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1Mailman [C-Rank Mission | Private] Empty Mailman [C-Rank Mission | Private] Mon Dec 12, 2016 6:56 pm

Asura Senju

Asura Senju

It was early in the morning when Asura yawned as he slowly raised his head off of his sweat drenched pillow. His eyes slowly opened, showing the blurry light peering through the tent, Asura tried to hide from it, pulling the blanket over his head. About ten minutes later, he moved the blanket off of himself, the blur started to clear as he shook his head from side to side, clearing his mind of the nightmares from last night, the sights of gigantic spiders crawling around him, vanishing, leaving his mind with the dream of a six-armed being, glowing with wrath, Vritra was starting to make his return recently. Asura tapped his forehead lightly with the palm of his head, his head aching, "Owww... Why today... Oh, right I'm on mail duty." He quietly spoke in his low voice. He moved the blanket off of himself and tossed it to the side as he crawled out of the tent. He stood up and yawned, stretching his arms and legs, cracking his neck before throwing a few punches at the air and a kick up there. Asura got dressed, getting ready for the day, he was going to go and get a new pen since his broke writing out the first two paragraphs of his book. His hair had grown out a while ago and then was cut, returning it to its ghostly white shade, his hair was somewhat spiky and tended to hang off over hif face a little, barely reaching his forehead. His new look was black jeans with a black kimono over it, he still wore his black boots, the sleeves of the kimono were removed and over the kimono he wore a white coat that reached down to the bottom of his kimono, it was also sleeveless and on the back of the coat was his clan's symbol. On his hands he wore black fingerless gloves that reached halfway up his forearm.

Asura packed everything up again as he did every day, and placed his gear in the same place he put it every day, leaving his book in his bag so that he might do a bit of writing while he was in the village. After he had delivered the messages, but first he had to pick the letters up from the Admin Building. He walked through the gates of the village, taking in a whiff of the village, smelling the fresh air. After a while he made his way to the administration building and he walked up to the booth to collect the mail. The person there told Asura each of the five addresses that the letters need to be delivered to and they told him that he has about half an hour to deliver them all, they all seemed to sound like they were at least two or three minutes away from each other. He started to make his way to the first location, walking through the crowds with his backpack over his shoulder, the letters were kept safe in there. The first house seemed to be made out of a kind brown rock, it looked amazing. He made his way to the door and placed the letter through the letter box and then moved over to the next one, it was at the end of the street, so Asura didn't have far to go. This house seemed to be white, almost the same shade as his hair, he marvelled at the architecture for a few moments before passing the second letter through the door.

Asura only had three left to deliver, the next was only a few doors down and Asura was starting to think that this was easy, it was, especially for him, that changed when he realised that he was running out of time. Asura sprinted to the next house, passing by small crowds of people, ignoring them and carefully trying to avoid animals. He found the next place and he delivered the letter. 'Three down, two to go.' He thought to himself, he looked at the addresses of the two letters and noticed they were right next to each other. Asura took a deep breath and started to sprint again, trying his best to deliver them all on time. Roughly three minutes later he reached the destination, he checked to make sure the letters were correct and placed them in the right houses before giving off a light sigh. He had done it, he delivered all the letters. Asura started making his way back to the building so that he could tell the person he completed the job, it took a while of walking but he managed to get there before the half an hour mark, he let the person know that he had delivered the letters, the man congratulated him and Asura turned to leave. He sat down on a bench by the building and started to do a bit of his writing, that new idea he had a while ago. Asura got out a page and a pencil and started to write a draft of the idea.

After about twenty minutes of constant writing and editing, the page was filled with a potential new chapter for his future book; 'The red sun glared down at the large bowl, it was located at the centre of a small village, made from logs. Each house looked clean, freshly built, brand new and ready for any and all new people to move in. There were three people wearing white leather armour, covering their entire body except their faces, there lay the masks, crimson, like blood, a single hole to allow their pure white eyes to see through, to corrupt the world. A villager, male, who wore only rags, was pushed forward, towards the bowl. One of the creatures that stood around it, forced the man to kneel, holding his head over the bowl as the creature drew a dagger from his side and slit the man’s throat, a clean, smooth cut. The blood rushed forth, filling the bowl. One of the other creatures brought a child, a baby, new born, and threw him in the bowl, filled with the crimson liquid. The moment the child touched the blood, a blinding light flashed, pure black, sending the three creatures running for their lives. The light seemed to speak, no, shout, not a phrase, or a word, a name.
“Cortlan! Cortlan! CORTLAN!” the voice of a woman.'

He wasn't too sure if he was happy with this one, if he would keep it or if he would remove it later for something else, this world Asura was starting to build looked promising as a story.

| Word Count: 1,112 |

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