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1Mailman [Private | NK | Mission] Empty Mailman [Private | NK | Mission] Sun Jul 29, 2018 8:53 am

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

Mailman [Private | NK | Mission] GhEc1DS

Mailman [Private | NK | Mission] Y5cRJCX

Mission name: Mailman
Mission rank: D
Objective: Deliver some letters.
Location: Konoha
Reward: 150 ryo
Mission description: There are three letters that need delivered to three different people across the village; Lee, Yen, and Kei. The letters are in sealed envelopes with the name and address on each one easily readable on the front.
Mission details: Deliver the letters in any order you wish. If you open the letters you will fail the mission; and they will know they've been opened.
Word Count Requirement: 750

2Mailman [Private | NK | Mission] Empty Re: Mailman [Private | NK | Mission] Sun Jul 29, 2018 5:27 pm

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

As the sunlight broke through the cracks in the blinds, the rays of sun kissed N'Jobu face while he tried to avoid the day by tossing and turning in his covers. He knew he had a mission waiting for him at the administration building so he would soon have to get up and go on about his day as much as he wanted to stay home and laze about. After a few minutes of contemplation, he unfurled the covers from his body and rolled himself out of his bed. He groggily shook the sleep from eyes as he took a deep stretch and yawned loudly in his room. After he finished his long morning stretch he grabbed his clothes from his dresser and began to get dressed, putting on his gray harem pants and white shirt. He grabbed his Basotho blanket from across the chair at his desk and draped it across himself and grabbed his bow to strap it to his back.

Once he was ready to go, he headed out the front door and took off streaking through the streets towards the administration building. He dipped under pipes, jumped between ledges, and did flips over obstacles as he quickly made his way to receive his mission for the day. Since he knew it was a low ranking mission, he didn't get his hopes up to much about excitement so he figured he would use the day as a training exercise for his parkour skills. Before he realized it, he was standing in front of the administration building, with a tiny bit of sweat dripping from his brow. "Hmmm, that must be record time I suppose..." he chuckled to himself slightly as he walked in the door to the building. He walked up to the mission coordinator, introducing himself and asking her for the mission scroll so that he could begin with his assignment. She acknowledged his request and reached back into her filling system and grabbed a scroll intended for him along with three letters. She handed him the scroll which he quickly took and thanked her as he turned to head back towards the exit. As he walked, he unfurled the scroll and began to read the instructions for his tasking. "Ahh, so I'm a glorified mailman today. Lovely..." he mumbled under his breath slightly annoying at the paltry task he would need to complete.

WC: 401

3Mailman [Private | NK | Mission] Empty Re: Mailman [Private | NK | Mission] Thu Aug 02, 2018 8:08 pm

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

He looked at the letters in his hand and read the various addresses upon them. "Mr. Akio, Mrs.Keiko, and Mr. Aio. Looks like they are quite spread out across the village. Time to get to it..." he lamented to himself. He tucked the letters into his waistband and set off towards the address of Mr. Aiko. He took of sprinting as quick as he could, jumping up to the rooftops and streaking across them. He flipped across the rooftop and rolled as he landed on the ground near the entrance to Mr. Akio's property. He pulled the letter addressed to him from his waist band and walked up to the door. He knocked to announce his presence and Mr. Akio opened the door with a big smile on his face. “Thank you so much! I've been waiting for this letter all day!” he exclaimed as he took the letter from N’Jobu’s hands. “You are very welcome,” N’Jobu said as he turned around and sprinted off towards his next destination. “One down, two to go…” he thought to himself as he ran through the streets ducking and dodging between people and obstacles in his way.

He spotted the residence of Mrs. Keiko in the distance and stepped it up a gear in his pace towards her home. His movements were made to be as efficient as possibly, losing little to no momentum as he dived over obstacles and flipped over a few barriers before reaching her front door. He was moving so fast he had to her door as a spring board to stop himself as he did a backflip off of it and landed just in front of the house. Mrs. Keiko opened the door and began to scold him for flipping off of her door. “Sorry about that, got a bit carried away with my parkour. Here is your letter,” he said as he pulled the letter from his waistband and handed it over to her. She snatched the letter from his hand and he took off towards his last destination with similar haste as before.

He blew past some people on the streets as he ran, the wind blowing his locks to and fro. Before he knew it, he had made it all the way to Mr. Aio’s house. As with the other two destinations, he knocked on the door but this time there was no answer. “Hmmm, Guess I’ll just slide this one under the door I suppose,” as he proceeded to slip the letter under the door. “All done…” he murmured to himself as he headed back to the administration building to complete his mission. “Time to get paid…”

WC: 451
TWC: 852

Mission Debrief:
Mission Status: Completed
WC: 850/750
Payment: 1 D Rank Jutsu
Payment: 25 ryo

Remaining WC: 852 - 750 - 100 = 2

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