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1Jutsu Training. WIP Empty Jutsu Training. WIP Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:29 pm



Paralyzing Seal:

Sunset was now in Konohagakure no Sato, the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Upon his travel with Lini, he ventured and found himself into the outskirts of Konohagakure street where citizens and shinobi alike were just minding their own business. Sunset found a hotel window opened and decided to climb it. After the climbing to the top with little difficulty, he saw that no one was here at the moment, the room was empty and neatly cleaned as if it was just given. A perfect place to catch some z's for the day. Sunset jumped into the bed and trailed off into a nice slumber.


After 8 hours of his sleep, Sunset awoke with a start. His body was hot. Sweat exiting from nearly every pore of his body. Breathing short and erratic; something must've troubled him in his sleep. He sat up in the bed and looked to the door. It was closed. He wanted to make sure it was locked. Getting up from the bed, he touched the door knob handle and tried to twist the handle. It wouldn't budge. Good. After doing so, he got back to the bed and sighed. He shut his eyes and slowed his breathing to heavy pants. He rose a hand to feel his heart racing still at a somewhat fast pace but slowing down within each second or two. It seemed that his time asleep was filled with nightmares all of a sudden, though he could not recall them in the least. Perhaps it was better that way. He opened his eyes and shifted his attention to the outside, still daylight for the time being. He guessed that today is starting a bit earlier than usual, he pondered. The moon probably wouldn’t rise for another few hours. Time to rise, all the same.

Sunset pushed the sheets off of him and moved his legs to hang above the ground, not yet getting out of his bed. He checked his heart rate again to find it had slowed down. Whatever had made Sunset uneasy in his dream state was no longer in mind, as he could not remember them and his attention was drawn to the schedule for the day. He looked up at the ceiling and pondered the day’s activities. Let’s see... I can probably get some training done. Haven't really been moving around since leaving Kumogakure to travel here in Konohagakure. He pondered to the thought he was thinking a few seconds ago. Having his tanto with him on his back right shoulder, he could do some training in Kenjutsu (Battojutsu). But seeing as though his right eye had the contract seal of the demon, he realized he had another gifted speciality; Fuuinjutsu. He had already learned two sealing techniques and with the exception of the clan's technique: Seal Reveal. Fuuinjutsu it was then. And he had one jutsu that needed training. Paralyzing Seal.

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