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1Peace of Mind [Ume / Private] Empty Peace of Mind [Ume / Private] Mon Nov 28, 2016 9:21 pm

Uchiha Susumu

Uchiha Susumu


Sacrifice Lake

The story about it spread nationwide. A lone shinobi who worked himself to death in order to produce a lake like this one. From the distance, at the bottom of the waterfall, a faint figure could be seen. A kid, who seemed lost in thought. His black hair, which reached down to his neck were soaked, as well as beads of water rolling down his face. In order to freshen himself up from his earlier travel from Kirigakure to Iwagakure, he put his head under the clear, sparkling waters for just a second to get rid of at least some of the dirt. His black cloak which he normally wore, was covered in leaves from his earlier expedition through the forests near his earlier location. It was placed on the ground next to him, leaving him in his grey shirt, black pants and the usual shinobi sandals. The sounds of the multiple waterfalls clashing with the surface of the water beneath it gave off a calm and peaceful feeling; as nothing else could be heard other than that. The water was so clear, you could see the bottom of it perfectly, along with the many fish, showing differences in pattern and color, swimming in schools and some alone.

The thought Susumu was being taken away by wasn’t a very serious matter, in fact, it was something very simple. He pulled the story of this lake through his mind again and again, though he couldn’t comprehend such a tale. To him, it seemed very hard to believe, thinking that the story was possibly just made to entertain certain tourists and just contain an emotional value. Something blown out of proportion, maybe. He couldn’t deny that this place was indeed amazing. He had always been one that wanted to take in his surroundings and enjoy it while they’re still there, since the future might not hold something that precious, anymore. Despite the legacy of his family left behind, what his father tried to conquer. This world. If the story should be proven true, it was a man to be respected, but still a foolish act nonetheless.

He shrugged off the thought. It was, again, his well-earned rest. He liked to keep it that way, leaving the meaningless thoughts behind. Starting by sitting on the ground, he eventually allowed himself to fall back, landing with his back on the ground and the lake on the side of his feet. It’s strange how, even though he’s just gazing up at the hole at the top, where the waterfalls poured down from, it could be this time consuming, without boring himself to death. Even Susumu has his peaceful moments, even though you wouldn’t see it all the time. His mind wandered off, remembering the people he had already met before. He once set out on his journey to find others to accompany him towards his goal, but that dream faded away and he was left alone again, or perhaps it was a choice he made himself, not even being conscious about it. That’s in the past, anyway. What the future holds for him, he’ll have to wait and see. He just wanted to see what this village had in store for him. It’s curiosity.

Word count: 544

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