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1Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Sat Dec 17, 2016 2:30 pm



I'm looking for RP partners in Konoha for social threads and long term development. Anyone whose interested in creating stories between characters, plot, etc. I'm more than happy to do, but I'm pretty much up for anything.
If anyone is interested, please post here or send me a message. I'll gratefully reply.

2Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Sat Dec 17, 2016 3:16 pm



I would be more than happy to do some plot and development with you!

Here's my app for your reference

3Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Sat Dec 17, 2016 3:28 pm



Ah, I love the intelligence of his character! As I've looked over the app, I would really like for the two to meet. Do you have any ideas in mind or just simply care for them to have a first introduction and see where it goes from there?

4Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Sat Dec 17, 2016 3:34 pm



I would be completely fine with just a standard meeting thread, and if you would like to start it off I can promise you a reply tonight and several tomorrow

5Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Sat Dec 17, 2016 3:37 pm



Alright, I'll get right on it. I will reply later on this thread with a link to the post.

6Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Sat Dec 17, 2016 3:43 pm



I'll be watching for it :)

7Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Sat Dec 17, 2016 5:18 pm



Here's the thread:

8Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Sun Dec 18, 2016 1:41 pm



Hey! If you are still looking for people for long-term development I would love to join you both! I'm fairly new myself and would love to have more people to RP with.

This is my profile!

9Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Sun Dec 18, 2016 1:52 pm



Definitely, and I always like to think the more the merrier! But a fellow Hattori, eh? Very interesting~
I would love if they could meet up, and if so, do you have any ideas or just care to see where it goes? I'm open for anything.

10Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Sun Dec 18, 2016 2:03 pm



Nayoko is actually really interested in his clan and specifically, the family of his mother who were originally from Kiri. So that is his big motivation at this point. Meeting another Hattori would send him through the roof with excitement and he would just be happy to get to you you and your abilities.

Nayoko is big on like...knowing what people can do means you truly know the person. So maybe there could be some training in there after the initial meeting at some point? Maybe you, Nōmisu, and I could even make a squad or something? Group plots are always fun!

I am up for whatever you are up for, just let me know what you're thinking and maybe e can get the ball rolling! I was reading your thread with Nōmisu as well so if you want another person to hop into that I would be happy to.

11Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Sun Dec 18, 2016 2:25 pm



That actually sounds like fun; group and friend development. Shimada would actually be very interested in meeting another Hattori, too, since she also does not know too much about the clan. Training in the future is something I look forward to, and definitely would be excited if a squad idea could come about.

It would be a very cool idea for plot development for them. If Nōmisu would be down with the idea, of course.

Hm, I'm contemplating how it would work if I added you into the thread with Nōmisu currently. You jumping in would be very interesting, but it may be easier to create another introduction thread for Nayoko, have Shimada and him meet, and then eventually get the three to come together? I've never managed a roleplay with more than one person at one time before in a thread, so I'm starting out small in the moment.

But I definitely want you, Nōmisu, and I to meet in a thread together soon.

12Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Sun Dec 18, 2016 2:34 pm



Sounds good to me! Let me know when you are ready to take on another thread and either you or myself can start something up to just get us introduced!

13Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Sun Dec 18, 2016 2:50 pm



I'm pretty good for starting another; I can juggle multiple threads. If you wouldn't mind starting one, I'd be grateful as I'm replying to the other one at the moment~

14Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Sun Dec 18, 2016 2:51 pm



I'd be perfectly content with doing a group thread or something along those lines.

15Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:11 pm



Great to know! :) We will definitely have to start one up soon to get them all to meet together. I think it would be a very interesting situation.

16Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Sun Dec 18, 2016 7:03 pm



Sounds awesome! I'll start something tomorrow!

17Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:31 am




Ok so here is a thread for Shimada and Nayoko to meet each other and then once these two open threads are closed we can try a thread with all three of us!

18Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:39 am



I like the sound of that idea!

19Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Thu Dec 22, 2016 10:14 am



So, Shimada and I have closed our thread but from what I'm reading you guys have another one coming up. So when you guys are ready let me know and I can start another thread of either like, group traning or even just meeting up someplace! I may get Daiko, a Kiri ninja who is in Konoha right now that Nayoko is friends with, in on it too if you guys don't mind.

Looking forward to whatever we do!

20Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Thu Dec 22, 2016 10:55 am



Once I'm back in Konoha, I can RP with any of you in the village. PM me if you want to set up a plot between our characters.

21Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Thu Dec 22, 2016 2:22 pm



I'm open for any new threads right now, and don't mind juggling multiple. I'll probably start working on the other thread with Nōmisu sometime today or tomorrow, but if you start another one, just know I am happily  available. Also, sure; you can get Daiko in on it as well! Always fun to meet new people.

Ah, Kashiduzoto, whenever you return, I would love to RP. He has quite the interesting personality, and I think a sharp mind that might show Shimada's thoughtful behavior up. If anything about a plot comes, I'll be sure to PM you!

22Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Fri Dec 23, 2016 4:03 pm




Here is a link to a thread I've started for Nayoko's plot. If you guys want to hop in just let me know! Right now I've gone to meet up with Daiko so Maybe I can run into you guys while in the village or something. Like I said, just let me know if you want to hop on so that I can tell Daiko and we can get a posting order down.


23Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for RP Partners in Konoha Fri Dec 23, 2016 4:34 pm



I'd be down for it. Whenever you want to get a posting order in, let me know!

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