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1Squad 3, a continuation (Invite only) Empty Squad 3, a continuation (Invite only) Mon Aug 22, 2016 10:56 pm



Rippa would wait while keeping up the appearance of struggling. He wanted to see loyalty to the one standing next to you even if one was competing. After all it wasn't easy to let go of ones desires to grow and gain. Greed was a large part of being a person. Human nature was to desire personal gain. To run and survive was a first natural instinct. For someone to have gotten passed that was all he had been looking for and all he required for someone looking to him for anything. He would protect even the normal folk who ran and survived and never hold it against them, but he wouldn't accept them as his students in the long run. These two however both were exhibiting the type of personalities he respected. Honor and courage flowed through them as naturally as it could given the circumstances. They were risking their lives for each other even though they had just met against an enemy which had taken down their sensei. He hadn't been sure he could expect that from genin. While it was foolish and their goal should of been escaping instead of attacking head on he could accept this as passing.

With a shift of his weight he planted his hands on the ground and began to rise. Both men pinning him down seemed like children as it took them a second to realize he was done with being held down. Their power meant little in comparison to his own as he overpowered both of them at once. It wasn't anything new for sword saints to test each other though. That being said he was the captain for a reason. Still as they realized that even combined they couldn't hold him they released him and hopped to the side to cross their arms. Almost pouting as he dusted himself off. Above them the fireball burst out the side of the building like a giant flame thrower and with a loud explosion that shook dust off the walls. His sky blue eyes examined it as he noted the two sword saints had covered themselves in defensive jutsu and attached themselves to pillars to avoid damage. Even with the rank difference in close quarters simply dodging wasn't always an option. Still debris filled the floor with smoke and dust and filled everyones vision for a moment. He could still see through it well enough though. His students were fine but on edge.

With a second of deliberation Rippa decided he was satisfied with the results and finished dusting himself off before placing two fingers in between his lips and blowing where they connected. A sharp whistle rose high into the area over the settling noise and both mystery swordsmen shifted to look back before retreating and sheathing their weapons. Landing with a single leap next to the others. Rippa would turn to face them and bow his head with his arms at his sides. They would do the same before all four would split. With that done he would look up to where both his students would probably be watching from by now before letting out a sigh and taking a step. With the power of that single step a circle of dust burst out like a wave from where he had been standing and he cleared two floors before landing like it was simply a second step. One hand in his pants pocket and the other rubbing the back of his head sheepishly while he looked to them both. When he spoke he did so with a smile while looking a little guilty.

"I assume you both figured out that was your test?"


2Squad 3, a continuation (Invite only) Empty Re: Squad 3, a continuation (Invite only) Tue Aug 23, 2016 12:33 pm



Kashizudoto was going to pommel these guys for sure; nobody interrupts his first squad meeting without getting beaten up. Still, these guys took down his Sannin sensei, if only he could help Jinta and himself escape somehow. He had the Body Flicker Technique, of course, but he couldn't imagine the Nara kid having something like that. And again, he wasn't just going to leave him hanging.

Kashizudoto's fireball impacted the defensive jutsu of the two warriors. Were these hooded dudes... the Sword Saints? Dang, maybe. Then why were they holding down their leader and assaulting his students? Kashizudoto had a dream about leading the Sword Saints one day, although that might not really be an option now come to think of it, with this Sword Saints coup going on and his sensei being captain regardless.

A sharp whistle came through the air from Sensei Rippa's direction. It appeared he had overpowered the two men holding him down and now they'd... given up? They didn't really seem like they struggled too much, to be honest. Meanwhile, the other two sheathed their katanas and made a retreat. Ah... Now it was starting to come together.

But he still wanted to see what was under the hood of one of those men, so while he put away his katana, Kashizudoto activated a jutsu to try and get up close to grab the guy's hood. Katon chakra ran through his feet instantly and quickly propelled him towards the man, presumably a Sword Saint, as he said, "Time to find what's under that hood!" as he got his hands ready for ripping off the cover. Being a highly skilled ninja, the hooded person pushed Kashizudoto aside as soon as he grabbed the cloth. Kashizudoto leaped backwards in the air as he realized he was finished with this game and turned again to his sensei.

"I assume that you both knew that this was your test? the sensei asked with a sadistic grin. Kashizudoto was pretty sure that was it for a while, but to hear it straight from his sensei really cleared it all up.

"Does that mean... NO FREE WEAPON?" asked Kashizudoto, "Damn, that thing was motivating me seriously! Seriously, free was a magical word for this kid, especially for a blade he didn't have yet.

"So in any case, does this mean we pass?" he asked as he regained his composure. If he wasn't gonna get a free weapon out of this, he might as well make two lifelong friends. Make the best out of everything. Perhaps if he couldn't buy a weapon, he'd forge his own. Yes, that was what he would do! Make a katana of his own, but... out of what? And who would teach him how to make a blade? Smithing was a lifelong art, and he'd need to apprentice under someone to make a blade of quality for sure. He knew that, with the right tools, he could create a unique masterpiece of his own. Yes, swordsmanship was not only a combat technique: it was an art, one that could never truly be mastered.

Kashizudoto's Chakra/Jutsu:

WC: 529

Last edited by Kashizudoto on Sun Sep 04, 2016 1:15 pm; edited 1 time in total



Kashizudoto I apologize but I have to end this thread for now as both of us need to travel. I will rp with you again in the future if you like.

Exit thread



OOC: Alright.

WC: 529


Speed: D-3 -> C-0: 525/525
Leftover WC: 4

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