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1Jiendo Empty Jiendo Sat Jul 23, 2016 12:02 am



Symbol: Jiendo T9OvUvk

Clan: Jiendo

Kekkei Genkai: Hakujōbatsu no Kyojin (薄情罰の巨人 - Cruel Curse of the Giants)

Elements: Doton (Primary)

Specialization: Taijutsu (Both Paths) | Ninjutsu (Hidai no To) | Iryō Ninjutsu (Gekido no To)

Location: Scattered

Clan History:  Long, long ago, before even the time when many of the clans had united under the various banners of the shinobi villages, many women very near to the area that would one day become Iwagakure began dying suddenly during childbirth. In almost all cases the child, sometimes suffering from varying deformities, all too soon followed the grim fate of their mothers.

For the children that didn't perish, some would say they suffered a far worse fate.

The children were born giants, many as heavy as eight or nine kilograms and in even rarer cases still, ten or eleven. Their skin was always a terrible dark grey, their eyes often a grotesque dull red. The mothers of such were often left sickly at best, sometimes far beyond the reach of any medical ninjutsu that could have saved them. These births quickly became considered a great and terrible curse, perhaps brought on by horrific misdeeds in the past or some other as yet hidden secret. This led some to even kill their children during the first few years of their infancy, an act committed by only the most cowardly and low of the families in the area, an act often met with banishment or death as well.

Those who survived grew immensely large and strong at an alarming rate during the short years before their teens, causing extreme pain over several weeks at a time in a process villagers soon dubbed the "hidai". This process was only ever broken up by shorter periods of incredible and violent rage, requiring families to literally tie the children down until the growing pains returned. After at least a year of this (sometimes longer) the process suddenly ended as soon as it had began. The children, now never anything less than at least six and a half feet tall (though more often seven or eight), quickly became scorned and hated by the villagers around them for both their looks and previous violent behavior. This eventually led to a great deal of animosity between the so-called "giants" and those who lived around them, even members of their own family.

To add to this problem the shortest members of what would one day become the Jiendo clan still possessed much of their childhood rage, ever lusting to spill the blood of those who would hate them. Only the larger of the group, those who rose to heights of seven or eight feet or more, were capable of curbing the anger bubbling away in their smaller comrades. Alas, this "cold war" state between the other villagers and the "giants" was not to last.

One fateful day a small group of people, intolerant of those who would differ from them and sick of living with what they deemed as "monsters", decided to "rough up" a lone member who had come to a stream to drink. When word of this reached the rest of the "giants", nothing could have stopped the rampage that followed. They quickly found and set upon the men who had committed this crime and reduced them to something barely recognizable as human, such were the giant's numbers and immense rage.

Of course, this was the final straw for those who had lived through the "giants" birth and subsequent childhoods. They rose up in great numbers and drove the Jiendo out of the area, chasing them far and wide until thoughts of returning would become but a distant memory. In order to escape, the "giants" found themselves forced to move underground, to take shelter in caves and hovels unfit for even beats to lay. In time, as the refugees gathered and became older, they began to dig deeper underground, building a network of tunnels far beneath the watching eyes of those who would move against them. The earth became their home and for many years to come the clan grew and prospered underground, taking the name "Jiendo".

In the more recent years since the last great ninja world war the Jiendo have begun emerging from their caves, perhaps sensing the peace that had overtaken the land. They sought peace to those that would do them no harm, having learned many ways to overcome their blood lust and size in their years underground. The clan was accepted, at least marginally by the denizens of the world above. They were offered sanctuary, and in recent years many Jiendo have begun shinobi training, but they refused to move into any of the villages that offered it. The earth was their home.

Kekkei Genkai Description:
All Jiendo appear as grey-skinned, red or white-eyed giants, thus it is extremely rare for one to grow to be less than six feet. All members have teeth (half an inch length) and claws (one inch in length) sharp enough to deal damage equivalent to a weapon that is one rank below their ninja rank. Characters in this clan must have these characteristics.

Hidai no To (肥大の途 - Path of the Swollen)
Those who embrace the Hidai are usually the largest among the clan, standing at heights of seven, eight or even nine feet. They embody the painful growing phase each Jiendo must endure during childhood, using the memory of their pain to fuel their strength and endurance. Thickened skin increases their Endurance by a total of +2 tiers. Due to their usually heavy weights and large frames, it's very hard to knock one of these buggers down. Knockback from attacks are reduced by 10 meters. If the knockback is below 10 meters then it's completely negated.

Gekido no To (激怒の途 - Path of the Enraged)
Those who embrace the Gekido tend to be the shortest of their clan, usually standing at about six to six and a half feet, but this is not always so. They embody the hateful rage that flows through every Jiendo during the breaks between their growth, seeking to bathe in the blood of their enemies. Upon getting struck with a jutsu of equal or higher rank (or 2 basic attacks of equal or higher rank), the Gekido enter Rage Mode. When within Rage Mode, their Strength is increased by a simple +1 tier. While Rage Mode itself lasts for a mere 3 posts, it can be extended by being struck with another jutsu of equal rank / 2 basic attacks, resetting the time limit and increasing their strength by another +1 tier (to a maximum of +3 tiers). While in Rage mode, the user becomes numb to pain while adrenaline runs through their veins. Their eyes also glow the color that they are, showing they are within the mode. Due to their ferocious ways, they gain a passive +1 tier to Strength.

Only one path can be chosen by any one Jiendo, mixing the two would only cause madness.


Hidai no To (肥大の途 - Path of the Swollen)
Due to their size, those of the Hidai can often be cumbersome and clumsy, granting them a -1 to both Speed and Reaction Time while also having to take Bulky (equaling -2 to Speed). This cannot be balanced with a Positive Characteristic.

Gekido no To (激怒の途 - Path of the Enraged)
The Gekido are brutes, truly alive only during the glory of battle. While their size allows more practical use of weapons, their immense inner rage makes them easily drove to rampage and gives them great grievance when trying to focus on two things at once. Cannot take a fourth element or specialization. Must take the special negative characteristics One Track Mind and Short Fuse, which cannot be balanced. Those along this path may only use the clan jutsu of their own path.

Genjutsu that make the opponent fall asleep as well as C-Rank Healing Medical Ninjutsu will instantly send Rage Mode to cooldown. It should be noted that while within Rage Mode, a Gekido may even attack its allies they make it feel even the slightest bit threatened. Gekido are also unable to take the Numb Negative Characteristic.

The minds of all of the clan are fragile things, due to what they had to endure when they were younger. This hampers the ability to focus on certain abilities. All Jiendo, regardless of path, cannot use Genjutsu or Fūinjutsu while gaining +1 Damage/Effectiveness from Genjutsu. All members are unable of taking the Frail and Agile Characteristics.


  • Koran, Zaiaku (Hidai)

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Hidai Path Techniques:

Gekido Path Techniques:

Common Techniques (Both):

2Jiendo Empty Re: Jiendo Sat Jul 23, 2016 1:30 am



Jiendo 2ryk94o

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