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Nakazo Ashitaka

Nakazo Ashitaka

Mission name: Lost pet: Lizard (Repeatable)
Mission rank: D
Objective: Find and Return a lost lizard
Location: Sunagakure
Reward: 80 Ryo
Mission description: A local villager has reported that her pet Lizard has run off. Find it!
Mission details: 600 words minimum Pretty standard, the lizard just ran off and wont put up too much of a fight.


"You want me to find your... Lizard?" Nakazo replied, eyeing the old woman sitting in front of him.

"Yes, his name is Barnabas, he's very special to me."

"Surely he can't be that hard to find though, right? I mean you're paying a Genin for his safe return, is this really something that will require my services?"

"Oh, it most certainly will,"she responded, taking a sip of her tea. "He's very quick, and sneaky. Barnabas is not like normal lizards. I go after himself of course, but I can't move around like I used to."

Nakazo considered the job for a moment, and then finally accepted. Money was money, he supposed. Maybe this lizard really is something special like she says, he thought. This could give me more of a challenge. The Genin needed money to help his mother out with the family home, and he needed to complete missions to be given recognition as a ninja and be allowed a promotion. He wished he would've been able to take something a little more exciting, but at this point he was going to take whatever he could get. "I shall return Barnabas to you," he said, shaking the woman's hand, "I'll be back before nightfall." With that he excited her house and began his search. Before he left she mentioned that she usually would take Barnabas on her walks to the Greenhouse, and Nakazo decided that was as good a place as any to start at.

It was only a short walk to the Greenhouse, and before long Nakazo was standing it front of its locked glass doors. The sign read it was closed for the day due to maintenance. There's no way Barnabas could be in here then, he decided. Unless there was some sort of access into the Greenhouse small enough for a lizard to enter into. Nakazo stalked the perimeter of the Greenhouse, looking for any kind of small entrance. A pane of glass left open, or a ventilation shaft. Anything that Barnabas could have used to sneak in. His search on the ground bore no fruit and so he decided to check the top of the building just in case. Nakazo scaled the Greenhouse as best he could, and when he reached the top he moved along it slowly, taking his time, making sure not to miss anything. Near the other end of the Greenhouse he noticied some movement. It was hard to tell exactly what was there, but something looked like it was trying to worm its way inside. Nakazo crept along the roof, careful not to make a sound.

Nakazo was halfway across the roof when his suspicions were confirmed. Barnarbas was scratching at a slightly cracked pane of glass, trying desperately to get into the Greenhouse. He must really love this place, Nakazo thought, he escaped his home and came all the way here just for this. He's going back though, he's mine. Nakazo took another step closer to the lizard, but his foot squeaked against the glass, causing the creature to turn its head as he spotted the ninja creeping up on him. It sprinted off the side of the Greenhouse, landing on the sand below and making a run for it. Nakazo followed it, dashing behind it and running across the scorched ground below. The lizard made to move down an alleyway, but Nakazo was ahead of it and threw a shuriken in it's path, cutting it off and causing the lizard to panic. This is my chance! He thought, it's now or never. Nakazo pushed off the ground and leaped towards Barnabus. His hands closed around the spiky, scaly body. Got him. He winced as the creature's mouth latched onto a finger, biting him in retaliation.

"Let's get you back to your mother, and get a bandage for my finger." He said to Barnabus as blood trickled down his hand.

666/600 Words
66 left over


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