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1Iwagkure Mission Lot [Iwagakure - D, C] Empty Iwagkure Mission Lot [Iwagakure - D, C] Tue Nov 27, 2012 5:37 am



Mission name: Scaredy-Cat
Mission rank: D
Objective: Rescue the cat.
Location: Iwagakure
Reward: 60
Mission description: An old lady has a cat (I-ah I-ah Oh!). A dog from the neighborhood scared the cat on a particularity high tree, and the cat is afraid of jumping down. It's your mission to retrieve it. Watch out for the claws.
Mission details: Nothing special. You will find the tree, and must retrieve the cat by any means possible. Even throw a rock at it, and then catch it when it falls down is acceptable. The cat mustn't get hurt. 600 words.

Mission name: Academy Gang
Mission rank: C
Objective: Catch and stop a gang of academy brats that are committing petty crimes around Iwagakure.
Location: Iwagakure
Reward: 140
Mission description: Some academy students formed a gang and are involved in criminal light actions. They paint graffiti, steal from citizens and they have even been found beating up other kids for not joining them. Your mission is to catch and stop the gang by any means, force not recommended.
Mission details: The gang consists of five academy students, of which none is over ten years old. They have basic knowledge of the clone jutsu and each one of them has one kunai. The rest is entirely up to you. 1000 Wordcount.

Mission name: Fishy
Mission rank: D
Objective: Find a lost gold-fish.
Location: Iwagakure
Reward: 80
Mission description: A man lost his award winning gold-fish, it jumped out of his aquarium in a little pond near his house. There are a lot of fishes there, and he can't find his one. You have to retrieve the fish, he will give you a picture. The pond is roughly 1 meter deep, and 5 meters wide (circular). The water is very clear. As the fish is worth a lot of money, the man is prepared to pay a lot.
Mission details: There are plenty of fishes in there, and a lot of them look like gold-fishes. You will definitely catch at least two or three fishes that you think are goldfishes before the real one. 600 Wordcount.

Mission name: Kill The Boar
Mission rank: C
Objective: Kill the rampaging boar that's been attacking villagers and destroying their crops.
Location: Iwagakure
Reward: 160
Mission description: A wild boar went on a rampage and started attacking villagers and destroying their crops. You have to catch in, and then either calm it down or kill it.
Mission details: The boar will be found in the Wild West of Iwagakure. Required Wordcount is 1000.



It all checks out.

All Approved 1/2

Enjoy yourself.


Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

These are good. Approved.

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