1Mission: Track The Thief [Complete] Empty Mission: Track The Thief [Complete] Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:46 pm


Mission name: Track the Thief
Mission rank: C
Objective: Most importantly acquire the stolen money back from the thief. Bring the thief back alive or dead, preferably alive.
Location: Sunagakure
Reward: 150
Mission description: A ninja from another Hidden Village has stolen a large amount of money from a bank in the Sand Hidden Village. The Kazekage has asked a team of three (3) ninja to track down and capture this thief. If capture is absolutely impossible, the ninjas must use all necessary force to get the money back and return it to the Village. A description of this ninja states that he is around the height of 5ft 10inch and he has long grey hair. The ninja has also been described as very old with little or no ninja skills.
Mission details: One genin can take this as well without having a team. Minimum of 1000 words describing the full effects of this tracking down and capturing.

here is the link to the mission.

Word count: 1048/1000

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