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1Would you honor me? [RP partner(s)] Empty Would you honor me? [RP partner(s)] Wed Dec 28, 2016 5:14 am



Hello everyone, it's nice to meet you. I've been around for quite a while and whoever I roleplayed with took years to reply or went inactive. I am looking for people to roleplay and I would very much love interacting with you all IC. 

I am currently in Konohagakure, and I will happily create a thread in which we can roleplay in.

2Would you honor me? [RP partner(s)] Empty Re: Would you honor me? [RP partner(s)] Wed Dec 28, 2016 7:31 am

Yanagi Yusuke

Yanagi Yusuke

If you ever make your way to Iwagakure or if I'm around Konohagakure in the near future. Maybe we'll do some rp. I'm open to plotting and such so lemme know if you wanna plot or something.

Good luck with your search.

3Would you honor me? [RP partner(s)] Empty Re: Would you honor me? [RP partner(s)] Wed Dec 28, 2016 10:08 am

Izayoi H

Izayoi H

I'd be happy to do a thread if you're interested~ I'm a bit naff at making threads, so, if you want to start a thread and I'll join in? I'd like to think I'm fairly active, so, you wouldn't need to worry about that =P

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