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1Unload Ship (D Rank) Empty Unload Ship (D Rank) Mon Sep 30, 2013 12:53 am



Ryuzame closes the door behind him, certainly he just leaved his home; running his hands through his hair while tugging the key out the lock, makes his way towards the gate. Pauses the second he hear the birds sing, looking up to the clear blue sky with the book covering his eyes from the sun’s ray; his shoulder lifted and settles into a sigh, “I have bad feeling about this..”.

Taking his time while he makes his way down the lane with his eyes close, he know this place like it was the back of his hand. Suddenly, he heard the birds again but this time, it sounds like a warming to the other birds to fly south. How could this be, it’s summer, he was sure that birds enjoy the sun like this or maybe something is coming like a storm. Who knows, what happens, happens.
Now arriving at the mission board; he randomly picks a D rank mission before he overheard a sailor talking to the assistants’ behind the desk, “Aye, we need a land dog to help us then we will pay.” Quickly placing the mission back on the board before making a attempting to step toward the door without the lady seeing him but he was just too slow as she call him back, “Don’t thing you can run from a mission Genin…Here.”, she said meanwhile she hands him a paper with the information written on it.

Mission description: Meet with the captain of the ship and aide the crew with the unloading of the cargo. Just be sure to avoid the mazes of ropes and such on deck.

Mission details: Anti-nausea pills would be helpful. Any damage to the ship is deducted from the award.

Location: Village Dock

After reading all that info, he started worry that he might damage the ship from the ropes and to the fact that he will lose his award from something like that, “You got to be kidding me..”, he told to himself. The sailor scans him from head to toe before turning back to the lady and said, “Dis lad looks feeble, and captain’ doesn’t want weak lad like him to drop the cargo or damage the ship”. After hearing that, he his fall into relief, it was better for him to do another mission after all, he needs to money to make his dinner. While he was lost in thoughts, the sailor search for something heavy box and toss it towards him, in the second he snaps out of it, he caught the box quickly placing it on the ground; that was pure instincts and reflexes. “Hehehe, I’ll take this one.”. Giving the lady the money before grabbing his arm dragging him to the village dock while he thinks to himself, “What did I get myself into..”.

Arriving to the dock: he saw a lot of man working, cleaning and others unloading the ship. One of the man stances out: Wears the merchant captain uniform; which tunic and tan trousers, a small pack on his belt containing a compass. He was definitely the captain here. The sailor looks over to him before shouting out, “Aye, Captain’, we got a ‘Shinobi’ or whatever they want to call themselves to help.”, the man looks over to his direction before replying, “Aye…Don’t let the land dog damage MY ship.”. The man tug him over to the deck, and explain to him what exactly he most do, just simply take up the box and place it over where the others are on the land. Without saying a word, look up at the sky before noticing the change of weather; it was cloudy. He figures that it was going to rain making the worst on him. He didn’t master his sealing technique to that extend, well, he was afraid that he might seal the whole ship so he decide to just carry up to at least 3 box at a time to finish the little 12 he must remove before the rain.

Now it was a race against nature. Packing the boxes before lifting them with his back, he jumped and land on the deck of ropes, shaking his feet a bit to avoid or untangle any rope that would wrap his feet that jump onto the land placing them in the spot he was told to. Continuing the progress until he was down to his final two boxes, the rain started to pour and he was exhausted. This is just another way of saying that he will need to train his speed. Skipping to the deck, a rope tangle his right leg, “Shit.” trying to shake it off before slipping and falling on his back, “Ouch.” As the captain shouts out from under a shelter “AYE, DON’T HURT MI SHIP!”, ignoring him because the ship is just fine, not even a scratch but on the other end, he was hurt as he removes the rope and leap on the land, placing last boxes before making his way over the captain. He was soaking wet as the looks at the man with a hate in his eyes. The man nods then toss him a mission complete note along with a tower, “Dere lad, ya mission is complete.”. He sighs before using body flicker to leave the scene now making his way to collect his reward.

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