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1Ikaryū Clan Empty Ikaryū Clan Sun Jul 03, 2016 5:02 pm

Mikasa Ackerman

Mikasa Ackerman


Ikaryū Clan PA0QzIj

Clan: Ikaryū Clan [怒竜一族]

Kekkei Genkai: Dragon’s Wrath [竜の怒り]

Elements: Fire [火]

Specialization: Taijutsu [体術]

Location: Wanderer [浪人]

Clan History: Taijutsu. Underappreciated as an art, most ninja barely progress beyond the basics taught in the Academy, and then bastardising their personal style with arbitrary experiences congregated at progressive points in their lifetimes, without truly discovering the beauty of the physical body as much as immersing themselves within the fad of chakra. The Ikaryū were different. Having always been naturally more adept to pursue physical tasks, their bodies have only grown to adapt to their extensive use of their body, augmenting their strength even when they are depleted of chakra, allowing them to toil on whence others have long since keeled over. Renouncing the focus of the five nations on chakra moreso than their body, the Ikaryū wander the lands as with any other scattered clan: in groups and sections and small families, answering only to each other and no authority.

Kekkei Genkai Description: The Ikaryū Clan’s specialty lies in the versatility within their fighting style, both with and without chakra. Depletion of chakra from their chakra pool has a side-effect on their body; as chakra begins to flow in lesser and lesser amounts, their body begins to produce a hormone advocating their physique in an attempt to boost their fight rather than flight response.

As such, for every hundred chakra that Ikaryū clan members lose, they gain passive effects to their Taijutsu, as outlined below:

  • At sans a hundred chakra, Ikaryū clan members gain a fiery visual effects, such as but not limited to glowing eyes or a red aura. At this level, their Taijutsu strikes are augmented to cause shockwaves, extending the range of their basic strikes by half a meter. These shockwaves travel outward at a speed of ten meters per second.
  • At sans two hundred chakra, the fiery visual effects continue, and may grow more intense. At this level, Ikaryū clan members may move five meters per second faster than they normally could, while the shockwaves extend the range of their basic strikes by one and a half meters, travelling outward at a speed of fifteen meters per second.
  • At sans three hundred chakra, the fiery visual effects may intensify further. At this level, the additional speed boost is increased to a total of ten meters per second, while the shockwaves extend the range of their basic attacks by three meters, travelling at a speed of twenty meters per second.

All shockwaves may be emitted upon rapid acceleration of the limb(s) or upon impact, and extend radially outward, but deal damage of one rank less than they otherwise would with a direct hit, to a minimum of E-rank. 

All Ikaryū clan members must take the Fire Release element as their primary element, while taking the Taijutsu specialisation as either their primary or secondary specialisation, and begin as Wanderers.


  • The Ikaryū clan’s aversion to the Water Release element causes any Fire Release techniques they use to interact with Water Release techniques as if they were an additional rank lower.
  • In line with their dislike of Water Release techniques, all clan members receive one rank in damage greater if hit directly with a Water Release technique.
  • Due to the fatigue this hormone causes on the body, Ikaryū clan members will experience chakra exhaustion if their chakra pool falls below twenty at any rank.
  • Due to the obvious focus they place in training their body, Ikaryū clan members have little time to dedicate to the other intricate arts of chakra. As such, they must take both the Hesitant (Element) Special Characteristic and the Hesitant (Specialisation) Special Characteristic, which can be balanced by positive Special Characteristics.


  • Xiao Long, Yang

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: -

Last edited by Mikasa Ackerman on Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:34 pm; edited 6 times in total

2Ikaryū Clan Empty Re: Ikaryū Clan Sun Jul 03, 2016 6:17 pm




3Ikaryū Clan Empty Re: Ikaryū Clan Tue Jul 05, 2016 9:00 am




is ok


is ok


1/ "the chakra shroud outside their body can meanwhile be used to channel any E-rank technique, paying a flat five [5] activation chakra per technique, paid from their secondary chakra pool," - change it to costing their usual costs, OR at +5 additional chakra cost. I don't want this worded in such a way you would get E rank techniques which could cost more, for less.

2/ "Taijutsu maneuver is augmented by the burning flame of this technique, causing each maneuver to be empowered into an S-rank equivalent of a Taijutsu technique" - no. Too strong. Every strike could be considered no greater than a B rank jutsu, no more. Reduce your defences to 1 of equal rank etc. Offensive / defensive techniques can't have max defense. There's also some working on techniques that you may want to read out loud and revise. as its a tad difficult to follow.

4Ikaryū Clan Empty Re: Ikaryū Clan Fri Jul 08, 2016 7:10 am



Ikaryū Clan 2ryk94o

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