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1Everlasting Alliance? [Mission] Empty Everlasting Alliance? [Mission] Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:00 am



Mission name: Drill Instructor.
Mission rank: C-Rank.
Objective: Run a class for some recruits at the Army Training Compound.
Location: Konoha.
Reward: 200 Ryo.
Mission description: The army wants a Shinobi from the village to run a training course on basic ninja formations and tactics at the training camp, so they want anyone to come as much as possible, they'll book you in for as many sessions as you want.
Mission Details: You should teach the samurai about basic ninja weapons, jutsu, styles and formations. They want to learn some tips from the warriors who rely on skill and finesse to hone their own martial strength.

2Everlasting Alliance? [Mission] Empty Re: Everlasting Alliance? [Mission] Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:02 pm



Wednesday afternoon, after Shihai has completed her last mission of teaching the Ninja academy students about stealth techniques, she waves them goodbye and watches them as they leave the army compound near the border of Konoha. She had asked that one of the students to take her submission with them back to the central mission building, since they were heading towards that way too, returning back to the Ninja Academy.

Shihai stopped to check her own notes. It had looked like she has one more priority mission with this same army compound. Just as well, since she was here around the area already, there was no reason to put it off for another day.

Shihai walks towards the camping area of the compound and was greeted by one of the officers whom she has spoken to before.

"Morning Officer." She greeted him politely. "Thanks so much for letting the Academy students to practice their stealth Ninjutsu here earlier, the students learned a lot from the real practice." Shihai commented.

"Oh, it's you again, was is Shina or something like that? And It is not a problem. The new recruits need more practice spotting sneaky Ninjas too, can't have them sneaking around the base undetected and do whatever they pleases. So it was practice for us too. So, seeing that you still haven't left even after all of your students left, I guess that they send you here for teaching drills again? How come they always send the same few Ninjas for this kind of things, I'm beginning to know your face at the pace of how things are going. " The officer commented in a conversation nature.

It was because it was a Genin mission so only Genins with nothing better to do would take it, Shihai thought to herself solemnly.

"My name is Shihai and is nice to meet you. There are Ninjas who likes some particular kind of missions, I think most of the Ninjas would like missions with a bit more fighting to it, so it was just us same few ninjas who are keeping taking the few teaching missions. Yeah, I guess if we came here too often, we would start to look familiar to the soldiers here." Shihai replied evenly. "Say, earlier in our Ninja Academy stealth class, the new army recruits did surprisingly well with catching the Ninja students, did you guys have special training for that?" Shihai asked.

"Well, they are not that good." The officer smiled at her cheekily.

"...yes, they aren't that good." Still there should be no reason that a new army recruit would be able to see through a form changing Jutsu. "I'm just a little surprised with how well the new army recruits caught on, their reaction was calm and speedily. Even for new trainees you guys have standards." Shihai commented.

3Everlasting Alliance? [Mission] Empty Re: Everlasting Alliance? [Mission] Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:03 pm



"Well, we do train for anti-intelligence gathering, not just against other village's Ninjas but against other nations' army too, and we have our intelligence gathering divisions, same with a lot of other nations that also have their own intelligence gathering nations. I'm sorry to tell you kiddo, that the time has changed, and Ninjas are no longer the only mobile combat units anymore. Nations are starting to have their own army powering up, and you best be prepared for that, didn't someone said before? The survival of the fitness, one cannot survive in this world if they won't adjust. But, that's all break time talk, we are here for business, you have a drill to run I think? What do you have in mind? Maybe we could work something out, my trainees just have their break too and they should be ready to go." The officer smiled.

Shihai nodded respectfully. The little conversation did not sit well with her truthfully, she grown up with the idea that Ninjas are the only fighters in the world, but it had sounded like there might be a little bit of unknown competition somewhere down the road, and she's not sure how well the Ninja world will handle that. But the officer was watching her and politely waiting for a respond.

Shihai paused a bit before answering. "Well, last time I run some basic drills, mostly stealth combat focused. So this time how about we do something with element? A mock fight should be good, I will adjust my chakra input and see how well the trainnes handle fire balls throwing at them."

I do need to show them something real, so that the officers don't think that the hidden leaf is holding stuff back, and to show them that the Ninjas are still strong. And at the same time, I need to see exactly how well the soldiers can fight against Ninjas.

Shihai narrowed her eyes.

......I will pull my punches, but I will fight seriously

...Wait...why am I thinking like that, the fire nation and the hidden leaf have been alliance since forever and they will still be alliance forever, I can't believe that I was seriously going there!

Shihai shakes her head to herself. "Alright officer, ready your troops, we can begin as soon as they are ready." she said to the officer.

"Ha, we are already ready. Let me bring them in." The officer went back to get the new trainnes.

Together the group went to an opening area, with forest close by to simulate how a Ninja could potentially tried to escape from the area, but mostly it was an open field and therefore limiting the uses of ambush and surprises.

For the most part, it was an one way win for Shihai, since her elemental Jutsu works well in opening spaces, shooting fire balls out can get a few enemies at once if she did it right, and lighting works well to keep enemies at bay, she didn't even have the needs to retreat. The new trainnees did not do so well but they are learning. Having concluded the lesson Shihai bid them goodbye and returns to the village for report. Even though it was a win for the Ninja, she can't help shake the feeling that their formation was just a bit to ready, the only reason she got an easy win was because she was so elementally focused. The formation would have worked on someone with a different specialty....

4Everlasting Alliance? [Mission] Empty Re: Everlasting Alliance? [Mission] Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:03 pm




WC: 1055
Mission: 1000/1000
no training

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