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1Training in the Heat [NK/Private/Yang] Empty Training in the Heat [NK/Private/Yang] Mon Aug 01, 2016 1:14 am



Kaiya sighed as she stood atop a training post. It was a miserable day from the perspective of wether. But that was mostly because of where she was. This training area was known for it's harsh head and high humidity. Few areas were humid, but when humidity and desert heat mixed it was totally miserably. It felt… kaiya didn’t care to think about what temperature it felt like factoring in humidity. That would make it all the more miserable. Add to that the heat produced by physical activity, and person could easily soak their clothes through in sweat. Kaiya’s one saving grace today was that she was born in the desert. You get used to the heat. She was better adapted to it than some foreigner. And with that came experience. Experience to take steps to aid the body in its battle against heat stroke and head exhaustion. Kaiya’s first layer of protection was strong sunscreen. It might not help with the heat, but it was essential. Her second aid to her body was clothing. There was hardly any over her skin that was showing. This might sound paradoxical, but if one examined the clothing typical of many desert dwelling societies, flowing robes and the like were common. Partly that was to keep the skin from bueno badly. But form fitting clothing could trap heat near the body. Loose fitting robes and the like could not only give some shade, but promoted airflow and didn’t trap heat against the skin. And Kaiya had taken the idea to heart. Today she wore a long skirt and a loose fitting cami, with the thinnest and lightest of long sleeved jackets. The jacket wasn’t at all designed to keep one warm. But it gave her skin some shade, and was very flowing and loose as well.  A good kept her head shaded for the most part. While her face was exposed, she had made sure it was also covered with the strongest sunblock she could get. Both the skirt and jacket were a sandly white color, but they were accented by patterns of medium blue along the edges, and flowing designs along the middle. Her feet were covered in simple boots, again in sandy beige and blue. It was a common color theme for her. It went well with her eyes and hair. Her strange eyes all black with vibrant blue irises, and her black hair which shine blue in the light. Her hair was a bit long, and was currently kept in a high ponytail.

Kaiya sat herself upon the training post, legs open, not a particularly feminine lose but in the heat She didn’t feel crossing her legs was a particularly good or comfortable idea. Best to promote airflow. Time for a small break. Relax for a few minutes. Allow the body some rest. Given the temperature and humidity, constant strenuous activity wasn’t the brightest idea. And she had been at it for a while. Long enough that the sun was beginning to recede. And now was a good time for a break, before more training. It might start to cool soon with luck. But merely because the sun was lowering towards the horizon didn’t mean sunset was within the hour. Not at all. But… a few degrees drop wouldn’t go amiss. Kaiya smiled softly as she sat, her breathing returning to normal. She was on a solid runners high. It was always that way. Exercise got the endorphins running. The bodies way of coping with muscle pain and the like. It was hard to be in a bad mood just now. She felt smooth and strong, weary but relaxed and flexible. It was a good feeling. It made her think of when you slept and didn’t move all night. The way that first stretch feels. Slightly painful but oh so good. Her fists showed the labors of her training, slightly scuffed up from punches and kicks. But so did her elbows, feet, knees, and oddly enough, her forehead. Though the last was not visible, because her forehead protector was ok it's proper place today, not around her neck as it often was. To one who knew about various taijutsu styles these would be tell tale signs of Muay Thai. But as her feet, knees, elbows, and forehead were all covered, one would be hard pressed to see that they had been used for strikes in training, let alone guess the style. Not that her style was Muay Thai. Close, but not correct. As a taijutsu user, she spent many days training her body. More than any other specialization, taijutsu required harsh physical training.

Word Count: 773

Yang Xiao Long

Yang Xiao Long

Sometimes, some people simply didn’t give a frick.

Today was such a day for a blond of eighteen, her hair a golden yellow brightened by the relentless gaze of the matching sun above. Her right hand adjusted the scarf on her neck, an accessory of her clothing that she wouldn’t dare go a day without, due to the sentimental value it boded. Her brown jacket was ever on, hiding the small yellow top she wore that much to the tantalising mind. Hot as it may have been, Yang was already as dressed down as she would ever get, as she had ever gotten, and as she ever was, given the amount of skin she often showed for the call of attention. She wore black shorts that covered little of her thighs, though a small pleated skirt at the back offered some decency… or only sought to spur the imagination. Brown boots left footprints in the sand as Yang kept at her trek, heading for one of the closer training grounds to the village as the sun began falling in the distance.

Sunagakure’s training grounds, she’d learned, weren’t as well-marked as some of those in the other nations. With nothing but soft, grainy sand that flew with the briefest of winds, it was difficult to place anything cost-effective to mark out any lines for respective training grounds, except for the clay dummies or clay training posts that were submerged several feet under the sandy terrain, held strong by the weight of the desert itself as ninja came and went, practising their techniques and skills on any unfortunate clay object they could get their hands on. She herself was currently looking for one; while she didn’t exactly have anything to get stronger for, she wasn’t exactly going to run the risk of her younger sister growing more potent than she was during their time away from each other. Plus, a good punch and kick always got the blood flowing, and she always did love the freshness that came with her joints.

Reaching her designated training ground as marked on Sunagakure’s inner walls, she realised she was not the only one here. Well, of course there had to be someone else! It wasn’t rare to bump into others already using the grounds you wanted, especially with the sheer number of people wandering the lands, but Yang had wanted a little time to herself. Even as she approached the girl, sitting on one of the clay training posts, she wondered if she could simply double back and find another one, before deciding that she couldn’t be fucked to do that right now. Distance and time aside, the heat was brutal, and she didn’t want to sweat anymore than she had outside of actually flexing her muscles.

She approached the girl from behind, her footsteps slow and casual and most important of all, loud so she wasn’t taken as sneaking up on ninja. That was something people generally didn’t want to do. Whether the girl would notice her or not, Yang would speak up once she was two meters behind her.

“Hey, mind if I use this training area?” she asked, lips curved in a smile.


Sorry it took so long. I was busy with a project.



Kaiya listened as several steps, not nothing to try and be quiet, approached her from behind. Probably someone else was here to train. And perhaps they might have a harder time with it than her. The terrain was harsh enough, then with the heat and the sand… sometimes just getting to a safe training area felt like the training itself. The sand could be quite confusing. It blew around rearranged itself like an indecisive house decorator. Whole sand dunes might not look the same one different trips to the desert. The desert hand a habit of taking back what land was taken from it. To live in the desert You had to fight to keep the sends from overflowing your home. But, when it was your home,you got used to it. You adapted to the heat and the sand. That's how you lived anywhere really, you adapted to your home. Though perhaps the desert required it more than most places. She imagined there was hardly any kind of adaptation when it came to places like iwagakure and konohagakure… Perhaps one might need to adapt to altitude in some other villages.

Kaiya set her palms on the training post and pushed down, pushing herself up and sweeping her feet back into the post, before standing up. She was once again standing fully effect, and turned slightlyhopedee who had approached. Another girl, that was nice. Though she was a tad scantily dressed. Kaiya hopes she had not skimped on the sunblock. Anyone dressed like that was likely to get burned otherwise. And a desert sunburn could be harsh. Everyone who lived in the desert had made that mistake a time or two for sure. And typically were not in a hurry to repeat the expirience. ”Yeah, umm… Sure have at it. I can go find somewhere else I suppose. I come here often enough, shouldn’t be a problem at all.” Kaiya’s hair waved in a soft breeze and she popped her fingers slightly as She spoke, showing off her scuffed hands. ”Besides… I suppose if I sit around too long I might get lazy. Best I get up.” Sure Kaiya had hardly been sitting for long, but regardless. If wasn’t like she truly needed the rest at the moment anyway. She was warmed up sure, it not particularly tired, let alone exhausted yet. Though she might hurt a bit tomorrow.

Kaiya jumped down from the post, landing lightly beside it, her skirt and clothes settling a moment later. ”Oh, I am Kaiya if you want to know. I’ve just been doing some general training. I use a lot of taijutsu so… I have to train a bit more than some other genin. Or perhaps I should say, I need a bit more physical training. Not just training in general…” And that was certainly true. Ninjutsu users didn’t need physical strength. But it was essential for taijutsu. Everyone needed to be fast and agile. But those who specializes in taijutsu needed more than that, they had to be tough and strong. Kaiya shook her head slightly to herself to clear it and adjusted her belt slightly, then the harness on her back.

Word Count: 537
Total Word Count: 773+537=1,310

Yang Xiao Long

Yang Xiao Long

The girl clearly knew she was coming; Yang wasn’t really trying to hide her approach. The soft sand beneath her feet easily crunched as she stepped past, acknowledging her presence to every living being in a few dozen meters radii. The only thing that could’ve hidden the sound was when the heat got to one’s head, and that was very unlikely these days.

The girl seemed to push up on her position sitting on the clay dummy, before standing on top of it, giving her a significant height over Yang. It was slightly interesting, Yang supposed, how she opted to do that instead of just sliding off the post and addressing her as anyone else likely would. Maybe she was just playful or egoistic like that? Either way, Yang took no further note of it and instead crossed her arms in amusement, remembering that the act was something that Ruby was likely to do, followed by a small monologue about good and evil before the two would playfully descend into one of their many spars that had wrecked their family’s backyard and forced her father to fix the entire place up with no shortage of jutsu.

”Yeah, umm… Sure have at it. I can go find somewhere else I suppose. I come here often enough, shouldn’t be a problem at all.” Kaiya’s hair waved in a soft breeze and she popped her fingers slightly as She spoke, showing off her scuffed hands. ”Besides… I suppose if I sit around too long I might get lazy. Best I get up.”

Throughout her words, Yang took notice of her black sclera, one of the few things about her that didn’t seem to fit in the norm, while everything else about her, particularly her clothing, was little different from how people normally dressed in the deserts. Yang herself may have stood out if she walked about in the few villages in the Land of Wind, but altogether she didn’t give it too much forethought. Yang liked attention; attention was good. She wasn’t understand the traditional ninja that liked to hide every single point of themselves; argue all you want Yang just couldn’t see how it wasn’t just downright paranoid.

”Oh, I am Kaiya if you want to know. I’ve just been doing some general training. I use a lot of taijutsu so… I have to train a bit more than some other genin. Or perhaps I should say, I need a bit more physical training. Not just training in general…”

Before the girl could continue with her words or actions, Yang would speak up.

“Oh, you use Taijutsu?” she asked. She hadn’t met too many Taijutsu users; most people nowadays were too easily swayed by what chakra could do to focus on the limits of the human body; why train up your body’s limits when you could just easily use chakra and achieve the same thing? That being said, the presence of another Taijutsu user made Yang giddy for a spar. “That’s a coincidence, I use Taijutsu too. Considering you’re doing some training as well, I don’t see why we can’t just train together.”

She extended her right hand, her left falling back to her side. “The name’s Yang. Nice to meet you.”




Kaiya finished adjusting her harness and belt, and strted fighting with her hands, popping her fingers lightly, trying not to be annoying, but it felt good to pop them after all that punching and the like. A fighter's fist could get sore and tight. Stretching her hands out was quite helpful. ”Yeah.I use other things too of course… But my main strategy involves hand to hand combat, and the use of weapons that are taijutus based. I want to get a caestus someday. Or maybe some clawed gauntlets and review to add some extra punch to my punches, and a little extra kick to my… well… kicks. I don’t really have any sword skills to be honest. My boyfriend used a katana but… well… I’d probably just cut my foot off if I went swinging one of those things around.” Kiaya smiled in a friendly way… trying to be approachable even if she had a lack of trust for Yang. Kaiya hardly trusted anyone, let alone someone she just met. But she had this paradoxical combination of friendliness and shrewdness.  That  combined with another paradox, being pessimistic, but generally somewhat happy at the same time, made her a confusing person.

However… Despite all that… she hasn’t revealed anything of worth about herself other than that she favored taijutsu. And that much would be abundantly obvious if they ever fought. Granted… She might have gone a tad too far talking about her lack of skill with complex or large blades. But for all Yang knew, that was a lie anyway. What Kaiya did not say was that she used genjutsu. Nor did she say what her other skills were. Best to keep Yang on her toes.

Kaiya smiled again and stood up slowly on her toes, so that most of her foot was off the ground, and set her feet apart and facing away from each other, then eased down into an awkward, splayed crouch with her knees pointing away from her. She then stretched her arms outward, and popped her shoulders. ”What did you have in mind for training? I am up for some joint training. If your in the mood I could use a sparing partner. I haven’t really got to fight since… Well… my last major mission. If not I would be happy to train in any other way I suppose.” Kaiya said all this while crouched, her arms stretching forward and then backward. ”Sorry if I am annoying you. It’s always best to stretch before and after a workout right. Besides, us taijutsu fighters have to stay limber. And it wouldn’t do to sprain and ankle.” Kaiya stood up and relaxed her feet, so that she was standing on the whole of her foot, not just her toes. Warm-up and cool down stretching was just basic common sense. Everyone was taught that right? Going into intense physical activity without stretching was harder on the muscles. A good stretch helped them get ready. Whether this turned into a spar or just basic training with a partner, Best to warm up first.

Word Count: 523
Total Word Count: 1,310+523=1,833

[Note: Sorry for the delay... I have had a big upset lately... I got effectively kicked out of where I was living... Family drama... I...I wasn't too busy to post I just took a bit of a break to cool down.]

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