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1Carnivore[Private/Gen] Empty Carnivore[Private/Gen] Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:53 pm

Izuru Kurohebi

Izuru Kurohebi


[+18 enter at your own risk. Reading not advised for those below 18 years old]


They both came to an agreement. He’s been extremely nice to hair, and as she fell in love with him. They both decided; they were sick of this abhorrent life. They decided to commit suicide. The two had recently fell in love, and knew that more problems and sadness would come. They would die together. Live their last moments together. They would commit suicide, together. The girl was not sad, nor was she in depression. She was just fed up with everything, and it was then that she met this boy. They both decided they would live their last moments together. The girl’s name was Shirayuki, and the boy’s name is Izuru. 

They decided they would meet at dawn, and at dawn they met. On the roof of a building in the filthy streets of old Iwagakure. Izuru held her hand as she looked down. She then turned to him and looked at him speaking a single word as a tear streamed down her cheek. He placed his pale cold hands on her cheek before they both jumped. As they both fell, she felt something pull her from her hand. It was him. He pulled her from her hand as he placed her under him midair. He held the other hand, placed his knees on her chest with his bent legs, and left her with a grin on his face to meet her shocked face. What killed her was the murderous feeling of betrayal, she would die alone, betrayed, and be just another toy to the grinning bastard. It drove her mad as she screamed and struggled with her tears flooding her face, but it took only a second. They landed, and her body was crushed. Izuru was unharmed. He tore off a half torn arm, and pissed on the bloodied destroyed corpse. As he chewed on a torn hand he wiped his bloodied mouth.

“Rest in piss” A hysterical laugh followed his calm cold red eyes. He walked and stood at a corner as if he knew someone was coming. Someone did come. It was a woman of twenty years old running with a bag in her hand. Izuru pulled her back from her hair. “Hello!” He said ever so cheerfully as he took her to an alley where he informed her he knows what she did, thievery. He would report her should she resist, or so she thought. She agreed. He took her to another dark alley, and as she stood their Izuru rushed at her as he pinned her down and started touching her sexually, moving his hands to her thighs, licking her neck and leaving a peck. Running his hands across her body she spoke to him “That’s the price? You do know I work little boy… Sure I’ll entertain you. I’ll show you the adult world.” She spoke teasingly, and Izuru grinned as he rushed to her lips kissing her deeply. As she enjoyed a kiss, an excruciating pain in her mouth had her push him a little bit off her. She would look down only to find her mouth full of blood. She turned her gaze to the boy, and as she did he let her tongue fall from his mouth as he merely opened it. The blood flooded her face as he tongue slapped her face.

Terrified she tried to run, but it was too late. It was time to eat. As she tried to escape Izuru would rape her, and eat her alive. It took fifty minutes for him to kill her. He left another corpse in another alley. A murder, and a combination of cannibalism and rape crime. Izuru had yet another brilliant idea as he saw a little girl passing by. He crept behind her before kidnapping her and taking her to the thief hooker that was now a torn a part corpse. He glared with his murderous eyes as he smirked like the madman he was. He spoke to her one dreadful word"Eat" His mad eyes sharpened at the sight of her horrified eyes as she puked. He spoke reinforcing his order "Or do you want me to eat your mommy?" He ended his sentence with a hysterical laugh. Reluctant and afraid she moved towards the torn corpse gagging and crying already. Izuru was a nice guy and figured he'd help her out and as he extended his hand into the woman's supposed stomach, he grabbed a kidney he left untouched. 

He shoved into her mouth and resist she could not but pass out she did. As he enjoyed his torture a boy threw a small stone at his head. Izuru looked back annoyed as he found a gutsy boy challenging him. "Stay away from her. I will save her!" Izuru pissed off rushed at the boy and pinned him down from his head before continuously smashing his head against the ground till his head was crushed and grounded.

The young man moved back to the girl as she began regaining conscious he had the boy's spine in his hand. As she awoke he struck her in the neck wounding her till she bled her life blood. In his hand he gathered a bit of her blood that he slurped down his throat. As he drank her blood it was immediately rejected but he forced it in as it aroused him sexually as it flooded his Oesophagus, or food pipe, up. He decorated the corpses of the three as he place the small girl's arms in the woman's eye holes, and the boy's leg was stuck in the woman's mouth. Her torn open empty stomach held the girl's head as the boy's head was placed between the little girl's legs that were twisted three hundred and sixty degrees.

A terrified scream alerted the guards, and as the woman fell to her knees the guard puked from the horrible piece of art that Izuru created. The guard turned to the woman but she had already disappeared. He thought she ran away from terror, and called the guards to help him as he himself was terrified. The girl soon left the area and rushe to the wild west. Why? Training. He had to burn the calories he gained by his victims.He? It was Izuru. His transformation disappeared as he was sure of no one on his trail. The young carnivore began basic training. He then began punching against the ground and kicking the air. Improving his angle, his posture, and his timing.

Last edited by Izuru Kurohebi on Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:43 am; edited 1 time in total

2Carnivore[Private/Gen] Empty fasting. Wed Nov 02, 2016 9:09 am



the wind.

this gale that came from slightly to the right of that heat in front of him, the southeast, there was an off-ness about it. the normally clean zephyrs that so graced the wilds of the Stone and made him feel so hale were amiss. replaced by some gutteral masquerade. perhaps a dust storm? the mineralistic taste of the air was almost disgusting. a static to the void that he was resigned to, small specks rapidly blinking in and out of his non-sight. no, not mineralistic; metallic was the right word. a slight chill to his tongue, alike to when one would chew on a leaf of mint, as the wind again blew in his face, throwing his hair out of whatever array he had put it into before he had retired for bed. the moving air had echoed into those valleys of his outer ear's cartilage, penetrating to that strange inner part that few had ever even seen, though who wanted to see it was probably left unsaid if one knew.

he was seated; at least, his posterior was in contact with something and he was not on his feet. the ground served just as well as a place to sit as any-where, and he had only just awoken, in any event. there was not much to say. he was just trying to get back. no, back implied he knew where he was going, that he was returning. going anywhere at this point would be far more preferable than "roughing it", as some he used to know called it. he was at least resourceful enough to take off his sash as he was lying down; being undirtied, having lain atop his own chest while he slept, he could put it to better use.

the foliage here was rare; unstable ground was probably not the best place to lay roots, at any rate. the earth shifted with every move he made, which made sleep all the more a solace to him; tossing and turning was never a characteristic of his. now that he had had his reprieve, though, it was back to the facts. if he found even one piece of plant life, there should be some boon to it - at least during the slightly chillier season that nature and the weather transitioned towards.

pa-pa-pa, the dust rose and tickled his exposed ankles. even his light foot-falls disturbed this loosely packed soil, and the bridges of his feet detected pinpricks, yet they were phantasmal, only the stress of the bending in his feet's bridges.  truly not the place for someone so visually disadvantaged as he, thought Gen. thought the young man that was not on his two feet any longer. wssh-pum, lines streaking almost into his head from the far side of his void, yet as soon as they arrived to him a ring pushed them out so suddenly. pain, the only word he could use to describe it as his neck swayed his head back and forth. the reeling ceased only slowly. his breathing was what returned him to anything close to what might be called "homeostatic". back to his knees he went, those elbows and hands pushing against the horizontal surface below to return him to this bipedal norm.

that strip of cloth that normally tied 'round his waist for naught more than aesthetics was useful now, as he rubbed it 'cross the breadth of what he had run into next: the striations and jagged changes, yet abrasion. the bark of something. the leafage, this early in the morn, was rife with dew. soaking the piece of fabric thoroughly. by the time he had finished, he had climbed up a few branches; a hop, the ffffhh of the air rushing past his head sent tingles down his tongue. ripples as he struck the ground in a more...controlled fashion than his last one. last two, for that matter. he could only muse at the moment how he had a bad record with descent.

and as he went back and forth with himself in his own mind, that cool cloth rose with his left arm, bunched together. his jaw agape and lips parted, his other hand joined the holding one, squeezing and twisting at this thing rife with water. some might have believed that the earth country was devoid of any meaningful water aside from Giseinuma (犠牲沼), the Pond Built by One Man, and the river 'neath the Stone Bridge. but there was life to be found everywhere in Tsuchi no Kuni, and indeed where there was life, there was water.

that essence, a chill in liquid form, trickled down from his increasing grip onto his tongue. certainly not a large amount, at the very most it was about half of what one would normally have before supper. paltry sums, but they were what gave him the energy to press on. he had a few bread scraps and dried fruits from when he had first left....he couldn't have remembered if he tried. he knew what, who, and how, even roughly when, but the name of his village of origin eluded his own thoughts. it mattered little. he wasn't returning any-time soon.

after imbibing the last meaningful drops from that sash, he wrapped it several times around his neck. even in these cooling times, the sun, fiery ball as it was, could burn him quite easily. the wilds were harsh, and sometimes he wondered if people still fully appreciated that given these times where civilization and housing were very normal. he could walk quite easily, now, his de-hydration from before having robbed him of some of the energy he was still running on, or rather the perception of having energy. the dryness in his mouth faded slowly, and that irritation in his throat at least partially soothed. he even blinked a couple times, a few tears emerging involuntarily with his yawn.

he could now stretch, even going so far as reaching backwards and below on standing legs to elongate his sacrum. that was the bad part of sleeping on hard, nonflat ground, after all: the jutting rocks and random dips were terrible for the back. he was so focused on getting rid of that dearth of comfort that he did not register the fsss-whhp-pa of retracted and extended fists, the twisting of hips to power a moving leg, the return to a normal position. no, the taste of that sound, he thought, was just pangs of the dust that was probably in his mouth.

sorry for the lateness.


3Carnivore[Private/Gen] Empty Re: Carnivore[Private/Gen] Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:30 am

Izuru Kurohebi

Izuru Kurohebi

He escaped the sceneries he had created safely undetected. But what nearly gave the perverted murderer an orgasm were the reactions of the people. The mother’s that screamed and scratched their head till it bled from madness, hatred, and despair. The man crying over his lover that was a thief and a prostitute. Not only was his lover raped, but murdered and made an art piece. Multiple people began vomiting, and one of the mothers vomited over the scenery their child was in. It was funny, and pleasuring at the same time.

He was bored of cannibalism, however, the gore he spreads was nothing. The boy existed to spread far more gore. He would terrorize this world before he simply perished. The four or five victims he claims today are just another number to the hundreds he tortured and murdered.  Horrifically annihilating his victims, torturing them, disfiguring them, and making “art” our of them

He saw him there, lying so uncomfortably, yet normally, on the rocky ground of Iwagakure’s wilderness. The murderer observed the man silently. As Izuru glared at the man, a smirk tore his face. Izuru walked ever so slowly towards the man, and ever so quietly as his clothes would make no sound. Like a creeping shadow the red eyed crept closer and closer. The bloodlust within almost peeking out of his body.  Izuru would stop as the man moved and hide himself. This man, he was annoying the hell out of Izuru. The simple truth of his existence was annoying Izuru beyond logical reason. As a smirk tore Izuru’s face he moved in for the kill. Not even saying a word, now. Making his steps hearable.

“Such luck that you have. Too bad I have to rip you apart” A rush of adrenaline pumped within him prepared him. The man lying on the rocky fields of Iwagakure seemed like he’d put up a fight. The accursed black serpent would devour every bit of him and kill him slowly. Those with pride are the ones he loved breaking the most. Just imagining them cry and beg for mercy was far more satisfying than anything.  The pathetic destruction of a mighty foe was his ultimate pleasure. He loves breaking people, however, those types were his favorites.

He smiled as he simply walked toward s the man letting him within three meters to feel the wicked aura of a bloody Kurohebi. The bloodlust lying within Izuru’s veins, the filthy heritage from his filthy ancestors. He was cursed for his blood, and now he curses the world. He wishes one thing. Total despair and madness. The Aura gave the clansmen and eternal shortage. However, thanks to this accursed aura, they were granted dominance and were capable of transmitting their bloodlust. The young blood-lusting, murder-driven, despair-causing, and demise loving murderer let his aura wash over the man transmitting his own madness and desire to kill.

A heavy dense aura would surround three meters around the two as he smiled a gentle smile. It was unsightly, such a smile with such killing intent. The killing intent spreading from Izuru was intense enough to think that he despises a person, or lived his whole life for the moment when he has his hands chocking the life out of whoever his killing intent was directed at.



he liked the idea that he could just take it easy for awhile. surely he, perhaps if not deserving, could hope after a time of tribulation that he could gain some semblance of peace, or a lack of discord if not that. his body still ached so in those few areas; the small of his back, for example, where he had hit when he had tumbled down so quickly into the Cave Neverendless. he still cringed a bit when he thought about the situation that led to such a fate....getting run out of town. and for what? some feeling of superiority? the pack mentality wanting to push away those who were different than the norm? after all, did it really matter in the end? he was no longer in such a place. they had no bearing on him any more.

such was his pain, however, that he was taking longer with his stretches than one might usually. due to this, he was able to detect that faint smell of iron. there wasn't much else that human blood smelled like, after all. not to someone as uninitiated to its shedding as Gen, anyhow. even he had taken his tumble with naught more than heavy bruising; the water-smoothed stone caused not a drop to spill. his arms and legs none-the-less took the brunt of the damage, and one would see bruises amongst his limbs had he not covered them with garments and shoes.

there was little left to do, really. he knew it was there. she? he? they, for all he knew.

he reached above him, almost going on tiptoe, his arms raised above his head.

and he heard it, yes. footsteps. he couldn't ignore them in this place where there were only the winds and his breath. he curled his fingers of the left hand, the middle and ring, as he left the index and small finger stay extended, his thumb curled in; bird. that is, he heard the falls of feet from his right. he wanted to conceal this....

his next stretch: a forward bend, his open hands parallel to the ground in a wrist stretch; monkey.

then, slowly returning to a neutral standing position, he curled his small and ring fingers, as well as his thumb, leaving his index and middle fingers extended - ram.

all this, in the guise of stretches. he had to conceal this well, or he wouldn't be able to get the first move in.....if he even needed to get a move in at all. his last facade was to move that last hand in a circle, fully extended from the arm. that was the key....

he was not sure what was coming, no. but after an encounter with a sinister aura before, he wasn't exactly....comfortable with the idea of someone coming unannounced as such again. though...he could at least hear this one. and he had honed his chakra control since last time.

he wasn't just a defenseless bystander any more.

this, of course, might all have been for nothing. what if this presence was benign? would he need to use his jutsu at all? if this figure showed any sign of menacing, a shing or clink of drawn metal, or any other sound that might let on....he was ready. this person was already within a three meters' range, the cracking and crumbling ground lied to him not.

if he did find the need to defend himself, he would use that illusion that he had set up earlier. vanishing from the senses was a surefire way to confuse someone, and he had little doubt that he could draw his weapon after he got behind whoever-this-was. finding their neck shouldn't have been hard, he himself was of average height and no one could conceal their breathing that well....right? he ended with a chisel-bladed dagger to the person's throat, he would hope.

oh, dear, he was on edge. then again, the wilds were the last place he should have thought he could have been laid-back....


whether or not he had to take such action, these few words rang out from his mouth.

"what is your purpose, here?"

however, depending on the circumstance, they had a very different tone.

140/150 chakra.
drew the on-hand tantou, "shishiodochi".


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