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1Suzumiya, Sutaka [Tracker] Empty Suzumiya, Sutaka [Tracker] Sun Oct 16, 2016 3:05 pm



D-Rank > C-Rank


  • A Devil, A Pacifist, and A Beat Freak Walk Into a Bar (Completed) | Event, ft. Satoshi, Miki, Zinan, Tré
  • A New Introduction (In Progress) | Social, ft. Toraika, Misaki
  • Perks of Being A Wallflower (In Progress) | Social, ft. Anon
  • Lily Fields and Desert Sands (In Progress) | Social, ft. Midori, Rokumaru, Haruka #LilyBoyz

Missions 0/1 D | 0/2 C

  • The Search for Water (In Progress) | C-Rank, ft. Misaki
  • Straw Hats and Otter Tails (In Progress) | C-Rank, ft. Otter

Jutsu Trained

Items Obtained

  • 心火 (Shinka)
  • Metsubishi x10
  • Natural Armor
    - 12 pieces on different body parts

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