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1Discover the Pervert [D-Rank/Private/NK] Empty Discover the Pervert [D-Rank/Private/NK] Thu Apr 14, 2016 4:01 pm



Heading back towards the mission outpost, having completed a few other missions today she set out to at least accomplish one more before the end of the night. Hopefully this one wouldn't take too long. (Slight foreshadowing.) Aozame took to the outpost, searching through the requests, grabbing one by one, carefully looking over them. The careful outlook over all of the requests turned to a dull boring stare as she gradually went through them. "Too easy.. Too hard.. Too much.. Too not often.." she thumbed through them all as if flipping through a magazine to find a good article out of all of the rabble. She finally picked one without really looking at it, seeing that it was at a store in the market she went to get on her way, accepting the mission and heading out to a mission she really had no idea about. Reaching the market at the center of the village, she looked around for the place she was to meet the owner of. It was a measly little store, but it was fairly nice on the inside. It was a generic store for civilians, and one she might have to come back to eventually to buy some things for the island. A few other people were in the store, but Aozame was the only shinobi of sorts that seemed to be around at these parts at this time. Someone noticed her and came up to her, saying "Hello! I assume you are the shinobi to accept my mission request? Well if you read the mission details there's no need to talk more, I'll get you your things you'll need." as she realized she never actually read the mission, she quickly caught him before he left "They kind of just threw it at me with no details." she said with a sort of believable lie to cover up that she didn't read it "What exactly were you going to have me accomplish?" he sighed a little, commenting on how the mission outpost always were slacking a bit. "Well, I have a few of these stores. And, for some reason, every new hire we get here leaves in a few days usually. They just quit, and they all give different reasons, but I suspect it's something going on that makes them leave. I wanted you to go undercover and find, and report the problem that they've been having. You'll be working more with the store manager than I, so just come back to me specifically whenever you find out what it is." Aozame nodded in agreement, awaiting for the man to come back with the outfit she'd wear for the time being, pretending to be a new employee. He quickly helped her get situated as he told her he would be leaving, and would possibly be back later on that day. The store manager came in at around the time the store owner was heading out, he was a bald headed middle aged man who had a sort of hunch to him. He drooled over the owner as if he was his lapdog, basically praising the ground he walked on with an air of having his head shoved too far up the owners backside. As the owner left the store manager turned to Aozame "Well, you're the new employee huh? I didn't know that we'd be hiring such good looking help." he said with a sneer, and an almost toothy grin on his face. She frowned at him and said "I assume that you're the store manager? I'm the new employee, yes." as he smiled even bigger, he started to ask Aozame questions about her age, what she did, and everything else. It made her feel uncomfortable, but angrier than uncomfortable. She realized that this man was most likely the reason why everyone left. But she needed to make sure. Going throughout the day, the man kept coming on to Aozame, and kept making subtle hints towards her. Except, whenever a customer was there he would be on his best behavior, putting on a show for them. It disgusted her, especially since it wasn't a female trying to put moves onto her. She had finally had enough of his banter, and confronted him. "You know, it's really creepy the way you're coming onto a younger person, especially one you've just met. Does the owner know about this?" she implied with a hint of accusation. He replied "It's flattering darlin', take the compliment. Besides, you wouldn't tell. If you did, you wouldn't be able to obtain a job in this country, let alone the village." he smiled as he said it. Aozame turned away from him, ready to inform the owner that he was the reason why. She felt a slight tickle right on her butt, as she turned around, unsheathed Shakusukin from underneath where she was keeping him, and put him up against the wall, sword to his throat. "You touch me again, flirt with me again, or anyone for that matter, and I'll rip your legs off personally, before I send your mangled crippled self to Sero's house for some one on one. Are we clear?" he swallowed hard before replying with "Yes ma'am." taking her sword from her neck, as she watched him run away with significantly wetter pants than he had previously, as she went to turn in the mission and tell the owner of the discord.


WC: 925


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