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1Rivals To Be [Private/NoKill] Empty Rivals To Be [Private/NoKill] Sat Mar 05, 2016 11:26 pm



Rinkei wasn't sure why she felt the need to be here again. Especially after the last encounter with Saisei.

The two had made arrangements with each other to meet up at the location they had last met. They agreed that sparring would help both of them out in the long run. Even despite the semi negative encounter together. It wasn't that they had anything against each other, there just seemed to be a little bit of a misunderstanding between the two. They were from the same clan, so being upset with one another was getting them nowhere. For all they knew, they could have been siblings of some sort. Rinkei didn't normally hold grudges anyways, grudges just made things more difficult for both parties. Fortunately for her, her personality just didn't allow for trivial feelings and emotions.

Rinkei was faced with an issue though. She didn't exactly have the means to fight Saisei. Despite all of her training, she hadn't managed to complete the jutsu she was developing quite yet. So any sort of sparring would be in favor of the opposite party. It wasn't like her to give up though, Rinkei always had tricks up her sleeve. The academy jutsu gave her enough room to be comfortable. On top of that, she still had the Byakugan and the Hyuga clan's superior taijutsu fighting style. However, so did Saisei. This session would be difficult indeed. Rinkei made her way over to a chopped log on the other side of the field near the tree line facing the waterfall and prepared a substitution jutsu just in case of any problems that arose, and she was sure there were going to be many problems. Rinkei counted up the amount of kunai and shuriken she had in her pouch. It was probably enough to sustain her for now, but she didn't want to be overconfident. She was sure that Saisei was just as strong, if not stronger than Rinkei herself.

Sitting down in the grass by the pond, she watched the small waterfall on the opposite side, letting her mind go numb as she began to meditate. There was no reason for her to stress herself out or anything before they sparred, it would only make things worse on her end. Rinkei found herself in a deep sense of relaxation in just a few moments, she was calm and ready for anything. All she had to do no was sit and wait for Saisei. In the mean time she would continue relax and think about what was on her agenda for the next day. Of course she could focus her mind on what might happen in the fight, but whatever happens, happens. That's what Rinkei believed in.

WC: 464
TWC: 464



2Rivals To Be [Private/NoKill] Empty Re: Rivals To Be [Private/NoKill] Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:30 am



Rivals To Be [Private/NoKill] F78723b32b28481fa99e40b40d849bef

Saisei couldn't believe that he had slept in this morning. When you arrange a meeting with someone, it's really not in your best interest to then be late for that meeting, which resulted in the young Hyuga running as fast as he could through the Leaf Village, outside into the forests, and then trying to remember exactly where the small pond and waterfall were that he had, only a few days ago, found himself bathing in. He was meeting Rinkei Hyuga, one of his clan siblings, in the place where they had first met, for a purpose. Saisei had realised the day before that, since becoming a Genin, he had not had a proper spar yet. He was in danger of letting himself go and dropping in abaility, something he most certainly could not allow to happen. As such, earlier the day before, the young Hyuga had composed a letter. It felt so relaxing, as it had also been a long time since he had written anything beyond his own name in various places, writing a letter was something Saisei happened to enjoy, as it allowed him to actually say, usually in great detail, exactly what he wished. There was no need for basic words and sentences to try and get his point across. In writing this letter, he could be a fluid as he desired, and he was. With beautiful handwriting and eloquent phrasing, something that you would look at and not expect it to come from a 'disabled' man, Saisei had written:

My Dear Rinkei,

It has come to my attention that we, as Genin of the Hidden Leaf, are not serving our village to our fullest potential. It is our duty to protect both the Hokage and the people of the village, two things we cannot do if we are weak. Therefore, I ask you to meet with me at the place where we first met for a spar. We will both use every means at our disposal to defeat, but not kill, each other. I hope that you will agree that it is the best course of action for us both, as there can be no better Taijutsu opponent than a fellow Hyuga, with our Byakugan and Juken abilities. If you do agree, come to our meeting place tomorrow in the later hours of the morning and I shall be waiting for you there.

Saisei Hyuga

Once the letter was written, rewritten after a few mistakes and poor word choice, signed and sealed, then came the hard part. He had only ever met Rinkei once, and it had been on the outside of the village in the forests. In terms of residence, Saisei had no idea where she lived, which was going to prove extremely difficult for a man trying to post a letter. The young Hyuga was only able to eventually find out her address by going around all the Hyuga in the village and asking for the 'girl with hair like the Byakugan' and he was able to find out from a Hyuga where she lived. Most of them ignored their deaf cousin's requests, due to who he was, or rather, who his father was. The man who tried to assassinate their leader, but failed and ran away, it wasn't the best reputation one could be born with, there were definitely better parents to be born to, but the young Hyuga had been stuck with the family, sometimes he was glad to be deaf for just that reason, it gave him the easiest way to ignore what everyone was saying behind his back, even if he could read their lips, but none of them knew that, and Saisei was creating a list, one he was looking forward to scratching names off of.

And now here he was, having tried to be suave by saying he'd be there waiting when she arrived, it was now the opposite as Saisei was ridiculously late. He finally made it where he intended to be a rough twenty minutes later then he should've been, and when he saw Rinkei he gulped. The girl wasn't the most pleasant of people under normal circumstances, and she always seemed to only get more frustrated if she was kept waiting, and when she was frustrated you could always tell. But, Saisei was not here to be civil with her, or to play and mess around with her. Today, he was here to fight with her and, if he fought, he was going to win. She would be defeated by his hands, as every foe was to be after her. Nodding his head to her and smiling, the young, deaf Hyuga made his appearance known. He would wait and allow the girl to make the first move, being a gentleman before all else. He felt it best to at least give her a chance before completely defeating her, and this way she wouldn't be able to complain that she wasn't ready for it, as it was her clan brother who was now readying himself for an attack. She had already been here, so it was very likely that she had set up some traps during her stay, she didn't seem the kind of person to stand and do nothing while she waited, even though it seemed that she had been meditating while she waited for her opponent to appear. No doubt she'd activate her Byakugan and notice him, and see that he was ready, so all that was left to do was wait, as Saisei stood, his body an equal distant from both Rinkei and, unknowingly, the log she had prepared for her Substitution, meaning if anything were to happen with it, she would not be any closer than she already was now.


3Rivals To Be [Private/NoKill] Empty Re: Rivals To Be [Private/NoKill] Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:51 pm



Rinkei was frustrated when she realized Saisei had been late. She absolutely hated wasting time, and even more so, hated when people was wasting the time for her. Waiting on other people was one of the worst things Rinkei could think of doing with her time. She shifted uncomfortably in her spot just thinking about it. Rinkei continued to think about strategy instead of working herself up, she was trying to meditate anyways, so stressing herself out was only going to hinder her ability to fight later on. Rinkei thought back to the not she had been given by Saisei. She was quite confused when he had shown up at her house because she hadn't given the boy any sort indication on where she had lived. Obviously he had asked around if that was the case, which Rinkei guessed wasn't all that bad, she just wished she knew someone was going to randomly show up at her house.

My Dear Rinkei,

It has come to my attention that we, as Genin of the Hidden Leaf, are not serving our village to our fullest potential. It is our duty to protect both the Hokage and the people of the village, two things we cannot do if we are weak. Therefore, I ask you to meet with me at the place where we first met for a spar. We will both use every means at our disposal to defeat, but not kill, each other. I hope that you will agree that it is the best course of action for us both, as there can be no better Taijutsu opponent than a fellow Hyuga, with our Byakugan and Juken abilities. If you do agree, come to our meeting place tomorrow in the later hours of the morning and I shall be waiting for you there.

Saisei Hyuga

That had been what the note said, and a few things came to mind when she read it. First of all, she hadn't quite unlocked the juken yet, and if Saisei did, she knew this fight was going to be even more impossible for her. Saisei seemed pretty confident in that letter, and even more so, he had to have been pretty confident just to give her the letter to begin with.

Finally she saw the other Hyuga as he came out from the tree lining. Rinkei breathed a sigh of relief, she was almost getting upset at the tie that had passed, but now she was satisfied. Better late than never She thought. Rinkei stood and nodded to Saisei in return. She didn't really want to waste more time than what already had been wasted, so she watched her partner carefully before she made the decision on whether to move first. Rinkei knew that Saisei was not going to take the initiative, that's just not how Hyuga were taught to fight. They had always waited for someone else to throw the first strike. Standing around and waiting for something to happen was just going to aggravate Rinkei more, so she decided to take the first action, but carefully at that.

Running at Saisei, she eyed her surroundings in case there was anything she could use to her advantage besides the log she made as her escape tool. Saisei was standing directly in the middle of her and the log, so there was about fifteen meters in between Saisei and her. Rinkei, when she got closer to Saisei, stopped abruptly, dropping low and throwing out a max range leg sweep, attempting to catch her target at the end of her right foot. Regardless of whether or not she had hit him, she would jump up quickly with her left leg and attempt a mid air high kick with her right leg to catch him off guard.

Rinkei hoped that if Saisei jumped up to avoid the leg sweep, that he would be surprised by the high kick as well, but Rinkei knew that her target was not dumb, so the chances of him letting any of that happen were slim, but she had to at least try something to figure out where the two stood in terms of strength. Rinkei was sure this fight would last a while.

WC: 712
TWC: 1176

4Rivals To Be [Private/NoKill] Empty Re: Rivals To Be [Private/NoKill] Sun Mar 06, 2016 3:43 pm



It seemed that Rinkei was letting her anger and frustration get the better of her, and so she decided to run at Saisei, hoping to initiate combat by keeping it close ranged, something that in many ways was perfectly fine for the deaf Hyuga. The main reason he had been looking forward to this fight was for this reason: the Taijutsu aspect. The Hyuga clan were reknowned, not just in Konoha itself but throughout the wider world to all five villages, as masters of Taijutsu thanks to both the Byakugan and the Juken. Unfortunately for this fight, both Rinkei and Saisei were still just genin, still novices when it came to using the Bykugan and the Juken. As such, Saisei himself was not able to use the Byakugan to its fullest, in fact, he was still using the most primitive and basic form of the Dojutsu, as he had not yet trained it, and the secrets of the Juken were only usable when one upgraded their eye powers. Currently, with the Byakugan activated, the young Hyuga could only see chakra in a broad sense when looking at someone, he could detect a person by seeing simply a large bundle of chakra, but it took a more powerful Byakugan to be able to see each individual Tenketsu point and, from that, be able to use the Eight-Trigrams' techniques, the most devastating power of the Hyuga, due to their ability to limit or even halt the chakra flow within a person. Yes, Saisei had great plans for when he was strong enough to use his Byakugan and Juken effectively against anyone, but for now he was unable to access them and neither, he naturally assumed, could Rinkei, although he could've easily been mistaken.

Activating his Byakugan signalled the start of the fight for Saisei, as he would need to keep track of Rinkei, as she ran the fifteen or so meters towards her opponent, giving the deaf man a few seconds to react, as his eyes stayed completely focussed on her. The moment she reached where her foe stood waiting, she dropped to the ground, her leg swinging round to meet Saisei's hoping to trip him up and get him to either the ground or airborne. From this, the best course of action was obvious. When Rinkei dropped to the floor, Saisei, already in a position to move wherever necessary, jumped back, avoiding the kick and the subsequent high kick. However, he was not yet finished, as the young Hyuga pulled out two shuriken, one in each hand, and threw them at Rinkei, just as she was extending her leg to its fullest, one shuriken aimed at herheel on the ground, in an attempt to ruin her balance, with the other aimed just above her eye, towards her left eyebrow. The biggest worry with fighting a Hyuga was, of course, the Byakugan Dojutsu, and so Saisei had devised a way of combating his own abilities. He had discovered, from weeks of training with his kunai and shuriken, that even a small cut above the eye was capable of drawing a sizable amount of blood, blood that would trickle down and blind her for a moment, a moment that would allow Saisei the time to strike true, hard and fast. And if Rinkei moved to try and avoid the attack, it was very possible the shuriken could hit her in the eyeball itself, something Saisei really didn't want to do himself, but something that would undoubtedly ensure his victory, as the spar would ultimately end there, in an attempt to rush her to hospital to get it healed.

And yet, with all this, Saisei was not yet finished with his plan of attack. there was one last step needed to take, one which he had employed already and it had worked very well then. Taking a deep breath, and infusing it with chakra, Saisei let out a sigh, a seemingly normal gesture which was releasing an invisible gas, which brought with it a terrible smell. Using his Byakugan, Saisei was keeping a close eye on his opponent and, should she come at him or try anything, he was ready to convert all this gas into a fireball, one able to burn both of them with pretty high intensity for such a basic attack. The smell would be enough to give away that the gas was present, but it wouldn't necessarly mean that she'd know why it was here, where it had come from and, most importantly, what it was capable of doing, as Saisei stood, roughly five metres from where Rinkei was, ready for anything.



Last edited by Saisei on Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:26 am; edited 2 times in total

5Rivals To Be [Private/NoKill] Empty Re: Rivals To Be [Private/NoKill] Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:40 am



Rinkei knew going into this fight, that Saisei was would be a worth adversary, so when he had dodged her attacks, she wasn't very surprised. Fortunately for her, she knew just based off of that short excursion, that she was faster and stronger overall than him, even if by a fraction. Rinkei, leg full extended now knew she was vulnerable. As Saisei threw out two shuriken, one from each hand Rinkei had to make a decision quickly. One shuriken was aimed skillfully for her head, the other was sent rocketing for for her planted foot. Shit, didn't want to do this so soon She thought, swiftly activating her substitution jutsu. Sudenly she found herself about 15 meters behind Saisei, shuriken still flying through the air in front of him.

Rinkei made no time to speculate she immediately pulled out two kunai in each hand, attaching chakra strings to the loops in them. Rinkei launched the kunai on either side of Saisei, attempting to cut off any escape but ultimately aiming at the log that had replaced her spot, hoping that the kunai would lodge themselves within it, where upon she would yank the log towards her, ultimately making it slam into Saisei. The plan was risky, seeing how a lot could go wrong. However if Saisei didn't react quickly enough, it would be a sure fire plan. On the other hand, if he reacted incorrectly, the kunai would instead pierce him, and Rinkei would definitely have the advantage. Rinkei activated her Byakugan in the midst of all of this, noticing an odd cloud of chakra filled smoke protruding from Saisei's mouth. So he wants to play dirty huh? She thought. Obviously Saisei was really smart for a Shinobi of his caliber, but Rinkei believed she was smarter than him.

She was in a good spot at the moment, knowing very well she had some time to think of her next plan of attack following this one. However, she had almost no room for error as the two of them were pretty much on equal ground. Somehow she had to end this fight quickly. If not, Saisei had jutsu to back up any mistake he could make, and that was the scary part.

Jutsu used.:


WC: 384
TWC: 1560

6Rivals To Be [Private/NoKill] Empty Re: Rivals To Be [Private/NoKill] Tue Mar 08, 2016 5:38 pm



Rinkei, the clever little bitch. Saisei had known from the start what was going to happen during this fight. His fellow Hyuga had been in the forest area that they had made their battlefield for around twenty minutes longer than Saisei, and he hadn't been there when she had been. So it came as no surprise that, although upon arrival it had seemed as though she had just been meditating the entire time, she had in fact been making preparations for the fight, as she must've considered that her opponent was probably better than her, which he believed he was. The good thing was that, within the space of twenty minutes, there was not a lot of preparations you could actually make, especially if you were only a Genin like Rinkei, who had probably not been in many fights herself. The best way to understand how to lay traps for your enemy was experience of combat, knowing exactly what would benefit you in battle, and that only came from being in battles. And so, when Rinkei disappeared in an attempt to avoid the shuriken coming her way, that was her first move, and Saisei doubted there would be very many more. A substitution was an effective way to get herself out of harm's way, but it would only take a moment between her disappearing and reappearing for Saisei to, using his Byakugan, immediately know where she was. She was roughly the same distance away from him as she had been originally, just facing the other way and, from the looks of things, she was bringing out some kunai and throwing them, but not actually at Saisei strangely. Going by the trajectory, there were aimed at the log that was now replacing where Rinkei had been standing and, by the looks of things, she had attached some chakra strings to each of the kunai, which meant she was planning something smart. There weren't many options open to her, especially since she had made obvious her intentions from the moment the kunai had been thrown with the strings attached, and it had given Saisei enough time to jump straight up, placing his foot on the log as it came towards him and using it for some extra height while already in the air. Not that it was necessary by any reasoning, but it looked damn cool, and that was the main thing in a fight between genin. At the end of the day, there wasn't much they could do to each other, and death was hardly a factor in this fight, so Saisei decided that he might as well have some fun in the fight. He was going to win regardless anyway, and now it was his turn to attack, but he didn't actually see the need. Instead of stepping forward towards his opponent, he began walking backwards, still keeping his Byakugan active and his eyes fixed on her, but there was no massive need for him to attack. Using her Byakugan, Rinkei could see the smoke from Saisei's jutsu, and she knew it was there, even if she didn't know why or what its purpose was. And so the young Hyuga began walking until he was in the centre of the smoke cloud, and he prepared himself. The smoke wouldn't last a huge amount of time more, it'd be good if he was able to actually use it's effects, as they were certainly known to be potent.


7Rivals To Be [Private/NoKill] Empty Re: Rivals To Be [Private/NoKill] Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:59 am



Rinkei wasn't surprised when Saisei had jumped and evaded the log being pulled towards him, the idea of her doing all of that was mainly to get away, but she had to make some sort of counter attack in response, so she did. The log had landed about a meter in front of Rinkei after she pulled it toward her, and she noticed that Saisei was not going to move from his spot inside the middle of the chakra filled smoke that she could clearly see through her Byakugan. So she walked up to the log and dislodged the two kunai from it, only maintaining one thread and placing the other Kunai into her leg strap. Sadly, due to the circumstances before her, she didn't believe she could just rush back in without any sort of knowledge in Saisei's arsenal. Even then, Rinkei still didn't know what the fog had been for, and it sort of worried her. Kicking the log away, she stood and stared at Saisei for the longest. "You know this isn't going to go anywhere right?" She said. Rinkei believed her statement also, there was almost no way either of the two could win the fight without some sort of foul play. She sighed heavily. The two Hyuuga were on the defensive, and it could easily have turned into a stalemate, one of them had to break sooner or later, and it wasn't about to be Rinkei. She still had a trick or two up her sleeve, and part of those plans involved the still stringed kunai she had in her hand, it was the only ranged weapon she had, and range was most likely the only way Rinkei was going to get any kind of advantage on the Saisei at all.

Rinkei wasn't necessarily impressed with Saisei's performance at all, it was obvious he had jutsu over Rinkei, but he didn't seem to be using it to his full potential. Of course, that would prove to be difficult for either of the Hyuuga's anyways due to their Byakugan being able to sense chakra. It was almost frustrating knowing that neither of them would be able to do much to each other, if at all. Without a variety of jutsu, there wasn't much room for finesse. Rinkei would just continue to wait out the fight, and see what Saisei had to combat.

It was only a matter of time before one of the Hyuuga's slipped and messed up. Rinkei didn't have time to do that, so she had been banking on Saisei to.

WC: 440
TWC: 2000

8Rivals To Be [Private/NoKill] Empty Re: Rivals To Be [Private/NoKill] Fri Mar 11, 2016 4:41 pm



Honestly, Saisei couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his opponent's choice of tactics. For a girl that seemed to get impatient very quickly, she was being very tame. After watching her opponent dodge the attack she had planned with relative ease, she had decided not to attack with a follow up of any kind. Instead, she had stayed where she was, now being only around 10m from Saisei current position. Despite being a little surprised, the young Hyuga couldn't help but smile at Rinkei's choice of attack, or lack of. She was finally starting to understand the way a Taijutsu battle was meant to be played, but unfortunately for her she had realised a bit too late. The idea of two ninja engaging in close combat left only one scenario possible for the one who wished to have the advantage, and that was to do nothing. A foolish opponent was one who attacked first, attacking blind. To attack a foe you knew nothing about was a ridiculous notion, because by attacking he was getting a feeling for your fighting style, and the way the entire battle was probably going to go, as well as how he could defeat you, and yet you would know nothing about him, as he had yet to move, allowing him to counter without issue, as you wouldn't know what to expect. Jutsu and Elemental Affinities made up for this of course, but very few applied their jutsu to their close combat proficiency, and you rarely had the time to react with a jutsu. But now Rinkei was starting to understand that, she had realised that she wouldn't be able to hit Saisei without him reacting in some way, so she had instead stayed far back, keeping distance between the two Taijutsu fighters, a decision that was not going to make a difference to the outcome of the fight.

Finally, after dodging and counter attacking for so long, it was Saisei's turn to go on the offensive. His Katon jutsu, the noxious, highly flammable gas, had now disappated into the air, harmless to any and all until the next time Saisei decided to use that little ability of his, but he had another idea. When Rinkei had pulled the log towards her person, the shuriken that Saisei himself had thrown had fallen to the ground, within easy reach, allowing the young Hyuga to pick them all up, and then throw them again, aiming and launching all three with deadeye precision. The first was aimed again for Rinkei's eyes, the second for her right shoulder, and the third for her left, all travelling at the same time towards her. Even if she tried to spin out of the way of the shuriken coming for her eyes, one of the other two would end up hitting her centre of mass, causing considerable damage, but that was not all. Expelling chakra into his hands, Saisei formed two ropes of Raiton, launching them towards Rinkei, both aimed at her legs, one rope for each, having the same effect on the girl as the shuriken would if she moved out of the way. Once the ropes were attached, Saisei would waste no time in using the power of the jutsu to pull Rinkei towards him, as he himself dashed towards her, ready to go on the offensive for real, throwing a right hook towards her jaw as she flew towards him, dazed and not knowing what was happening.



9Rivals To Be [Private/NoKill] Empty Re: Rivals To Be [Private/NoKill] Sat Mar 26, 2016 6:05 pm



Rinkei did not react to Saisei's attacks, allowing him to win the match by delivering a fast punch to her temple, rendering her unconscious but very much alive. After that, with the battle won, he would head home to shower after a long day of training and fighting, but he was glad. He had obviously known he was going to win from the moment the battle had started, but it was good to prove his point through actions. A man that always spoke and never acted was a foolish man. Saisei may have been many things, but he was no fool.



Jutsu Trained
Panthera - Lion's Mane (1000 + 150 Ryo)
Panthera - Pounce (1000 + 150 Ryo)
Panthera - Claws (750 + 80 Ryo)

Total: 2,750 words + 380 Ryo
WC Remaining: 276

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