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1Kirigakure Chapter House Empty Kirigakure Chapter House Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:57 pm



Iron Falls (Swallow-Tail Chapter house:

One of the founders of the Iron Falls Corporation was one a wealthy shinobi in Kirigakure who had retired long ago. Seeing a chance to provide for a new age of fighters and warriors he donated one of his manors to be renovated within the city. With markets and shops within walking distance a high wall separates the building from the community. It has three buildings within the walls. One for delivering mission requests in the center, To the left is the dining building and to the right is designated for living area. The upper floor of the center room is for the head of the chapter.

Dining Room:

The Dining area has been set to the side with a chef available at all times serving all the Kiri favorites. It offers dining inside with low tables and pillows to kneel on as well as a garden outside to eat while enjoying the scenery.


The bedrooms are set aside providing a large amount of space. It has a door leading into a large open floor with paintings of samurai on each wall. Each area has a roll out mattress and a bath built into the floor. Each room upon entering via the front door has a Kanji symbol with the name of the occupant.

2Kirigakure Chapter House Empty Re: Kirigakure Chapter House Fri Apr 22, 2016 3:03 am

Sukoshi Kemono

Sukoshi Kemono

Sukoshi looked up at the towering walls second guessing whether or not this was the right place, even though he knew it was the address he had been given. He ran his hand along the tall stone wall as he made his way to the gates. As he reached the gate he noticed a speaker box, amazed at the sercurity of the place, he reached out and pressed the buzzer. "Hello! May I ask who is there?" A gruff voice replied in a harsh yet strangely not offesive tone.

"It is Sukoshi Kemono here Sir. I met with a man in the centre of town he told me about the Iron Falls Organisation. I have signed the contract Sir and was told to report here to be assigned my living quarters? Am I correct in the location?" Sukoshi answered trying to be as formal as possible, not knowing what it was going to be like here.

With that, the gates swung open and Sukoshi stepped inside and his jaw fell to the floor. It was absolutely breath taking more then he could of ever imagined in his wildest dreams. There was three massive buildings, each of them looked like a tradional older style mansion, they were even topped off with dragon statues on the tips of the roofs. It was awesome! It took every ounce of Sukoshi's fibre to stop himself from jumping around with excitement. Than he noticed a man come out from the left hand side building and start to walk up the pebbled path towards him. "Hello!" Sukoshi smiled and waved, "Are you the man I was speaking to over the speaker box?"

"Yes I am Sukoshi!" The man replied while waving back. "I'm Mikaku this chapter of Iron Falls chef. As you know the organisation is only new and it just so happens that you are the first to arrive. In the upcoming weeks there will be more shinobi coming and joining you but for now you have the place all to yourself. Well apart from me of course." Mikaku chuckled.

"Nice to meet you Mikaku. That sounds great and I'm so excited that I get to be the first person in here it truly is an honor." Sukoshi said courteously while bowing his head slightly to Mikaku.

"No need for formalities with me Sukoshi save that for the higher ups." Mikaku said as his cheeks filled with red. "Now would you like a tour of the grounds?"

"Yes thank you Mikaku. I appreciate the hospitality." Sukoshi answered smiling.

Mikaku smiled back and directed him back into the building he had just emerged from. Sukoshi walked up the beautifully hand made wooden staircase and through the sliding door into a hallway that seemed uncharacteristically bare. It wasn't until he reached the end of the hallway that it became apparent that it was just as beautiful if not more beautiful then the courtyard. The smell wafting from the kitchen alone made this Sukoshi's favourite place, even dispite the obvious smell of meat in the air. There was two rooms with lines of tables that stood not much higher than the ground he was walking on with neatly placed zabutons that looked like they were clouds picked from the sky. To the left of him a door was opened revealing a extremely beautiful garden that he could look at for hours without a care in the world. Every time a breeze blew through the door the aroma of the flowers mixed with the smell from the kitchen would send his senses into overdrive. "This is the dining area and where you will be able to find me majority of the time as well. Anything you can possible think of eating in Kirigakure town centre I will be able to make the same or better and that's a promise." Mikaku annouced with a huge grin on his face. "As you can also see there is a scenic garden for viewing while you eat and trust me the smell you get from that garden during spring will beat anything that comes out of my kitchen I could bet my last Ryo on it. Now if you follow me back out into the courtyard we can continue with our tour."

Mikaku signalled back toward the hallway and they both walked back out towards the doors. When they reached the centre of the courtyard Mikaku stopped and turned to face Sukoshi. "This is the place you will go when you start doing mission for Iron Falls" Mikaku said while pointing to the building in the middle. "It is locked at the moment but trust me you will be seeing a lot of it so there is plenty of time to look in there. Which brings me to the last building and the building which you will be calling home during the time you serve with Iron Falls."

They both started walking to the right hand side building, as they got closer Sukoshi recognised that all the doors had Kanji symbols on them. They reached the last door on the left hand side and to Sukoshi's surprise it had his name written on the door already. Mikaku opened the door and ushered Sukoshi in closing the door behind him. Sukoshi looked around lost for words, this was more then he could have ever imagined and to be able to call this home almost made Sukoshi's heart stop. It was huge and just like every part of the chapter house extremely elegant. Every wall had a beautifully hand painted picture of a samurai on it. Off in another sectioned off part of the room was a state of the art bath that was built into the floor. Sukoshi hadn't even heard of those let alone see one. Rolled up in the corner was a mattress, which when Sukoshi touched it confused him for a moment because it was so soft yet firm enough to support a significant amount of weight from touching the wooden floor. In the centre, as if it were his trophy sitting on a small table was Sukoshi's Iron Falls jacket. He picked it up, hands trembling slightly, and replaced his own jacket with it. Wearing the Iron Falls jacket made Sukoshi feel a weird sense of power, responsibility and importance all at once. Sukoshi liked it, he turned and faced Mikaku with a huge smile and gave him a thumbs up. Mikaku returned the huge smile and thumbs up. It was strange he had only just meet Mikaku but he felt as though they were brothers, in his head Sukoshi thought that this must be what being part of something felt like. "Well this is your place and also end of the line. I will leave you to get settled in but you know where to find me if you need me." Mikaku said and with that he left back to the kitchen.

Sukoshi stood gobsmacked in the centre of his house not quite knowing what to do with himself now. He sat on top of the rolled up mattress pondering what new adventure Iron Falls would bring him.

WC: 1198


3Kirigakure Chapter House Empty Re: Kirigakure Chapter House Fri Apr 22, 2016 12:05 pm



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