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Lin had sent a letter to Tsuneo a couple of days back, she wondered if he had gotten it. She was wearing a sailor outfit, her cat ears, and was hopping from one foot to another. She didn't mind dressing as she did, even though she got some really weird looks from the people passing by. She was waiting for a friend that saved her life, and all the weird looks couldn't put her down. She wore the ears and tail because she wanted to remember Mifune and the fun that they had when she came back into her life.

The coffee shop was called The Happy Bean, and showed a coffee bean that had a smile on its face, and he was sitting down at a table, comically small, and drinking... coffee. Weird. Well, cannibalistic beans aside, she was having a good day. The coffee shop was a mom and pup shop that she had come to with Syn and Toshi before and it seated 15 parties of four comfortably and was usually stopped in at and was a sit down coffee cafe. She bounced on the balls of her feet whistling a tune. The mountains in the background were a perfect stage for the meeting between friends. Or she hoped to be friends. She didn't know what would happen today.

It was bright and cloudy out. It didn't look much like rain. And then it came, the inevitable dis from left field, "How much for an hour or is it free?" Came a cat call from across the market. She didn't see who yelled it, but her ears drooped and she looked around waiting for Tsuneo.

She had sent him a letter via raven saying:
"Should this letter even find its intended recipient: Tsuneo the Centipede, I would be very surprised. My name is Lin and you rescued me from myself a while back and from the bandits that we fought while trying to save an ungrateful woman. If indeed it is you reading it, I would like to meet at "The Happy Bean" Coffee shop in town. I will be waiting outside of its front door from 5 PM to 10PM six days from now. I hope that you are well and this missive actually does find you. If you come to Kumogakure, I am sure that someone will be able to direct you to "The Happy Bean" if you wanted. I know that it is a lot less exciting than how we met but I was really hoping to get to see you again and thank you properly for what you did.

All the Best

Katonrai, Lin."

Meeting the Centipede for Coffee |No Kill| Tsuneo| Invite Only| 1466291636110458304

WC: 464



Tsuneo was sitting amidst the wilderness, covered in black cloth, and calmly reading a book beside a flowing river. The young man's thoughts wandered to the city as he thought of making a small visit before returning to his vigilante duties. The young man tucked the book away as he got up and started walking towards the city. He would relax for small time and enjoy a small faint breeze of relaxation. The young centipede would pace the distance between him and the city as he sensed a raven flying his direction. His Senjutsu power had grown and with it, he gained multiple abilities.

The raven landed on Tsuneo's shoulder as he stopped moving. Those birds were indeed handy, but a raven of all the delivery birds? A unique taste and rare phenomenon. Tsuneo pulled a small string tieing a letter to the bird's legs and as he unfolded the letter he would read on. The letter was from a memorable person. She asked if he remembered her which he accurately did. She would then go on speaking of how he rescued her from her own mistake and from the bandits. The ones which Tsuneo obliterated.

The letter requested another meeting for the two, and while it was strange. Tsuneo found it appropriate to at least apologize to the lady for his immediate leave as if running from a  one night stand. Tsuneo decided to meet the girl and as he folded the paper and placed it in his pocket he patted the bird and sent it off. Tsuneo would meet the lady at a coffee shop called "The Happy Bean." Tsuneo never the less walked there as he enjoyed the peaceful breeze. Before long he was at the gates and then proceeded to slip past the guards secretly. Now in the village, Tsuneo wandered around searching for the place, not to mention Tsuneo was bad with directions but oh well.

Tsuneo before long arrived at the meeting place and it was still seven o'clock past morning. Tsuneo heard a man making a silly remark regarding the girl's outfit and punched him into a pile of trash launching him ten meters away casually as he was well dressed. He pulled his chair and sat in front of the lady. "It's a pleasure to see you again Lin. Did you need me for something?" The two were of age yet the difference in power was abnormally huge. Tsuneo's power far exceeded most people his rank and higher, yet still. Tsuneo acknowledged the girl's potential and knew she would become a powerful kunoichi someday. He could already sense her chakra growing. Tsuneo's calm tone and voice remained the same as ever. The heaviness of his chakra touched everyone and even the girl. as soon as he enters an area. Everyone within fifteen meters would sense the heavy pressure of his power. This was not him showing off or anything of the sort. It was the natural pressure of his power.



Lin could feel the pressure coming off of Tsuneo and she shook her head, not thinking that there was anything that she needed from the man. She wanted to thank him for his help, but couldn't really find the words to do so. "Thank you for joining me for coffee. I see that you remember me, I thought that I was unassuming, and seemed to be a little bit of a waste of time." Lin laughed and looked at Tsuneo, her eyes taking him in, "You seem to have grown since last I saw you, and you were formidable then!" A grin flashed across her face as she looked into the coffee bar.

A burly man, too big for his shirt and apron came out of the coffee bar, seeming to be more of a dancer than a fighter. He moved with a grace like a bear doing ballet. As big as a refrigerator but as graceful as a snowflake, he moved toward the duo, "Welcome to the Happy Bean, the happiest coffee shop in the village hidden in the clouds!" The man's voice boomed happily, he seemed to be timid, his shoulders slouched, but his posture strong. He seemed to be on steroids, and Lin would have thought so if she didn't know the man from before. This man had never even lifted a sword, a kunai, or a set of weights. He just... was this big!

"Um... Can I get a latte with four extra shots please?" She smiled, it was her usual, but she knew that if she asked for it this way, she usually got a good 10% off of her bill at least. The man that was serving her had a heart twice the size of most people, and it showed with his generosity, especially toward the women. He turned to the centipede and put his pencil to the pad. Both were comically smaller than his f950ingers and looked like toys in his grasp.

No doubt he felt the presence of Tsuneo, but he didn't flinch, he didn't need to worry. There was no way that a ninja of another village would be killing him for anything, especially money. He was a simple barista and it didn't do for even bandits to rob someone as big as him. He was not someone to flinch at power, but was respectful nonetheless, "And you sir? A new customer gets 50% off of their first coffee, because we want you to come back. We ahve scones, muffins, and assorted other pastries besides, on top of coffee, so if you would like a little something to eat, that would be 50% off as well." A grin cracked his serious look, one that made his eyes almost shut and went as suddenly as it appeared.





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