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Toraika was walking from her house. She sent word out to her newly assigned team to meet at the Tsumi Sand Grounds. It wasn't as deadly as the other places to train in Suna and she liked that. She wanted to gauge each and every students abilities. She left Ganto the day before and made him promise to not let anyone know of their previous meeting the day before and had gone home shortly after them having tea. When she arrived home her Mother praised her presence since she had forgotten to tell her she wouldn't be home the night before.

She took a shower and put on her normal clothes she trained and went on missions in. She brushed her long pinkish metallic hair and braided the sides of it to keep her bangs from her eyes. She knew the names of her students now but that was all. She didn't know their specialties or their elements or even their ages or ranks. She looked forward to it as she was the first one to arrive at their destination. She walked to a mound of sand and sat at the top of it. Using her wind manipulation to keep from actually touching the sand, making it appear she was sitting on air. Which technically she was. They had 15 minutes before they were late. They needed to be there at 6:00PM. No later If they wanted to make a good impression.

WC: 246



The moment he opened his eyes he was flooded with that strange and strenuous blend of emotions which he never really had to deal with before the previous night. The confirmed death of his parents, the introduction of a chapter in his life involving Toraika. The good and bad, the Yin and Yang. He didn't eat that morning. He hadn't been able to look at his kitchen without crying. Cooking was something his mother had taught him as a child. A binding experience they had shared.

He chose to strap his puppet to his back rather than seal it away with a technique, he wanted to conserve chakra for training. Training with his beautiful Sensei, Toraika. He had promised not to reveal anything about his former meeting with her. He would have fun pretending not to know her. His associates would never know of the relationship between the two, at least not now.

As he walked out of his home the sunlight beamed into his eyes, brightening his mood a bit. The village was blooming. He awkwardly navigated the crowds, weaving between them, starting people who happened to look at his puppet. He dipped and dodged people, finally arriving to the clearing where he saw Toraika. He smiled politely and made his way across it towards her. As he reached her he went to one knee and bowed, as if meeting her for the first time.

"Hello, my name is Ganto Netsu" he said sarcastically, offering his hand.

WC: 250(won't post this short next time/just slow tonight)



Heero yawned as the walk to the Tsume Sand Grounds came to a end. The sun was setting in the west and the sky was turning to evening. As he neared he noticed two people already here the first being a pink haired konichi and the other being a black haired guy. To Heero's disappointment the guy was taller then him. Walking up to the two his eyes widened as he seen what looked to be the Konichi sitting on air. He scratched the back of his head and looked at his feet. " He..Heero..." He managed to stutter out.  He hoped to make at least some impression but his shyness came up yet again.

(( Sorry its so short, next one will be longer.))



Kokoro woke up that day at 2:00 PM, writhing in a tangled mess of her black hair, a dabble of drool hanging from her lip. She gave a loud nasal snort as her eyes fluttered open. She pushed herself off the mattress and stretched her legs and arms like a cat after a long nap. She crudely wiped the crusts from her eyes as she stomped onto the wooden floor and stumbled her way down the hall.

After she donned her black hoodie, sweatpants, and purple cap, she awkwardly shambled down the stairs, zombie-like. Her mother, Hana, sat at the table downstairs, delicately eating her lunch. Kokoro avoided eye contact as much as she could, letting her bangs drop in front of her, and almost made it out the front door before Hana said, "You're part of a squad now."

"What?" Kokoro furrowed her brow.

"I signed you up. You're meeting at the Tsumi Sand Grounds at 6:00 PM."

"Mom, you can't keep doing this to me!" she shouted in a raspy growl. "I have a schedule and training and--!"

"No buts, Kokoro! This will be good for you."

Kokoro gave a guttural growl as she slammed the door, cursing and punching the air in unbridled fury as she walked down the village streets.


5:58 PM

Heading up the brick stairs after her afternoon walks, she could see a young woman with pink hair floating in the distance. She struggled climbing the long set of stairs, her legs like cinderblocks attached to them. Eventually she reached the top, and she saw the pink-haired woman with two other ninjas, her teammates, around who she believed was her sensei. She did not get a good look at either of them. Her eyes were down at the ground, and her gold yellow eyes were cloaked by her black hair. She removed one hand from her hoodie pocket and gave a meek wave before quickly retracting her claw-like hand in embarrassment.



Toraika was a bit taken back by the students in front of her. One she knew. He was goin to be a flirt and she knew it but she would have to do the best she could to stay professional. She giggled and brushed him off when he pretended to meet her for the first time. Secondly, there was the one named Heero. He was meek and shy. He seemed to mostly be amazed at her floating on air. She giggled at that too. Finally with a moment to spare, the girl of her team arrived. She was tall and beautiful, but gave off a tomboyish appearance first off. Being shy as well. She would have to end that quite quickly. She crossed her arms and allowed her body to stand on air in stead on sit. She strolled in from of them, midair as she crossed her hands behind her back innocently. Then she took the girl, Kokoro by the hand and pulled her closer, and began to braid her long hair. As she did this, she motioned for Heero to come closer and as she did, she kissed his cheek gently and motioned him to sit beside her. Finally there was Ganto. "Ganto, I need you to sit behind me and braid my hair." Those were the first words she said to any of them. No hello or asking of their names. Just a train of hair braiding with Heero sitting beside her watching closely.

She knew they would be confused and that wasn't necessarily her aim. But in her mind, this was their first test. Of what, she wasn't going to make aware just yet. She was curious to what each of them thought of her now. As she crossed her legs and allowed herself to barely graze the ground as she still floated but an inch from the sand. She smiled at Heero beside her and tilted her head looking at him, her fingers not stopping the braid technique. She had her eyes wide and her smile barely showing her teeth. She remembered the boy. She just became aware. She had met him before. She knew a hit more that she thought she did.



Ganto watched her as she tried to addle their minds. He had hoped she wouldn't forget everything they had discussed. He had been hidden away in his home STUDYING for the past few years. Not idling around. He wasn't going to be deceived by her odd behavior and would play along with her little game, realizing it was likely a test. She instructed him to braid her hair. He took a seat, legs crossed behind her, noting that she was basically levitating, he moved her backwards closer to him, and began to braid her hair. He knew it would be cute to see her reaction each time he would run his hands through her hair before he braided it.
His mind wandered as he performed the repetitive task. He was a more than capable multitasker though, and while he braided he closely observed the other two shinobi on his team; both were terribly shy, one of them stammered when he spoke, clearly unsettled; the other had a frightening looking set of eyes.

A good question for the time would have been.."what are we doing?" But Ganto knew not to fall into that trap. He instead spoke up, loud enough for the three to hear him.

"How is everyone today? My name is Ganto for those of you who don't know yet."

575 WC



Heero blinked as another shinobi entered the area, she was tall and Heero had to look up at her. Her gold yellow eyes reminded him of something although he could not place what. As she waved he realized he was not the only shy one of the group. 'Well at least im not the only one this time...' He thought as he looked around at the group.

It just got weirder for Heero as the pink haired girl pulled the tall one in and started braiding her hair, what happened next confused him even more as she motioned him closer. Heero looked around for a second and then pointed to his face. " mean mme?" He asked. He knew it was him she called over it was just a shock to be called out without the warning, however, that was nothing to what her next move was. Just as Heero was almost to her she leaned in and kissed his cheek. Heero's mind almost stopped as the blush quickly spread across his face. He was brought back to reality when she motioned him to sit next to her. 'Man oh man what did I get myself into now?' He said to himself in his mind. The dropping temperature of the desert night did nothing to cool the heat from his face as the others began braiding hair. His hair was back in a pony tail so he hoped they would over look him.

Judging from how in control the pink haired girl was it was safe to assume she was the sensei of the squad. He pondered at the thought as she smiled at him, had he met her before? and why did he have a sinking feeling in his gut? Ether way it was time to at least try to say something. Just as he was about to open his mouth the guy beat him to it.

"How is everyone today? My name is Ganto for those of you who don't know yet."

Heero cocked his head, the guy was laid back for what he could tell. He shifted a little under her gaze as he worked up the courage to talk. "Soo wh..who are you?" He asked the two konichi.



(OOC: Sorry it took so long. I'm traveling by train, so I did this on my phone. Lol)

Kokoro glanced up briefly, her long, black hair acting as a veil. Reluctant as she was, she gave into her curiosity and gave a cursory glance to her new squadmates. There was a boy who looked eerily like her: black unkempt hair with pale skin. His eyes were dark with bags underneath, and they had this surreal magnetism to them as he stared. She quickly shifted her gaze away to a much shorter boy who would probably come up to Kokoro's chest, but his desert camo hakama and sword around his waist gave him the appearance of a skilled warrior and an imposing aura. His demeanor, however, was idiosyncratic to his attire; he was just as nervous and shy as Kokoro. It was comforting, in a way, to know that she was not the odd one out for once. Maybe... she thought, they aren't so different from me.... Like a sliver of sunlight in a storm, a shred of optimism creeped out of Kokoro's heart.

Her gaze then shifted to her sensei. She flipped the stray strands of hair from out of her line of sight and saw her sensei, and she was taken aback from how beautiful she was. Lengthy pink hair, luminous green-blue eyes, black thigh highs, and a skirt. Kokoro simply stared.

Snapping herself back to reality, she realized that the pink-haired girl was floating her way. She hesitantly stepped back; her fists tightened and her arms raised, but she had no impetus to act, so she stood frozen just watching her sensei gracefully floating around her. Then, when she was out of her line of sight, she felt a short pull in the back of her head. Kokoro's eyes widened, and she flinched."What are you--?" she exclaimed as she turned behind her. From the corner of her eye, she saw her sensei gleefully braiding Kokoro's wild hair. Her heart raced as an inkling of panic crawled beneath her skin. "S-stop. Please stop..." she whispered weakly. As much as she hated to admit it, she actually welcomed this unexpected action. Her mind drifted back to when her mother used to braid her hair when she was a child and when she would whisper in her ear that she looked beautiful today, as always. Her mind swam in the arisen memories. The gentle feeling of strand after strand if hair being looped together in addition to the evening sun beating down on her and the humidity that enveloped her made every single muscle in her body feel weightless. She slowly began to close her eyes, and her lips began to part in a toothy smile.

"How is everyone today? My name is Ganto for those of you who don't know yet."

Kokoro blinked and yanked her head to turn behind her. Her squad formed a line behind her, braiding her sensei's hair. She turned back around and sulked her head, trying to break through her mind's walls and retrieve her childhood memories again, but all it did was make her fist flex again.

"Soo wh...who are you?" a different voice asked.

Kokoro connected the nervousness of the voice behind her to her squadmate in the hakama. She looked down on the floor as she practically mumbled in a rasp, "Kokoro..." She stopped herself there, too embarrassed to mention her clan name.
"Just... Kokoro." In the awkward silence that followed, she blurted a little louder. "I-Is this part if ninja training? Do Jōnin do this often?"



Toraika was giggling as her hands got to the bottom of the girls hair. She tied it in a way so the braid did now come down and felt behind her as her braid was done as well, not as neatly, being a boy braided her hair, but still her hair was out of her face. She looked beside her to Heero. He still was nervous. His voice soft and stuttering. Behind her, Ganto who happened to be the only one to open up to her dismay. Finally the beautiful unique girl in front of her. She was asking too many questions that Toraika wasn't going to give full answers too yet. "Well no, I don't think so anyway... Jounins are typically too serious I'm afraid.." She giggled again as she floated backwards to look at her team who were all a bit confused still.

"So as you may have realized I'm Yoisha, Toraika. Your sensei. I won't let any harm be brought to you under my watch, but that goes both ways. Don't get yourself into trouble either. I like a different teaching approach. It will be eye opening and thorough yet eventful. So far, as a whole you aren't doing too well on my first test. But I haven't given up on you just yet." As she spoke she floated backwards a few inches before she made a few hand signs behind her back, and allowed her hands to prepare for her Jutsu. Finally, she clapped innocently in front of them as if to speak again, but instead pushed her palms forward as if pushing a boulder away from her. The result was an enormous burst of air strong enough to shatter gigantic boulders into sand, heading straight for her team. She then used the air around her to float even higher, riding the wind current, and watching her team from above. "What will they do now..." She murmured to herself. She wouldn't blame them if they considered her crazy. Then again, they knew nothing about her other than she had a wind element, and her name. She shook her head to that. She wanted them to open up a bit more but they weren't doing it. She was needing to take drastic measures, and the it would only get worse from then on out.



His comrades were highly irresponsive, and not willing to communicate with him for the most part. How daft. One of the few reasons he wasn't fond of people general. They were more complex and difficult to read than a book, or a puppet. He sighed and listened to his...Sensei...lover... Toraika. Her introduction consisted of her explaining that she wasn't going to be giving them a typical first experience in training. Following this she merrily made her way to the front of the three of them and clapped, followed by a sudden thrust of her palms which caused a massive gust of air to project directly toward the three students. As it whirred and roared toward him, Ganto frowned in disappointment.

"And so it begins." He muttered to himself.  He had already read a lot deeper into this situation. The burst of air was obviously more than strong enough to cause extensive damage to him, and his comrades. He looked on either side of him, noting that he was dead center. Then he looked to his team and shouted as if it were a truly deadly circumstance


He crossed his arms in front of himself, realizing how dangerous this was, but reading into the fact that Toraika wasn't going to allow him to be disintegrated. He figured she would rush in to save him. He stood , hoping to look like a fool to her. It wasn't likely she would see through his plan. He grinned deviously at the thought of it. The art of deception was his favorite.

845 WC



He watched as Toraika sensei floated back and put her hands behind her back, then She clapped. The wind shifted slightly as her clap finished, that in itself was not all that out of place however, when she pushed her hands out at them he realized it was indeed a jutsu. "G..Get Away!" He Yelled at his teammates. He was not the only one to see threw it as Ganto had yelled out as well.

His reflexes took over as his hands flew into hand signs "Fūton: Daitoppa!" He called out as the jutsu of his own came to life behind him and propelled him away from the blast of air from his sensei. As he skidded to a halt His sword materialized: "Yami no Katana: Yasei Surasshu!" The wicked looking blade reflected the light from the rising moon as Heero brought it up to a guard position. Heero hoped the others where quick enough to get out of the way but then he spotted Ganto about to take the blast head on!
"H..Hey Move your asses!" He called out at Ganto and Kokoro. He hoped they could made it away in time.


chakra : 195/200



"Well no, I don't think so anyway... Jounins are typically too serious I'm afraid.."

Kokoro furrowed her brow and squinted her eyes. That answered none of my questions. What are we doing here? Kokoro thought that there was some sly implication she was missing, a clue that went over her head. She tried to decipher it from her sensei's giggly, playful speech. Nothing.

Kokoro felt a gentle breeze ruffle her hair and send a chill down her spine. She tensed and quickly turned around to see their sensei propelling herself away from them. She introduced her self as Toraika Yoisha and said that the squad was not doing well doing the first test. First test? When did...? Wait, this was a test?! What's this lady's game? Her lips flattened into a frown. Her fists tightened until the muscles in her fingers throbbed, and she stared at Toraika-sensei with fire burning in her eyes. As she tried to suppress her anger, she noticed that Toraika-sensei was coyly hiding her hands behind her back. What is she up to? she thought as she raised her fists in front of her.

Suddenly, the pink-haired woman threw her hands in front of her. Kokoro gasped. She tried to mold her Chakra throughout her body as quickly as she could.

"Move!" Ganto shouted.

"H..Hey Move your asses!" the ninja in the hakama warned.

Kokoro watched as a violent gust of wind zoomed towards her. A cloud of sand trailed behind it, creating a sandstorm in its wake. Kokoro clamped her hands together in a seal. The gust traveled closer and closer. Kokoro closed her eyes and grimaced. The gust and the storm behind it was within arms reach now. The last image of Kokoro was encased in howling winds and lacerating sands.

At first, Kokoro was hesitant to open her eyes. She knew she was unharmed, but she could not let got of the tension in her body. She snuck a peak, opening her eyelid slightly. The jutsu was a success. As the sand cloud cleared, a wooden training dummy lay demolished on the ground, destroyed by the unrelenting wind, surrounded by wisps of white smoke. Kokoro looked down at her body, amazed. She was unscathed, for she had taken the place of the training dummy 5 meters away from her sensei. She quickly looked up at Toraika-sensei hovering high above the grounds. Kokoro's excitement faded. What's this lady's problem? She stifled her anger once more. The Kikawa girl grabbed her purple cap in hand and threw it to her right. She reached into her hoodie pocket to pull out a pin decorated with a white lily ornament, and with it, she held back her long hair as well as the new braid and tied it in a bun. Now ready for combat, Kokoro raised her left knee of the ground and loosened up her torso, bobbing her knees up and down as if she were dancing in place. Looking up into her sensei's eyes, she displayed her white, razor-sharp teeth.

* * * * *

Jutsu Used:



Toraika watched as her team as she sent them a powerful best of wind. Heero realized it was coming immediately and told everyone to move. Kokoro listened and got out of the way using Jutsu of her own Toraika nodded at this. Ganto warned the squad as well but he wasn't moving. She didn't understand. Her heart began to race as she realized every bone in his body was going to be crushed any moment. She gasped and immediately sent herself propelling towards him, using the wind around her. She ran into him full force and sent him down to the ground, her covering his body from getting hurt as the wind scraped her face. Once the wind died down, she slowly got up. "What in the world possessed you to not move?!?!" She yelled at him not out of anger but out of worry. She shook off the feeling as she watched Heero and Kokoro, who was growling, take a fighting stance am towards her. She rose an eyebrow at this. She wasn't aiming to begin a battle with them just yet. And she wasn't very happy with the results she was getting from her test. But the test was only about to enter it's third string.

Pulling up Ganto with one hand, she motioned for her her team to come closer. "Everyone calm down. We aren't fighting... Yet. I don't like fighting if it's unnessecary, but that doesn't mean we aren't going to train, so don't immediately jump to conclusions. I told you all I wouldn't let you be harmed, but that doesn't mean I won't harm you myself. But don't worry! I won't get you into anything I can't get you out of!" She then giggled and winked. "You all need to step up the game if you want to impress me. Send me, right now, all of your strongest Jutsu. One at a time. Decide amongst yourself who will go in what order. Don't give me any warning. You won't get a warning in the middle of a battle. Then after you are all done, I'll send each of you my strongest Jutsu. But only if I think you are all ready for it." With that, she let herself stand in front of them. For the first time she wasn't floating, but she did watch them with a smile. Then she frowned to herself, curious to why Ganto hadn't moved. She prepared herself for him to be doing something sneaky. She was fully aware of him having genjutsu, but she knew he wouldn't pull something like that here... Would he? Then she knew of his puppets. She scanned for anything around the area and at first glance, saw nothing. She could do nothing but wait and see.



(OOC:Sorry for the wait! Have been a little busy)

Ganto watched as his lover cast him to the side, taking the brunt of the blow for him and suffering cuts across her face. She shouted at him, inquiring why he wouldn't have moved out of the way. He had never heard her get feisty like that, in her own concerned way. She informed the trio that she would be allowing them to decide piece by piece who would go first in an all out confrontation with her. Ganto looked the two over with some kind of fascination from the ground, then he offered his hands to Toraika to help him up, assuming she would. Once risen, he walked over to his team and grabbed them each by the clothes and pulled them out of her hearing range.

"Look, I've already began my strategy for winning my tango with her. I would kindly request to fight her first, if you two don't mind. I'll be quick, I promise." He turned around and winked at Toraika from across the sandy field.

He watched them carefully while he waited for a proper response. He pulled his puppet from his back and held it in front of him now, in plain sight. He prepared himself for one of two things . A solid ass-whooping by his partner, or two simply put her down gently with no physical harm, for a very non-violent K.O.

"Sensei," he shouted across the field. "Do you see this puppet? It was very expensive, and I certainly would prefer it not be broken during this. Wouldn't want to have to waist time around the house tinkering with puppets when there are plenty of...things to be...taken care of." He winked at her, he was facing away from his team so they couldn't have seen him wink.

He then activated his chakra strings, taking control of his puppet. As he controlled the puppet, he looked over toward Toraika to see if she was paying attention, them proceeded to make his puppet jump around in place loudly, activating the trigger sound for his Human Puppet Illusion.

(OOC: Edited Post to include my attack for easier responding)

Last edited by Ganto on Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:34 am; edited 1 time in total



Heero gawked as Ganto knowing what was coming decided not to move, it did not make since to Heero to stay in the way of certain destruction. He looked over to Kokoro and confirmed she was ok before looking over to there new Sensei. She had saved Ganto but that was to be expected of her considering her position. Heero did not dispel his jutsu however, as now he was on guard. He listened as his new sensei started : "Everyone calm down. We aren't fighting... Yet. I don't like fighting if it's unnessecary, but that doesn't mean we aren't going to train, so don't immediately jump to conclusions. I told you all I wouldn't let you be harmed, but that doesn't mean I won't harm you myself. But don't worry! I won't get you into anything I can't get you out of!" As she giggled and winked Heero scratched his head with his free hand, his sword being in the other. Toraika then continued saying : "You all need to step up the game if you want to impress me. Send me, right now, all of your strongest Jutsu. One at a time. Decide amongst yourself who will go in what order. Don't give me any warning. You won't get a warning in the middle of a battle. Then after you are all done, I'll send each of you my strongest Jutsu. But only if I think you are all ready for it." Heero was about to suggest a plan when Ganto all but dragged him and Kokoro by the clothes .

"Look, I've already began my strategy for winning my tango with her. I would kindly request to fight her first, if you two don't mind. I'll be quick, I promise." Ganto stated, however, it seemed to Heero as if his teammate wanted to prove a point. He watched as his teammate turned around and squared up before he pulled Ganto and Kokoro back into a circle and whispered. "She said att....attack one at a time but but she ne never said how long in between. I...I think we should attack her with a ha..half second in between each of our jutsu, th..that way she does not have as much time to prepare for the next one coming at her. " Heero finished his little speech with a sigh, he had to figure out why he stuttered so much. He looked at Ganto and Kokoro smiled. "T...Trust me ok? Ganto, go...go first like you wanted.....Ill..Fol follow up second and Kokoro ca...can land the real blow... Just attack wh..when you wanna..." Heero said facing his sensei. He focused his mind and readied his jutsu : Yami no Katana: Brute Force. This would allow him to increase his strength three times as long as he had his sword. When Ganto strikes then the real jutsu would start.


Chakra 185/200



Kokoro stood agape. When Kokoro first opened her eyes, she saw Toraika-sensei on top of Ganto, her face covered in bleeding scrapes. According to Toraika's reprimanding, Ganto did not move at all. Toraika-sensei saved him? But... why...? Kokoro, oblivious, could not decipher the worry in Toraika-sensei's voice.

Toraika-sensei, after hoisting Ganto onto his feet, furrowed her brow at Kokoro, who was assuming her offensive stance and bearing her teeth. She told everyone to be at ease, that she did not plan to fight them. Realizing that her aggressive nature was showing, Kokoro let her teeth slip back into her mouth and blushed slightly, but she treaded lightly and fixated her eyes on Toraika, ready for another surprise attack. The whole squad gathered together, and the pink-haired sensei laid out the next test: everyone will attack her with their most powerful jutsus without warning, and the squad was assigned to coordinate their attacks with each other. Almost immediately, however, Ganto yanked both the boy in the hakama and Kokoro. The sight was almost comical as the 5'6" boy tried to pull a tall girl in addition to another person entirely. Kokoro furrowed her brow, staring at him cynically, and defensively held her arm up to create a buffer between her and Ganto.

"Look, I've already began my strategy for winning my tango with her," Ganto said, out of range of their sensei. "I would kindly request to fight her first, if you two don't mind. I'll be quick, I promise." Kokoro initially questioned the strategy developed by a person who stood still in front of an oncoming gust of wind. Then, her mind wandered and pieced the events together like a puzzle. Did he... mean to have him save her? Is that part of his jutsu? If that was the case, Kokoro would admittedly have to give more credit to Ganto's strategical skills. To think ahead that far would be commendable.

As Ganto casually walked towards Toraika-sensei, Kokoro's other teammate brought her into the circle again. They huddled as the boy whispered, "She said att....attack one at a time but but she ne never said how long in between. I...I think we should attack her with a ha..half second in between each of our jutsu, th..that way she does not have as much time to prepare for the next one coming at her... T...Trust me ok? Ganto, go...go first like you wanted.....Ill..Fol follow up second and Kokoro ca...can land the real blow... Just attack wh..when you wanna..."

The boy in the hakama seemed to have a plan in mind too. With a blade in hand, which was not there before the wind blast, he stood still, molding his Chakra through his body, waiting, ready to strike. Kokoro noticed how he stuttered while relating his plan. Kokoro felt like she needed to say something, something to remedy his nerves or whatever it was. She looked at the ground, hesitant. She began to reach out her hand, flinched a bit, then continued until it landed on his shoulder. She looked down at him and gave a smile. "G-good luck." she said sweetly. "You'll... do great."

Now Kokoro had to formulate a plan for herself. She had a incredible responsibility to throw in the coup d'état, and she was at a major disadvantage. Kokoro was never nimble on her feet, and the distance between her and her target as well as the loose sand below her feet did not help her either. Toraika-sensei had already revealed that she can float and fly to some degree, and being a Jōnin, her speed is almost unrivaled. The key, Kokoro realized, was not agility but something else entirely. "Okay. I think I've got it." Kokoro slapped her hands into a seal, and she felt the warm sensation of Chakra coursing through her. "Doppelgänger Technique!" Kokoro shouted. Instantaneously, a puff of white smoke exploded around the girl, and when it cleared, five identical copies of Kokoro appeared next to her, all ready for action. Each lifted their feet off of the ground and began to walk slowly around Toraika-sensei and Ganto, each 6 meters away from the pink-haired sensei and all the while staring at her with yellow eyes. Out of the six Kokoros, one was in front of her, one was behind her, and two were on each side, creating a complete circle around her. Then, they all lifted their knees and held up their guard, assuming their offensive stance, constantly moving like the inconstant billows of the sea. The real Kokoro actually did not move at all, remaining right in full view of Toraika-sensei. Kokoro then began to rush Chakra toward her feet, not to run, but to perform her most powerful jutsu. She patiently waited for Ganto to begin and then the boy in the hakama to follow after. She never took her eyes off of her sensei.

* * * * *

Jutsu Used:



A proud grin covered the face of Toraika. Her best student seemed to be the female, which she applauded. Being a female ninja these days was hard enough after all. With a quick movement, Toraika had leaped high up, quickly escaping her surrounding students. They seemed to have really gotten the hang of attacking her quick enough and just to see the motivation and determination in their eyes was enough to pass them for the day. The pinkeye smiled as she quickly landed behind Kokoro, sweeping her legs from beneath her and pinning her down on the ground. "That's enough Miss, you've done well. You all have in your own way. I'm done toying with you and treating you as grunts. It's not my style after all. How about we call it a day on this training and head into the village and get something for dinner?" It was hard to tell, but much more time had passed than it seemed. It was now nearly dusk and her young genius were probably expected home soon enough. Toraika then pat the female genin on the back hard. "You are going to be very powerful when you really hone your strength you know!" She applauded her again as she drug her by the wrist towards the village. Next, she grabbed Ganto by the collar, and Heero she trusted well enough to walk on his own. "Dinner is my treat! I'm sorry for making your first day so long and confusing, but I think we will really learn a lot and grow from each other!" As the happy and exhausted squad traveled into the village for the evening, none really knew that they would actually grow even farther apart due to a sudden change of events. The next day, Toraika was sent out by some higher ups from the village to learn a specific Medical jutsu, and return to the village when it has been mastered. It wouldn't be for another three years Toraika would return and her genin were long gone by then, unfortunately.

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