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1Ninja Art: Projectiles [Mission/C-Rank] Empty Ninja Art: Projectiles [Mission/C-Rank] Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:48 pm



Once Joruri had gone to the Army's Training Compound. He had only done it once before, but he had done other tasks for the Army. Mainly, it was transporting equipment to it's randomly sprouting camps. On one specific trip he remembered as to how he had been carrying military equipment all day long to two different camps and had even gone as far to sleep at one of them.

Rubbing his back while he walked to the building he was returning to, he imagined the pains that he had felt when he had woken up in the morning... Or was it the afternoon? All he knew was that he had been taxed that day, and the soldiers that were stationed there had recounted numerous skirmishes and battles they had been apart of. It was endearing to have experienced first hand what it was like to be apart of such affection among soldiers, and he could only hope that with Shinako and their other team mates they could form the same bond. I imagine it's because they covered each other's backs and fought side by side for so long. He shrugged as he was only mere steps away from the building.

He couldn't help but think about all the dangerous missions that they could potentially be going upon while with their sensei. He wasn't scared, not of dangerous missions, in fact they made him want to become a better ninja so that the day when the life threatening mission or decision did come, he'd be ready.

Stopping right outside the door of the building, he raised his hand and pulled the door open. The layout seemed slightly different, but it was probably a different colour of paint, and he continued to walk down the halls. Soon, he entered a classroom within the same wing he had taught the first time. Without hesitation, he entered to view the waiting class in his peripherals.

On his back was a bag of all the ninja tools he could get his hands on from his house and the Academy that he borrowed. A lot of them were simply props, and when he had gotten to the desk at the front, he placed the bag down, careful to keep them in the condition that he got them in. Not to mention, he didn't want to rip his bag, not all of them were props, and he didn't remember which ones weren't now that he thought of it.

"A shinobi has a multitude of tools. Many of them weapons," he said as he finished up unpacking. He wasn't completely done, but he'd get to them later.

"This for example, is one of them." He said picking up one of the larger shuriken as he turned to face the class. Drawing his finger across one of the edges to test if it was real or not. After he was certain it wasn't, he walked to the closest person. "Pass it around if you'd like." He shrugged, he didn't care what they did with it. It was a prop he had determined, so there would be hundreds of others at the Academy anyway. "It's one of the more basic projectiles at our disposal. It's thrown of course, and in that open circle in the centre of it, the user is able to put thread through it." He paused for a moment as he tried to track down where the shuriken was.

Nearly done it's full rotation of the class, good.

"Thread can be used to bring the shuriken back to you, to confuse your opponent and strike them from a blind side if they didn't take notice of the thread." There was a momentary pause while he turned around to the equipment strewn across the desk without any order.

Grasping the folded Fuma Shuriken, he smiled slightly to himself. He had his own at home, but he spun back around adapting to his previous neutral face. His.. 'teaching' face.

"This, is also known as a shuriken. It was developed by the Fuma Clan," he started as he started to walk towards the shuriken that had finally stopped where it had started. Grasping the shuriken, the student had raised their hands for the Fuma, and for a moment Joruri smiled and turned away giving him a look as if to say he couldn't handle that weapon. "Maybe next time."

Chuckles rose from the previously quiet assembled students when the boy's arms dropped. Boy? He's practically my age. He replaced the shuriken on the table.

"This weapon however, is able to be folded which is this form. And opened." He ended as he swung his arm in front of him, and the blades rotated into position and he held it in front of him for the entire class to see. "We ninja have techniques that allow us to transform, and substitute ourselves for a previously selected location. Although, some of those techniques have a size restriction when it comes to the item you're transforming into." He pointed to the other tools on the desk behind him. None of them were of a size with the Fuma Shuriken. "The rest of those weapons, aren't fit to transform into." He said as he held up the opened shuriken to his torso. "It just fits my torso, the necessary size for a substitution technique."

He glanced to the boy in the front and gave a wink to him. There was a reason why he didn't give it, it was because it was a real one. It was capable of cutting someone if they didn't use it properly, something he didn't want to happen in his class.

Turning back around to the desk, the shuriken slid back into it's folded form, and as he was about to place it on the table, he stopped himself and simply held on to it. "Come forwards and choose a tool, I'll teach you how to use them." He said as they slowly rose up from their desks and came to the table.

WC: 1039


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