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1Shimo Rai Wishes to Buy a Sword Empty Shimo Rai Wishes to Buy a Sword Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:32 pm

Shimo Rai

Shimo Rai

Shimo Rai Wishes to Buy a Sword Canaanite_khopesh
Name: Khopesh (C Ranked Sword)
Type Of Weapon: Sword
Rank: C
Elemental Alignment: /
Ability/Function: /
Close/Long Range: Close Combat
Appearance: The Khopesh is 40 inches long and curved its sharp side is on the out side of the curve with a dull hook which can facilitate disarming and binding. It's hilt is wrapped in goat skin leather and the blade is made out of steel.
History: Shimo Bought it from a weapons shop or caravan salesman.

2Shimo Rai Wishes to Buy a Sword Empty Re: Shimo Rai Wishes to Buy a Sword Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:36 pm



Holy Shi--... *excuse his language*

Straight sword with a major curve to the blade for a more precise cut. Is it a fine katana or rusty?

Fine Katana are 900 ryo
Rusty Katana are 450 ryo

B ranks and up only require a name.

3Shimo Rai Wishes to Buy a Sword Empty Re: Shimo Rai Wishes to Buy a Sword Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:41 pm

Shimo Rai

Shimo Rai

I can pay 500 Ryo for it; forgive me but that is not a Katana

4Shimo Rai Wishes to Buy a Sword Empty Re: Shimo Rai Wishes to Buy a Sword Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:42 pm



Sword approved. 500 ryo deduction. Talk to Kenta or Naota for that manner.

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