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1Supply run [D-Rank Priority Mission] Empty Supply run [D-Rank Priority Mission] Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:29 am



Mission Wesker:

Aethir, walking through the administration building, pondered to himself. "You know, it's not often that a ronin of my skill level does these things, but who am I to deny army campers...?" he sighed to himself, people inside the administration building waving to him. He's become well known from doing most of these mission and staying in Konoha for some time now. At least they weren't suspicious of him anymore, having had helped them out multiple times. As he was turning the corner, someone bumped into him, a taller person holding a box. "HERE!!" he shouted, Aethir blinking at the man, slowly taking the box. "What's-"  "THIS IS THEIR STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM!!" Aethir blinked, slowly tilting his head.  "Okay...but why should I care...?"   "IT'S MELTING!!"  "AHHHH!!!!!"  "AHHH!!!"  "AHHHH!!!!"   "AHHHHH!!!!!"  "AHHHHHH!!!!" Aethir screamed, bursting into a sixteen meter per second sprint, flying down the hallways of the administration building. The ice cream belonged to the army campers he had just came from. Was this the supply run they asked him to go on? Either way, they best believe that this strawberry ice cream cone will NOT melt in the hands of the strawberry king. To him, it is like his child...slowly dying from the sun...

Aethir crashed through the door to the administration building, speeding like LIGHTNING down the streets of Konoha, making sharp turns and such. Dogs barked  as Aethir approached, soon whimpering as he stormed past, the whirlwind of dust following the ronin. Aethir gasped as he saw, ODDLY ENOUGH, people transporting a large glass wall from another store, stopping in his way to stare at him. The ronin skidded to a stop, jumping high and over the glass wall, bursting into his max speed once again. The two men carrying the glass pane stared dumbfounded, returning to their duty at hand. Aethir, spotting a pole on the corner of a Konoha street, grabbed and swung himself in the direction of the road, running...and running...and RUNNING. 'I can feel it...this poor ice cream is dying in my arms....because my legs are...becoming JELLO!!!!!' Aethir screamed once more, forcing his body to move faster than is should.

It wasn't long until Aethir was stopped by previous people he had met in Konoha, people he had done favors for. "Oh god. Hi. Um...I gotta go- OH GOD, HI TO YOU TOO- Pleased to see you too- Excuse me- Thank you, yes." Suddenly, Aethir  tripped, the box with the ice cream in it sliding across the ground. "THE ICECREAM!"  "Huh? Ice cream? Can I have it? Thanks!" a random little girl appeared, crouching down to the box, picking it up. "D-Don't! That's- AH!!" Aethir was now in a group hug with everyone he's met and helped out in Konoha, the ronin reaching for the little girl who is slowly opening the ice cream box. "IF SHE SETS THAT ICE CREAM FREE, IT'LL BE THE END OF ALL OF US!!" The people slowly looked over to the little girl, "NOOOOO!!!!" As if some sort of repulsion mine had gone off, Aethir forced everyone off them, the people flying  as the ronin suddenly sprung past the boxless little girl, who slowly turned to see him taking off. "My ice cream cone!!" the ronin glanced back at the screaming girl as he ran up and building, only to hop off towards another one.

Aethir came to a stop as he saw an old man slowly crossing the street. "Ah...a ninjer...huh~?" Aethir stared at the old man as he SOMEHOW decided to stop in front of him with his cane to talk to him, "I used to be a ninjer like you~! ...Until I took a darn arrow to the knee. See? Them damn bow guns all over the damn-"  "Sir, that's nice. Really, but excuse me." Aethir nodded, jogging past the man. "I say. I say. They used to shout my name when I was a comin'!! LEROOOOOY-" Aethir continued to run, still hearing the man scream his name.

Aethir was JUST out of Konoha until- "Good afternoon sir!" Aethir skidded AGAIN to a stop, looking ad a small skinny boy. "Could we interest you in some chocolate?" Aethir sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Chocolate...? What chocolate?" Aethir turned to a more pudgy ninja smiling. "Yes sir~! With or without nuts?" Aethir sighed getting HIGHLY annoyed. "Choc- I don't want- I wanna deliver- DAUUUUUUGH!!!!" The two smaller boys screamed, running from the ronin as Aethir broke into a sprint out of the Konoha gates.

He leaped through the trees, causing the branches to sway violently, leaping past some half-naked guy trying to swing on a vine. "Excuse me random guy." Aethir sighed, perching himself on the branch of a random tree. He focused, building most of his energy to spring himself past multiple trees, slowly bracing himself for the oncoming ground. He then knelt down, focusing more to burst at his max speed once again, seeing the camp in the distance. "There it is!!" Aethir smiled, rushing quickly, "I see it! The camp!!" he nearly panted, making strange noises as he skidded to a stop for possibly he last time. As Aethir panted, hands extending the box of ice cream, a cheerful little guy slowly reached for the box, opening to see a big pool of "Oh god, it's melted..." Aethir blinked, slowly looking up to the wide eyed young man. "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" the man cried loudly, Aethir running away before the little man shouted at him. "MY ICE CREAM!!"  "I KNOW!!"  "MY GOD DAMNED ICE CREAM!!"  "I KNOW!! I KNOW!!" Aethir cried, dodging the small guy's slow fists with ease. "WAIT!!" Aethir's eyes were wide as the man halted. "Maybe...Maybe I can fix this..."

Now gathered around the melted ice cream box, Aethir formed a hand sign, staring at the pink puddle. As he focused his chakra, the ice cream began to move, the small guy leaning close to examine it. The puddle slowly rose with the power of the ronin's suiton chakra, the puddle rising and rising in a stream to the little guy's mouth. Slurping the still cold liquid down, Aethir smiled to him. "Well it's not a water trumpet, but..." the boy sighed, then stared blankly to the guy. He had teary eyes, hugging the ronin. "Why...?! Why did the ice cream melt?"  "Because of the heat my child." Aethir, with an overly serious face stared down to the crying man. He looked up to the sun beaming down upon them with the same serious look. "Because of the summer heat from the sun..." he nodded as the man continued to cry into his side.

As Aethir stood up, he smiled down to the man hugging his leg. "W-What's your name, sir?" Aethir patted the guys head as he let go of his leg. "Aethir. Just Aethir." he nodded, slowly walking away from the smaller man, the man sobbing and sniffling. He extended his hand to who he now considered a legendary ronin named Aethir, wind blowing and the sun shining on him. "I'LL NEVER FORGET YOU!! AETHIR-SAN!!!" the voice of the man echoed past Aethir as he simply rose a fist to the air, the wind blowing his clothes to add one more level to his cool factor...

{Mission Complete}
Word Count: 1241
D-Rank Mission x2: 1200/1200

I'm going to hell for this mission attempt...

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