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It sure was crowded. How is it possible that Rei had always overlooked a place like this? It had many different things to offer and it was even more odd that, apparently, people from all ages were allowed to enter such a place. Worming himself through the crowds of people, on the way passing a strip club, bar and a club. It seriously almost seemed like a corrupt place, that some business was going on here not exactly in the most legal ways, but Rei just shrugged that thought off. He didn’t need to bother with it. After all, he was just here to have a good time and get away from it all for a change. Never in his life has he been to either of these three places before and it was definitely something that only Kirigakure had to offer. Rei stood out from most people within the area. Pretty much being the only one with the white hair and blue eyes, if someone were to look for him they’d be sure to find him even with the people surrounding and every now and then brushing up to him in order to get by. Standing in the middle of the locale, he figured it’d be best to move himself out of the way. He stood on his toes, looking over the people standing in front of him and noticing a sign above the entrance of a building, not too far away from where he was. The sign read ‘club’; a club to party. Although Rei’s still young, he barely had the time to experience the things a normal person of his age would. Stepping left and right to avoid bumping into individuals, he made his way over to the entrance. There was a bouncer at the entrance, but only quickly scanned your appearance before letting you through the door. They didn’t even check your age, which made him wonder if this was the same case for people who obviously look twelve. He’d see as soon as he steps through the opening and into the bright, flickering lights enlightening the interior of the club. The bass of the music was heard vibrating through the ground, almost making Rei himself tremble on his feet. This sensation. The vibration shot through his body and had a feeling he had never gotten before. This was rhythm; a beat.

He blinked a couple of times, looking at the people dancing in the middle of the dancefloor, though some of the visitors just hanging out by the bar further towards the other end of the club, just having a drink or two to perhaps catch up with each other. Seeing as Rei wasn’t exactly the type to go partying and dancing himself, he did enjoy an experience like this. Instead of walking right through the dance floor, he made a detour around it to make sure he wasn’t dragged into something that he didn’t want to be dragged into. Just avoiding trouble. People were just being themselves here.. but then again, maybe they were not. They were all intoxicated by the drinks they served here and perhaps, Rei would be like that as well in a short while. He took place at the bar, beginning by placing both of his elbows on the counter and leaning in a little bit in order to place his order. He was just being plain; ordered sake and turned back around in order to observe. He couldn’t deny that this was interesting. There were many beautiful women around and from what he saw, some of the men were shot down talking to the girls, while other succeeded and left the area with arms wrapped around each other. Just for a night of fun, I suppose? Rei chuckled to himself as the saké was placed behind him, hitting the counter with a thud. Due to the music, he barely heard it being placed behind him and the mumbling of many people kept him from hearing the barman yell out to him. Only after a while, he turned around himself and noticed the barman looking at him, with the expression pretty much asking him to pay up. Reaching into his pocket and pulling out a few Ryo, not even checking whether or not it was enough or too much, he threw it on the counter. Without hesitation, the barman picked it up and possibly even put something into his pockets, himself. He seemed eager, hinting that Rei might have actually paid too much. Rei sighed, a smile crossing his lips since he doesn’t have that much emotional attachment to his ryo, anyway. Taking a sip from his too much paid for saké, he turned back around to enjoy the rest of his evening. Perhaps he’ll even meet someone interesting.

Word count: 799

Last edited by Rei on Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:28 am; edited 1 time in total

Yuuma Amano

Yuuma Amano

The Siren's Den. 

Audrey would not mislead; she had frequented this particular place almost every night during her stay in Kirigakure, and it had barely anything to do with the drinks, the music, the men, or the women, all of which left a foul taste in her mouth. Not that this stopped her from ordering a myriad of alcoholic beverages from different bartenders each night, littered in various places across Siren's Den.

It was the memories. Hot and cold Audrey Sakiyura was here for the fucking memories. Oh were the girls back home going to have a laugh if word ever slipped that the resident bitch of their establishment had grown so soft as to patronise an area to relive fucking memories

Nevertheless, her stony outward disposition remained in place, with her sauntering up to the bouncer and trailing two fingers up his well-built frame, feeling the defined six-pack abs that were hidden from view but not from touch underneath his tight, white shirt. A playful wink had him rolling the red carpet out for her, the bar up ahead free for her enjoyment while others in line cursed openly at the display by both her, and the man in charge of the entrance, who remained unfazed by their unrest.

As soon as she stepped in, the thundering music blared even louder in her ears, and the blinding lights flashed with unhealthy frequency as rays of red and blue swept across the entire room. She regarded the people within, the way they danced on the floor reminding her heavily of the dance clubs that she had frequented back in Suna whenever she and the girls went out for the weekend. She could see one redhead grinding her ass against a man, who had his hands resting firmly on his partner's arms and one tongue snaking out to taste her flesh. 

Her eyes drifted and she noticed barely any difference across the group, with some teenagers either going further or less depending on their background. Nothing caught her eye, though, and she proceeded to the bar at one side, the bartender immediately taking note of her as she drifted closer to his bar.

As she did, though, she noted him taking his eyes off of her for one moment to accept a generous tip from one of his more recent customers. Even in the dim and uneven lighting, she could make out his features, the lean muscles on his arms betraying years of physical exertion and the chiseled jaw all but divulging the coveted genes in his blood. What he had in body he didn't meet in mind, though, when she recalled that he had overpaid by a magnificent sum not two seconds ago.

Seating herself next to the boy almost half a decade her junior but already making this establishment his home, she motioned for the bartender to take her order, and he did so hypnotically, nodding his head in agreement to her Bloody Mary. She left her purse on the counter, and as the bartender set her drink on the counter, she grabbed his collar and yanked him forward, mashing her lips against his and flicking her tongue across his mouth once before letting go and grabbing her drink, and thinking nothing of her slanderous act as she washed her sweet order down her throat, having paid for it differently than the bartender's other patrons. 

Taking out a small hundred ryo note, she slid it over with one finger to the boy beside her, a slightly more exaggerated amount than what he himself had disposed of. "Be careful with your money. It shouldn't be where you're not supposed to be." 

620 words




Even in a crowded place like this, it was hard to overlook what happened just a short while ago, especially since it was occurring right next to him. Of all places, actually. A woman had taken her seat beside him, having ordered a Bloody Mary, yet paying in a different way than Rei himself just did. He couldn’t help but widen his eyes at the sight of such an event. It was.. adventurous? Bold? He couldn’t quite put the words to it, but it’s definitely something he didn’t see every day. I guess this club is the place where things happen you don’t normally see in the open world outside, where he normally resides. It was strange. Whether it was because of her rash actions from just seconds ago, or because of her appearance, for some reason she stood out a little bit from the rest. Making a scene wouldn’t really be the correct words for it. Just slightly, he narrowed his bright, blue eyes, making their way from up to down her figure, making an image of her features. Her = orange hair down her neck, the daring clothing she wore; the red tank top, which was supposed to cover her skin beneath it, although it did, was just slightly less covering as normal people would consider it. It may have just been the light. Her revealed midriff, finishing off with the short, black pants strapped around her waist with the silver belt holding it all in place. That’s right. It seems that Rei, just like most people around in the club, would think she’s hot. Her slim figure and fair, smooth skin, all the way from her top, down her slim legs. In a club like this, staring would all but be rude, nor did Rei have a thought in his mind to take her eyes off her. He was still in awe, watching as she tilted her head back and made the Bloody Mary disappear through her throat.

Having his vision still fixated on the woman, a hundred ryo note was slid across the counter. Eying it, he first assumed it was for the bartender, after all. For her payment, but the amount didn’t add up. It was only made apparent a few seconds later that it was actually for Rei, who had just wasted more money than he should’ve on the drink he ordered. With his own drink still in hand, he tilted his own head backwards and slid the saké down his own throat. Normally not being used to drink, he felt a bit of the burn and let out a deep sigh, indicating that although it was heavy on him, he was still satisfied by its taste. He placed his cup next to the hundred ryo note that she previously slid over to his side, but he could do nothing but refuse her offer. His thoughts set on his actions, he used one finger of his own to slide it back across the bar. A smile crossed his lips, his eyes just slightly narrowed, giving off a calm exterior, seeming aware of his actions. “I appreciate the offer, but I realized I overpaid.” He paused for a moment, tapping the hundred ryo note before moving his hand back, placing one of his elbow on the bar and turning towards her, creating a more ‘open’ atmosphere. “That note is nothing but materialistic, right? People nowadays are too attached to their belongings.” He stated. In his past, there was no currency, nor was there freedom. He didn’t have any belongings but the pickaxe that he was given to work his ass of for the people that got him into that place. “Forget about the money, that was a pretty bold move, back then.” He chuckled a little bit at the end of it, only averting his eyes off her for a second to raising two fingers, afterwards pointing one at the woman beside him, letting him know that Rei was ordering one more Bloody Mary and a Saké. Perhaps it was because of the woman’s status in this bar, but it didn’t take long before the bartender strolled over to their seats and placed both of the drinks in front of them. His free hand reached into his pocket, looked down for a moment and placed it into the opened hand of the bartender, eagerly waiting for his ryo once again, almost being certain that Rei would give a generous tip, again. He didn’t want to back down on his previous statement, so indeed, he gave a generous tip.

Wrapping his fingers around his cup and raising it into the direction of the woman, letting her know he wants to touch her glass. Rei’s smile slightly widened. “This round’s on me.” Whether or not the woman would accept his offer, it had already been paid for. Before bumping glasses, however, he felt the need to introduce himself. “The name’s Rei.” A brief introduction, but better than to drag it on. Patiently waiting for her to raise her own, he realized it was rare for himself to be in an atmosphere like this, but for everything there had to be a first time.

Word count: 866

Yuuma Amano

Yuuma Amano

Audrey caught the boy on her right staring at her, but she didn't comment on it, instead returning her attention to the empty glass of Bloody Mary in front of her. She stared at it for a moment before sliding it back to the bartender, who expertly but still barely caught it before it shattered, giving her a stern look that didn't last long when the memory of ten seconds ago caught up to him.

She raised one index finger, ordering another serving, before she saw the hundred ryo note slid back across the counter, his face set in a grin.

"I appreciate the offer, but I realised I overpaid."
With that, he tapped on the middle of the note, continuing, "That note is nothing but materialistic, right? People nowadays are too attached to their belongings. Forget about the money, that was a pretty bold move, back then."

Hmm, was he acting cocky? Or maybe he was one of the typical rich kids who sauntered into the bars for the first time and tried to make a name for themselves. Audrey surely had her share of those customers back in both Suna and Konoha, and shamefully they never performed nearly as... valiantly, as they tried to appear.

Audrey continued to stare at him, trying to draw a conclusion about the boy, however premature it was. He certainly didn't look like a vagrant, decked out in the clothes that he currently was, but to throw out tips like that... It was probably something he didn't do everyday. 

"Overpaying has nothing to do with temperance. If you don't have better use for that money than throwing it around in a place like this, then I can at least promise something much better than simple drinks." 

The bartender seemed slightly offended by her comment, if the look he threw her was anything, but one lazy look in his direction had him staring away almost immediately. Audrey grinned mildly at that, aware that she had him wrapped around her finger, and enjoying the blush that adorned his dark cheeks as she accepted her order from his hands. 

She downed it in one gulp, and it wasn't long before Rei was ordering another set of drinks for the two of them. "This round's on me," he said, proudly ignoring financial ramifications on his part. "The name's Rei."

She saw him raise his glass, she did the same, uttering a small, "Thanks," before tapping the two lightly and downing half of her third Bloody Mary for the night in one gulp. After he would drink his own, she would grab the sake cup still in his hand with her right, stopping him from relinquishing it. 

"You thought what I did was bold?" 

With her left hand, she emptied the rest of her Bloody Mary into her mouth but not quite swallowing it. She covered the space between them with one step, before sliding onto his thighs and straddling him, the sake cup and his hand still held in her right. With a swift motion, she moved the cup into her left, using her right hand to cup his chin before bringing him in for a kiss. Her tongue would probe at his lips, her right hand moving to tug at his long, white hair to tilt his head backwards. In the event that he obliged, she would empty the contents of her drink through his lips, before her tongue would explore his cavity momentarily. 

Using the distraction, her left hand would hover over the hundred ryo note. Her ring and little fingers would fold it in half, before her little finger would slide it over to his side of the table and she set the cup upon it, almost completely hiding it under the cup, with whatever left visible almost undetected by the human eye in the midst of all the dim lighting and alcohol. After, she would reach into her purse to withdraw a similar hundred ryo note and placing it in roughly the same spot, her lips never leaving Rei's as her tongue explored his mouth. 

With her little activity done, she would relinquish her grip on his hair before she backed off to her stool, grabbing the hundred ryo note she had just taken out and shoving it into her purse, before using her left index finger to clean the inside of her transparent glass of any remainder of the red liquid, and sucking it off. Her finger still on her cherry pink lips, she would turn to Rei, her right eye now partially hidden underneath her orange locks, lips curved into one of her famous teasing smiles, all in a ploy to continue her distraction. 

"How was that for bold?"

1417 words




”Overpaying has nothing to do with temperance. If you don’t have better use for that money than throwing it around in a place like this, then I can at least promise something much better than simple drinks.”

The first thing she mentioned he couldn’t disagree with her on that, something she mentioned next, however, caught his ear more than anything he had heard all evening. He let the sentence sink into his mind for a moment, slowly coming to the realization of what she meant by that. As soon as the switch was made, his eyes just slightly widened followed by a surprised blink, just looking into her direction as if there was something on her face.  At this moment, he couldn’t overlook the ‘tension’ between the girl and the bartender. The woman in front of him apparently had the playful nature, having satisfaction by letting people play right into the palm of her hands. And it appears that Rei was about to fall for it, as well.

Something better than simple drinks, you say?” He grinned himself. Playing dumb, he knew fully well what she was talking about. As if dropping the hint carefully, both of them raised their cups as they tapped each other making a clinging sound, though the sound didn’t travel further than their own ears, covered by the loud music from all around them. The smile still across his lips, he had introduced himself. It was a one-sided introduction, but he had soon forgotten all about it. ”Thanks.” She spoke before emptying half of her Bloody Mary, which she had definitely seemed to be taking a liking to.

She grabbed his hand and cup with her right, stopping him from gulping it all down. He froze; not because of the shock or surprise, but rather because he was intrigued. ”You thought what I did was bold?” He could’ve deduced what she was up to, but some part of him just went along with it, watching as she emptied the rest of her Bloody Mary, but he didn’t see any sign of her swallowing it down her throat. In just one small step, she had already closed the distance between the two of them, sliding onto his thighs. The touch of her soft skin was still felt on his own hand, followed by the cup moving to her left so she could cup Rei’s chin with her right. Entering this place, he had never thought that it would end up like this. His long, white hair got tugged to tilt his head a little backwards and leaning in for the kiss. It was happening. He noticed her tongue probing for his lips, to which, as a response, he closed his blue eyes to admit to it. In just a moments time, their mouths touched and tongues entwined a little, feeling the Bloody Mary flow from her mouth to Rei’s. The sweetness engulfed in his mouth, though being certain that that wasn’t entirely the work of the Bloody Mary. Her tongue explored his cavity, completely being unaware of his surroundings. His eyes being closed and not hearing anything but the music and the touch of the woman’s skin, without him knowing she placed the hundred ryo note under his cup, barely visible and then again replaced it with another note from her purse.

She was a crafty one, that’s for sure and Rei couldn’t even take notice of it. All he was focused on was the lips that gently touched his and the tongue that was still exploring his mouth. During this time, she had secretly given Rei the hundred ryo note which he refused just a few minutes ago. Rei being unaware of it, the moment had ended as she released the grip on his hair, taking that one step she took towards him, back again and took a seat on her stool at the bar. The only thing he noticed right at this moment was the hundred ryo note that she slipped back into her purse, assuming that it was the same hundred ryo note which he previously rejected. Seduction. Her index finger, as soon as it had cleared the glass from the remainder of the Bloody Mary that she basically just shared with Rei, was still on her pink lips and the smile that curled on her lips.

”How was that for bold?”
That smile of his widened, revealing his white teeth that been covered by his mouth and the relaxed smile all this time. Looking back at the cup of Saké on the bar, he still failed the notice the hundred ryo note beneath it. Perhaps he was still a little taken aback by what she pulled just now, even though he didn’t realize it himself. Actually showing that his own tongue moved around his mouth to get a bit of the after-taste, he grinned and eyed the bartender, as if actually mocking him from a distance. All he got was one dirty look in response, in the end. “I don’t have any other words for it.” He began and without looking, took the cup of Saké from the counter, revealing the hundred ryo note to others, but still hidden away from his own sight. He couldn’t move his eyes away from the woman in front of him, which he recalled didn’t even know her name yet. Bringing the cup to his lips, he spoke before he threw it backs in one gulp. “You’ve got me intrigued, though give me one reason why I would pay you for such services.” He paused for a moment and placed the cup back on the counter, emptied. He did get a little intoxicated for someone like him, but he wasn’t here to just stay sober all night. “You gave me a taste, and now you’ve got me wanting more.” His turn to tease. Knowing her, she probably remains unfazed. Given from her behavior and way of doing things, she was an experienced woman. He lifted up two of his fingers, creating a ‘peace-sign’ in front of her though actually indicating that he had two ‘conditions’.

First off, what’s your name?” He asked her bluntly. It would be respectful to give her name in return, as he had given his. “Second..” Whether it was the sake or something else, he didn’t know. He leaned in closer, almost to the point where he could press his nose against hers. His eyes could tell that he was under the influence of two or three drinks, but still hadn’t lost all reasonable thinking, with his left hand, he took a gentle, yet firm grip on her exposed leg, coming from beneath the short black pants she wore. Their lips almost touched once again. “You only do it in return for money?” He asked her straightforward. Normally, people wouldn’t have to pay for such services, but was this her profession? The subject hadn’t brought up yet, but everything indicated that it actually was. He had his share of fun, however. Moving just a little closer in, his nose actually pressed against hers and his blue eyes remained fixated on her auburn hues.

Word count: 1198

Yuuma Amano

Yuuma Amano

Contrary to her belief, Rei hadn't been taken aback by her actions at all. In fact, if anything, it encouraged him to do the same, if the widening of his smile was anything to go by when she had retreated.

She let her fingertip linger on her lip as she witnessed Rei mocking the bartender, who threw a dirty look at the boy for the service that he got for simply being a smartass, while the bartender himself had only gotten what was comparatively a tip.

"I don't have any other words for it," Rei complimented, before reaching for his sake.

While not outwardly showing it, Audrey almost tensed at the act, wondering if he would see the hundred ryo note. It had become much more than just who the note would end up with; it had become a clash in their ideologies. While Audrey had a lavish lifestyle and could easily get more from any one of the hundreds of men found in Siren's Den, she didn't throw any of her millions of ryo around just for the sake of showing off. Rei believed otherwise: notes were materialistic, and should not be prided over.

The foolish boy even boasted his wealth even more by throwing in another tip. If he wanted to waste his money like that, she wasn't whipping out another note. 

Fortunately, her ploy had worked. Rei, while focusing on her, failed to notice the hundred ryo note folded underneath his cup when he raised it for a drink. 

"You've got me intrigued, though give me one reason why I would pay you for such services," he said, before downing the entire cup of sake and placing it back on the counter, fortunately above the note, with its contents now empty. "You gave me a taste, and now you've got me wanting more." 

Audrey turned to the bartender, tilting her head over to Rei, indicating for him to refill the boy's sake cup. Begrudgingly, though not rebelliously, the bartender arrived, but when he moved to remove the cup, Audrey sent him a small look that reminded him of exactly what was underneath. Hesitating for a moment, he finally relented by smoothly dragging the sake pot without losing a beat or raising suspicion, and filling Rei's cup to the brim, though if Rei attempted to drink more so soon, Audrey would stop him from reaching it with her right hand. 

She would have to thank that bartender later as well. 

He raised his index and middle finger at her in a peace sign, before listing off, "First." 

Audrey was almost amused that he was trying to make the demands, but decided to play along with his theatrics. Rei was certainly interesting. Slightly different from the other men whose eyes and lips leered at her the way he did, but in exactly what way she was still unsure. 

"First off, what's your name?" he asked bluntly. "Second," and with that he paused, before walking up to her and leaning against her, faces almost touching and left hand resting on her right leg, coming teasingly close to the sex between them, "You only do it in return for money?" 

With that, he pressed their noses together, challenging her. 

Not even mildly fazed, Audrey didn't jerk away as he laid hands where no man would dare lay on a woman in public. Instead, her lips widened into a playful grin, and she let her lips part, her tongue sneaking out to touch the bottom of his chin, before she licked all the way up past his lips, onto the tip of his nose, and then withdrawing. 

"The name's Audrey," she said, her voice dropping low and husky as she adopted the persona that had been her bread and butter for four years. "But you can call me Starfire if you want." 

Then, her right hand dropped down to his own at the wrist, halting any further exploration. 

"Also, it's rude to touch a girl without her permission..." she began, before she moved up to kiss him full on the lips again.

With his attention fully on her once more, her left hand went over to his sake cup, moving it aside with ease and grabbing the hundred ryo note in her hand, before it trailed over to his ass. Faking a squeeze, she then dug it deep into his back pocket, letting it remain there, while her right hand moved up his arm, feeling the brawn with every inch. 

When her right hand reached his left shoulder, she held on firmly to it and pulled away, her left hand similarly withdrawing from his backside with the note safely tucked in his back pocket, instead moving to his chest to stop him from moving in any closer than he already was. 

"But I guess we're way past that point by now, aren't we?" 

Her left hand slid up to his collar, playing with it slightly as her eyes were transfixed on Rei's. She held his collar, pulling him lower until her lips were at his ear. 

"If you want, we can continue this somewhere more... private. For a thousand ryo." 

Her tongue flicked out to tease his earlobe. 

"Of course, after we have something better to drink. What do you say, cutie? You want a date with destiny?"

2319 words




Audrey was the entire reason as to why he overlooked the hundred ryo note under his sake cup, not even looking at the cup when he picked it up from the counter, his eyes just couldn’t move away from what was in front of him. Even after he had placed his hand where someone normally wouldn’t put their hand, she didn’t pull away at all. Maybe it was the atmosphere that had Rei going like this; not only hoping it was amusing for himself, but for Audrey as well. He noticed the moment where she tilted her head as a sign that Rei needed a refill, but the small look that she gave the bartender was something that he once again overlooked. Or maybe it was just because he didn’t think much of it, not even thinking about the possibility that the hundred ryo note was still there, as he witnessed her putting it back into her purse.

As their noses had been pressed together, Rei felt the touch of her tongue at the bottom of his chin, slowly making its way up, over his lips to the tip of his nose before she withdrew, creating a little bit of distance in between their faces. She was certainly the playful kind. In Rei’s eyes, this girl was the one that actually had freedom. Something that Rei could only dream of, for now. ”The name’s Audrey.”” Once he asked for it, he did get an honest introduction, followed by something what was obviously a nickname. ”But you can call me Starfire if you want.” He realized the change of tone in her voice, even noticing the difference between now and just a few moments ago, even above the loud music. It was difficult not to catch notice of it. He opened his mouth to reply, perhaps he mentioned something that she hadn’t heard for a while, or maybe even never heard at all. “I’m guessing some men find it… Arousing?” He paused for a moment, it being obvious that he put a question mark at the end of that final word. He wasn’t done talking, yet thought for a moment about his choice of words, but figured that the choice of words weren’t exactly that off point. He commenced from where he cut off the sentence. “..Arousing to call you by that nickname. However, I prefer to call you by the name you’ve been given from birth. It suits you.” Meaning it as a compliment, it would completely depend on Audrey on how she took it.

The touch of her soft skin was felt around his wrist, letting Rei know that this was as far as he would go. At least at this moment. At a place like this. ”Also, it’s rude to touch a girl without her permission…” Letting a chuckle past his lips before she leaned in to kiss him full on the lips once again. This girl.. She was definitely teasing. What he thought was just being himself at a club, turned out to have an interesting turn of events, meeting a girl with a beauty as hers. Without thinking, he just leaned in again, never thinking that the girl would have him wrapped around her fingers. From the point where she shoved aside the sake cup slowly in order to get in reach for the hundred ryo note, to the point where her hand trailed over to his ass, feeling a faint squeeze to hide the fact that the ryo has been slid into the back pocket of his pants. He’d probably have a strange look on his face if he later found out what this girl had been doing the entire time, in fact, he’d probably get a good laugh out of it. For now, however, it’s completely beyond his knowledge. Her right hand caressed his right arm. From the years of labor that he had in the mines, day in, day out using his hands and arms to perform the work they put him to, his muscles there were well-built, showing the hardships that he’s been through. Her right hand hold firmly onto his shoulder while her left hand moved its way up to his chest, pulling away her right and preventing Rei from getting in any closer than he already was. He removed his own hand from her bare leg, feeling the soft skin with the final seconds that he touched it, instead of pulling it away, he slid across the leg, back over to his side.

”But I guess we’re way past that point by now, aren’t we?”” She had a point. Without knowing, as their conversation dragged on, similarly Rei got dragged into her appealing personality and behavior. “You’re right about that. Not just talking about me, but it’s too late for you to retreat, as well..” Teasing a little bit with the grin across his lips, showing that he returned her playful nature. Her left hand moved up from the chest to his collar. Audrey was pretty random, meaning that she might make some actions that he didn’t expect. As soon as he thought that, she grabbed ahold of his collar and pulled him lower so that her lips could reach his ear, whispering something that only concerned the both of them. ”If you want, we can continue this somewhere more… private. For a thousand ryo.

Feeling the flicked tongue touch his earlobe, it intrigued him even more. Which is probably what Audrey was planning all along, the entire conversation. His smile returned to his lips, not minding it in the least being the carefree, freedom-loving individual that he is. ”Of course, after we have something better to drink. What do you say, cutie? You want a date with destiny?” Everything she mentioned did sound appealing to him, so he couldn’t help himself but turn to the bartender, ordering two of their best drinks. It sure seemed like he was showing off with his money, but people usually go to clubs to have a good time, right? After ordering the said drinks, he leaned in closer to her this time.

Yeah, I definitely do.” He accepted her offer, though immediately followed with a thought he had, voiced outward. “Though.. You said it’d cost me a thousand ryo..” He began. “You can’t put a price tag on the best night of your life, Audrey. The experience I’m about to give you is priceless.” He actually boasted about himself this time, in a teasing-like manner. The grin remained on his lips as he leaned back himself, his eyes fixated on Audrey all this time, while waiting for the bartender to bring them their drinks, which would be the entrance the rest of their night.

Word count: 1121

Yuuma Amano

Yuuma Amano

2977 words




Yuuma Amano

Yuuma Amano

OOC: You can interject at any point in this.
NSFW. You have been warned:

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