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26Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Mon May 22, 2017 9:02 pm

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

Actually its quite similar, See Below:

Noroi's eyes  are well adept at tracking and seeing neural pathways of other creatures, allowing them to see through organic materials or liquids indefinitely, but also through non living objects at 0.5m density.
Zetsumei: The Zetsumei gains a form of imaging-vision; they are able to see through all organic structures, and are able to see through a total thickness of nonliving solid structures up to 32cm, within their 30m range. They can perceive through liquids with ease in this range.

Noroi:The ability to predict the actions of their opponent based off the neurons that move throughout your whole body is Noroi's specialty. Keeping their own Raiton chakra in the system of their opponents, they track the position, speed, polarity and in what pathways the signal is transmitted with to deduct even the slightest of movements and actions. This than projects a silhouette of the movement or action that the enemy will end up doing beforehand, allowing the Noroi to act accordingly ahead of time.
Zetsumei:Due to being able to see the nervous system, the Zetsumei gains a +2 in Reaction Time in regards to the actions of an opponent they can see using their Chi-no-Me; they can detect the nerve impulses in a sort of slow-motion and where they are traveling, extending their prediction abilities even to when someone might cast a jutsu. However, to see the intricate neural network, and thus make use of this ability, they must be within 50m.

27Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Mon May 22, 2017 9:34 pm

Okami Noroi

Okami Noroi

Okay, I'll respond to those.

The first: Sol asked me to place those, so it was by him that I placed that. If that's the issue I will remove that, but he wanted people to know how much in depth I can see, as other Dojutsu clan's don't have that for idk what reason..

The second: The second, that one is actually quite more powerful than the Zetsumei clan's and Sol even said that by the looks of it is to strong so i downgraded it to sharingan's strength to see the silhouettes and the higher up's actually allowed me to place that into the clan as it is.. The difference between the Zetsumei's and Noroi's is that, Zetsumei can see the neurons and track with eyesight but you can't beat using and feeling your own chakra and tracking that.. It's much more precise, faster and better overall than just eyesight. I have the whole medical background of the jutsu that I posted, but Sol wanted me to remove it. I can post it for you here so you understand it better, if that is the issue here..

28Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Sat May 27, 2017 11:38 am

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

I'll start from the top:

  • The clans KKG seems to be a medical/genjutsu clan with buki just taked on for some reason. As Jet noted, you need to pick a focus. Given 99% of this clan write up is dojutsu based around medical/genjutsu, I would suggest leaving it at that.
  • The Norigan genjutsu must be maintained or have a set duration. The lasting effect while in range or hiding is a no go.
  • Stage 1: Influencing others emotions, actions, etc are no gos.The ability to control other neurons needs to be explained in more detail. How does this mechanism work? Do you have to touch someone to get your raiton chakra into their system? etc. The +1 in perception is fine. I'm fine with being able to see through organic material within a particular range but the in-organic material sight is encroaching on the Zetsumei. Additionally there needs to be a range set for how far the Norigan can see neural pathways within the inherent abilities section.
  • Stage 2: Given this is still encroaching on Zetsumei for the non-living material my comment as previous still stands
  • Stage 3: Given this is still encroaching on Zetsumei for the non-living material my comment as previous still stands. The prediction ability is just a tad bit strong here. There needs to be some limitations on what it can and can't do, otherwise this is ripe for abuse.
  • Stage 4: Given this is still encroaching on Zetsumei for the non-living material my comment as previous still stands. The chakra projectiles need to have a limit or be made as a maintainable jutsu. It cannot be indefinite. Given that the Noroi can now at this stage effectively feel/see/etc as the other person, logically it would make sense that they lose their own senses temporarily as they are feeling through the other persons or in some way shape or form has some difficultly perceiving the vast amounts of data from not only themselves but the person they are influencing.

  • Drawbacks: Taijutsu +1 and ranged +1 damage to you is fine. Taking specs as mandatory isn't really a drawback its part of the clan. -1 to Perception and and RT are fine. When it becomes too much it should have a stat debuff such as an extra -1 to perception and RT to put it in line with other dojutsu.

29Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Sat May 27, 2017 6:20 pm

Okami Noroi

Okami Noroi

-The clan's dojutsu is focused on the Genjutsu/Medical but the ninja in the clan focus mostly on the Bukijutsu skills as rarely people are born with the Norigan, and so I placed the bukijutsu details.. I removed the free weapon, just stated that they get deductions because of their knowledge of the materials.. Also some of the drawbacks are only because of the bukijutsu part.
-Sure, I'll state that in the description.
-I don't manipulate nothing basically in the stage 1. It's actually basic Genjutsu in stage 1, with the added emotion reading ability by the neurons in one's body, how they move react etc.. To be able to use it, well I was going for like a long range type a deal. Like implementing my chakra into one's brain/body to be able to do these things. Also, the organic/non-organic material isn't just for Zetsumei, it's for other Dojutsu's like Sharingan and Byakugan as well. I can paraphrase it differently, but I think I should be allowed to see through non-organic and organic materials as other clans are.
-The prediction's are on the rank of Sharingan, to put it simply. It work's differently, but it's placed at that rank so people understood it better. I got the OK for this a long time ago, don't know why this is an issue now?
-I'm sorry, I forgot to remove the chakra projectiles. They are no longer in the clans description, as they were used instead of triggers. Now that I have those, I removed the projectiles. As that being stated, I edited the inherited ability to vibe minds as to losing one's sense if he receives transmission from another person via the same sense.
-Don't get why the extra -1 on RT and perception really? The -1 should be enough, and if I go to -2 there would be no point in using the stages for the extra +1..

It's hard when different people try to approve of a clan that's been discussed with somebody for a month or two, than he disappears and another person appears than you need to explain everything again to them :/ What's with these sudden changes in personnel viewing the clan?

30Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Thu Jun 08, 2017 8:09 pm

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

By my first comment about the Buki, honestly it has nothing to do with the actually KKG of the clan itself which is the Norigan. The eyes themselves don't actually do anything in terms of buki which is why I made the comment.

You still haven't explained the mechanism. How exactly are you implanting chakra into people? Some kind of lightning strike? An injection? How? You need to explain this thoroughly.

Neither the Hyuuga or Uchiha state they can see through non-organic materials. The only clan which explicitly states this is the Zetsumei.

Overall this clan effectively seems to be a modified version of the Sharingan without the harsher drawbacks. I would advise you clean up the abilities and make it a bit more unique if you wish to get Admin approval.

The debuff is consistent with every other dojutsu fatigue.

31Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Thu Jun 08, 2017 8:42 pm

Okami Noroi

Okami Noroi

Actually, Sharingan and Byakugan have been used to see through non organic materials in the anime/manga if I remember correctly..
Well, I was thinking of some sort of Injection of raiton chakra from a distance, will need some assistance to work it through better so it matches the system and is viable, but I prefer it to be from afar.
So a clan that uses other people's neurons to cast Genjutsu and Medical nin against them is a variation of Sharingan? Really lack the comparison here, other than this clan uses Genjutsu as it's part, as well as Sharingan.. We can say that about any clan really, there is only 1 original and the rest are variations than by that logic. And it's not as strong as Sharingan, the final stages of Sharingan overpower this clan's..

32Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Fri Jun 09, 2017 9:16 pm



Heya! I'm Issei, I'm a clan jr. mod so I'll be helping with the modding of this as well~

I don't like that this starts with three specs, and as Shiyuan explained, Bukijutsu just seems tacked on since the dojutsu itself is medical and genjutsu. But, we'll ignore that for now. As Shiyuan said, taking specializations isn't a drawback, almost all clans are required to take certain specializations in order for their kkg to work. I would prefer that instead of just taking Hesitant (Element) and having 20% higher wc costs learning non-raiton jutsu, I think that they should be required to take Hesitant (Specialization) as well to balance, and that the 20% higher wc for non-raiton jutsu should be removed since focusing more than one drawback entirely on difficulty to use elements other than Raiton seems unnecessary, especially when they also focus on medical ninjutsu and genjutsu the most and so they should also have difficulty learning things other than that. I agree with Shiyuan in that when the Norigan becomes too much (if they use it more than 3 rounds in a row) they should have an additional -1 to perception or reaction time up until they are able to use it again. Overall this clan is very iffy to me because of how it bleeds into Zetsumei's kkg a bit and it also kind of bleeds into the ANBU's Time Reversal technique with the whole memory thing, so as far as the memory thing goes, limit it to one to two posts at a time maximum, so that it can't be used long-term.

33Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Fri Jun 09, 2017 9:40 pm

Okami Noroi

Okami Noroi

It's not that I don't get where you are coming from, regarding the Bukijutsu stuff that I added, but as it's stated in the clan's history and what not they are a clan that specializes with that.
I don't have anything in the KKG itself that helps with this, I only have some drawbacks that move people towards the right idea of the clan. In that way it's kinda different than Zetsumei, the whole idea of the clan or their skills, at least to me it seems that way.
The memory manipulation and some other stuff, it can all be done with neurons in one's body, I got all my ideas from medical research I did to see what can be done in one's brain with neurons and their manipulation.
Also, EDITED the stuff you asked, still need help to figure out the way how to explain injecting somebody with Raiton chakra from a far.

34Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Fri Jun 09, 2017 11:12 pm



As for how you're putting the Raiton into people, relate it to your eyes in some way, of course. Sending pulses of raiton through your line of sight or something. That's more for you to figure out, it's your clan and idea, so just draft something concerning the mechanism and I'll mod it. Add a max range for it, though.

35Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Sun Jun 11, 2017 6:49 am

Okami Noroi

Okami Noroi

Okay, added it. Stated that it scales with the range of Norigan

36Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Sun Jun 11, 2017 10:05 pm



This is looking good, now. 1/2 Approved.

I have already notified Jet of this and she will be giving you a final review as soon as she can.

37Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Tue Jun 13, 2017 8:15 am



This clan is Approved on a probationary status. If for any reason we no longer see it as balanced it will be pulled for further modding.

38Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Tue Jun 20, 2017 4:40 pm



Sorry hun, I don't know how I missed this. This clan is Ifunapproved for the time being. You start with 3 specializations, they all need to start at D-rank. Also you cannot take Hesitant (Specialization) if you have 3 specializations at the start. Also it would not fit the clan at all to start with bukijutsu as it is more dobjutsu orientated. So I would scrap it as being a starter completely and just leave it as flavor text as something they are known to take on or something.

39Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Tue Jun 20, 2017 6:03 pm

Okami Noroi

Okami Noroi

Sure, I edited it out but than my first two drawbacks don't make sense if the person won't take Bukijutsu as on of their specializations :/ Also, don't you think that 3 rank D's is a little to low? C/C/D should have been pretty good, or at least a C/D/D :/

40Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Fri Jun 30, 2017 8:20 pm



My bad for skipping you last time I cleared the requests, I didn't know that this clan was unapproved. If you want your character specifically to have Bukijutsu, then you may take it once you get to Sp. Jounin, but as I said originally, and as Shiyuan and Jet have said as well, Bukijutsu does not make sense in terms of your kekkei genkai, which is what this clan provides, so the clan as a whole does not need to start with Bukijutsu. Sure, you can have it as flavor text in the history and stuff, but you are already getting a doujutsu, which is rare, so three specs in addition to the doujutsu should only be the case if the spec is required for the doujutsu. Do you understand what we mean? As such, either you have to do as Jet said and lower everything to D-Rank, or you remove Bukijutsu. If you remove Bukijutsu and anything related to it in the kekkei genkai, then you can remove the Bukijutsu-related drawbacks as well.

41Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Fri Jun 30, 2017 9:22 pm

Okami Noroi

Okami Noroi

Yea I understand. Think I'll go with D/D/D than.

42Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:49 pm



1/2 approved.

43Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Sun Jul 02, 2017 8:03 am

Okami Noroi

Okami Noroi

Ok so this might actually need looking into. In the drawback where I state you can take a third spec, I said it doesn't have to be just Buki, but any other specialization available. Also can I say that you can (or don't have to) take a third spec and when you do, than it's D/D/D but if you are satisfied with Genjutsu and Medical it's regular S/C. Is that okay, to state it like that?

44Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Sun Jul 02, 2017 11:07 am



Now that is something that I didn't notice before, which is a mistake on my part. I'll allow the S/C if they opt to take just med and gen, BUT no choosing whatever third spec they want. Either they choose buki or they don't get a third spec to start with, for the same reason that I mentioned before: you're already getting a doujutsu and unless the third spec contributes to the doujutsu significantly to the point where it is required, I'd rather the clansmen not start with such a big advantage in their versatility, and instead specialize themselves as they grow in rank like everyone else.

45Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Sun Jul 02, 2017 6:42 pm

Okami Noroi

Okami Noroi

Okay, so 2 specs S/C or 3 spec with Buki for D/D/D. I'm fine with that.

46Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Sun Jul 02, 2017 7:03 pm



Specify that if they don't take Bukijutsu, they don't get the discount on items, or the drawbacks based on their weapon proficiency.

47Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Sun Jul 02, 2017 8:29 pm

Okami Noroi

Okami Noroi

Done with the edits.

48Noroi - Page 2 Empty Re: Noroi Sun Jul 02, 2017 8:43 pm



Third time's the charm. Approved.

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