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1Da Capo – Home Once More [Private] Empty Da Capo – Home Once More [Private] Sat Nov 12, 2016 12:59 am



The first indication that she was nearing home was meeting the bodies of water that surrounded her homeland. Water as far as the eye could see, littered with little islands across the horizon. Not to mention the soft layer of mist that rested gently in the air, hugging familiarly against her skin. Taking in a breath of the air of cool humidity that she had grown up in, Keiko allowed the first smile to touch her lips in days finally grace her delicate visage. As much as she loathed to have to come back against her will, it was refreshing to be back in an environment that undeniably went hand in hand with her very existence. This was the air she could breathe without the stifling dryness that put her throat in agony. The water that was readily available for her many water-based techniques. And the land … well, the land that she didn’t need to walk on.

It took only seconds for the ice to form, small crystals first appearing in her immediate surroundings, beginning with the bottoms of her boots. And then it began creeping outwards, a thin sheet of ice that separated the hyōton-user from the ground. Lilac eyes sparkled as the magenta-haired kunoich began running forwards, the ice moving like it had a mind of its own, always following underneath her, never breaking stride. Now she could move even faster than before, but but that wasn’t the best part. Reading the edge of where land met water, Keiko continued gliding right onto the surface of the water, bypassing the need to take a boat to get through to the village. It was thrilling how her chakra responded instantly to her. Gone was the exhausting feeling that weighed down on her with every burst of chakra used, gone was the resistance that used to disagree with every hyōton-technique she used. Her time in Sunagakure really did help her training, as tiresome as it was.

In no time at all, she had entered the village, with little trouble at all getting through security. After all, she was a shinobi of Kirigakure. Now … what was to be her first course of action? Common sense would be to report her return, but the resentment she still felt towards being summoned back instantly cast away that idea. The administration more than likely already knew about her return the moment she set foot on the land, and it wasn’t as though Ayakashi was here to scold her. Reporting to the office could be done later. Her intentions upon coming back was to see what was requested of her, maybe do a handful of missions to satisfy people, then return to Sunagakure. Nice, quick and easy. Hopefully. So if she wasn’t going to report to administration … then she might as well pay her parents a visit first. No doubt her non-shinobi adoptive parents would be overjoyed at her return, especially since she had limited her contact with them in the months that she had been away. Cancelling the Stage of Ice technique that she had activated to increase her travel speed and convenience, she opted instead to travel through the village by foot.

540 | 540


2Da Capo – Home Once More [Private] Empty Re: Da Capo – Home Once More [Private] Fri Mar 31, 2017 3:22 pm



A large house nestled itself between its neighbours, the size and overall grandeur outdoing its surroundings. While it didn’t necessarily compare itself to some of the mansions in the village, it wasn’t one to be overlooked either. The Kitahara family was far from the poverty line – Kitahara Heizo and Mariko were prominent figures in the merchant world for many decades now, and despite the fluctuations of the economy, their wealth remained relatively stagnant. The couple, in their late fifties now, left their business to the hands of trusted employees, preferring to spend their current days peacefully and without worry. … Something that wasn’t exactly ideal, given that they were two non-shinobi living in a time where wars were common and bloodshed became a part of everyday life for many.

Pausing just before the door, Keiko took a deep breath, letting the air back out slowly before reaching up with both hands to pat her own cheeks. While she loved her adoptive parents, Keiko was largely an independent person, and to some degree, being fawned over everytime she came home made her fairly uncomfortable. Reaching for the door, it came not as a surprise but very much a wave of exasperation that the door simply swung open. Despite her parents constantly worrying about their kunoichi daughter, they were always way too at ease with their own security.

“Hello? Anyone home? Heizo-san? Mariko-san?” A hiss came as the response, the only warning Keiko received before a black shape launched itself at her from the railing of the elaborate staircase. Claws out, the creature was clearly about to use Keiko’s face as a landing. The attack was interrupted as Keiko’s arm darted out to grab it by the neck, holding it gingerly in front of her, but safely away from her face. “… You’re supposed to attack intruders, not your owner.” Keiko muttered, scowling at the cat in front of her. Luminous yellow eyes stared back at her with a baleful expression, arms and legs now dangling limply as the large cat realized he wouldn’t be able to reach his target anymore. The staring match lasted for another ten seconds before Keiko smiled, scooping up her attacker in her arms for a cuddle. There was a yowl of protest, followed by the deep rumbling that couldn’t be mistaken for another else. The two had always had a love-hate relationship, but even the temperamental cat recognized that it had been a while since the two of them had been together.

“Yoru-chan? Who is it?” A soft voice travelled down the staircase ahead of its owner, and as Keiko looked up, her adoptive mother made her appearance. “Keiko-chan? Is that you?” Keiko smiled as she watched her mother hasten her pace down the stairs, not saying a word as she was embraced into a warm hug – much to the dismay of Yoru the cat. It was warm … It was a warmth she missed, unconditional affection that she had first experienced at age 5. Murmuring her greetings, Keiko allowed herself to be led into the kitchen – it was always a ritual where she would first be fed till she was fit to burst before being grilled on the time that had transpired during her time away from home.

554 | 1094

3Da Capo – Home Once More [Private] Empty Re: Da Capo – Home Once More [Private] Fri Mar 31, 2017 7:02 pm



Several hours later, Keiko had sunk herself into the living room couch, half hidden by a pile of pillows and the overly soft seats. Yoru was back on her lap, and after shooting her what could be interpreted as a warning glance, settled into a nap. By now, Keiko was joined by her adoptive father. She had recounted the events of the past month … at least, what she was able to share, which wasn’t much. Heizo and Mariko were used to this by now, and had resigned themselves to being relieved just to see that she was back in one piece. The conversation mainly consisted of her complaints about the heat in Kaze no Kuni, descriptions of the food and drinks she’s tried, and a quick show and tell of the outfits that she purchased there. There was no mention of the people she met, the missions she completed, and certainly not the fact that she had been summoned back against her will.

By now, the evening light had settled over the land. With no intention to move from her comfortable position, Keiko listened quietly as her father updated her on the going-ons of the village marketplace. None of which really piqued her interest, but it was possible to glean the overall stability of the village by observing how the economy was faring. Her adoptive parents knew she had little to no interest in their business; they had come to accept the fact that she was a kunoichi through and through. After all, she did have the Yuki clan blood running through her veins. Her earlier years with her new family had been difficult. Resentful of the fact that she had been sold by her biological parents, Keiko threw constant tantrums and gave her maids one hell of a time. Coupled with the fact that she had a tendency to release “cold flashes” when throwing a heated fit, many of the house’s delicate piece had to be removed out of harm’s way.

Thinking back to those days, Keiko couldn’t help but smile to herself. She had eventually come to love her new parents, though she did eventually insist that the petrified maids be released. There had been trouble as she neared the age to enter the academy, but given how unstable her control over her rather volatile kekkai genkai had been, her parents eventually gave in and reluctantly sent their only child off to join the others. They were unable to provide her with the support that other shinobi familes could give to their children, but it mattered little to the independent kunoichi. Family was family, and it didn’t stop her from becoming who she was today.

After her parents (and Yoru) retired to their room, Keiko found herself sitting outside on the roof of the house. The night air was cool and refreshing, the perfect level of humidity that made breathing easy. Swirling a finger in the air, the dense amount of water around her finger suddenly became visible to the naked eye, crystallizing into tiny solid forms and raining into her waiting palm. This was the environment she was born to be in, the land and air that supported her existence. Would she be able to leave again? And return back to the searing heat and stifling dryness of the desert? She had to. Right?

564 | 1658

4Da Capo – Home Once More [Private] Empty Re: Da Capo – Home Once More [Private] Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:51 am



Shifting so that she sat on a flatter part of the roof, ensuring that she was stable enough, Keiko crossed her legs and straigtened her back, sitting in what appeared to be a meditative position. Eyes scanning the horizon once more, Keiko eventually closed them, enveloping her vision in darkness. There had been something she had wanted to try since her volunteer services at the Sunagakure hospital. It had been risky then, given that the hot environment took such a toll on her physical well-being, but now … now it was simply perfect. A soft glow pulsated from her body as she began the usual fusion of fūton and suiton chakra, and suddenly, the air around her began to drop rapidly. Ice crystals began forming on her skin, giving her body a strange shimmery texture that spread and intertwined itself as it got thicker and thicker.

It took mere moments before the chakra expanded into a full casing around her body. Her muscles were locked into place, movement became futile. The whiteness of the frost faded from the block of ice to reveal a translucent 3D casing, its precious contents visible from the outside. And from the inside … Her mind was still active, but her body was frozen. This must be what it feels like to be hit by one of us. Keiko thought to herself dryly. How strange it was, to be locked in her own technique. But there was a purpose to this – Keiko was well aware of the defense properties of the casing around her. Although looking rather fragile, this one technique can determine the outcome of a life or death situation should she find herself in over her head on a mission. The inconvenice of such a technique was quite obvious even to an innocent passerby – this would drastically limit her movements to absolutely nothing. She would need to have a counter to get herself out of this situation, or at least a way to heal herself if heavily injured while hiding behind her newest defence.

Or she could find herself a partner to always have her back. Keiko never did well with partners, or squads. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been in a squad … but she did remember her most recent partner for a mission. That had been surprisingly fun, and she found that she appreciated his companionship even on missions. With a sigh, she dispelled the technique, allowing the glass to shatter harmlessly around her as her mind began to wander. I wonder what he’s doing now … Perhaps it was time to send him a letter. After all, she generally knew of his location, but he wouldn’t know where to reach her.

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