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1Securing Assets [D-Rank Mission | Solo] Empty Securing Assets [D-Rank Mission | Solo] Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:46 pm

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

Mission Name: Securing Assets (Repeatable)
Mission Rank: D
Objective: Secure important assets for Kirigakure’s effort
Location: Kiri
Reward: 80 Ryo
Mission Description: “Raw metals are needed for the smithies and crafters. There’s an old abandoned mine on one of the islands west of here to collect them. Some say it’s haunted, be careful.”
Mission Details: Go and collect 5 to 10 kilos of raw materials from the old abandoned mine, the mine seems to have had an accident some time ago, leaving raw materials lying around after travelling 200+ meters deep, haunting sightings up to the writer.

It was a simple objective that she had to accomplish in order to consider the mission a success. Going to the old mine abandoned by miners seemed like an easy task, especially when there would be nothing standing in her way. In a couple of ways, it could be seen as a test of bravery. Traveling down a mine that had a terrible accident. "This'll be a piece of cake," Teru Uchiha smiled as she studied the mission objective. The mission was going to be done solo, like how her first mission was. "Alright then. It's about time I got going!" Just as it was stated in the mission details, the mine was located on one of the western islands. A low but heavy fog rolled by through the surrounded woods. The entrance to the abandoned mine was still standing, but it looked like it could give out at any moment. In a way, it was actually quite intimidating, with the fog flowing directly into it. But, Teru kept her smile up and had no fears of going inside. She was doing it for Kirigakure, after all.

What a chilling sight it was, but Teru only cracked her knuckles and let out a brief yawn before gearing herself up. She promptly entered the mine to find the raw materials needed for the crafting experts. The path through the mine was dimly lit by the flickering lamps overhead. With there being a solid cover of fog on the ground, it was a bit hard to tell what was being stepped on. Nonetheless, in spite of the poor conditions that the mine was in, Teru kept going and explored further down into the darker, more sinister, depths. The air was moist and there was an occasional noise that most likely came from an animal. She was not yet at the 200 meter mark, but she was already beginning to see what all made the mine a haunting feature. The walls looked as if they could cave in at any moment, and the musty scent was strong. "Ugh, this place is in dreadful condition," she noted, rubbing the bridge of her nose with her fingers. The air was moistened, which made the rocky walls a bit slippery. "Who knows how much longer this will stay standing. There's no maintenance, or anything."

"Ah, this must be it," Teru said after progressing deeper into the mine. The ground was still completely covered by fog, but she was able to see the protruding materials. There was a lot for her to take from. Although, it was only instructed that she take a certain amount. And, there was no way she could carry absolutely everything back to Kirigakure. Not without straining herself incredibly, that is. She went over to one spot loaded with raw materials and set down a bucket. That bucket was provided so that she wouldn't have to carry everything in her arms. "Huh, well now. I don't have anything to measure this stuff with. Oh well, I guess. Filling this bucket all the way to the top should do it."

Without too much of a delay, Teru worked hard to bring all of the materials she needed and stacked them inside the bucket. She paid no mind to her surroundings, even if they were continuously creepy. Her hard worked went on until, finally, she rounded up raw materials that fulfilled the mark of 10 kilos. "Alright, this should do it," she sighed, and picked up her collection with a huff. "It's about time I head back to the village and get this mission done..." As Teru went to exit the mine, she looked back behind her for a moment to get one last look at the place. "I hope nothing like this ever happens again..."

Word Count: 637
Extra Word Count: 37
Mission Status: {Complete}
Thread: Exiting

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