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1The Forgotten Mist [Private|Kaguza|NK] Empty The Forgotten Mist [Private|Kaguza|NK] Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:00 am



The hours had transformed into days, which in turn became weeks. Weeks became months and yet nothing seemed to change for him. He lacked the will he initially held from five-six years ago. The drive wasn’t there, nor was there any reason for him to further himself. He lost those things he held close, pushed away the rest – including his home, only to isolate himself in an environment that wasn’t suited for his bloodline. Call it a self-conducted punishment, but Yuudai felt it was necessary, to be away from Kiri to get his head on straight. Kiri wouldn’t help that cause. Going to a minor shinobi nation would have aided him in blending in more, but he knew the frequency of visits ffrom shinobi of Kirkgakure no Sato to Sunagakure no Sato, it was practically non-existent. Here he had the peace of mind that no reminders of home would reach him, except for the very items he kept on himself. Each held a story of his past, each symbolized the village he grew up in, yet he didn’t know how to part ways with them, nor figure out what exactly to do anymore. So, here stood a swordsman with a katana he couldn’t bring himself to actively utilize.

He didn’t despise it, he treasured it. The fact, however, remains that the sentimental value behind it brought him to think too much of the place he once called home, the place that would always be his home no matter what. Kiri would always hold that place, it was irreplaceable. However, going back just wasn’t in the cards for Yuudai, at least not yet, not until he got his mind fully set, his thoughts sorted out, and the voice to quiet down. The once regarded Sannin of Kirigakure no Sato was essentially a nobody in Sunagakure no Sato, and he was relatively fine with that; he could accept that. The solitude given to him by being away from the constant reminders, or at least the majority of them, was a god-send.

No matter who came across him, it was unlikely they could identify him due to the grey cloak he wore, hiding his hair and slightly obscuring his facial features. The rest of his clothing was both light in material and colour as to avoid absorbing too much heat, even with the circulation of his chakra within his body to keep his temperature down. His two weapons were holstered along his right hip, one was ordinary that remained with him for ages, yet the other which was newer was the one that reminded him more of Kiri than the other. The properties of the blade reminded him of his clan, for it utilized their unique kekkei genkai. While his weapon wasn’t on par with the legendary swords that the seven swordsmen held, it was able to hold its own and be utilized in an entirely different way that Yuudai knew how to utilize efficiently; he just never had the opportunity.

His adventures had brought him through various areas on Kaze no Kuni, from the major shinobi village of Sunagakure no Sato to the isolated villages on the southern coasts. Roaming along the endless dunes, setting up camps for the night, and then moving on the next day had become routine. Those days were only interrupted every-so-often when Yuudai stopped by at a village to stay the night and clean up, but he’d be gone the next. He visited a couple of villages a few time, simply due to the convenience they offered him, but he largely preferred to be alone, to figure things out for himself without any further distractors. The lack of water meant he had to fill a canteen whenever he could, which he did when he stopped by an oasis or village. His own kekkei genkai meant he had access to cold water at any time; a convenience he found was the most useful in day’s temperature. The cool nights were much better, letting Yuudai bask in the coldness that was present once the sand released the heat it held during the day. His eyes were constantly scanning the desert, trying to find any obscurities, whether it be in the form of a village or person. Removing the sense of constantly being alert was something that hadn’t disappeared over the past several months.

741|741 Total

2The Forgotten Mist [Private|Kaguza|NK] Empty Re: The Forgotten Mist [Private|Kaguza|NK] Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:06 am



How much time had passed? How long had it been? A day? A week? No, it had to be longer. A month? It was impossible to tell. A frail beggar, that's all he was now. Homeless, lost in a foreign city with literally nothing. Thoughts of the past were difficult to find, buried deep away. It was difficult to remember anything beyond his coming to Suna. Why was he here? Even that much was too difficult to remember. “So hot, need a drink, find someone. Find them now!” A voice rang out in his head. A dark and gritty voice. “Your hands will get stronger, use them.” The beggar didn’t seem to be alone, at least on the inside. “Stand and take one.” A second voice, this one calm. “Your strength is still there.” The two voices lived within his mind for as long as he could remember. They helped guide him, told him what to do. A pair of voices lead him through what little life he had left.

Such a hot day in Suna, but it always was. A scorching heat over a bed of burning sand. Only the rags he wore gave him any kind of protection from the sun. A blonde myugan huddled up in the shade of an alleyway. Struggling day to day for food and water, mostly water. The Suna heat always stealing the moisture from his body. Citizens of the desert city went about their daily lives, most unaware of the beggar and his history. Those that were aware of the man, ignored him, thinking of him as nothing more then he looked. Watching, the Myugan hoped someone might take pity on him. One by one people passed by, each one falling under his gaze, they were all the same to him. “That one is different! The Frozen Soldier passes by!” The dark voice yelling out. His eyes meeting a familiar face, his name though was lost. “The Frozen Soldier will help.” It was unclear how, but he knew this man.

You. Help please. Anything.

He truly was a beggar, asking anyone for salvation. The familiar face though, surely he’d help. A twing of pain ringing through his head as he attempts to draw his name. Where did he know the Frozen Soldier? Such shattered memories were all that he could come up with. Images of himself standing alongside the Frozen Soldier, another as well. Who? It was someone he sought. The pain only growing worse as his mind continued to try and piece things together. “The Evil Angel, he knows her. Follow the Frozen Soldier, and kill!” The voices running amok in the broken man’s mind. “The Evil Angel is waiting.” The Myugan’s hands grip his head as the pain increased.

How does he know The Frozen Soldier? Please.

467 words



His endless walking had made him come across one of the many isolated packets of civilization in the Endless Dunes. Of the several months that had passed by, he hadn’t expected as many small villages and nomadic tribes as he had come across, but they were numerous ones, yet none had the advancement or fortifications of Sunagakure no Sato. Nor were the buildings built in the complexity some took, instead the relished in simples layouts, with no requirement for a grid system for their layout. There was no need for them to be really organized, for these communities bordered the number of a hundred, either being above or below it, but never really staggering away from that small packet amount. He often wondered when he reached these villages how they could live in such small places with next to nothing available to them. For him, this type of living was odd, something he would likely never grow accustomed to, but this wasn’t something he needn’t worry about. Yuudai was now a drifter, trying to figure out his own mind before he would eventually return to the place he called home. When that would be and the circumstances surrounding that scenario still remained as question marks to him.

This particular village he came across was a new one to him, one of the many located in the Endless Dunes. Yuudai didn’t require a name for it and his canteen was relatively filled as well. Worse come to worse, he could produce water through the usage of chakra, but it wasn’t something he required at this particular moment. He had no plans to stay in this village for more than a couple of hours, there was no need for him to remain here other than to make a quick pit stop, perhaps grab a light meal to eat and be on his way once more; though he had no clue what the village had to offer as he had only recently arrived within the past few minutes.

Even with his face partially hidden, Yuudai still received curious glances directed his way. It was a given, he wasn’t a resident of these lands or this country. He never would be. These looks he had grown accustomed to after having visited several of the packet villages of Kaze no Kuni, finding one in the Endless Dunes had been something he hadn’t really expected.

“You. Help please. Anything.”

The voice seemed eerily familiar, yet Yuudai couldn’t truly recognize it. There was familiarity to it, yet it didn’t seem like one of the few he was well accustomed to. There were numerous voices he heard in his lifetime, only a few he could recognize in an instant; a number that had dwindled in the last few months he spent in Kirigakure no Sato. The recognition of the voice provided the notion that the individual who called out was from Kirigakure no Sato, or at least a person he met and had a conversation with. His blue orbs slowly trailed over to the direction the voice came from; having paused completely from the path he was taking to address this momentary interruption. That face. He knew it. The man was familiar, a bit different than the last time he had seen him, His mind quickly shuffled through the numerous faces he had been able to place names to. Kaguza. That’s who it was. The one who taught him how to adequately wield a blade he no longer possessed. That weapon wasn’t something Yuudai fret over. It was better off without it being in his possession. That weapon had to many ties to Kirigakure no Sato.

The pain on the Myugan’s features was evident, with him gripping his head in his heads, followed by the muttering of “How does he know The Frozen Soldier? Please.” Yuudai was confused. The Frozen Soldier? He knew it could relate to him or several others from his clan. Perhaps he was thinking of Strafe? Or the Mizukage herself. He had didn’t know who or what Kaguza was reffering to. Though the blonde certainly didn’t seem in the right state of mind. What exactly was he doing here? His mind was running a mile a minute, trying to create answers to the questions he asked himself, yet never asked. Yuudai would turn towards Kaguza, slowly making his way to the only familiar face he had seen in months.

“Kaguza… what are you doing here?” Yuudai’s voice would ease out, calm yet cautious at the same time. Kaguza’s current state made no sense to him, especially given the last bit of news he heard about Kaguza while he was in Kirigakure no Sato last. None of this made sense to him, but the world was a weird place, he discovered. This perhaps was just one of those instances.

820|1561 Total

4The Forgotten Mist [Private|Kaguza|NK] Empty Re: The Forgotten Mist [Private|Kaguza|NK] Mon Apr 25, 2016 12:55 am



His face was clear, the Frozen Soldier was familiar to him. Kaguza, that was his name. He could identify it easily, it had been so long since someone simply spoke his name.

I can’t read. I’ve been circling around for a clock. It pains to read.

His words, they we’re right. He could think them perfectly fine, even create full sentences, only when he spoke was it wrong. “The Frozen Soldier will have water. Take it!” A dark voice, like a talking wolf aiming for the throat. Only the blonde Myugan could hear it, talking, tormenting him, inside his head. It was simple, greedy, hungry. Always craving for a thrill. “Come now, do not think him so simple.” A woman, it was a female voice. Always there, she heard his every thought. Kaguza had no privacy within his own mind. One eating away at desires, the other a calm and conniving. She was no different than a bride with a concealed dagger.

My swords are bent. I sink average, my swords are just bent. Does the Frozen Soldier have liquid?

His throat was terribly dry. The Myugan had managed to get a drink the day prior but only a mouth full. Fearing his words would fail to mean something, he grabbed his throat and stuck out his tongue, panting like a dog. The man was thirsty.

226 words

((I apologize for the delay and short post. Writing such word play is proving . . . interesting.))

5The Forgotten Mist [Private|Kaguza|NK] Empty Re: The Forgotten Mist [Private|Kaguza|NK] Mon Apr 25, 2016 10:19 pm



His hood remained on, cloaking his features from others, lest they look directly at him like Kaguza was currently doing. Yuudai chewed on the inside of his mouth, wondering what exactly happened to Kaguza to put him in this state and leave him stranded in Kaze no Kuni. His right hand fiddled at his side, toying with the hilt of his katana, though there was no intention on Yuudai’s part to draw out the weapon and do anything with it. It just was to remind himself that it was there, a weapon he hadn’t used in ages for a variety of reasons, but he couldn’t bring himself to discard it or sell it off to a random merchant. Yuudai would much rather prefer to know the whereabouts of something that belonged to him.

As Kaguza spoke once more, Yuudai’s ears tuned in, stepping closer once more until he was a respectable distance apart from someone that wasn’t quite so much a friend, though not an acquaintance either. Kaguza had been his ally, much like the rest of the population that resided in Kirigakure no Sato, but Kaguza was one of the few he could recall having a significant encounter with. After all, Kaguza had taught him how to utilize one of the Seven Swords of Kirigakure no Sato. Though, the training served its purpose at the time, Yuudai had no use for the knowledge as he no longer possessed the weapon. However, the intellect he obtained from the training alone was more than beneficial. Any weapon could be replaced; knowledge was an entirely different matter as far as the hyouton-user was concerned. The Serpent’s Tongue, while regaled as one of the legendary weapons of Kirigakure no Sato, could easily be replaced with another; should Yuudai come across someone well capable of crafting a superior weapon, perhaps even enchanting it further. Setsura, his own personal weapon, did hold an essence of that abstract idea to a degree, one that never was fleshed out.

Kaguza’s words seemed difficult to decipher, perhaps it was the isolation he placed himself in that made him forget some aspects that came with communicating with people. It took a moment before Yuudai was slowly able to put the pieces together, however well he currently could and hoped it was what Kaguza meant. Not being able to read, that made sense. Trying to find a clock, likely trying to find out the time, which one could roughly tell based on the position of the sun. A pain to read? Had Kaguza’s eyesight deteriorated or was it something else entirely? Swords being bent? He assumed it had to do with weapons, as he said swords and Kaguza had a whole arsenal of weapons in his disposal, the last time Yuudai had seen him. Liquid… water… he had that.

Taking the canteen he carried with him – Yuudai making sure the water was cool, which it was – he slowly held it out for Kaguza to take. Water was never an issue for Yuudai when it came to the wastelands. He pitied Kaguza’s current state, almost animalistic when it came to his actions. “It’s just past two.” Yuudai murmured out the answer to, what he assumed was, Kaguza’s curiosity to know the time. After a moment passed, allowing Kaguza ample time to drink some water, Yuudai would ask the one thing on his mind.

“What do you mean your swords are bent? The question was blunt, not trying to phrase it another way except to get the direct answer he sought out. He gave the weapon master a curious glance. His right hand went to adjust his hood, letting it settle lower on his forehead that it would cover more of his features.

633|2194 Total

6The Forgotten Mist [Private|Kaguza|NK] Empty Re: The Forgotten Mist [Private|Kaguza|NK] Tue Apr 26, 2016 11:52 pm



Kaguza’s eyes scanned over his comrade. It was hard to believe someone knew him, despite his own inability to remember details of the man. Noticing the sword at the Aisu’s side, he wanted to hold it. “His fang . . . touch it.” The wolf was calm. It’s usual behaviour being aggressive and violent, it was tempting beyond belief. “The Frozen Soldier does not understand you. Your words fail you.” The voices, ever taunting we’re right, he couldn’t communicate with others. Least not through words, everything he said was close to what he wanted but slightly off.

A great relief came over the blonde as his friend handed him a canteen. A full canteen, and cold at that! It was like a dream to have water so refreshing. With more gratitude than humanly possible, Kaguza took the canteen. The water was so delicious. Within only a few seconds the canteen was empty, his stomach full of the most important substance known to the human body. “[color=#6c2dc7It’s just past two.[/color]” Handing the canteen back to Yuudai, he gave him a confused look. He didn’t ask for the time, his own words though did seem like he was asking. His meaning though was nothing related to the current time. It was such a depressing thought, not to communicate properly with another human being. “What do you mean your swords are bent?” A strange question, but again his own words were causing the problem. A shake of his head to express his meaning. He didn’t have any swords, his entire arsenal was gone.

His eyes move towards the blade at Yuudai’s side. The Myugan’s words didn’t come out right, he had to show the man some how. Calmly reaching for the handle of Setsura, he pulled the blade from its sheath. He wasn’t going to hurt anyone, or make any hostile motions. Admiring the blade for a moment, he bends the blade slightly shaking his head.

My swords are bent.

Still wrong. Not what he wanted to say. Giving the blade another slight bend shaking his head, before pointing towards his lips. “Swords. Swords.” He began making a motion with his hand like someone talking. “Swords.” There was a desire  that the conversation wouldn’t devolve into twenty question but lord knows it might actually get a meaning across if it came down to it.

391 words



He wasn’t surprised when an empty canteen was handed back to him, nor was it an issue for Yuudai to refill it with water. The only issue that would face a normal individual was holding on to cold water in this dry desert heat, a feat that was easily beaten by his very own bloodline; a convenience he was born with. Regardless of that issue, the lack of a filled canteen was no issue at all for Yuudai to refill. The confused look on Kaguza’s face matched that of Yuudai’s own internal confusion about what specifically Kaguza sought from him, or at least tried to tell him about. Kaguza shaking his head really did not aid Yuudai in reach a solid conclusion, not unless Kaguza was able to provide him with more details, more information, about what it was that he wanted to get across.

Yuudai noted Kaguza’s vision travel to the object located at his hip side; both his katanas. There was the instinct to react as Kaguza reached for the hilt of one of his two weapons, instantly knowing which one it was that he was drawing out, as they were his very own weapons. Fighting back the urge to flay off Kaguza’s hand from the hilt was present; the want to step back and draw his weapon was there, but the lack of willingness to do so won out and he allowed Kaguza to easily draw out the weapon. Setsura was his own personal blade, one that was forged for his own personal use, yet the amount of times blood was shed on it was still within the single digits after over two years of possessing the blade. His more standardized weapon, a katana without any special properties like Setsura, drew more blood over the years than Setsura.

Once Setsura was out of grasp for Yuudai, he chewed on the inside of his mouth, listening to whatever it was that Kaguza had to say. When he made the action of bending the blade, if only slightly, Yuudai’s conclusion was that of Kaguza having broken weaponry, as that seemed to be what his actions indicated. Yet, Kaguza shaking his head once more, while still bending it and then pointing to his lips left Yuudai more confused than he initially was. Swords… someone talking… not broken. Those were all the clues he had, yet none of them provided him with a solid answer that would help Kaguza in any way. “Kaguza… I apologize, but I don’t know what it is you’re trying to tell me. If there is any way you can perhaps show me what you mean, perhaps I can help out. But, unfortunately, I’m just as lost as you are.” He knew it was perhaps asking for too much, that Kaguza had difficult expressing himself, but he needed it to know what it was he could do to help out Kaguza. Swords not bending and the constant muttering of swords meant it had something to do with his weapons, but beyond that, Yuudai had no clue.

518|2712 Total

8The Forgotten Mist [Private|Kaguza|NK] Empty Re: The Forgotten Mist [Private|Kaguza|NK] Wed May 18, 2016 12:57 am



His attempts to communicate had failed, despite miming out to the best of his ability. His grip tightened on the cold blade. It felt good in his hand, the sword radiating the ice ability of the Aisu clan. In his mind it was a marvelous weapon, it’s ability demeened by the fact that it’s current owner could already use Ice chakra. Squatting down, Kaguza stared at the sword deep in thought. How do I get my message across. Struggling in the heat, Kaguza began fanning himself, pushing air over the Aisu’s blade. Cool air hit the Myugan’s face, felt so good.

Reaching down, the blonde Myugan attempted to write out with his finger what he was trying to say. Stopping after he wrote out “Swords”. It was useless, even his ability to write was screwed up. The word was so close, but so different at the same time. He racked his brain trying to come up with a way to tell Yuudai what was wrong with him. He wasn’t crazy, he just couldn’t communicate properly. Scratching his head in frustration a piece of scrap paper flew by, smacking the blonde man in the face. Picking it off, it was just garbage, it did spark something though. Always a bit of an air head for things outside of combat, Kaguza reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded up piece of paper. He had taken it from a medical textbook a few months back.

   A communication disorder that can result from an injury to the head. Aphasia may causes difficulties in speaking, listening, reading, and writing, but does not affect intelligence. Subjects experience difficulty coming up with words they want to say. Substituting the intended word for a word related to the target. Can replace “Think” with “Sink” or even “Brain”

Kaguza held up the paper and tapped it a few times. Nodding his head, he pointed at himself. According to a medic he tried to talk to had told him this was his issue, without promise of payment he did nothing at the time. As Yuudai read the paper, he held the cool blade flat against his forehead, it felt so good. A sharp relief in this desert sunlight.

371 words



The hyouton user blinked as he watched Kaguza scramble around momentarily, certainly unaware of what the man was trying to convey to him. If only there was a way for the man he once knew to effectively communicate and relay the message to Yuudai without their being any form of interference. Yuudai considered himself intelligent in certain aspects of life, yet when it came to aspects of the mind and the psychological nature that was a central theme to one’s mental health, Yuudai was as bright as the next person. Perhaps it could be something he could look in to in the future when his mind was clearer, when he actually knew what he would do and where he would go, instead of mindlessly wandering around a foreign country he knew next to nothing about.

Kaguza seemed to reach down to the sand, utilizing a sole finger to write out one single word, one that he seemed to be repeating over and over for the short period of time that they had been conversing with one another. The notion of Kaguza getting hit in the face by a sheet of paper was laughable, yet Yuudai displayed no notion of finding this particular scenario any bit hilarious. Though, that simple action had Kaguza’s mind working it seemed, for he immediately reached in to his pocket to pull out what seemed to be another piece of paper, folded up. The motions that Kaguza made afterward were simple, but gave enough reason for Yuudai to reach out for the piece of parchment to read. It seemed that whatever was written upon this paper was applicable to Kaguza himself.

The sheet of paper he was looking at was neatly printed text, professional, as if he came straight out of a textbook for Kaguza’s own purpose. Listed on it was what seemed to be a communication disorder, one that Yuudai certainly wasn’t familiar with. Reading the sheet of paper, the conclusion Yuudai reached was clear, it explained the problems that Yuudai found with Kaguza’s speech. “Swords” meant “words” and “bent” likely meant something along the lines of being “broken”. Or at least in the terms of putting words together in a coherent sense. He looked at the man, one who seemed more comfort from the blade than Yuudai had recently held from it in more recent times. Kaguza, he felt, would take good care of the weapon that was created solely for him. “Kaguza… hold on to that weapon. It looks like you need it more than I will. If you ever need anything… I’ll be around…” Those would be the last words Yuudai would utter out to Kaguza for what would likely be quite a long time. With the weapon in Kaguza’s possession, Yuudai would toss the sheathe of Setsura towards Kaguza, in case the man wasn’t paying attention, it would solely bounce off his leg and land there softly. His meaning of being around meant that he’d be roaming the desert for the next long while.

- Exit Thread -
512|3224 Total

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10The Forgotten Mist [Private|Kaguza|NK] Empty Re: The Forgotten Mist [Private|Kaguza|NK] Tue May 31, 2016 12:49 am



The world seemed to line up in Frozen Soldier’s head after reading the scrap of paper the blonde Myugan had. Least what the blonde man was struggling with. He was of his right mind, just bad output, or whatever metaphor may work. A moment of confusion arose as The Frozen Soldier tossed the sheath to his sword towards Kaguza.

Kaguza… hold on to that weapon. It looks like you need it more than I will. If you ever need anything… I’ll be around…

He was . . . giving the sword to him? A shiver ran up his spine as the news sank in. It was such a fine blade and he was just giving it to him? A spark of pain gained life as his might began racing, the possibilities now that he had a weapon. He could rob people for money . . . . wait no, that was wrong. Despite his ability to remember anything about himself, he felt like he wasn’t that sort of person. No reason to change this now. How could he repay the Frozen Soldier though? Probably by getting back on his feet, memories or not.

Frozen Soldier, I love you!”  . . . . Shit . . . that sounded weird. First goal was to afford a proper physician. This had to be corrected.

219 words | 1674 Total
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