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Gin didn't even wince when the younger girl ripped the needle out of her leg. Pain was something she was used to. Besides, the girl had steady hands. The needle did no damage at all coming out of her skin. More than once she had removed a projectile from herself, only to have it widen the injury as it exited the wound. Sometimes Gin wondered why she had never really taken the time to learn at least the basics of medical ninjutsu. It was a useful skill, without a doubt. Gin then reminded herself that she didn't put in the time, largely because that would mean actively interacting with a medic, constantly learning from them and likely frequenting a hospital. She shuddered at the thought. Her pride and hatred for medics would never let her do something like that.

Gin nodded at Lin when she mentioned the adrenaline senbon. Gin braced herself. The projectile also hit her leg, the same one that had been injured a little while ago. Instead of healing, however, this one was meant to augment her body's natural capacities for a short amount of time. She tested it out, throwing a few punches and kicks to the air. She punched the ground below her, leaving behind a small crater and tried moving short distances. She was somewhat faster, though not at all stronger. She wondered if this would have any effect on her jutsu skills. There were a couple of seals that she had been meaning to try out.

She concentrated for a moment, creating the simplest version of the seal. It was meant to block out basic jutsu of certain elements. It spear around Gin. "Katon!" She called. The mentioned element was supposed to be blocked out. She tried to manifest a basic flame on her hand. It didn't work. Good. She tried to intensify it to see if the jutsu's strength was increased. A flame appeared on her hand. It seemed that her jutsu weren't amplified by the needle. She would try the more advanced version of the seal and repeat the same, just in case. The results didn't change.

There were only two more seals that she wanted to try anyways. She might as well practice those two as well. Maybe third time was indeed the charm. She drew a katana from her waist, its blade chiming and its rose colored hilt glinting in the sun. It had a long history and had been with her for over a decade. It was a gift from her now deceased husband - Uzumaki Trilby. He had fashioned it himself and given it to her when they had first gotten together. At the time, she had been catatonic and bedridden. She had recently lost her lover and the child they would have lost together. Her would be ex-husband had stood by her side throughout all that time, refusing to leave her even when visiting hours were over. That sword had been the catalyst to her mental recovery. It had also been the tool he had used to slice off the arm she currently held it in. Needless to say, it was a weapon that Gin respected. It had been a while since she had last used it, even though it was always by her side.

Before doing anything, she needed to create a shadow clone. Testing this on Lin at this point would just be cruel. It would be gratuitous violence towards a defenseless child, which Gin wasn't a fan of. Violence during her training sessions had to serve a purpose. The shadow clone appeared a few meters in front of her.

"Close your eyes, Lin, unless you want them burned out of your skull," she instructed. Gin closed her eyes and focused her chakra on the blade. It began to flash and glow. The jutsu itself was rather unassuming. All it seemingly did was that. Anyone who saw it likely assumed that it would add some sort of burning damage to a slice from the sword. In reality, what it did was place a seal on the cornea of whoever saw it. It was why she instructed the girl to close her eyes. She placed a seal on her clones eyes. She shot a stream of lightning chakra at its face. The clone stood perfectly still. The lightning's  effects were amplified, as the design of the seal allowed, but not any further. Before the clone exploded, Gin could see the third degree burns left on its face. Yikes. It really was uncomfortable watching her own face explode, even if it was just an imitation of her. At this point, she felt her body turn somewhat sluggish. This was likely because the effects of the needle had passed already.

She turned to look at Lin. "There's definitely a change in terms of speed. Strength and other physical attributes stayed the same. There's no effect on the use of jutsu either. Also, there's a bit of a side effect. I'm a bit slower now than I was before you hit me with that needle," she explained. "It's a good start, but you need to work the kinks out of it. The sudden burst in speed is good, but the loss of it after could get you in trouble," she continued. She smiled lightly.

"Good job today," she said, approaching her and ruffling her hair. Their training was done for today. The girl could relax for now, but there was a long road ahead for her. Gin wondered how far she would come. She certainly hoped that the girl would become strong. It made her think. If she did get stronger, if she achieved her goals of becoming a renowned kunoichi, would she be happy? Gin had sacrificed so much to get where she was. Of course, she was incredibly powerful and known for her raw physical strength and her prowess with the blade. Nevertheless, she had lost so much along the way.

She wanted to protect her from such a fate, one that would lead to unrelenting suffering. However, she couldn't choose for Lin. All she could do was warn her about what could happen, how her life could change. Her eyes softened. "You can take the rest of the day off. If you want, we can go have a drink in a bit. Go get changed, take a shower and wrap your wounds up properly. We can meet at the bar around 8," she offered. It was always nice to enjoy some downtime after a hard day's work. "We'll resume training tomorrow at the same time. We'll focus on your speed and strength. It's a less subtle form of training. You'll get to climb a mountain and a cliff with weights on," Gin explained, smiling devilishly. She was looking forward to this.


[Minor Elemental Seal - 750/750]
[Living Corpse: Limited Life Sentence - 750/750]
[Major Elemental Seal - 1500/1500]
[Fuinjutsu: Lightning Inscription - 1000/1000]




Lin watched as Gin did some basic movements and then tried some jutsu. Lin Closed her eyes when she was instructed to by Gin and smiled at her sensei's deductions. Perhaps she could perfect these needles. In any case, it was good that she got some feedback from her sensei. She wanted to go for drinks, so she piped up "So then I'll see you at eight!" She was excited to go out for a drink with Gin and couldn't wait to show off her new dress. She had bought it before meeting Gin, but perhaps she could impress her sensei with more than her talent or with her skills. Perhaps she could show her that she could dress to impress? Though she would be meeting with her sensei in her chibi form so she didn't know whether or not it would be a bad thing to dress to impress. Perhaps she would just dress up a bit? The blue dress wouldn't be too flashy she supposed, it hugged her form and was a pencil-dress but wasn't anything that was supposed to catch the eye too much. Lin enjoyed being pretty but didn't like showing off her scar so perhaps leggings? Maybe she could ask her mom. She didn't know who else to ask at that time. Sighing with relief she looked at the sun, it seemed like their training had gone on for a while.

What A Day...

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