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1Feeling the heat [Training/Open/No kill] Empty Feeling the heat [Training/Open/No kill] Thu May 29, 2014 10:19 am

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu

“The weakest. That’s what you are. That’s what you’ll ever be!”
The rancorous laughter of the fiery demon echoed violently, shaking the walls of the dark cave that they both stood in. They tiger-like creature then bent down to devour Raishi, in his helplessness and fright. Then Raishi woke up.
It was still early in the morning, the sun not out yet to share its usual radiant smile with Raishi, yet he was drenched in sweat. He had been having these dreams for the past few nights, taunted and tormented by his inner his demons. He quickly jumped out of bed, mopping the torrents of sweat from his face with his shirt. Although he was utterly terrified by the haunting of his demons, he couldn’t help but realise that there was, in fact, truth in what they said. He was the weakest of the Kanetsu clan; the dormant volcano. He always knew it was true, and despite past attempts at correcting this fatal flaw of imperfection, he still found himself at the bottom. Always at the bottom. He clenched his fists hard, staring out his window into the distance. There, he could see the great volcano Xiuhcoatl’s Maw, owned by the Kanetsu. He needed to train, harder than he ever had before. I can’t be at the bottom forever...

With that, Raishi quickly dressed up, and sprang out of his home in a flash, determined to perfect himself. It had been ages since he trained, or even had any sort of physical activity. As he ran towards the volcano, the cool air kissing his moist cheek, Raishi could tell that he was terribly unfit. In the past, it would have taken him mere moments to easily get to the mountain, without hyperventilation, or even sweat. Now however, he felt the strain on his body, as he had to push himself harder and harder to increase his pace. The mountain didn’t seem to get any closer as he looked on, and Raishi was about to give up, already preparing in his mind to slow his sprint to a stop.

“What’s the point? You are the weakest and you know it. Embrace what you are! Slow down. You’re not strong enough for this!”

He heard the voices in his head, pleading him to slow down, declaring that he was weak and he couldn’t make it. Raishi could feel every muscle urging him to stop running, his heart demanding that he stopped. But he didn’t. He couldn’t. Instead, Raishi looked up at the mountain, determination burning in his eyes, as hot as the Earth’s core. I am not weak, I am strong! He thought to himself majestically, increasing his pace towards the mountain. Faster, faster, he willed himself, commanding his muscles to obey him, his heart to pump faster and faster. The mountain, initially small in the distance, increased in size as Raishi neared it, fueling the fires of determination burning in his heart. He continued increasing his pace, getting faster until he could accelerate no more. I will not stop until I get there!
Seconds afterwards, Raishi finally reached the mountain, and as he slowed to a stop in front of it, his legs gave way instantly, and he fell to the ground in pain. His muscles ached, and his heart beat was so hard, so loud, that it seemed to echo through the empty night. It was all he could hear in his ears, the frantic beating of his tired heart, all he could feel in his body, yet he kept a satisfied smile on his face. He was getting closer to perfection, and he would not stop until he reached it.

Shortly afterwards, Raishi began his entrance into the volcano. Although, before he ventured into the chambers of the volcanoe, he took off his shirt, so as to let the cool breeze to touch his bare body. He hated sweating, and his naturally high body temperature meant a lot of sweat, so he had to keep cool as best as he could. Even from the entrance, Raishi could feel the heat from the magma chamber on his skin, and he was drawn to it. It was one of the things that made him unusual; he hated sweating, yet the feel of heat on his skin was so...ecstatic. Like a drug. Finally there, he was nearly knocked back by the intensity of the heat of the volcano, he smiled as he breathed in the essence of the volcano, getting high on the heat.  He was in the magma chamber, a massive, circular room slabs of rock distributed unevenly amongst the sea of lava that lit up the room. Looking high up, Raishi could faintly see the silvery glinting of the moon, signifying the crater of the volcano. By  now, his body was already fully rested, his heart beat slower than before, and slightly less defined. His muscles still ached a bit, but that was no matter. It was time to run again.

Raishi walked up casually to the volcano wall closest to him, channeling chakra into his feet, like he was taught when he became a genin. He then closed his eyes, and took a deep breath in, preparing himself mentally for what he was about to do. He exhaled slowly, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he shot off, running fast towards the opening at the top of the volcano.

Total Words: 919
Speed: E-3 ~> D-1 (625)
Strength: E ~> E-2 (225)
Unused: 69

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu


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