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1Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Relaxing in the Water (Open) Sat Sep 01, 2012 7:43 pm



Ashi had been visiting this same place for a few days now, since she'd found it anyway. It was a rather large pool of water that was fed from the river. The water wound itself through the trees and underbrush to a large rock where it fell from into the pool of water that'd been made. Nothing better in Ashi's opinion then being out in nature, sitting in the middle of this large pool of water, with the sounds of a small waterfall behind her.

Ashi was dressed in her usual for days off; a black tank of some style or another todays being longer in length which caused it to go down about mid thigh, and a purple pair of shorts that went almost down to her knees. Her usual open toed sandals were back at the edge of the water where she'd taken them off before jumping over to the rock that sat directly in the center of the pool of water. Her dark hair was up in a messy ponytail to keep it free from her shoulders and face.

She was sitting with her head tilted back, enjoying the feeling of the warm afternoon sun on her face, and enjoying the peace and quiet all around. A slight smile on her face.

Akai meanwhile had placed her furry self in the shadows close by where Ashi had left her sandals and was seemingly passed out for the moment, or so it'd look that way. Akai was really just laying there with her eyes closed, also enjoying the peace and quiet that was all around.

"Nothing better then this...", Ashi whispered softly to no one in particular.

2Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:31 pm



“Maybe I’ll finally get some peace so I can finish reading this book,” she mumbled to herself upon reaching the clearing. She knew she’d been getting close, the rush of the water, the mist in the air, and the smell had all indicated she was going the right way. What she hadn’t been expecting however was to find someone else already perched in her reading spot.
She paused at the lining of the trees, a slender white eyebrow rising in her curiosity. The facial markings indicated what clan the other female was a part of and a mental guess gave her the rest of the information before she even had to ask any sort of questions. This had to be Ashi Inuzuka… She’d never personally met her before, but had heard some things from time to time.
She just watched the female for a moment or two, she seemed to be enjoying the quiet herself. With a shrug she finally moved from her spot among the shadows and walked over to one of the many boulders lining the waters’ edge. She sat herself down upon the grass, using the boulder like a back rest as she leaned back against it. Having walked with the book in her hand it was only a matter of a few moments before it was open and she was back to reading. “Should take them a little while at least to find me here…”, she muttered out loud, speaking more to herself then the other female.

3Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:42 pm



Akai was the first to respond to the newcomers presence, head raising up off of her paws and her nose twitching in the females general direction. The canine picked herself up at that point and moved slightly into the water, a noise much like a growl escaping her as she communicated with Ashi.

Ashi lowered her head reluctantly, both eyes opening as she took in the new females appearance. She’d already caught her scent when she arrived, but had honestly planned on ignoring her for the most part as she’d been rather enjoying herself. ‘Hmm… I’ve seen her before, isn’t she that albino Uchiha?’, she mentally mused.

Akai let out a few barks, still standing on all fours with her tail wagging.

Ashi snorted in amusement. “You just have to meet everyone you come across, don’t you?”, she asked Akai, her voice light and playful. Ashi shook her head a few times, glancing back towards the other female.

4Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:04 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"It was bred into her family line yanno." The male had floated into the pool by mistake; having been swimming a bit too close to the edge of the small creek that led from the river and into the pool. He hadn't really cared where he ended up that day; but he'd noticed the strong smell of Inuzuka when he'd surfaced for air the last time. Welp; this worked for him. Cousin interacti-... Wait... Uchiha too? Oh joy. It wasn't Naota, so he wasn't exactly sure how he was going to like this.

He lifted his head out of the water, golden eyes gleaming in the soft light. "So, what's going on here?"

5Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:15 pm



She looked up from her book, that slender brow rising once more in her curiosity. She took in the canine’s appearance for a moment before she reached her hand out, palm up, in an obvious open invitation for the curious creature to come closer if it desired. She kept the other hand on her book, holding it open with two fingers and her thumb. She’d almost glanced back at it when she heard Kenta’s voice.
Her gaze took in his form in the water and she blinked a few times. "So much for avoiding people, Amaya.", she quietly told herself before laying the book down next to her and closing it. The title was worn, but the way it looked screamed that it was some medical book or another. With her now free hand she pushed her bangs back and out of her face, revealing her red tinted eyes, such was the albino’s problem.

6Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:40 pm



Akai moved over to the Uchiha female slowly, pausing a moment to sniff again in her direction in an attempt to pick up any scents that went along with any sort of darker emotions. After the canine was pleased enough that the female had no ill will directed towards her she moved herself up and sniffed at the females outstretched hand before sitting there for a moment incase she wished to pet her. Akai's tail wagged slightly from side to side.

Ashi turned her head as Kenta floated in and she smiled a bit. "I noticed." She stretched herself out for a moment, groaning in the mild pleasure it caused after having been sitting so stiffly for a while. "I was taking a break, waiting for the last coat of paint for my bedroom walls to dry before I went back to push my furniture back." She took a moment to wonder if he'd even popped his head in to see exactly what she'd painted yet, she personally thought she'd done a very good job and painted the waterfall rather realistically.

7Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:29 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"That the only room you've painted so far, or do I need to update my insurance pictures?" His tone was light and playful; amused more then anything. Relaxed, as well; a rare day indeed. Things had been going well since the... removal... of the Headache.

His attention turned to the Uchiha a moment; checking to see if she was one he knew needed watching. Then he realized she seemed familiar. "You... You are... familiar. More so then the usual Uchiha looking alike. Who are you?" He was curious, intensely so. The blonde was NOT a fan of the majority of the Uchiha clan; however, he was fond of a few. She was unknown to him... but familiar all the same. Strange.

8Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Thu Sep 06, 2012 6:10 pm



Amaya hated having to introduce herself as most tended to give her a funny look at the idea of her being a Uchiha, but when someone like Kenta asked you didn't just get up and walk away, no matter how much you might have wanted to. So, while lightly petting Akai upon the head after being sniffed she turned her red tinted gaze onto the Hokage. "My name is Amaya Uchiha... you know my older brother Naota, I'm sure." She knew the two knew each other, she just didn't know how well. She tended to avoid pestering her brother with mindless questions if at all possible.
With her free hand that wasn't busy petting Akai she slid her book down in one of her many pants pockets, thankful that the thing wasn't as large as the usual ones she liked to read.

9Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Thu Sep 06, 2012 6:15 pm



Ashi chuckled a bit and nodded. "Yeah, just my room, one masterpiece at a time." She grinned playfully before turning her gaze back to Akai, watching her closely. She surely didn't not share her ninken's trusting behavior, let alone her social interactions, but she did share the same protectiveness that Akai felt over Ashi. So if that female so much as harmed a single hair on Akai's head she was more then liable to attack her.

Akai stayed there for a moment, allowing the petting before her attention was drawn to Kenta, one of her favorite people. She gave the Uchiha one happy bark as a thanks and then practically ran the few feet to the waters edge, sniffing at it and wagging her tail as she always did when she was overly happy.

10Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Thu Sep 06, 2012 6:38 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

That... made sense. Similar scents; more so then normal for just clan cousins. Good enough for him, as it meant he was instantly far more comfortable with her then most of her clan. Naota was the closest thing to a proper friend he had outside of his clan, after all. "Aaah. Wonderful; you and I should get along fairly well then. For all the hell I give your brother, he is one of my favorite people."

He whistled softly, hand lifting to wave Akai into the water. Playtimes? Playtimes. He felt like a bit of water wrestling, for some reason. "I'll stop by with the girls in the morning, cousin. They've been begging to visit."

11Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Thu Sep 06, 2012 6:57 pm



Amaya glanced up to Ashi, noticing the look rather quickly. She finished her petting of Akai as the canine wandered over to the waters edge. "Don't worry, I wouldn't harm her." She gave a light smile. She turned her attention over to Kenta and gave a slight nod in agreement. "I'm sure we will." She chuckled a bit. "I'm a fairly easy person to get along with." She watched Akai for a moment, smiling more at the canine's obvious excitement over Kenta.

12Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:02 pm



She turned her attention back to the Uchiha, staring at her for a moment before giving a light shrug. "I'm just a bit protective over her.", she said as a way of explanation. "My name's Ashi, by the way..." She figured she might as well introduce herself, she had a feeling she'd be seeing the female a lot more given the fact that once Akai decided she liked someone she tended to pester Ashi often to go visit that person.

Akai meanwhile all but dived into the water as she leaped herself as far in as possible without a moments hesitation before swimming her way over to Kenta and beginning to growl in an obviously playful manner.

13Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:54 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Yeeeah... he was definitely going to like this Uchiha. This long without ticking him off was enough for Kenta to know he'd found someone he could tolerate. Might even come to enjoy her company; if she was anything like her brother. His attention was split between the females out of the water and the pup swimming towards him. He answered her playful growl with one of his own; dropping down into the water until his feet hit a log that was submerged and partially buried in the mucky bottom; using it as a spring board of sorts (with some help from the repulsing effect he got from reversing the Hiding in Water jutsu) to launch himself up and out of the water; arcing midair like a diver to tackle Akai. He dragged her down half way before working to the surface; already wrestling with her.

14Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Sat Sep 08, 2012 2:27 pm



She chuckled softly as she watched Kenta and the canine for a moment, giving a light shake of her head a bit as a smile slipped across her face for a brief moment. She then proceeded to pick up her book, flipping it back open to the page she'd previously been on. She brought her knees up a little bit in front of her and placed the book on them. Her gaze moved back to the book, sweeping over the words except when she'd glance sideways from time to time to watch the wrestling match going on in the water. This was indeed turning into an amusing day for her.

15Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Sat Sep 08, 2012 2:39 pm



Akai was more then pleased with this wrestling match, as even underwater she attempted to playfully nip at any part of Kenta she could get her mouth close to, bubbles rising up to the surface from her underwater growling as she moved up towards the surface for air.

Ashi raised an eyebrow as she watched them for a moment, then shook her head. 'Always full of energy...', she thought to herself. She turned her gaze to Amaya, tilting her head a bit at the book now in the other female's lap. "Hmm... you must be that female I heard that's into all of that medical stuff, eh?", her tone was purely curious, her voice rather light and friendly. Obviously she was attempting to make conversation, something unusual for Ashi when it came to anyone not considered family. But, this other female had intrigued her, both in look and her actions.

She glanced over to the wrestling match once more and then back to the other female. "My name's Ashi by the way...", she said in way of introducing herself.

16Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Sat Sep 08, 2012 2:49 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta was happily busy with Akai at the moment; playful growls and laughs punctuating the air when he was above water. After a bit he rose fully out of the water with Akai almost curled around his head; lifting her up and over his head like a trophy.- I wiiiiiiin!~ -Aaaand TOSS! Right into a soft pile of leaves and moss; Kenta wasn't about to hurt her of course. He worked his way out of the water and onto dry land; shaking just like a dogs and spraying Ashi with cool water.- Aaaaaah.~ Much better.~

17Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Sat Sep 08, 2012 2:55 pm



Amaya turned her gaze to Ashi when she heard the female speaking to her. An eyebrow raised in curiosity for a moment before she nodded in response. "That'd be me." She smiled a bit, feeling almost at ease around this other female, therefore for no apparent reason other then that she felt the need to explain why, "When I was real young I was always sick, it's what got me interested in all of it to begin with." She shrugged a bit after that. "Then from there I just liked it even more because it intrigued me."

Kenta's movements out of the corner of her eye caused her to look over, and then laugh softly. Her face breaking into a smile as the first set of pure actual emotion showed instead of a blank emotionless mask that was usually present.

18Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Sat Sep 08, 2012 2:58 pm



Ashi tilted her head at the female, unable to help herself as she inhaled once more in the females direction... sickness did have a scent after all, as did those who were dying. "That's sad... and that must've sucked, being sick all the time.", her tone of voice showed she actually meant the words coming out of her mouth. She felt momentarily bad for the female... kids were supposed to be outside playing, not stuck in the house for forever because of some sickness. "Least something good came out of it... now I'll know who to find when I break myself training... or get broken.", she chuckled playfully.

Looking over to Kenta she burst out laughing outright... right before getting soaked. Didn't matter, she just laughed more which caused her to tip right over on the boulder and into the water beneath her. Bubbles rose up to the surface.

19Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:03 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"Che... sucks don't it? I spent... years in a hospital bed hooked up to breathing machines and junk. I feel your pain, there." He dropped to all fours as only an Inuzuka could; stretching almost feline-like for shits and giggles. He found a moss covered log and plopped down; spawling over it just right to crack his back and shoulders before he settled into comfort. "Naota never mentioned that bit. Then again, I didn't even realize he had a sibling at all; so what do I know, neh?" The blonde stared up through the breaks in the canopy to the clouds drifting lazily by, " So... any other siblings I should know about?"

20Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:42 pm



Amaya nodded. "Sucks is an understatement." She then watched Ashi fall right into the water and giggled a bit. These two seemed like they were definitely going to provide some entertainment for her. She then turned her attention back to Kenta, giving a light shrug. "Eh, I tend to not like it mentioned honestly... my sickness that is. People tend to think I'm not up to par when they hear about it. I guess they think that just because someone's sick it makes them useless.", the end of her sentence was said with a small bit of hatred and anger added on, though obviously not directed towards either of those two. "And he's probably never mentioned me because people tend not to believe I'm his sister... with my red eyes and white hair and all that." She gave another shrug after she finished speaking. "And no, just Naota and myself."

21Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:45 pm



Akai climbed herself out of the water, giving one of those famous dog like shakes that sent water spraying absolutely everywhere. She then turned herself around just in time to see Ashi fall right off of the boulder into the water. Akai made a soft whine of curiosity and tilted her head a bit to the side, waiting for her to resurface.

Ashi wasn't under long, as she shot herself upwards as soon as she touched the bottom of the pond like pool of water. She then swam herself rather lazily to the edge before getting out. Using her hands she rang out first her hair, then the hem of her shirt, and then her shorts. Catching the last part of Amaya's statement she looked at the female, eyebrow raised. "People tend to suck...", she said plainly.

22Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:57 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"Preaching to the choir. I hate most people, and they think about the same of me. That there wasn't backlash to my appointment to Kage amazes me even now. Sure; the little kids and stuff like me; but adults think I'm everything from a spy to useless. An Inuzuka half-breed with a wolf-dog that can't fight like normal? That's enough for the elitists in the noble clans to go rage-stupid. Add in how fast I skipped up the ranks... well; conspiracy theorists are annoying."

He shrugged some, digging a clawed finger delicately into his ear to work some ear-wax trapped water free. "Neh, usually by the time you make Special Jounin, they shut up about the sick thing; but seems they've taken a liking to tormenting you. Might hafta look into that... don't like watching my people being... annoyed, by idiots."

23Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:52 am



Amaya stretched a bit before crossing one leg over the other as she remained seated on the ground. "Most of them do suck," she said towards Ashi before turning her gaze back to Kenta. She shrugged a bit. "I just hate most people in general myself, too... most of them are just petty and undeserving of the good fortune they have." She shrugged again at the last thing he said. "I just think they enjoy trying to get a rise out of me, and it won't happen." She grinned a bit. "I have excellent outward self control, comes from years of having to show patience while stuck in the house all the time. But, if you can get them to cut it out it'd be nice.. " She sure wasn't going to pass up an offer like that, especially coming from someone like Kenta? He'd probably have them shitting themselves if he really wanted to, and that mental image as twisted as it was brought a bit of a smile to her face that reached the whole way to her eyes.

24Relaxing in the Water (Open) Empty Re: Relaxing in the Water (Open) Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:03 am



Ashi finished removing as much of the water as she could from herself before finding a nice sunny spot nearby to sit in. She'd let the heat and sun do the rest of the work instead of needlessly tiring herself out... Lazy Mode: Activated. She sat herself down with her legs straight out in front of her and her torso resting back on her hands that were planted, spread, behind her.

She listened for a moment to the conversation, brows furrowing for a moment. She looked first to Kenta, frowning slightly. "People really do suck." Oh sure, she'd heard what people said... had had previous bruises on her knuckles caused by her punching a fair few of them, too, especially when she was in school. She had no problem with Kenta, never had, and she sure didn't see why anyone else would.

Akai, who'd laid herself down next to Ashi, got back up with a soft whine at Kenta's words and went over to him, sitting down next to him, tongue hanging out and tail wagging. Obviously, without having to say it, showing she thought he was just grand.

Ashi then turned her gaze over to Amaya. "Maybe I just think differently then other people... but why would you pick on and torment someone who you might need to save your life one day?" She gave a bit of a tilt of her head to this question. She really did want an answer to that one, because it didn't make any sense to her. She sure wasn't naive to the world around her, but sometimes the stupidity of others confused her. "It just doesn't make any sense to me..."

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