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1-Kill the Murderer(s)- repeatable c rank Empty -Kill the Murderer(s)- repeatable c rank Fri Jun 10, 2016 2:50 pm




Yaboku was wandering the village of Sunagakure, his left arm draped into his kimono hanging loosely by the cloth. As he roamed the streets of the village her over heard the people talking about murders who have been robbing and killing tourist who have been traveling near a place called the 'The Meeting Cactus.' Yaboku stopped near the few people talking about the killings, pretending to shop at a small stand. "I guess there is a reward to, something like 160 Ryo." The reward caught Yabokus attention even more then event itself. Hearing enough of the details Yaboku smirked to himself and headed off towards the gates. All he would need to do was travel to the meeting cactus, walk around and hopefully pick up more clues when he is there, hell if he was lucky maybe they would mistake him for a tourist and make his job that much easier.

Yaboku reached the gates of the village and headed towards the place the killings have been happening. The meeting cactus wasn't that far from the village gates luckily, and the cactus itself was large and in bloom making it even that much easier for Yaboku to spot and find. Yaboku reached a small sand dune that over looked the cactus. Peering over the dune he spotted the cactus but saw no people, a small sigh slipping through his lips. "Maybe they left." After a few moments of watching, he spotted a body hitting the ground behind the cactus, then three men stepping around the body and searching it. A smirk slipped over Yabokus lips. "Guess that answers that." Yaboku stood up and stepped over the dune and whistled to the three attackers. "Howdy boys, how about picking up someone a bit more out speed?" The three men stopped and looked up towards Yaboku, the leader said a few words to the other men with him, who then took off leaving Yaboku alone with one. Yaboku sighed a bit. "Why do they gotta run." Yaboku slid down the sand dune and stood roughly fifteen feet from the leader. Yaboku noted the way the other two ran before bring his eyes to the leader. He wasn't to worried about tracking them down, if their hunting grounds were here, and they left their leader behind, their hideout couldn't be that hard to find, or far from the meeting cactus.

The man standing in front of Yaboku drew a small katana, that was in pretty bad shape. Yaboku reached behind him with his right hand and due out a single katana and held it in front of him horizontally, his left arm still draped in his kimono, not really thinking the man is that big of a threat. "Come on, I gotta catch up to your buddies before they hide that loot somewhere."

The man rushed towards Yaboku, who followed suit meeting the mans sword with his kunia. The man followed with a few slashes each one being blocked and parried by Yaboku with ease each time. Yaboku was fairly good in kenjutsu, the man fighting him was an amateur to say the least, and it wouldn't be long until the man slipped up allowing Yaboku to exploit the opening. As the man charged forward once more, Yaboku meet his attack once more, locking his kunia with the mans blade. Yaboku smirked and quickly stepped on the mans left foot and pushed forward harder causing the man to step back with is right, which cause his stance to be to wide, Yaboku twisted around the man using the sand to allow a smooth rotation and elbowed the man in the back of the head. The man stumbled forward as Yaboku finished the rotation and threw his kunia at the back of the mans neck, implanting it into the mans flesh and severing the nerves to the mans body. The man fell forward, blood running from the wound in the back of his neck, Yaboku calmly walked over to the man placing his foot on the handle of the kunia. "Easy." Yaboku pressed down causing the kunia to slipped further into the mans neck until it pierced fully through the mans neck, killing him. "One down, two to go." Yaboku turned and headed off towards the direction of the other two men that ran away earlier, the battle didn't take long so the men couldn't have gone to far and luckily for Yaboku, there were still faint tracks in the sand since the wind wasn't blowing on this day.

Yaboku followed the tracks in the sand for roughly a half mile before coming to a small collection of rocks that housed a small cave. "Heh, gotcha." Yaboku descended down a small slope into the cave where he was greeted by the two men that had ran away earlier. The two man stood and looked at Yaboku. "You're to late, we hid the goods." Yaboku smirked and shrugged slightly. "That's okay, I still get an award for taking you two down." The two man charged towards Yaboku who met in kind. Taking out two kunia Yaboku tossed the first kunia at the who was the closest to him, the man then blocked it but he was not fast enough to notice Yaboku was only a few feet away, well in reach to stab the kunia into the mans chest. Yaboku smirked picking up his two kunia eyeing the last man. "Last man standing." Yaboku slipped one kunia back into his pouch and held the second in his left hand. Once again the man and Yaboku charged and slashed at once another with their weapons, but it wasn't long until Yaboku parried the mans blade and was able to bring his kunia across the throat of the last murderer.

Yaboku returned tot he village an hour later and approached a guard and spoke to him about the mission, and that he had dispatched of the murderer. Skeptical at first, the guard sent someone to to verify while leading Yaboku to shinobi headquarters to get his reward if it was true. The guards men returned half an hour later and state that Yaboku was telling the truth and that the men were dead. The leader of the guards nodded and thanked Yaboku and gave him the reward, and then told him that there were other missions he could take if he needed more money. Yaboku smirked and headed out back into the village.

-Thread end-

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