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Sumiko folded her hands under her arms, sitting cross-legged on the ground with her back resting against a wall. Her eyes remained closed, tension building in her forehead as she attempted to think deeply about her current predicament. She had accepted a mission that seemed simple enough. Just find a foot-long lizard with dark green scales and yellow eyes. Considering that its color tone made it stick out from the usual tones of grey, tan, and brown on most buildings and streets in the village proper, she thought it would be a reasonably quick mission to complete. Considering that the sun had already traveled two thirds of the way across the sky in the time she had taken thus far, and had gotten no closer to completing her objective, Sumiko began to reconsider her options.

She knew that lizards, the escaped one being no exception, tended to seek out warm areas in the morning hours and avoid direct sunlight during midday and afternoon. She had searched many of the usual spots that native wild species would frequent, such as the marketplace and under foliage in the residential areas. She had already traveled quite a long distance, yet with the village itself being rather large and the possible search area expanding with each passing hour as the shadows began to expand, Sumiko realized that she needed to take a different approach.

She opened her eyes and stood up, swiftly jumping up to the top of the nearby building rooftop. Gazing out across the city, she reached out with her senses, attempting to identify how many humans were in the general area. Based on what she could tell, only a few people were currently in the city block, and those that around likely were indoors. She closed her eyes to concentrate and drew in a slow breath, holding her arms out wide before drawing her hands together, forming hand seals quickly.

"Sand Control Jutsu!" Sumiko's eyes snapped open as tiny grains of strewn sand began to rise up from the ground all around, floating upward toward her. She held her hand out across the village, waving the cloud-like mass of sand about and intentionally brushing it over the surface of the houses as it moved. Using the collected sand like a giant broom, she brushed it across the streets as she began to run along the rooftops, flushing out creatures hidden along the streets.

WC: 406

Chakra: 145/150

Sand Control Jutsu:



As she ran along the rooftops, her sandals landing lightly upon the tiles and stone ledges, Sumiko's eyes scanned the streets, watching for anything dark green... The corner of her eye caught something, and she swiftly turned, shifting her direction of travel before jumping across the road. She landed down, her eyes still scanning as she had lost sight of it for a moment before it went scurrying down the road. She quickly dove down, landing on the street with the cloud of sand following after her as she began her pursuit.

The swift lizard made a beeline for every crack or point of refuge it could come across, but as the veritable cloud of death closed in on it, the lizard fled in haste before finding an overturned crate. It slipped under it, trusting the sturdy exterior to protect it from the cloud. Unfortunately for the lizard at least, the crate was no match for Sumiko. She sprinted over to the crate, canceling her jutsu as she ran. The sand dropped to the ground all at once, coatign the street in a fine layer and piling up against the nearby houses as it slid across the street. She reached down and slid her hands under the crate, grasping the lizard with both hands as she knocked the crate aside. The creature turned toward her, tongue flicking out as it surveyed her in evident surprise and confusion.

"You're a real slipery one, I'll give ya that," Sumiko smirked, "I'll be sure to suggest to your owner to keep you under house arrest for a few days at least." Patting its head, she placed the lizard atop her arm and set out for the owner's house. A few of the local villagers, however, began to peek out of their houses, allarmed by the sudden rush of sand that flooded onto their front doorsteps. When they spotted Sumiko and her satisfied smile, they quickly put two and two together...

"Hey, you there!"

"Uh oh..." Sumiko's eyes widened slightly as she took off down the street in haste, the lizard in her arms giving her what appeared to be a satisfied smirk of his own.

[Topic Exit]
[Mission Finished]

WC: 368
Total WC: 774
Mission Requirements: 774/600


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