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It was a peaceful day and he got told he would need to spend some time just checking out the bridge as an unofficial mission as well as a chance to socialise more. This was also created as a form of training as all three of them were told to just go meet at the bridge and hang out there. There was not much they could do there, but the small boy knew he would have to go now or later.

He had bandages on his face since he got hurt really bad as only his eyes and some of his hair was visible as this was also a form of rehabilitation. Each of them had a secret reason for why they were chosen for this task, but the main goal for Elin at this time was to relax and maybe do a bit of group exercises. At the same time with the bandages his identity could be kept secret as they were all three told to choose whether or not to identify themselves as that on its own was another form of training.

It was not clear what level each of them would be at and to what degree they would train, but it was clear that Elin would need to prepare for the moment when he would have to show his new form and technique. He was walking along the way as he watched the river flow fluently and forcefully like a flowing bloom in a flower's gloom as he saw the bridge and remembered they would be meeting beneath the bridge, all he knew was that they would meet there and he decided to sit down against the wall hugging his knees to his chest like some lonely child.

He began to sing a song softly as he was waiting as his eyes closed he also wanted to train his concentration as well as he focused chakra into his wrist bangle.

"The flower falls and the fire flies"
"The stone stands and the boulder breaks"
"In a world of many, we are a few"
"In a moment alone, do whatever it takes"

"I remember you, do you remember me"
"The day you left, what was it like to be free"
"You left my world, you left my heart"
"You took all of me, and ripped it apart"

"I miss you, but you never missed me"
"I will forget you, so I can let you see"
"You broke my heart, you broke my will"
"I will break you apart, to rebuild my world"

Words 426

OOC Comment - You two decide which order you guys want to post in, and sorry for the long wait and hope you like Elin's poem. Oh and no one knows each other so feel free to use nicknames or whatever since Elin's face is mostly covered up in bandages and stuff

Satoshi Kazuhiko

Satoshi Kazuhiko

Satoshi had been asked to go to the bridge at the southern edge of the village. He couldn't say for sure, why Sanosuke had asked him to come, but for whatever reason, Lin and the young beat freak had been tasked with arriving at this place at this time.

Satoshi had come apart from Lin. He approached the bridge with a rhythm induced swagger. His hips swung from side to side as his hands flared and fingers snapped. His eyes were closed and he was mouthing words to whatever din was pulsing from within his headphones. Despite his eyes being closed, he slid past anyone who might be in front of him. His body dipped and danced around, away, or past the denizens and guests of the village on his way to his destination.

The furred hood of his white jacket was pulled up over his head, shielding him from the cold wind of the high altitude environment. With his movement and his hood obscuring his face he would be hard to pick out of a crowd. Well, unless you knew him.

If you knew Toshi, his dancing, jacket, and seeming aloofness towards the surrounding environment was all pretty standard fare for the Hidden Clouds most raucous genin. He was as proud as he was loud and his appearance and demeanor did little to hide this fact.

He had been going through a lot lately. From the invasion of his village by the hidden mist to the Raikage's personal training. Despite this, the boy's heart hadn't softened and his naïveté persevered.

((Who exactly sent us and for what reason, if you don't mind my asking. I'm happy to edit any details.))



Lin was dressed in a long white coat. It was cold, colder than it had been in Kumogakure no sato for a while. They had been called to the bridge to meet someone. Lin thought that it was someone that would give them information on a new mission. There was a war on, or at least the rumblings of one between Kumogakure and Kirigakure. The land hidden in the clouds, the one of lightning and the land hidden in the mist, the one of water. Normally, Lin wouldn't be afraid, but her powers were nothing compared to the Mizukage, Ayakashi. She didn't hold a candle up to a wasp, what could she be of use for in the war between two villages.

Under the coat that hung to her calves, she wore white woolen leggings and a white sweater. Given her color, the only thing that really, one could see given the snow, was her tonfas, as the wind blew past her. They clung to her side, a gift from an unknown source. A scarf hid her face, and was tucked into her shirt.

She moved slowly through the town, and approached the bridge, several paces behind a shinobi in a coat. She recognized that she needed to stay stealthy. She was told not to give away her identity, and she knew at least one person here. She wondered how many other people would be showing up. She saw someone with bandages, and a wave of pity dulled her eyes before she hid behind a tree, peering out to see how Toshi would handle it. If he were attacked, she would back him up. After all, she was more of a mid-range person than anything.

WC: 288

((OOC: I'll give more details later as to what is going on with her when I know more))



The boy got startled thinking someone heard his song, as he had that look in his eyes he noticed a furry hood and a white jacket. Was it an evil scientist coming to collect him for a secret experiment, his mind was being affected a bit by the cold weather as well as the aloof aura the man let out made him think it was a mad scientist. What was going on at this moment was unclear, but for a moment he thought he saw something else behind the man, though it was merely a movement so perhaps a rabbit went to jump behind the tree as he tried to think of something.

The boy was a bit fearful right now as he slowly raised his small hand as it shivered in the cold air he had a backpack nearby which had two swords planted next to them, so at the very least they would know the boy is a dual wielding sword user. He was not sure what to say as he muffled a sound before shivering as the chilly draft shot through the bridge as his t-shirt rose up a bit causing him to shiver as the cold air brushed over his tummy. He had forgotten to bring a coat with on this cold day and he was really nervous right now, but he did not want to speak of the meeting since he knew it was suppose to be a guy and a girl. The girl was not here so was this guy a bandit, evil scientist or a crazy hobo it was unclear right now. He then finally got the words out.

"hi...." as the sound was so soft as the air blew through his soft hair again as he was a bit panicky right now since he was a bit more comfortable around girls then guys.

Words 426 + 312 = 738

((OOC : so post order is Elin-->Satoshi-->Lin, oh and you two just had to make it an icy cold setting lols, at least it gave me more to work with and Elin mistaking Lin going into hiding for that of being a rabbit since Sato was in the way of his view, evil Sato hiding the girl behind him lols. Anyways this should be fun especially when they realise that well they are here for rehab, training and general hanging out with their unnamed charge whose only description would be a small boy with bandages on his face))

Satoshi Kazuhiko

Satoshi Kazuhiko

If the world could have heard Elin's thoughts they would have elicited a great storm of laughter. Satoshi was the furthest thing from a scientist. Mad? Perhaps. But to be attributed some great deal of intellect or methodology to the boy was an endearing misunderstanding of the beat freaks true nature.

Satoshi elicited an emphatic "Ow!" And a final snap of his fingers as he finally came to stop in front of the boy who occupied the bridge. Satoshi's foot kept tapping rhythmically alongside the beat in his ears but the rest of his body froze in quiet study of the awkward and somewhat pathetic looking figure in front of him.

A boy who was garbed in a t-shirt and bandages was staring at him mousily. Satoshi could feel the child's shivers. Whether they were from fear or from from the bite of the winter morning wasn't clear.

His lips pursed in contemplation before his left hand resumed snapping. His right began to work at his jacket. Sliding down the buttons and unfastening them with effortless dexterity. He rolled his shoulders, the jacket lulling lazily off his back and down his arms, suspended only by his forearms. With a quick pair of circular motions the jacket was folded neatly resting in his hands. He wore a dark grey t-shirt underneath. The color contrasted the pure white of the rest of his clothing, like a single ominous thundercloud in an otherwise clear summer sky.

"Hello!" He extended the jacket, which was a few sizes too big for the kid, despite Satoshi's own lilliputian stature.

"I don't like to dance when I'm cold." Satoshi offered the boy a smile as warm as the jacket promised to be. The brightness went from the tip of Satoshi's toes to the depths of his oddly colored eyes. The boy was his Kouhai, or so he assumed. He had a responsibility to take care of the fellow youth of his prized village and only a villain would allow a boy who looked as helpless as Elin suffer.

"I'm Kazuhiko Satoshi! Nice to meet you!" He stood up, his head bobbing back and forth to a now higher tempo song as he rose. He extended his right fist in greeting, his left arm still holding his jacket if it hadn't been accepted.

((Sorry this took so long. I'm backish! Also. I didn't get an email notification that either of you posted :X)).



Lin attempted to make her way around the boy and Toshi, she stood to the side as she watched the boy focus on her partner. Well, so much for her thoughts that he was dangerous. He was shivering from his head to his toes. And what she had assumed to be bandages to hide his identity, seemed really to be a part of some medical practice. She could attempt to heal the... boy? She couldn't tell under the bandages and the squeak didn't help her identify him either.

Shrugging, she made her way silently to stand next to the boy in bandages. She was a bit taller than him, not by much, but crossed her arms and looked at Toshi, "So what are we doing here, exactly? It is cold and I really need some relaxation time after the last mission." She had gone on a mission with Toshi before and needed the break. Perhaps they would ask to go to the hotsprings. There was a pool there for people who just wanted to soak, not scrub, so they allowed swimming gear. Perhaps she could convince them to go there to soak in the springs. After all, the boy with the bandages looked like he needed it.

She sized him up, and folded her arms, one over the other. "I don't even know why we're here. Are you some sort of informant?"

WC: 242



The sound that came from the man's mouth was something a grown man should not be making. The sound of being in pain, or was the man singing with the strange devices on his ears as the man was tapping his foot in such a mad way, that you would mistake this for a drunken Jekyll and Hyde play.

Tap, tap, tippity tap as the boy's heart began to race from the tipping and tapping as the man seemed frozen yet moving. The stop of his body and the movement of his one half of two feet, as the boy attempted to make sense of the strange heart's beat deep within its chested seat. Why was this stranger looking at him so, if only the little boy would know. The man then did a left hand snapping motion as the panicky nature of the boy was starting to rise up as the tension filled the air, yet perhaps this man wanted it this way as the boy did not know what else to say.

The man finally replied after doing some magically jacket folding jutsu as he extended the trap after greeting the small boy as he mentioned something about dancing colds as the boy looked at the smile which frightened him. The man introduced himself as Kazuhiko Satoshi, what a strange yet enduring name as the man said it was nice to meet him as the boy instinctively pulled away not knowing why the jacket was being offered to him. He noticed the extension of the right fist as a memory came to his mind, blood boiling deep down inside as he felt a pain inside his chest and a hurt against his head as if things could not be any worse.

Then someone closed in on them as he finally noticed the rabbit in the air, as beautiful as a white deer with skin so fair. The boy finally froze completely, whether it was out of fear or out of his memories flooding back to him. He nearly thought he saw someone he knew for a moment as the image of his memory overlapped her face, her hair and her eyes seemed the same. This feeling of someone he knew he just could not explain.

She spoke to him and asked if he was an informant as it finally dawned on him as he seemed to look a lot more calmer as he snatched the jacket from Satoshi's hands as he covered himself as he looked down. "You can call me Tomo" as he took out a note from his backpack and showed it.

The note said

'If you are reading this then it means you have been selected for his rehabilitation'
'You must help him get used to being around public places as well as give him a bit of exercise to help build him up again'
'The reasons for his injury can not be revealed, if you wish to decline this voluntary action please do so now'

"Not sure what it says since its sealed so only the two who suppose to meet me can read it"

As the boy thought for a bit before speaking again.
"Oh, and sorry if I bother you too much, if you want to go I will just go back and tell her"

The note was from a nurse or more correctly a medical shinobi with some skill in fuuinjutsu. It was unclear what path they would take but they held the boy's heart and emotions in their hands

Words 738 + 594 = 1332
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