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Nakazo Ashitaka

Nakazo Ashitaka

Mission name: Earthquake Relief
Mission rank: C
Objective: Travel to the Village and help out in any way before reporting back to the Sand village.
Location: Sunagakure
Reward: 140
Mission description: A Village in the Wind Country has just been hit by an earthquake and the leader of the Village has asked for the Kazekage to send relief in the form of a team of ninja. The Kazekage needs a team of three (3) ninja to travel to the small village and provide any help they can.
Mission details: Minimum 1000 words, may be done solo. This mission will be where you will meet some grumpy old people and energetic younglings, handle them to the best of your ability.


Nakazo entered the missions offices and looked around. There were a few tables with some Jonin sitting at them, surronded by stacks of papers. A few Genin were working around the office, running notes back and forth, and sending messages between the tables. He had been sent here for his latest mission, a mission that had just come up within the last hour. Some tragedy must have just occurred, Nakazo thought, it could be days before a mission request was filled, but if the Kazekage was ordering this ahead of the rest it must be urgent. One of the Jonin at the table in the far back looked up from the desk, spotted Nakazo, and then began to wave him over. That must be for me, he thought, and made his way over, looking around the room as he did so. He reached the desk but the Jonin in charge looked to be in the middle of something, he was writing on a scroll and checking another scroll at breakneck speed, only pausing once to hold up a finger to Nakazo, then resuming his work. Looks like things are pretty hectic right now, he thought, I wonder what could have happened. Finally he was finished, he wrapped up the scroll, passed it to another Genin, and then began to speak.

"Nakazo, thank you for coming. The Kazekage has a mission that we would like you to take. It is of the utmost priority, and has been pushed to the top of the queue. An Earthquake has hit Salero this morning, and they need assistance and relief. We've already sent a few Genins ahead of you with supplies of their own, but there's still aid we have here that needs to be delivered. Are you with me so far?"

Nakazo nodded back, "I am, go on."

"There's a horse and carriage ready outside for you. You'll need to deliver the supplies to Salero, assist the locals, and then return the horse and carriage before night fall. Think you can handle that?"

"I can, sir. Thank you."

With that Nakazo exited the offices and went to find the carriage. He had been to Salero before, it was only a few hours ride away from Sunagakure, and had a reputation as being something of a resort village. People often took vacations there, in large part due to the small lake that the village was built around. It was certainly a rariety in these parts, and he wasn't quite sure the science behind how it was able to exist, but it was there none the less, he had seen it a few times with his own eyes. He made it outside into the scorching heat and found the horse and carriage waiting right where it should be. Nakazo gave the horse a quick pet along the head, checked to make sure all the supplies were in the back, and then hopped onto the seat in the carriage. He flipped the reins and the horse moved forward the only entrance or exit of Sunagakure. The carriage had an overhand of a white cloth above him that sheltered him from the worst of the heat, of which he was very thankful for. The ride to the village was uneventful, and eventually the sand dunes gave way to a paved path that lead to Salero. The lake came into view first, glimmering and sparkling from the sunlight, serving as a beacon to all nearby. He smiled at it's sight, a rarity in these parts. A few trees grew around it, and some grass could be seen, even at this distance. Clay houses similar to the ones in Sungakure surrounded the lake on all sides.

The damage sustained in the earthquake became clear as he reached the village center. Man of the buildings had massive cracks going through their structures. Some were even missing walls or windows altogether. There were a handful of villagers with injuries laid out on stretchers under massive tarps. Some of the tress near the lake had even been felled. The damage here was quite substantial, he thought to himself, Sunagakure is lucky we were spared this fate. He ordered the horse to stop, setting it down next to the lake so it could replenish itself. An old man approached the carriage then, and began to issue orders to Nakazo about the placement of the relief supplies. He must be organizing the relief efforts here, Nakazo thought, listening to the man. The elder was gruff and mean, the Genin thought based on their first impressions. And he's too particular about where these supplies need to go. The old man had the Ashitaka carrying boxes and crates every which direction. The food needing to be placed in a certain building and stacked in a particular order. The medic supplies needed to be placed under the tarp and arranged alphabetically. Dealing with the old man was easily the worst part of this mission, he thought, and he was glad when he had finally finished the task. When it was all said and done the old man gave a simple grunt and walked away. No thanks or nothing.

With the unpacking of the supplies finished Nakazo was able to move on to more enjoyable work helping with the relief effort. He started distributing food supplies to each family, going from house to house and tarp to tarp, feeding anyone and everyone. At one of the last houses he visited their were a pair of children, twin boys who became enamored with Nakazo. They were interested in becoming ninjas themselves, and they followed him around for the rest of his time there. They bugged him long enough that he eventually caved to their demands and decided to show them some of the things he had learned. It was only simple things, such a throwing a shuriken into a tree, but to the children they acted like he was a god among ninja. For those few moments he felt like the Kazekage himself. Finally the sun was starting to fall in the sky and Nakazo had to pack up before nightfall so he could make it back to Sunagkure in time. He bid the village and the villagers farewell and headed back to the capital, proud of the work he did today, finally happy to be doing something that mattered.

1068/1000 Words
68 left over


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