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1Bill Collection [Repeatable] D-Rank Suna Empty Bill Collection [Repeatable] D-Rank Suna Sun Dec 02, 2012 6:28 pm

Shimo Rai

Shimo Rai

"Why rent when buying was so so much cheaper in the long run?" Shimo thought to himself as he looked over the missions over view. Oh well it's how it happened when the governing body owned all the land. People had no choice in the matter when it came to ownership in short privet property was a privilege. Either way these shop owners made an agreement to pay a certain amount of money for the use of the land and buildings.

In every society there were those people who were responsible and paid their bills and taxes on time, and then there were those people who were slack on their responsibilities and choose to pay the rent when it suited them. Shimo didn't like slack people and moochers so this kind of mission seemed like a good match for him. Gathering what few pieces of equipment he had Shimo looked over the addresses of the delinquent renters and started off on his collection assignment.

Last edited by Shimo Rai on Sun Dec 02, 2012 6:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

Shimo Rai

Shimo Rai

The first place on the list was a pawn shop, it was in a poorer part of the village. It was a squat building that showed that the original owner had taking good care of it but over time the store had apparently changed owners as the village expanded and the property value went down. Now it was a pawn shop where people who spent to much gambling or ran into hard times sold their valuables to get that few dollars to get them to the next pay day.

Well now it was time for the pawnshop owner to pay his bills.As he entered the pawnshop a small bell rang alerting the owner that some one had entered. As Shimo approached the counter he introduced himself in a pleasant tone of voice "Hello I am Shimo Rai and right now I am working for the collection agency..." he showed his credentials "and well I am here because well because you have failed to pay your rent. Now if you wouldn't mind just opening your register and handing over the Ryo I'll be on my way and you won't be bothered by me in this fashion...well until you were delinquent in your rent again."

The shop owner was stunned at the forwardness Shimo used in his mission. There wasn't any beating around the bush no softening it up it was just who he was and what he wanted. The shop owner swallowed and replied "Well I don't have that much in the register but if you wait a little bit I might be able to sell a few items and have the money for you then."

Shimo found this to be amicable and decided to wait at the pawn shop. While he was there he looked over the swords, ninja tools, and special kunai all of which were grossly over priced. Sooner or later how ever some one would buy them, some people didn't have the patience to look for a deal and wanted instant gratification. With in an hour the pawn shop had a customer the customer wound up buying some second hand ninja tools. This put enough money in the register for the owner to pay the rent.

And just like that Shimo was on his way.

Shimo Rai

Shimo Rai

The next business on the list was a bar and grill well it was called a bar and grill but really it was a dive. The food smelled like day old grease and looked like it would taste like cardboard, the soda looked flat and the beer smelled stale. This was still in a poorer part of the village but at lest this bar and grill had a fresh coat of paint on its walls.

Just like in the last business Shimo entered and presented himself and what he was doing to the business owner. But this time the business owner was more reluctant to pay and stated "You look hungry how about I have the cook whip up something special and we can talk about 'payment plans.'" Shimo shook his head, there was always some one scamming trying to get one over on some one else no one really was direct about it "Really the village needs the money and that means that I need it from you now." Shimo grimaced he hated to get firm with people "all right you know there are two ways that this can go down the easy way where you just reach into the register and hand over the money you owe the village; or the hard way where you try and bribe me, call your bouncers to try and throw me out and the inside of this dive gets demolished in the ensuing fight costing you both the rent and the amount of ryo it takes to rebuild the inside of this place."

A few minutes later Shimo stepped out of the door of the bar and grill tucking the money that was owed to the village into his belt.

Shimo Rai

Shimo Rai

The last place was a straight up bar, the music was loud, the inside was dim and the waitresses were good looking and scantly clad. The floor was a bit stick and there wasn't many patrons in the bar it being day time and all. Stepping in he wondered what he was going to be offered in exchange for being lenient and letting them skip bail. Putting the wondering aside he started with his pleasant introduction and why he was there.

The bar owner was a lady though that wasn't to uncommon but her bribe was. The bar owner offered up a date with one of her waitresses in exchange for him letting the rent go.

Now Shimo was young, he was a guy and the girls were good looking and scantly clad. This was a very bad combination. Still he had to finish the mission quickly "I will have to...." ~hot girl~ "Unfortunately decline..." ~cleavage~ "Your offer and..." ~Daisy Duke shorts~ "I really need the money for the village." This is the hardest bribe for Shimo to resist "Thanks for the offer."

When the rent was paid Shimo stepped out of the bar and gave a loud sigh "WHOO!" glad that last money collection was over Shimo made his way to the Village hidden in the Sand collection agency.

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