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1Doctor's assistant [Mission] Empty Doctor's assistant [Mission] Fri Sep 23, 2016 8:04 am

Sun Bulate

Sun Bulate

As we all know - it's common for Sun to go out and help in the hospital. She isn't assigned any serious work, but she does get to work with patients. She treats minor wounds and burns, apply bandages or other kinds of medicine. She doesn't crave to perform a surgery on anyone, but she would love to get more duties. And caring after babies last week was a poor improvement in her career.

"Sun, we need you to get serious this time," the doctor told her as soon as she casually entered the building. "You see, we are short on staff," he paused expecting the girl to raise an objection, "I know, I know, you were here last week, and you did a great job! Honestly! But now I have an offer for you that you won't refuse," only then the doctor realized that he sounded threatening, "I will offer you your own patients. No one will meddle with them beforehand! You get them all to yourself!" actually they didn't have enough workers at the moment to make basic diagnosis which they usually didn't let Sun perform. The doctor continued to explain the benefits of this offer: "You will have your own room for this period." but he didn't actually state for how long the Sun will have to work, "And of course we will pay you for this time."

Sun quickly agreed to this. It wasn't often that a girl of her age would get a working room in a hospital! She felt proud of herself. Not many visitors of Suna's hospital had offers of this kind. When Sun entered her appointed room, she was rather disappointed. It was so empty! It had wooden floor, a window and white wallpaper with yellowish spots and torn parts. For furniture she had a wood desk, two uncomfortable looking chairs and some basic equipment in a cabinet. Sun started her day by making her room come a bit more alive. She borrowed a vase from her colleague and put some flowers in it. At least now she had something to place on her desk. And this decoration really did make a difference of impression when entering.

Soon her first patient arrived as well. It was a middle aged woman. She was complaining about having headaches oftenly. And here Sun's mind went blank. She never had to treat something like that. All her studies - they only showed how to treat different kinds of wounds. And this kind of sickness - it wasn't a wound. "Ummm" Sun stuttered at first, but then she got an idea, "Are you getting enough sleep?" it wouldn't be a surprise if people came to hospital just to understand that they need more sleep. And obviously Sun was correct. The woman was then sent back home to rest after being instructed that an adult needs to sleep at least 6 hours a day and eat properly.

Then two nurses brought in a man lying on a stretcher. The issue here was obvious - a blood stream was leaking from his thigh. "He hasn't lost much blood, he came here on his own, but you ought to hurry!" one of the nurses informed Sun after leaving the man on the stretcher on the floor, and then hurried away. This kind of a situation was more preffered by Sun. Not like she liked hurt men, she just knew what to do. Without delay she started by cleansing the wound of dirt and bacteria that could've entered. Then Sun immediately applied a thin layer of bandages. The blood continued to spill out and color the bandages red. But this was just temporary - Sun then applied compressive bandages with some force. The man moaned a little, since it did hurt, but it was needed - no more blood was coming from the wound now. It was almost done, another thing layer of ordinary bandages were needed. After the man's leg was washed of all the blood stains, he was suggested to rest here in the hospital, however he wanted to return to his family as soon as possible. Sun allowed it, but only if he used the wheelchair and if the man promismed to not walk for at least next two days.

It was worrysome, that patients couldn't be put under constant care. It was so easy for them to repeat their mistakes and open up wounds. And next the room entered two kids. Two boys of age about 8. They respectfully greeted Sun and was quite surprised to see someone so young. "So what happened to you two? Don't you know that you should wait in queue one after the other?" To what one of them answered:"Miss, we apologize, but it happened to both of us.." it almost seemed like they were embarassed about something, "we hit out heads together very hard," finished the other one. Their guardians probably sent them here to check for a concussion. And again - Sun was clueless how to check if they actually had had a concussion. Instead she just suggested the boys to go home and rest. For next two weeks avoid physical activities and take naps regularly.

Sun was clearing up her patients fast. It was time to let the last one in. It was a girl about her age. Someone who Sun has never seen around. "Good day, I feel a little sick, could you just sign the papers so that I don't have to go to school?" the girl seemed very confident and didn't pay any attention to Sun's age. Sun was in a position to actually sign some things. Nevertheless, she didn't favour the idea of just signing a paper and letting the last patient for today to leave. "How about you first tell me what's exactly wrong?" Sun inquired although she already had found out that she wasn't well with fighting inner sicknesses. "No, no, just write that I don't have to go to school. I will get well just after a few days of good rest in my home!" she insisted. "Well, I will have to ask you leave then. This is a hospital, not an office where we just sign documents!" Sun wasn't getting ordered around. "Oh wow really?!" she seemed annoyed, "Screw you then, you are the one to blame if anything happens to me!" the girl stormed out of the room cursing Sun.

This was the last patient for today. The last one - the girl, who just wanted to skip school to attent a party or something, stayed on Sun's mind for the whole evening. Of course, it was wrong to just sign the papers and Sun was right there. But she still seemed rather bad for this incident. There were still two similiar days in front of her. Hopefully nothing of like will repeat.
C rank mission 1000/1000
Leftovers: 162

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