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1True and forever alliance [Mission] Empty True and forever alliance [Mission] Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:28 pm



Mission name: Woaaaaah!
Mission rank: C-rank.
Objective: Train some academy students in martial combat.
Location: Konoha Shinobi Academy.
Reward: 200 Ryo.
Mission description: The academy is running extra credit courses this semester and wants aspiring Genin and Chuunin to run martial arts lessons with the students who need to catch up.
Mission Details: You'll get given a group of young academy students and be expected to teach them martial arts. They don't fight fair and they're not really very respectful.

2True and forever alliance [Mission] Empty Re: True and forever alliance [Mission] Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:01 pm



"I'm not afraid of my own fire! A volcano is another thing entirely, I don't have a death wish! Now let me do another mission already." Shihai yelled in reply.

The frog jumps up and whacked her above her head. "Shush you! No yelling at the administrative building! This is an official place and must be kept quiet at all time! You youngsters need to show some respect! And besides, haven't you have enough for today? You have been running around a lot recently. " The frog tap its foot on the ground impatiently.

"I need more at least two more C level missions, then I can take a break....and I would be like, around 100 something ryo for spare or something." Shihai pouts and replied, rubbing her in head with her hands. She has been trying to save ryo for a pet for some time now, looking at her fingers, trying to work with the math and making sure that her calculation was correct and didn't make a silly mistake. She has been getting better and better at those solo missions, in fact, she would have say that even her own combat skills got slightly better off scene, even though she didn't really fight in a lot of fights. She's feeling like she was a better ninja than when she first graduated not too long ago, although arguably, her mentality didn't change all that much, still haven't seen the grave state of a true battle yet.

The frog rolls its eyes to the sky. "I have no idea what you are trying to achieve with all of these missions, but whatever, if you want to work, Konoha is always in need for more low level labors." Says the frog snobbishly.

"Hey! That is really mean!" Shihai says before raising her hand out to cover her mouth, almost forgot that the admin building doesn't allow shouting.

The frog shakes its head, and pointed towards the front desk. "I hope that you remember Nina this time, right? She did assigned the last two solo mission to you, and you ungrateful bastard owes her a thank you. You better go over there and say hello to her, who knows, many she has a few more. Better be quick about it, these missions come and go at a quick pace, if you don't get it somebody else will." The frog says impatiently.

"Oh! Yeah! Right, thanks! I will go say hello to her right now!" Waving at the frog, Shihai stand up and make her way to the front desk. The lady with pink hair at the front desk looked up and smiled politely at her approach.

"Oh, it's you again, you completed your last missions? You can hand in the report here." Nina says to Shihai, and the latter reached out and pulled out her note books and put them onto the table. Nina took over the notes.

"Thanks for assigning those missions to me, I really needed it, Nina right? Mr. Frog told me about it, thanks a bunch. Also do you have any more missions?" She asked.

3True and forever alliance [Mission] Empty Re: True and forever alliance [Mission] Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:11 pm



"Hm? Oh, it's no problem, we always need more people for priority missions, it was almost always teaching job too." Nina reached across the table and got the notes, looking over to check to see if anything obvious was missing from it, nodding somewhat satisfied with the work. "If you want more missions, I have only just two more for now and the two can probably work hand in hand. One is teaching the academy students, same class as the one you taught before. The school has requested for a field trip, stealth focused, location was said to be preferably along the borders. And the other one is teaching the fire nation army about stealth skills used by ninjas. Locations are around the same area. So you want them?" Nina asked, to which Shihai nodded.

Frowning as she accepted the mission and headed out to meet her class of Ninja students. It was weird that the two missions seems to pin Ninja against the army at the same time, assuming that the army finds out about it. But who was she to question what the higher up are thinking about.

Anyway, she met with the students and together they traveled back to probably some distance away from the army compound. Stealth has been around a lot longer than Ninjas, and that there are many different ways to actually do it. People without Ninjutsu sometimes wears camouflaged clothing and practice careful footings and how to move about undetected. Ninjas mostly worked the same, excepted that there are Ninjutsu that could help change outward appearance and there are Jutsus that allows for Ninjas to blend in with the shadows. All of those aforementioned Jutsus are Academy Jutsus that the students learned in class, but just haven’t mastered yet. So for today’s field trip, mostly Shihai asked the students to practice their stealth focused Jutsus more and she was there to tutor them on a more individual basis, trying to help all of the students to master those basic Ninjutsus.

Having taught this exact class before, the students seems to be more willing to listen to her now comparing to before, and they were able to make some progress on the Jutsus, however, things on paper are always different than in practice. So for the final part of the class, Shihai asked the students to use what they learned in class in a real life setting, she let the army officers know in advance about the little project and that the officers have agreed. The students are each to be steal a small food object from the army compound undetected and that they should give the objects back once the training was completed.

For the most part, the exercise went off quite smoothly, with a few students getting caught and some managed to completed the assignment, the rate of success is about 49%.

Shihai frowned, she was a bit surprised at how well the army trainee could caught a Ninja, but nevertheless she noted that down in her report and asked one of the students to take it back to the admin building on their way back to school.

4True and forever alliance [Mission] Empty Re: True and forever alliance [Mission] Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:11 pm




WC: 1048

Mission: 1000/1000

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