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1Operation Spyro S-Rank [Iwa]  Empty Operation Spyro S-Rank [Iwa] Mon Nov 26, 2012 5:03 pm



Mission name: Operation Spyro
Mission rank: S-Rank
Objective: Capture Iwagakures Infiltrator (3000 Words)
Location: The Wild West in Iwagakure
Reward: 1000 Ryo

Mission description: The village’s Sensor Division have sensed a shinobi of Kage/Sannin level strength entering the village. Division sensed the shinobi with a particular weapon. The Kokutō sword that the sensor saw was seen producing lightning. The intruder was dressed like a Kumogakure ANBU operative but there are reasons to believe that the infiltrator and Kumo are not connected and the attire was just to throw us off. With that theory in mind the sensors believe that lightning is not his only element and a member in division also predicted water in his chakra system.

Capture and/or kill the infiltrator. Find out for whom he is working for and if you can’t, then kill him. Division said that this shinobi is strong so do not miss on an opportunity to kill if you would rather have the capture. The information of why the intruder is in Iwagakure is important but to get rid of an infiltrator is a lot more important. Not a lot is known about the ninja but one can guess that he is fast since he outran our Villages outer post. Being fast and a wielder of a sword you don’t have to be a genius to know that the shinobi is a Taijutsu and Kenjutsu specialist and with the elemental information it is marked down that he has the Lightning and Water affinity. No more is known from this point on.

Mission details: The infiltrator can be found in The Wild West, Iwagakure. He will find you while searching in the area at night to try and “take you out.” The reason he will give is simple, “So you won’t interrupt my mission.” The mission will be told only after you defeated him and interrogate him. The shinobi is known to be very fast and it is a fact that you will have a hard time keeping up with his speed. All of the shinobis techniques are based on speed with his sword and he will have genjutsu that he uses to help is sword tactics. The Kokutō sword is a black sword that has no reflection to it so the target will most likely be found at night where the blade is hidden. The only weakness to that strategy is the lightning element he possesses lights the blade when he uses elemental techniques. The {SPOILER} is a profile of the infiltrator that will not be known unless you defeat out of pride, he will say, “Know the shinobi you have defeated. My name is…” When asking for the mission objective he will not find it in himself to tell you so you must interrogate him, when torture seems sufficient enough he will say. “Team Tundra. They are coming. That is all I know. I am but a hired assassin.” After which you may kill him or return him to the village if you are to kind.

Operation Spyro S-Rank [Iwa]  2dvsp49


2Operation Spyro S-Rank [Iwa]  Empty Re: Operation Spyro S-Rank [Iwa] Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:12 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

I don't see any major issues here. Approved.

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