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Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Group 1 will meet in this thread. The arena is a large, excavated pit-type area dug into the ground. The walls are 6 feet high, enough to contain but not keep you from escaping if needed. The floor of the pit is mostly level; however there is a dip towards the center. The entire pit is roughly 45 feet in diameter, with the occasional boulder half buried in the floor and walls. Tree roots litter the walls, and a damp area near the far eastern edge signals a water source not far behind the wall. The earth itself is still soft and somewhat damp, which would tell anyone that the pit was only recently dug.

Anything goes in this fight. No restrictions, no special anything. The only rule is that you will be disqualified if you leave the pit before the exam is finished, so be ready for a long fight.

The start of the fight will be signaled by a whistle and the arrival of your opponent.

Fight: START!



Hira grabbed his armor and put it on patting it with his fist and strapping his katana's to his weist he smiled and jumped out of his apartment window landing on the street below and bursting into a fast dash toward the second round of the chunin exams, he was excited, almost too excited to contain himself. He only made one stop along the way there and that was at ichiraku ramen to grab a bite to eat and it was a quick one, just a single bowl of sea-weed ramen and he was off again.

When he arrived at the area he was supposed to be at he noticed it was a giant pit, dug out of the earth. What a fitting arena this would make was one of his first thoughts. He jumped inside and it appeared as though he was the first one here. He had heard this would be a 5v1 battle and if thats thecase then his and his teammates oppenent must be a tough one. Hira surely hoped so.



Skye arrived a few minutes beforehand and decided to inspect the walls. He found a wall that was covered in vines and seemed to have a quick little thought. The vines were overgrown and definitely a good ambushing spot. His mind seemed to wander as he inspected the wall. Lifting a few of the vines, he noticed one could easily hide inside and strike that the first person who walks by. Of course he was on a larger team, but he preferred to be by himself for ambushes. It made it much easier. He grabbed on to one of the vines and started to put it out of the way. Right away he felt the soreness in his shoulder from the one on one fight with Giketsu. Letting go of the vine, he held his arm and sighed. "This might end up being bad..." His wound on his ankle was fine. The only thing wrong with it was the cut, which was much better now. He turned and started to walk a little further from the wall. As he walked he tried to rationalize how he's ambush in a 5v1. "Whatever... maybe my teammates will have a better idea..." The way he was heading, it looked like he was going straight for one of his unsuspecting teammates. Though, Skye didn't know it either. Luckily, Skye had a good chance to memorize the names of his allies, but as for the faces. It might be a little harder. Looking up, he could only really see the outline of the person, he continued on until he could fully see them.



Otto had been looking at the hole in disgust for several minutes he did not want to go in there it was filthy he watched a Hira jumped in casually and winced. 'Why me!!!!!!!' he screamed in his head before dropping in after his teammate. "Hey Hira" he whispers with a smile,"Do you know who we're facing?" The whole was damp and musty he couldn't wait to get out of there and go home... or rather to his apartment. 'Why here' he thought to himself "and why this kind of competition.



Synn arrived looking like he had barely woken up in time. Clothes where crinkled as if he had just tossed them on though a very pretty dark red color. his one good eye looks up at the sky as if cursing any light that where hurting his head. Still even in this state the beauty of a member of his clan was apparent in his features. He had been shocked however to find he was moving onto the second round. A sigh escapes his lips as he spies down in the pit.


He had barely skimmed over the rules that where posted before deciding it was going to be more effort then it was worth in his case. one might notice two things unique about him. First was the fact that he wore no head protector. And second was the eye patch covering his right eye. Still he drops into the pit separate from everyone else and looks around before remarking loudly with sarcasm.

"Oh joy. a fresh grave for us. How thoughtful"



As Hira waited three others showed up... one was very familiar, his teamate otto. hira spoke to him in a somewhat excited voice "Hey otto glad to see ya, have you heard anything about what will be going on in this second round?" He knew some information but otto was usually the up to date one so he decided to see if he had any insight on what they would be doing. The other to who entered he did not know. He looked from one to the other sizing them up and trying to guess what kind of skills and abilities these two may have.

"Alright so we might as well, while we have the chance, tell each other our names and any excting abilities or skills any of us may have so a strategy can be cooked up." Getting a strategy before the arrival of their oppenent would help increase their chances of winning, heck even increase their chance of surviving. They may need it depending who their oppenent ended up being.



Skye tilted his head and got a good look at everyone's faces. He stared for a while before he brought his head back and sighed. Hiragana started talking and soon asked what everyone in their little group had to offer. Bringing his hands up, he rested them on the back of his head. This didn't hurt his shoulder since he had positioned his arms right and was able to avoid pain. "I'm Skye Nekito, born in Suna, living in Kumo. I've got a good amount of genjutsu and am pretty fair at lightning ninjutsu. I can also use a chain scythe, but I'm still working out the basics." He looked to the rest of the group to see what they had to contribute to the team as well. From what he could see, he was odd one out considering the others were from alike villages. Two Konoha and two Kiri. This team was a bit mixed, but It would have to do, considering they would all have to work as a legit team to beat a single foe.



"Well supposedly we are going to be fighting a jonin; someone who can beat us senseless without killing us." He chuckles at the thought "I have no idea who this jonin is unfortunately" he takes a step then looks at his boots ew... just ew. He smiles at everyone then says aloud, "Well I'm Otto I'm a decent swordsman and weapon user, and I have humble skills in ninjutsu." He was not allowed to mention his unique kekkai genkai until he was sure of his families demise.



Synn rubs his eyes as they each speak in turn his mind going over several combination plans. Assuming who ever they're opponent was decided to toy with them a chance was all they had. And even that little chance churned his stomach a little. The distance between a Jounin and a Genin was immense. The amount of planning going into a situation like this required more time and Intel. for the love of gods why was there no intel? He was silent as the others spoke. A tactician calculating possibilities. finally he crosses his arms his one eye looking to each of them in turn. before finally speaking aloud.

"Well at least we are a team of beef suits instead of just a burger for the opponent to chow on. I am particularly useless but hey what the hell right?"

He shakes his head and looks about to each of them in turn before finally speaking. He was yet to find out who the late one was.

"alright then. Kiri.. You have a reputation of being strong. If you dont mind I want to have you both rotating strikes from different directions. Not simultaneously mind you. Time it out to wear the opponent down and watch for an opening. Get in and then get the hell out. Or die. You there. Sky was it? Your role is vital. ranged attacks timed to support but not to kill. Assume the opponent will use your own attack to harm your team. First we asses what his or her abilities and elements are and try not to die. Then you attempt to harm them once a weakness shows. I will attempt to be the eyes and do call outs when someone is in danger. if that is acceptable of course."



Hira stored each of his teamates names and faces inside something called his "memory" It would be usuful to know who was who in this situation. The last thing the would need is confusion amongst the members once the fight begins. As everyone introduced themselves he had forgotten to introduce himself, so he spoke up. "Me... im Hiragana Kisame. I go by Hira though mind you, im an excellent swords men and i have plenty of strong water ninjutsu, however i fear that the bigger jutsu will be difficult to use in such a packed space. At least the water trapped in the soil here gives me some ammo to use."

He had on him his three swords, his armor, and his leg pouch. He would need to utilize every tool he had to increase the chances of winning or even surviving. He looked at each of his teamates then back to the one who was talking about a strategy, as he listened he began to agree more and more. However there were a few parts he didnt agree about. He decided to add some of his own input.

"Alright iv got some high level B-ranked jutsu and a higher chakra level ill need you to get out of the way should i decided to fire one off. The last thing we need is an injury from friendly fire. I assume we each have a special kekkei genkai, im not asking you to detail me everything about but some small details would help with a game plan. Also do not be a hero, dont rush yourself into unecessary danger, if you need help call out for it. Do not hesitate that gets you killed. Other than that i agree with the konoha ninja's plan."

Their tactics seemed ok in words, but Hira knew full well that things are usually easier said than done. He hoped they would be able to pull this off. He had told them not to be a Hero but he just hoped he coud abide by his own rule. They all seemed pretty capable genin, but their were still genin after all. Even Hira, who was one of the strongest genin out there, would have serious trouble taking on a jounin or even a spec. jounin.



...Seriously...of all days it had to be now...Kenny just didn't seem to understand as to why he was told to go into this pit of doom. Kenny watched as one by one...Something didn't seem right.
Rolling his shoulders backwards, Kenny flicked himself off of the ledge from which he was sitting on and made his way down to the pit below; landing with a loud thud, he rolled and got to his feet and waved at everyone in the area.
"Well well. Seems as though this is a random turn of events. One minute I'm near death, net minute I'm working with him." Kenny smiled as he looked at Otto, remembering the match.

"I'm Kenta, though for some reason people call me Kenny...don't ask." He said, his voice trailing off near the end.

He hadn't been listening to what the others were saying about battle maneuvers and to be honest, Kenny would most likely do as he pleased but then again he was thinking that he might need to actually work as a team...although he hadn't a scooby as to who they were fighting.



Finally. Everyone was here. The male was almost bored with waiting. Black eyes stared at the group in the pit. So, this was the group he was supposed to be fighting? Sucks to be them..

A hand moved, reaching to the pouch on his hip; a quick check would reveal fifty feet of razor wire braided down to ten feet. This would increase the amount of stress the wire coule handle, perfect for slicing into flesh. There were ten standard kunai in the pouch; perfect to compliment the male's fighting style. And last, but certainly not least, two trench knives, dubbed Mercy and Innocence. Not that they mattered; the male was not aiming to kill them, no matter the appearance of his techniques.

An annoyed sigh, the burst of chakra and the blur of black clothing would announce his arrival. The male would appear in the midst of the genin, quite possibly startling them. He would offer them a warm smile. "Good morning. I am Naota, a nin of the village hidden in the leaves. I'm to be your second exam." He paused for a moment, allowing the information to sink in before he continued. "Today, my job is to show you what it means to be a ninja. Is there any questions before we begin?"



posting order:



((Eh... sorry for the wait... Had stuff that needed to be done))

Skye jumped slightly at the sudden appearance of their opponent. The main fact he jumped was because it was unexpected and very much nerve racking. His teammates would have to fight this guy. The man appeared to be from konoha, judging on his overall appearance. Skye heard the name "Naota" but didn't know much about it. No rumors, no discussions, no nothing. He'd have to look to his allies that have lived there for a while. They had to know something, possibly even his abilities. Either they would inform the team, or they would all learn it the hard way. When the man asked if they had any questions, Skye had the urge to take advantage of it. He quickly stopped himself though, considering they were supposed to take this seriously. "Kenta, Synn. Do you know him at all?" As he spoke he backed away from Naota and made sure he was a good distance away. Naota looked threatening, but he wouldn't know about the threat level until he was fully informed. Glancing to his left, he saw a good spot for cover if the need arose.



Otto chuckled at the jonin's sudden appearance not because he wasn't worried but because he was right. They were fightng a jonin ranked ninja who would be holding back severely as to keep himself from killing them. The chances of them winning this fight were slim to none the chances of them passing weren't much better. ugh, why didn't he just do the missions. "So what is the point of this test what does it prove?" As Otto asked this he realized that when the man asked about questions he was probably being rhetorical.




A shadowy figure with black, raven hair and cold, piercing black eyes swung from left to right with every step that he took towards the next round of the Chuunin Exams; the location was ‘Rolling Hills’. He knew this much, but he didn’t exactly figure out which people were actually attending to the Chuunin Exams, nor who passed. But that didn’t matter to him. In his eyes, none of the people within the village, or any village for that matter, were to pose a threat to him. As he continued walking his path towards the group of people, which only seemed to be one Squad, considering the amount of people, a grin covered his face from almost one side to the other; a sick and twisted smile that seemed to be eternal, unable to be wiped off of him. One by one, he observed the people that were within his sight, none of them seeming so spectacular, but let’s not forget that the people here have yet to advance to Chuunin. However, amongst them was a Shinobi with the eyes of someone that had more experienced than any of them combined.

He stopped walking and only aimed his vision towards the one that seemed to be a formidable opponent; Naota. Unknown of Naota’s origin, he was very cautious. Even Hao, who thinks everyone’s worthless, seemed to keep his guard up every now and then. The grin was still covering his face and continued to be like that, even after he started talking. “These pathetic excuses are striving to become a Chuunin? To become strong?” He began. “Futile.” He replied, at that moment activating his Sharingan Tomoe 3, attempting to strike fear into those that just had the confidence to compete in the Chuunin Exams, wondering if that should strike fear into Naota as well, but he wasn’t really expecting it, either. “There are just two things that make you stronger in this world…”. He took a quick pause, before continuing. “Pain… And hatred.”. He observed the Genin with his Sharingan eyes, while giving them a quick lecture. “Pain… Is something I can make you feel. However… Hatred is something we Uchiha are born with.”. With that, he ceased his brief lecture. He didn’t make a single move, but just stood there, awaiting their reaction, giving them time to react. He was curious as to what they would be planning.



Utau followed Hao in silence. She walked a few steps behind him, her expression as calm and peaceful as it always was. It was the type of face that inspired warmth and kindness at first glance. It was the face of someone who was trustworthy. However, upon closer inspection, someone with years of experience and a natural understanding of human beings might realize the hard edges that lined her face. They may realize that underneath the warm smile, there was merciless cruelty. But the young woman hardly ever came across such a person that could decipher her intentions upon first meeting her. No, not even Hao knew exactly what her intentions were, though he might have had a notion of them. Her gaze was fixed on Hao as they walked. It wasn't until his gaze switched from a cold, hard stare into a chilling smile that she directed her gaze towards the squad of Genin only a few feet away.

Utau's gaze visibly softened, though it was all a farce. She felt no remorse for the Genin that were likely to lose their lives. She still stood a few feet away from Hao, and like him, she directed her gaze towards the man standing among the Genin in the pit. Her eyes narrowed slightly, detailing his features. She listened quietly as Hao spoke and only interjected when he finished. "Hao-sama," She began, her voice chiming sweetly. It was soft, but loud enough for the Genin to hear. "Surely you do not plan on attacking these children," She began. Her words, like anything about her posture and expression, were a farce intended to gain the trust of the Genin. She was confident that Hao would play along with her. After all, he knew that she had neither mercy nor pity for anyone in this world. Like him, she made no move to attack, she simply stood alongside him, waiting for a reaction and ready to strike in case anyone planned to attack her.



Hira stood there for a moment as two more people showed up however they didnt appear to be part of the exams so what the hell were they doing here. Surely they dont mean to interrupt, i mean not only are their five genin here but this naota character as well. As Hira listened to Haos words he realized their was some truth to them, pain did make you stronger but it asl made you weaker in some cases. He spoke to hao "It seems that you are a little misguided. Pain does indeed make you strong fighting only for yourslef, striving to live. I know that feeling. However their is one thing that makes you stronger, that thing is having something to protect. If you have something to protect and that thing is in danger your body and heart will find strength it never knew it had just to save that one... little... thing..." The uchiha clan huh? A clan full of hatred, they didnt knw what true hatred was.

"You think your clan has it roguh? Look at me. Im the only one of my kind left, im all thats left. How do you think that feels? The world hated me and my clan enoguh to kill almost all of us. Iv learned to overcome that pain though... well not overcome it but bare it with me." A Hira spoke these words he was unsure of his meaning but his words had drawn his attention away from what he was originally here to do. Although at this point he didnt care he just hoped that whatever business these two had hear it wasnt bad business. He then pointed his gaze at the girl his mood now changed to a severely cold and neutral one "Children eh? You dont look much older than any of us....... As he spoke he allowed the rows and rows of razor sharp shark teeth that alined his mouth to pop into veiw a few times.



well joy. This had quickly gone from difficult to hell in a hand basket. And not just any hand basket. But one dug up like a mass grave. Naota. rumors at best of someone. no clan in the rumors. no abilities. Sky's question rang in his ears after the announcement and he shrugs his one good eye looking kind of irritated.

"brains are as good as oatmeal on that one bud. I can make guesses but doesn't do us much good."

Then the others arrived and his expression drops as he feels a pressure like fear roll over him. Oh flippin great. more motivational speakers. It was a day worth thinking about. and then. the mention of hurting them makes him shake his head. Does a god contemplate it when he crushes a cockroach? that was the thought going through his mind when the Kiri nin spoke to them and he slaps his palm to his face letting his hand slowly rub down it.

"Great argument. I suffered and had to overcome something making you stronger for it. tadaa."

His sarcasm was apparent at this. the whole test irritated him. What did they expect them to do? run and scream? tch.. fantastic. he settles down on a nearby rock and opens a book with the title scratched off the naughty novel. and begins reading.



The sudden appearance of the Jounin made Kenny stiffen with fright, his body running cold and his skin turning white in unison as he seemed to flail to the floor. Getting up almost as soon as he smacked the dirt, he brushed himself and looked at the figure. It was his sensei. Naota. He'd only met him once and it wasn't as good a introduction as he had hoped for but maybe now was the time to redeem himself. He nodded at his sensei since he offered up the opportunity to ask a question. Stepping forward he brushed aside his brown bangs and stared in his eyes.
"Sensei, will we come out alive?" He asked, a small joke that would be easily picked up on but Kenny was also serious. Best to know in advanced.

His eyes were averted when two mysterious figures entered into the pit, none looking familiar. One looked about his age, maybe older whilst the male was definitely older. He mentioned something about being a Uchiha... that and the arrogant bitch commented on them being children. It made him think that maybe she was underestimating the capability of the genin. They may have been weak in comparison to them both but they were all certainly skilled in different areas.

He chose to not answer to any of their words but instead he walked over to a nearby, medium sized rock and sat upon it, just across from the genin that made a rather sarcastic comment. It made him chuckle slightly in amusement.
He turned his had over to the leaf genin, his golden hue eyes lighting up with the suns rays, making them look like a fierce fire.
"Sarcasm. I like."



The arrival of someone else? Well, this was unexpected. Naota's gave lifted, right into the stare of another's Sharingan. Quickly, he looked away, turning to the woman whom arrived with the male. However, it was too late. The damage was done. His blood stirred, that slow fire building up. "State your business. I wasn't told of anyone else assisting with the exams."

The male's body shifted, chin lifting as the impassive mask he was infamous for slid onto his face. Black eyes quickly glanced around at the group. If this male's words held any truth, this was going to get ugly. Fast. As for he woman... he wasnt sure what to make of her. She arrived with the male; enemy until proven otherwise. Arms crossed his chest, black eyes narrowing. He wasnt backing down, no. He'd sparred with many a cousin, most with three tomoe in thier eyes. To him, Tomoe werent worth this if the ninja using them was a fool. But this male.. Naota didnt know him. New things came with risks; better to not reveal his own hand just yet. Lets keep them guessing.



The current situation was a bit too much for Skye to take in. First, he's supposed to think about an exam fight. Then, the first Jounin shows up to fight. Then two more ninjas pop up during the exam and one starts to talk about pain. And finally, the original Jounin that he was supposed to face has no clue on who these two are. The amount of thoughts going through his mind was enough to make anyone's head spin. Skye knew he better keep quiet, just in case these two ninja were looking to attack. Completely avoiding the male, he looked more toward the woman. He heard about the Uchiha before. Hell, who hasn't! Without even looking at the man, he could tell. Naota's reaction gave that away. Skye took a few steps back so that he would be matched up in a line with Synn and Kenta. He tried his best to make it so he didn't look like he was trying to escape. Because he wasn't even considering it. Tilting his head, he started to whisper to the others. "Uh... Do you guys have any idea what's up with these two...?" His voice was as quiet as he could possibly make it.



Otto looked over at the two ninja things were getting really bad really quick the first shinobi activated his sharingan Otto looked down at the strange ninjas feet. Some might have thought this was out of fear but in reality he had studied the Uchiha extensively, and knew a few things. He makes his way to Hira's side and touches his shoulder. motioning for him to look down as well. This was no member of konoha this was a rouge who had undoubtedly achieved the top of his powers. He gasped as he put the pieces together this was the rouge who burned Kiri. This was getting bad, really bad He notes on the second ninja... she was trying to act kind but all this meant to Otto is that she was just as bad or worse.



Not a single word came from Hao; he kept himself completely silent to keep them in suspense, in attempt to build up even more fear. His stance was normal; though he had his guard up and visualized actions that the opponents could commence, so that he would be able to defend himself and Utau against them all. Even though the most of them were Genin; he didn’t underestimate them. They may be weaker than him when alone, though in a group, he doesn’t know what they’re all capable of. After a small moment of complete silence, Hao uttered a few words, as in response to Naota’s previously asked question. “There’s no need for you to know what my business here is. And Utau, we’ll see.”. With that way of speech, it seemed like he was looking down on Naota. He noticed that at least two of them looked towards the ground to avoid eye-contact with his Sharingan, but with his variation of techniques, something like that would be irrelevant.

Without hesitation, he slowly moved himself towards Naota, getting closer and closer as if he wanted to perform an assault, but Hao actually had no intention at all; he just wanted to spread the fear and make a name for himself and this was clearly the right way to do it. With a slight gesture, he told Utau to move in closer as well, though not do anything just yet.



Utau eyed each of the Genin carefully, detailing their features and deducing their apparent abilities from them. She was a knowledgeable woman, an expert in deduction. All she needed was a close look and she could roughly guess someone's personality, their abilities, motivations, fears and even their dreams, to an extent. In turn, she was unpredictable. At Hao's comment, she nodded and looked at the Genin with concern. It looked genuine. Utau had mastered faking human emotions quite flawlessly over time. She followed Hao as he motioned for her to do so. She was ready to fight or create a diversion if she needed to. All she really had to do was concentrate chakra near her mouth and breathe. Doing so would likely create enough of a diversion for her and Hao to retreat. They were outnumbered, after all. Nevertheless, she was quite confident in Hao's abilities. It had been a long time since she had seen him fight, but she couldn't expect any less from the man that had burned down Kirigakure and killed the Mizukage.

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