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1Just another day. |Mission| Empty Just another day. |Mission| Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:40 pm



Mission name: Bring her on home!
Mission rank: D
Objective: Find the the mans daughter
Reward: 100 Ryo
Mission description: A wealthy man needs to find his daughter
Mission details: Yuko, the daughter of a wealthy Suna banker, did not come home at the time she was supposed, after leaving to go to the party. She was at a party with her boyfriend, Shinjuro, and is most definitely planning something with him. Shinjuro will try to stop you, tough he does not pose much of a threat. Just throw a punch and knock him out. You can either convince the girl to come home with you, or take her by force. Hurry up before she does something she regrets.



Now, this....this was something he could do. All of that ninja just wasn't in his sphere of expertise. wasn't something he was sure he could do. Ano, he could stick to benign acts like helping someone find someone else, or fetching items, or simple tasks. D-rank missions were given to ninja to keep them busy, out of trouble. They weren't anything a normal person couldn't do, given the right time and preparations. But this? This was nothing to someone like Ano. He was a guy with a good head on his shoulders, and nothing at all to fear from trying to fetch a girl from her boyfriend's house. Even if he wasn't one to use force....

He had a way with words. With people. Even if he couldn't speak as well as everyone else - which by far he had improved in the common language of this continent - it was his intent, his soul that mattered more than what he was trying to convey it with. His broken sentences mattered little compared to what he was actually saying with them.

Now, this Yuko....he had been given a description, and even an address, but where would she be now? It was very unlikely at three hours past noon that she would be in the same place as she was going the night before. Her father made her out to be a lady that liked to explore the city, see sights and do things. Staying inside would not behoove her. would be a bite to eat. After a night on the town that made her forget her curfew, she might have a hangover. The Bazaar was the perfect place....however. Where, exactly, to start? Hum, ho-hum....


2Just another day. |Mission| Empty Re: Just another day. |Mission| Tue Nov 15, 2016 3:00 pm



He stood in that hustling and bustling bazaar, rife with questions. Who was she, exactly? There wasn't much info given on this young woman, only that she had a boyfriend and that she was last seen with him. Ano understood that this was a retrieval mission, but couldn't they have given him a bit more information...? Then again, this was the best part, to him, of missions. Mindless tasks bored him so easily it hurt, and he so loved being able to ask questions of himself, and eventually the world around him, and find answers for himself. He lived for it.

So, for example, his first lead was food. What better way to treat a hangover than eating and getting that in your system?

The tanned-skin, shirtless, and sarong-draped Ano walked down the street, almost completely out of place in this modern society. It was, after all, his first time in awhile inside such a largely populated area. He'd spent most of his years in the outskirts of such places. He remembered his parents telling him that there was no need to get involved with them; now he knew that, only because of history scrolls and tomes, these ninja villages had a record of war and strife. There was indeed no reason for someone as simple as he to get involved. Still, not being a ninja, he'd almost befallen the commonly known of worst fates.

Even musing like this, his attention waned from the streets. Buxom. Shapely. Brunette.

He said her name, and she kept her attention on him. Not that there was much to look at, he was only barely toned; however, his words did arouse in her a tiny bit of shock. She started running....hopefully to her father? He could hope.
Mission completed, Thread closed.

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