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1Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Empty Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Wed Mar 09, 2016 4:29 am



Shirayuri made her way to the Bloody Cemetery with fear and apprehension. She was raised on ghost stories and horrible rumors of what happened to those genin who strayed to far into the Mist. Supposedly people who went in alive remained there as corpses and never returned home. No genin in their right mind would actually go into the cemetery itself let alone meander there for the purposes of prayer. But Shirayuri felt obligated to do so. It was not to test her strength against whatever supernatural creatures lurked in the Mist but rather to test her faith and mental fortitude. If there truly was something out there that could harm her or anyone else, she would need to document it and help the Church create a plan to counter-act it. It was her duty not only as a Priestess but also a shinobi.

The young religious girl made her way through the tombstones. It was hard to see in front of her and the occasional rustle caused her heart to beat faster. As she walked she remembered the earlier meeting where the task was given to her. Normally a member of the Guide Priesthood would attend to such a task, but the Church's numbers were low in Kirigakure and the Guides were busy doing other things. It was her responsibility to go and investigate the cemetery and say a prayer for the deceased. Shirayuri didn't often balk at requests that came from the Low Shepherds of the Church but this was one time where she was unsure of her ability to fulfill the task given. The young girl had read some scriptures before setting out and finally arrived in the center of the graveyard before dropping to her knees and saying a prayer.

It was silent and sincere like all of her prayers. Anyone happening on the scene would see a young girl with long spiky raven hair in a gothic uniform of sorts, meditating in the place of death and mystery. Someone was bound to come across her and when they did Shirayuri hoped that it was a sign that the Great Shepherd was looking out for her.

2Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Empty Re: Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:26 pm



The graveyard was not a place which Aya visited often, many of her friends buried here over the ages she knew had memorials put up as a token gesure, as there were little remains in each instance worth burying. Kaguza was one of the few exceptions. A former Sanin of the village whom had fallen from his wounds after the Seven Bells war, only for her to discover his feelings for her some time later in the written letter he had scrawled moments before his inevitable demise. Aya felt sorrow grip at her chest, her hand instinctively moving to her alabaster skin, clawing at the location of her heart as if to pull at the weight that pressed down on her, slowing her ability to breathe. The grave was lightly marked, but still to date was as upkept as any grave of a decorated war hero. Wreaths with fresh flowes hung over it with medals celebrating his achievements littering the foot of the memorial. Aya could remember that it was here in this graveyard the two of them had even met for the first time, each taking on the task of removing the serial killer that had once haunted the graveyard, striking down younger ninja. Their trap was juvenile and dangerous, but it had worked, and after a long exchange, the three of them had prevailed, and Aya had taken that killers' mask for her own.

Smacking her lips before she opened her mouth to talk at the grave of her dear friend, Aya noticed that the mist was especially thick tonight, strangling the moonlight out of the sky preventing her shimmering sapphire hair from glistening in the natural glow of the night sky, instead, it hung like navy, dark and nearing black within the mist, her eye-patch covering the only source of light that her body would normally radiate showing her latent power.

"Kaguza, Sorry I haven't been here for a while, things have been rather busy as of late, but I'm sure you knew that... I wish daily that you were here, that the people I love were here, things would have been solved so much easier if we could have just come together and dealt with it all as a family. But. I guess the world doesn't work out that way. My mother's doing well, the shop is booming again, she even made changeling, a weapon I'm sure you would have approved of... she could have made you something like it as well, i'm sure you would have enjoyed that... I guess the fact of the matter is I just miss you, everyone is leaving one way or another but you never did, you were always here, protecting the city... protecting me. I'll be sure to come back a little more often from now on, okay? See you around."

Of all the battles she had ever fought, fighting back the tears here was by far the hardest of them all, steeling herself emotionally, she managed to conquer her sadness and look beyond her own feelings and move forward, the Mizukage had to be strong for the village, for others to see her sad would conjure an immediate defensive reaction from her people who she knew cared for her just as much as she cared for them. But as she turned, she saw a child sitting and meditating within the cemetery grounds, wearing what appeared to be a wedding dress of some kind. Black was a colour synonymous with life here, so it was odd seeing that kind of symbolism in the middle of a grave-yard, while white is far more commonly associated with death or the dark side of things. Taking an interest, Aya thought she would inspect this rather odd element before recognizing the face of a member of the Osada clan. It was always good to see members of familiar groups, it bought an amount of peace to her heart, though she hoped that she was nothing like her clan leader or Sero... there was enough brutality in the ranks of the Osada, finding someone peaceful would be a god-send.

Coming up behind her, breaking through the mist as it rolled apart, breaking through as with but a light fluctuation of her chakra the mist pulsed away in an orb, keeping its distance from the Mizukage approaching the genin before her. Leaning up against one of the taller memorial stones she looked at her meditating position, knowing that the graveyard was still rumoured to be a dangerous place for genin, even though the place was probably more regulated by the villages ANBU than any other locations. The dark shadows of the ANBU occasionally landing before disappearing could definitely create an ominous ambiance about the place to be sure.

The mist also never helped.

"You know, places like this aren't the friendliest to Genin, whatever peace the dead may bring you, I assure that it can't be worth the suffering. "

She spoke aloud, folding her arms and tilting her head to one side to rest against the cold stone.

3Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Empty Re: Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Sat Mar 12, 2016 7:30 am



Shirayuri heart skipped a beat when she heard someone talking a bit away from her. She turned around and saw that it was none other than Mizukage Ayakashi. The young girl sighed in relief that she had been accompanied by the single strongest individual in the entire country. If there was anything to fear within the dark mists of the cemetery, it would meet more than its match at the hands of the Mizukage. The Kage mentioned that there was indeed monstrosities lurking about and that as a genin she had no place being there. Shirayuri looked down for a bit and then stood up to face her Mizukage. The Church had told her to do it and she wanted to be brave for their sake. The Low Shepherds that helped run the Church of Latter Day Rising Mist were often woefully misinformed about the dangers of shinobi life. The organization was only just beginning to truly establish a following among the military and while Shirayuri was one of their newest converts she was also quite inexperienced. She bowed respectfully and replied to her Kage's admonishment:

"Apologies Mizukage-sama. I know this isn't the safest place to be but I wanted to pray for the dead. I hope they rest in peace and that their loved ones find the strength to live on. My name is Osada Shirayuri..."

With the bow completed, Shirayuri took to examining the Mizukage. She noticed that she quite pale even for someone from Kirigakure. The woman was not all that old but she definitely had experience on her side. Shirayuri didn't really feel nervous around most high ranking ninja but Ayakashi just wasn't any plain old high ranking ninja, she was the leader of the village. It wasn't in her nature to seek out power for the sake of power but if she wasn't strong enough to pray for those who most needed it or defend their loved ones then she wouldn't truly be able to put the tenants of her faith into practice. She didn't doubt that Ayakashi came to this cemetery whenever she pleased as their was no power in the graveyard strong enough to over come her. Shirayuri longed for that kind of power and she knew that it could only come from intense training and dedication. Before she left today she would resolve to have her leader train her. It would be a bold request but if she had the courage to face the unknown in the cemetery surely her faith would give her the strength to ask the Mizukage for training.

4Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Empty Re: Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Wed Mar 23, 2016 1:59 am



Aya saw the same glint in this Genin's eye that she saw in almost every other Ninja in the land, it was the glint that came from a person who wanted to be stronger, a fire burned within the hearts of these people which could not be extinguished until they overcame some form of great adversary. It was a burden for them to bare, and one that Aya had once too born for herself, but, the will to be strong without the direction and purpose to do it, was wasted potential. The willpower needed to stem from something personal, while many ninja grew up with this ideal of protecting their family and friends, much of the time it was little more than a token gesture, they didn't know what that might mean or what it might entail simply due to the lack of experience. These Genin didn't know what it meant to take a life in the name of the country, to hunt down a ninja who had gone rogue, even if it was one of their own friends or family... Hell, it was something even the Mizukage had failed at twice now. But, unlike other ninja, Aya was proud of those failures because it re-assured her that within all of her idealism and love for the village, that she was still her own person.

Looking to the Genin and smiling as Aya moved around to in front of them bowing in respect to the youngling as they bowed to her as a kind gesture she would open her folded arms and stretch one hand high above her head with her other hand locked on her elbow. Aya was a little bit interested in the Osada clan's new members, she wanted to know if this one was anything like Sero, so far it seemed that this genin liked to hang around dead bodies which seemed to bring her a degree of peace in one form or another, which was never truly a sane thing to start with. But, if Aya could at all help it she would like to halt another ninja from internalizing the ideals of the land that Kirigakure once was, and not what it is today. Aya had fought hard to remove the status of the country as "Village of the Bloody Mist," but it had been hard, and long. Turning that murderous and predator like chakra into a righteous zeal which could not be broken by any force.

Opening her mouth, Aya began to question.

"I know that look, so, for what reason do you require strength? And trust me, there is a wrong answer to this question, think about it Osada... I'll know if you're lying to me... ... ... "

Aya spoke with a serious yet mischievous tone, she was goading the Genin into an answer, but also wanting them to think about it before hand. She hoped that this Genin was going to answer something selfish, Ayakashi could think of something interesting to happen now, a means to play and bring a little bit of excitement to the night, as well as teach a valuable lesson.

5Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Empty Re: Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:21 pm



Shirayuri's mild unease was quickly replaced by surprise. It was as if the Mizukage had read her mind instantly and posed a question before she could even ask for training. Shirayuri Osada was in quite the predicament as she realized that a lot could be hinging on how she responded to Ayakashi's question. There was a playful hint in her tone as if there was a punchline that the genin could not hope to pick up on. If there was a right answer Shirayuri was not positive that she could give it but if honesty was encouraged then that is what she would answer with. The Mizukage gave her time to think and so the young girl did her best to think her reply through. She wanted to be strong so that she could defend and protect her family, but most of all she wanted to ensure the survival of her Church. The Church of Latter Day Rising Mist was small and although it had traced its origins dating back years, it was hardly a pillar of power and influence. The Church had been reviled as a dangerous cult by a few and ignored as irrelevant by most. Shirayuri wanted to grow strong because she sincerely believed that if the Church was allowed to grow and spread that it would be the shield that protected Kirigakure and eventually the world. It had been blessed with the power to heal and enlighten the minds of its converts and only through its grace could humanity ascend to its rightful place.

Shirayuri wasn't sure if Aya had ever even heard of the small Church and for a moment she feared the Mizukage was dislike her for her faith. But the question demanded honesty and given that Aya knew what was on her mind before she said it, there was no hope of lying or stretching the truth. The goth took a deep breath and played with her long raven hair as she gave her answer. As an official member of the Church Hierarchy she was trained in how to handle questions about the Faith when talking to any non-member. She figured there would be some follow up questions so as she spoke she recalled her training.

"I want to be strong enough to protect my Church. The Church of Latter Day Rising Mist. Its a small religious movement centered on mental health and spirituality. I think it can do a lot of good in this world if its allowed to grow and flourish. If I can keep the Church safe I know that my faith will stay strong. And if my faith is strong then I can help anyone"

It was quite an optimistic and idealistic dream but it was the honest truth. Shirayuri hoped that Ayakashi would not be insulted that she did not say to protect Kirigakure. She mentioned that there was a wrong answer and it was possible that she had given the wrong one. If that was the case then so be it. Shirayuri would accept the consequences. The Book of Hope was the central canonical text of the Church of Latter Day Rising Mist and it extolled the virtue of honesty and forthcoming ness. She would not lie about her faith for it had gotten her this far. While waiting for a response she silently prayed that the Mizukage would not scorn her or worse yet harm her for her spiritual loyalty.

6Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Empty Re: Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Mon Mar 28, 2016 7:13 am



"Is that all?"

Ayakashi would say diasappointed at the lack of fire and conviction in the answer she was given, there seemed to be little energy or resolve in the response, to Aya, it felt like Shirayuri didn't believe in her own reasoning. To get stronger so that she might be able to better help others was not a reason to gain strength, it was a will that all sensible people held in their hearts, every farmer, every child, every seamstress, nurse, doctor and ninja wanted to become better at their trade in order to make the world around them a better place. But Ayakashi was looking for her reason to become strong, not simply become 'good' so she needed to go deeper into the desires of the Genin, deeper into the heart of desire and find for what reason her heart as a ninja continued to beat, why she did not simply give up on becoming a ninja of any given rank, or why she even bothered to wrap her hitiate around her head each morning as a ninja of the village hidden in the mist.

"The will to become strong to keep something safe beats in the hart of all people who have a heart that is capable of beating. There is no warmth in that desire, and because you have placed your will on the faceless idea of a church, your will is as weak as the stone the building's walls are built with. Tomorrow, the next day, or next week, or a year from now, someone or something is more than capable of taking that church and everyone in it from you... then what will you have left to fight for..? Nothing. You'll be left hollow, and without purpose, wandering until you can find yourself again clinging to anything that offers the mere hope of filling the void in you where that church once was... you'd be dead long before your heart stopped beating. There's no use in fighting for a place, or an idea, as these things can be lost so easily in this world of changing hearts. So... why do you want to become strong?"

Aya spoke with confidence and conviction, remembering for a moment why she had become as strong as she is.

When I was young, my father died trying to restore this village to its former glory in a bloody coup which ended his life. His death spiraled my mother into depression... every day I had to pray that she would not end her life. Then our store was attacked, robbed by ninja intending to leave the village forever. After they knocked out my mother, and beat me half to death in the corner, what few village ninja could be spared killed every single one of them in our shop, showering us with their blood in the most brutal of fashions. That was the day I chose to be a ninja, to not only protect my family, but to make myself an example to my mother to say that we are capable of stepping out from the darkness and into the light, that we can face our demons and win. I killed the serial killer which prowled this very graveyard, and wear his mask to this day as a symbol that Kiri will always defeat its demons.

When two Mizukage died one after the other and plunged this country into a darkness which no-one ever thought they could recover from, I rose to shine against it... I want to get stronger so that no ninja in this country ever feels like the darkness is insurmountable, no matter how dense or all encompassing it may feel at the time. This resolve, is something that cannot be shaken, true resolve is found when you take the world on your shoulders and create a dream worth striving for. And true strength, is found when your dream is shared by those close to you."

Aya spoke with a seriousness that few would see her say, she knew that there was a life where every ninja was destined for greatness. Words, were but a single tool used to draw out the resolve to seek it, and if Ayakashi could inspire this genin early in their growth, with words that she would be able to carry for the rest of her life, then she would attempt it with all of her wisdom and the prestige of her title.

7Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Empty Re: Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:12 am

Sukoshi Kemono

Sukoshi Kemono

"How'd I manage to get in this situation?" Sukoshi thought to himself as he quickly hid in the shadows. Sukoshi was on one of walks, there was something very calming to him about graveyards even though he knew the very serious threats that lurk in the Bloody Cemetery.

He had stopped and hid because he heard very faint voices in the distance. Without a doubt they would of heard or sensed him coming Sukoshi wasn't the greatest at stealth, but he hoped that if he remained hidden he may have a chance to evade whoever it may be. Sukoshi overheard something about a dream which in his opinion screamed friendly but he couldn't be sure.

Sukoshi started to move out back away from the voices, but as he went to step out from behind the gravestone he had been hiding from he tripped over a root of a tree. With a massive crash Sukoshi landed face first eating the dust and rolling down the slight slope closer towards where the voices were coming from. As quick as he could he brushed himself pausing slightly to have a look around to see if anyone saw him fall and hid behind the first tree he could find.

"Oh god! I'm so done for why are you so clumsy for at the most important times" thought Sukoshi putting his hand up to his head. "All I wanted to do was go on a peaceful walk but now find myself in this predicament"

8Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Empty Re: Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:54 pm



Shirayuri knew that she had given the wrong answer judging by the Mizukage's reaction. She swallowed and nodded her head as she resigned to whatever chastizement awaited her. It was an honest answer and she felt that it was a perfectly acceptable response. Ayakashi then launched into her own explanation for why the answer wasn't sufficient. Being strong to protect something was universal but it was also finite. The Church was just an instituion and while Shirayuri took offense to her Kage's words she couldn't help but realize that she was right. If the Church were to be annhilated she was lose all reason for living, it would be nigh impossible to sustain her faith. She had invested so much into it, she couldn't bear to live on without it. Ayakashi insisted there was no use fighting for ideas or things as they were not permanent. Shirayuri wasn't sure she agreed but she had to admit it was a convincing argument.

The Church of Latter Day Rising Mist was said to be a restoration of the Great Shepherd's original church. A religious movement that had been destroyed and dispersed once at the hands of the Adversary. If it could be done once then it could be done again. The Church drew its breath only by the will and grace of its leadership but alas they were only human. It was more than possible than in such a violent and intolerant world they would cease to be. Shirayuri wanted to believe that if the Church could survive the years of the Bloody Mist it could make it through anything but she could not be so sure. The Mizukage asked her again and she fell silent, unsure of what to say. She wanted to be strong to save her Church but if that wasn't not a good enough reason then she wasn't sure she had found one yet. She was young and had some time to figure it all out but it would be something that she planned on praying quite a bit on.

Ayakashi talked about why she had made the decision to become a shinobi and grow stronger. The Mizukage had grown up during the years of the Bloody Mist which to Shirayuri was nothing more than a hazy memory. The Mizukage spoke pretty plainly about the horrors and traumas that she had faced and her candor was somewhat shocking. Ninja of higher ranks tended to be on guard with respect to talking about their past but it seemed Ayakashi had nothing to hide. She wanted to inspire Shirayuri it seemed and so she held nothing back. The goth was a bit taken a back but quickly accepted that this was a sign of trust. For the Mizukage to share such intimate details she wanted Shirayuri to get a strong glimpse into what made a solid Nindo. The world of the military and the world of the Church had their similarities and differences, Shirayuri wanted to bridge them. She was a warrior but she couldn't very well relinquish her claim to protecting the Church as her primary motivation for being a ninja.

"I'm sorry to hear that Mizukage..." She said truthfully. It pained her when others suffered but she didn't linger on the sympathy note for too long. Ayakashi had moved on so it would be improper to dwell on the subject with pity. "I haven't experienced that many hardships myself. In fact, it was only recently that I started to take my combat training seriously. I wanted to stay a genin for as long as possible and just work as a counselor but I can't risk not doing my part to help Kirigakure and keep my Clan and my Church safe. I don't know what my reason for strength is yet but I know I'll find it if I remain on the shinobi path. I just pray that I don't find it too late..." It was an ominous realization but it was truthful. No one, not even Kage or genin had tomorrow promised. The ninja life was fickle and cruel. As if on cue a crash was heard nearby and Shirayuri immediately went on guard making a single seal and channeling her chakra in preparation for a fight. It was hardly necessary as the most powerful person in the village was literally right next to her. If there was nothing the Mizukage could do against this newcomer than Shirayuri wouldn't stand a chance. She reacted however out of pure instinct and a desire to not seem untrained in front of her leader. Shirayuri kept a close eye on the figure that peeked out from behind the tree. He was talking to himself and he didn't seem like he meant any harm.

"Whose there?" Shirayuri asked with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

9Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Empty Re: Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Sun Apr 03, 2016 3:25 am



The honest answer of uncertainty was something that Aya was a lot more interested to hear, she considered it the honest answer that she had been looking for, to Aya, there was nothing wrong with not knowing your destination, it was the first part of a Genin's journey, to discover where their path might lead, and while not everyone in the world was destined for greatness, everyone began with an equal beginning and the potential to become legendary. Aya had been little more than the daughter of a ninja and a smith, not trained in the arts of the ninja until she was seventeen. But, like so many others she had made it, the Mizukage after a decade and a half of hard work. Aya could see some potential in the Osada before her, she had known for some time that the boil release unique to their clan was one of the most powerful abilities she had come across in her travels. Aya had always considered the clan the people who would weaponize the mist of the village it was hidden within.

The Osada were always the Secret weapons of the country.

Putting a hand on her shoulder Ayakashi smiled, "Don't take my words too harshly, you're young and there is more than enough time to find your purpose. Finding your place in the world is a noble goal on its own, you, me, and every other ninja has asked themselves the same question, but eventually, you will give yourself over to a higher power. Perhaps, rather than simply becoming an agent of your church, you would be better served as incarnating yourself in the ideals of the church itself. That way, so long as you live, those beliefs live with you... I feel like that would be something worth becoming strong to protect. But your faith would have to be iron-clad, and never wavering for even the slightest of moments. If you think you can do that, one day I might be titling you as 'Legendary Sanin of the Mizu no Kuni.' wouldn't that be a dream?"

Aya moved to walk past the genin, and only then heard the crash of a person falling over... something triggered within the mizukage, she hadn't noticed someone moving through the dense fog, so, drawing her bow and slinging an arrow faster than either of the Genin's eyes could possibly see, Aya was poised and ready for combat... Shirayuri beside her would likely wonder where the Mizukage got a long-bow from, as it seemed to appear from nowhere as her arrow glistened in the moonlight. But, as another Genin rose from the graveyard floor, Aya scowled for a moment, lowering her weapon 'changeling' to beside her and replacing the arrow back into her quiver... the Genin had given her a fright, and the Mizukage herself had for a moment let down her guard. Walking over the new entrant into the area, Ayakashi did not look pleased at the surprise, nor the fact there were two genin in a place, at night that they ought not to be in...

for reasons neither of them were allowed to know.

"Alright, first things first, why are you walking through a foggy graveyard at night, secondly... the hell were you thinking giving me a fright like that?"

The Mizukage didn't seem pleased about the ordeal in the slightest, one hand on her hip, half a nerve to wrap her steel covered hand around the boy's neck and slam him against the tree he tripped over... before taking a deep breath and coming to terms with the fact that each of the two genin were children, and like children new to the world of the ninja, they each wanted their own independence more than anything at this age... it was a natural part of growing up, and there was no point in punishing two kids for something that was inevitable any-ways. Hell, she was sure that even Sero Osada had broken the rules a couple of times in his day... at the cost of his victims, but she was sure he had done it at some point...

Such was life...

10Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Empty Re: Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Wed Apr 06, 2016 1:07 am

Sukoshi Kemono

Sukoshi Kemono

Before Sukoshi could even think to answer one of the Shinobi about who he was, Sukoshi was startled by a thud from the tree right behind him. He turned to see what the noise was, kunai at the ready suspecting that one of the ninja may of snuck behind him, but was shocked and horrified to notice it was an arrow sticking out of the tree. He sat there contemplating for a second on how he could miss an arrow flying past him then snapped back into reality realising that the two shinobi were still awaiting his response.

Sukoshi stepped out from behind the tree and looked up. Astonished to see that the Mizukage herself was here with another Genin. "Lady Ayakashi I'm so sorry but if it makes you feel any better I'm going to have to change my underwear when I get home also. My name is Sukoshi Kemono I'm a Genin from your village. I was merely strolling through I love places like this. When I heard some voices I tried to go in the oppisite direction but as you probably heard I tripped and ended up closer to you guys. I'm so glad that you weren't shinobi from another village" Sukoshi explained whilst rubbing the back of his head nervously. "What were you two doing here? Some top secret training! Please I beg you include me also I swear I'm the strongest Genin in all of the 5 shinobi nations! I won't let you down!

At the thought of being trained by the Mizukage, Sukoshi seemed to lose all logical thought process. Throwing himself down at the Mizukage's feet than attempting to grab her hand to kiss it. To Sukoshi he was the strongest out there hands down but deep down in his mind he knew that he needed more training and to actually be the strongest and be able to back up his words would be the pie in everyone's face that he so badly wanted. He knew the Mizukage probably wouldn't train him but it was worth the attempt. His final plan depended on Sukoshi making friends with strong shinobi and he wasn't about to let shyness get in the way of his destiny.

11Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Empty Re: Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Thu Apr 07, 2016 12:05 am



Shiryuri blushed at the mention of the word Saanin. As a priestess of the Church she avoided thinking about positions of high rank and esteem but she couldn't help but dream of having such a prestigous title. She was glad that the Mizukage was accepting of her desire to protect the Church and she agreed to take the Kage's words to heart about being her own ideals embodied. She prayed everyday for guidance and strength so that she could protect the Church but if it were indeed to fall one day she would also need the strength to carry its faith on her own accord. The message and revelations of the Great Shepherd who had founded the Church of Latter Day Rising Mist had insisted that this Truth was known since time immemorial in different forms and that now with its restoration it had the power to remain on Earth until its work was done and the Great Ascension occurred. The mood had been cut short by a young lad named Sukoshi Kemono who apparently though it wise to start begging for training. Shirayuri sighed a breath of releif that he wasn't there to do any harm but she lifted an eyebrow when he threw himself to Ayakashi's feet and begged for training. It was very unseemly although she envied his forwardness considering she wanted to also be trained by the Mizukage.

Shirayuri considered chiming in but she stayed silent as she lowered her seal and clasped her hands behind her back. What would happen next would be entirely up the Mizukage.

12Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Empty Re: Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:32 am



Aya shook her head, looking at the genin who seemed just as much a child as one she had ended some-time before, she could feel her anger brewing within her as she looked down upon the boy with his combination of gloating and begging almost within the same breath. It was a touch too much, but little could be helped, the boy seemed like he needed even the most basic of ninja training which the academy here in kirigakure would be the ones to handle. Conversely, it was the girl who sat silently at the graves that had held Ayakashi's attention and respect. She was searching for her ideal, while this child was floundering for power and begging for it at any given moment that it might present itself. The Mizukage could almost shudder at the thought if Sukoshi somehow came into her kind of strength with the mind-set that he had now... but, there had to be a starting point for sure.

But there was one person who was always 'the best' at breaking in these new genin.

"Sure, I'll train you, but first, a test. Go to Sero Osada and tell him I would like you to accompany him for patrol, he has a mission that I would like to be completed and I would like you to offer your services wherever applicable. Learn everything you can, that man will be a Sannin of this village soon enough. And as for you, Shirayuri... if you'd like to become stronger, come see me in the morning. That is, if you'd like to be trained."

Aya knew that she could very well be sentencing the boy to death, allowing Sero to take him on a mission that would be of his own calibur, yet alone this childs, but, if anyone could break in a Genin and help them grow up a tad, it would be him. Though Shirayuri had already proven herself to the mizukage, looking back at her, she smiled, waving before a massive white tiger strode through the mist. Bai's presence, long fully recovered meant that Aya was needed for something else, taking this as a chance to leave the two genin to their own devices and introductions, there was a sudden pulse, a flicker, the mist parting like the red sea for a moment, and Aya was gone before their eyes. Both her and her tiger moving faster than either one of the two genin could possibly comprehend.

[exit thread. Bai training A-S 3247 + 2734 = 5981 / 4500 words ... 1481 remaining for stat training.]

Last edited by Ayakashi on Sat Jun 18, 2016 8:15 am; edited 2 times in total

13Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Empty Re: Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Mon Apr 11, 2016 7:49 am

Sukoshi Kemono

Sukoshi Kemono

Sensing that maybe he had overstepped his boundaries a bit with Lady Ayakashi Sukoshi eased up a bit taking a few steps back from the Mizukage. He could feel her angry starting to rise as she shook her head but as Sukoshi started to lower his she spoke. To Sukoshi's disbelief Lady Ayakashi agreed to train him if he were to pass a test. He was to meet with someone named Sero Osada and accompany him on a mission. It wasn't that part that bothered him it was the last part... The part about this girl in front of him having a secret meeting with the Mizukage and then getting trained by her while he got palmed off to this so called "Sannin" in the making. Then to leave without any acknowledgement of him even being there, his blood boiled and everything from his past came flooding back. Why even when he is being as loud and as attention seeking as he could did he still remain invisible to the people around him? Maybe this time he will just show her instead of telling her.

"This is what I think of your test!" Sukoshi pulled down his slacks and mooned in the direction the Mizukage left in, pulling his pants back up Sukoshi turned to the unknown Genin standing by the tombstones quietly. "I'll ace that stupid test! So what's your name? Haven't heard you speak a word since I exposed who I was clearly I am no threat. What do you say? Friends?"

Sukoshi was clearly jealous of the girl she didn't have to say much and still she got more respect than he did. Technically, she didn't do anything to him but his jealousy was still there he didn't understand why he felt this way. But he had an idea that may be able to ease this feeling, he would never hurt a comrade and felt extremely guilty for feeling this way against a fellow Kirigakure Shinobi. Sukoshi began to take notice of the Genin taking in her appearence, there was something creepy but very attractive about the way the kunoichi dressed and at further inspection he noticed how beautiful she was, thinking to himself how he could of missed that the first time around. It was around this point that Sukoshi's nose started to bleed, quickly he turned around hoping the Genin didn't notice.

"So does she speak?" Sukoshi inquired jokingly raising the thumbs up.

14Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Empty Re: Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:12 pm



Shirayuri could sense the exasperation in the Mizukage's voice but her own expression remained completely unchanged. She had plenty of practice in exercising the virtue of non-judgment and stoicism. It was her job as a member of the Auditor Priesthood of the Church to listen to the concerns of others without judgment so that she may better assist in the healing of their minds from whatever trauma life had brought them. Despite her obvious annoyance, Ayakashi gave Sukoshi the opportunity to learn from her by working with another man who was due to become a Saanin. Shirayuri's heartbeat sped up as she realized that she might have miscalculated in not being as forward in her own desire for training when the Mizukage extended an offer right on the spot. Shirayuri quickly bowed but couldn't find the words that would express the gratitude she felt. She could hardly believe what she had heard and so she merely grinned in silence. Apparently the Mizukage had heard something in what she had said that could be considered worthy.

She bowed again for good measure and allowed herself a small smile. The teachings of the Church manifested their truth all the time, in all sorts of ways. The ninja who was in tune with the peace and serenity of his own mind would always find more fortune than the one who wandered within the misty chaos of a cluttered mind. It was not her place to judge Sukoshi but she couldn't help but note the boy's impulsiveness, greed, and discontent with his lot. He mooned Ayakashi after she had departed, an act that caused Shirayuri to stiffen and return her countenance to something a bit more neutral. After the young man pulled up his pants he commented on her silent nature. At that moment he extended friendship only for his body to reveal that perhaps he sought more. Sukoshi's nose began to bleed which according to the many books she had read on the subject indicated a state of psychological arousal. Shirayuri blushed and smiled as he asked if she was capable of speaking.

"She does. My name is Shirayuri Osada and I'd love to be friends."

She extended her hand to be shaken and gave him a genuine smile. The gesture was friendly but it wasn't a bow of reverence like she would give to the Kage. Bows were reserved for shinobi of higher rank and while Sukoshi was ambitious she had no intention of extending the same courtesy to him just yet. Shirayuri recalled that many ninja took advantage of kindness and looked for any sign of weakness to exploit. There were times where she could serve as a Priestess and times where she needed to have the superior mindset of a shinobi. It was difficult to tell which role was more appropriate at times but she figured that as time went on she would grow into both occupations. It seemed to her as though this Sukoshi could use some counseling but before she offered him an auditing session, she thought it was best to first get a totalizing glimpse of his psyche.

"Mizukage Ayakashi is gone and the bloody cemetery isn't exactly a safe place to be. I only came here to say a quick prayer. Want to grab a bite to eat?"

The ethos of a cemetery agreed with Shirayuri. The creatures that may or may not lurk within its mists however did not. The faster the two genin left the area, the better and so she left.


15Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Empty Re: Prayer for the Deceased (Open) Thu Apr 14, 2016 9:22 pm

Sukoshi Kemono

Sukoshi Kemono

Sukoshi was slightly taken back when Shirayuri replied, genuninely thinking that the kunoichi may of been a mute. He always had a knack for jumping the gun when it came to deciphering people and their messages, something he knew he needed to work on if he wanted to be a powerful shinobi. Power was the only thing on Sukoshi's mind but it wasn't for melicious reasons, he felt that it was his mission in life to protect the people and animals with no voices, the ones that couldn't protect themselves or speak up for their rights. Nothing annoyed Sukoshi more then someone thinking they had the right to control someone else's destiny. As Shirayuri agreed to become friends she extended her had for a handshake, Sukoshi jumped back firstly out of instinct than after realizing what she was doing he started jumping around examining Shirayuri's hand.

"Hmmm... Nice to meet you Shirayuri." Sukoshi smiled and shook the shinobi's hand.

Her skin was so soft and had a warming sensation to the touch, Shirayuri had this aura she gave off that made you feel as though everything would be ok. Sukoshi didn't want to mention this as she made a good point about The Bloody Cemetry being too dangerous for two Genins now that the Mizukage was gone and offered for them both to get something to eat. Sukoshi's anger started to bubble again but seeing the kunoichi's warm, friendly smile it subsided and he thought to himself that he would put faith in the Mizukage's decision, after all she didn't become Mizukage for no reason. The fact that now Sukoshi knew that the Mizukage and Shirayuri weren't having a secret meeting at all, more so the kunoichi was being kind and respecting the dead. This made Sukoshi respect the Genin more so.

"I agree with you there and would love to accompany such a beautiful kunoichi to get something to eat." Sukoshi said with a huge smile.

The two Genins raced off back into the village leaving the dark, quietness of the cemetry and it's dangerous secrets behind.


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