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1Between Ninja and Seijutsu [Mission] Empty Between Ninja and Seijutsu [Mission] Thu Jun 16, 2016 7:39 pm



Mission name: Safety Inspections.
Mission rank: C-Rank.
Objective: Test some new gadgets for military research and development before they get mass produced for field testing.
Location: Konoha.
Reward: 200 Ryo.
Mission description: Research and development for the military has invented some things, and they're not sure whether or not they want to spend the time mass producing them for field testing. They want you to take an invention or two and test it for them yourself and report back with your findings.
Mission Details: You get one or two inventions, they'll often be crazy and impractical, but some are brilliant, test them and report your findings.

2Between Ninja and Seijutsu [Mission] Empty Re: Between Ninja and Seijutsu [Mission] Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:23 pm



It was still Wednesday afternoon when Shihai returns from her spying meant, she returned to the Konoha village from her mission of testing the new and worst and undeveloped version of the spying or intercepting the enemy's radio signal device that consequently also can be disguised as a cell phone of some kind. Anyway, with her note book securely in her dark brown side bag, within the note book containing information which detailing the results of her previous two solo missions, testing the device for the Research and Development department of Konoha, and her notes of observation from teaching the ninja basics to the fire nation's army's new recruits. (None of which seems to be particular containing anything of value, since the device appears to be a very rough testing model for something much bigger and better, and the army recruits are just that, the very new soldiers, who will doubtfully get better in the future, so getting a rough sense of their present capability is way too early and is of very little value.)

Nevertheless, a job is a job and that Shihai was on her way returning to the Village. Although, she can't help but feel like she was only there to test out some rough models for something serious that would be used later on. She felt like that she has only scratch the surface of what was going on, if she ever scratch the surface at all. She felt like as if something was happening behind the scene, but it was hidden from the view of the new shinobi, so that the new shinobi would not know and kept happily in a bliss.

Thinking to herself, Shihai tries very hard to recall what she had been doing ever since graduation from the Ninja Academy, and trying to remember if she had encountered any hints of something bigger than happy go lucky life in Konoha. Of course, being only a Genin, she has not encounter anything dangerous. Shihai is a regular girl, although her family was slightly dysfunctional, such would be the normal story in the Ninja world, and that she had been studying the Ninja art same as everyone and nothing eventful had happened before she graduated from the Ninja Academy.

She graduated not too long ago, and since then, she probably have taken around one D level mission, which is transporting supplies to the Konoha army near the border. But there was nothing usual about it, since there has always been a base around the border as far as the recent Konoha history goes. Since then she did probably five C level missions. There was one about capturing a missing nin, who intercepted and released Konoha messenger birds, there was one from the R & D department, about testing out a device that intercepted with radio signals. There was another one from the R & D department testing about a potentially massive manufacture weapon of war, then two teaching missions, one about teach Ninja academy students about real ninja combat, and another teaching the fire nation army entrance level, basic ninja combat, with a side note from the Konoha admin staff to not release any truly useful information.

3Between Ninja and Seijutsu [Mission] Empty Re: Between Ninja and Seijutsu [Mission] Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:24 pm



Frowning slightly as she looked over her own record of notes, when she summaries the missions that she has been given (taking note that those missions are available to everyone), it had looked like Konoha was preparing for a war. But it could very well be, and it wouldn't have meant anything, since Ninjas by their nature are weapons for the shogun and the fire nation, and that they should always be prepared for war all the time, even if it was the peaceful time. Shihai has never been out of the Konoha borders before so she doesn't know about the current state of the world, and newspaper are not her thing, but Konoha seems to be pretty peaceful currently. She was sure that there was nothing really going on, she there are stuff going on behind the scene, she was sure that she would have heard people talking about it on the street by now. Besides, her parents and older brother have been Ninjas way longer than she was, and they would have told her if there's anything coming this way.

Nodding to herself, Shihai has arrived at the Konoha mission administrative building. Taking a stamp and waiting on her turn, she seated herself and begins to summaries her notes and write her report, when she noticed a frog jumping over this way.

"Ah, you are back I see. I hope that you completed your missions." the frog said.

"I think so? Also, who's summon are you? I didn't see anyone nearby?" Shihai asked in confusion.

The frog puff its stomach and throw her a scroll which landed on the ground in front of her. "I am no one's summon, I am a guardian of this village as much as any people and you shall respect me as such! Also, you see the scroll, it's a new invention, a timed automatic reverse summoning jutsu. If someone touches the scroll, they will switch place with a frog, letting the enemy to fall into a previously designated location and allowing a frog to take their place in the battle field, it has some risk but uses it tactfully, it could be very devastating. Go ahead, give it a try." The frog puffed.

"Switch places....can I ask where is the other location for this scroll?" Shihai asked hesitantly.

"A volcano. Isn't it obvious? What's where I live, you see all of this red pattern on my back? I'm obvious a lava frog." The frog replied with a roll of its eyes.

Shihai throw a candy at the scroll, which was instantly teleported to other places, what happened to the candy she would never know. "...the candy stand in my place, the teleportation only half worked, it teleported the candy away but no new frog appeared in its place. Anyway, I completed what you asked for so leave me alone." She said solemnly.

"Oh come on! Don't be a chicken, you are a Kimura, you shouldn't be afraid of a little fire! Jump in yourself!" The frog yelled.

"I'm not afraid of my own fire! A volcano is another thing entirely, I don't have a death wish! Now let me do another mission already." Shihai yelled in reply.

(OOC: I am so glad that no one is reading these things and allowing me to secretly throwing in background plot all over the place lol. next time i'm going to sneak in some background assassinations. )

Last edited by shihai on Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

4Between Ninja and Seijutsu [Mission] Empty Re: Between Ninja and Seijutsu [Mission] Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:25 pm




WC: 1069
Mission: 1000/1000

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