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A ninja looks up at the top of the Kazekage’s tower, feet firmly planted in the sand. Their eyes are squinted, the harsh desert sun blazing high in the sky. It’s high noon. The stretch out a bit, yawning slightly. This individual was Chiaki Fukitsuna, a new genin to the sand village. Not too long ago, this odd person got their first mission. And quite a fitting first mission for them as well. Retrieve a cat? That’s quite nice and not too strenuous. So, first things first, the details. The cat in question ended up on top of the Kazekage’s tower. They had to admit, that was quite impressive, or would be if it wasn’t a cat. But that just makes the job even easier. “Right… First step, locate the cat…" Chiaki muttered to themselves, closing their eyes. They began focusing intently, before opening their eyes again, dark red and black where once was blue. The onigan activated, small black and red orbs began dropping from Chiaki’s left eye, forming into a small sphere in the palm of their hand. The colours of this orb began to shift, until eventually the pattern resembled the user’s eye. Raising their hand, Chiaki casts the orb off, the third eye floating up the tower slowly. Slow enough in fact, that to help pass the time of the eyes travel, Chiaki opened up the book they love to read, thumbing through the pages. By the power of the Onigan, Chiaki focused their attention both on the eye and the book, although not good enough on the book to read it properly.

Deciding that the book was a waste of time and effort, Chiaki put it back down, focusing all of their attention on the third eye for a clearer view. Slowly… Slowly… Aha! The eye reached the top of the tower, and lo and behold, the cat was there. A lot chubbier than expected, but I guess you can expect well fed cats from those who have the money to feed them well. With a sigh, Chiaki stepped towards the wall, moving the eye to ram into the wall, dispersing it. Focusing chakra into their legs Chiaki steps onto the wall. It was fortunate for them that they were decent at using chakra, otherwise this could be more of a hassle than it was already going to be. “Step one, done. Step two, walk up the tower…” they muttered once again, making their way up the tower one step at a time. Their eyes returned to the normal blue, Chiaki seeing no need to waste energy and effort as they made their way up the tower, just as slowly as the eye. Not because they had to be slow, but because it might be nice to enjoy the view. The sands and buildings highlighted by the sun, the crowds gathering and convening in assorted locations. It was an okay view. Maybe not nice enough to warrant how much time they were taking, but it was decent.

Upon reaching the top of the tower, Chiaki looked at the cat. It looked fat and grumpy. Putting their hand to their face, they groaned slightly. This was going to suck, wasn’t it? With a resigned sigh, Chiaki slowly bent down, arms outstretched, and scooped the cat up from the ground. Well that was easy enough wasn’t it? No, no it wasn’t, as Chiaki soon found out, and also finding a rather unpleasant scratch to the face. Wincing, Chiaki turned the cat around, the angry feline flailing its claws in front of it. Pressing the cat close to them, so it can’t get loose, Chiaki began slowly making their descent back to the ground. It wasn’t a nice walk back down, but at least it gave them a good chance to think. With the money from this mission, they could start saving up for a nice bo-staff. Practising with a long stick just hasn’t been very handy.

Making the walk to the cat owners house, Chiaki sighed, not wanting to let go of the cat to knock on the door. Unsure of how to go about it, they groaned, before smacking their head into the door a couple of times. The owners soon responded, and took the cat away from Chiaki, luring it inside with some cat treats. A bruised and scratched face, Chiaki bowed, turned, and walked away. They sighed to themselves taking their book back out from their satchel and reading it again as they walked off. “Step three… Rest…" they muttered once more, yawning as they made their way home.

765/600 WC DONE


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