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Hira had been motioned by Otto to look down and away from hao, at first he followed but after awhile he looked into the cold eye's of Hao. The sharingan didnt scare him, then again nothing did really, not even death. He halfway drew one of his swords, these ninja looked like their were out of his league but if they attacked him he would be sure to give them a good scare to remeber them by before he was killed. He wasnt thinking about his own death right now though, that was the least of his worries. He more so worried about the others, well just mostly otto acually. He stood there with his hand on his sword just kinda looking cold and empty. He whispered to otto We are not dieing here if i have anything to say about so dont be so scared." he then returned his gaze to the shinobi and then to naota who was also a suspicous character in himself. Hira knew nothing about any of these ninja. Something trtold him it was better that he didnt know anything.



Great, everyone was either going to fight or flee, how foolish of them. They were up against two people who were clearly high ranking ninja. They stood no chance. None of them knew what sort of jutsu that these two could was a Uchiha, bound to have ninjutsu at least...Kenny never knew one Uchiha who didn't have for the other was unclear to him what her specialties were...regardless however, they were all (except for Nao) were in shit creak. Unless another higher ranking ninja came in to help them, they were either dead or close to it...

Looking around him discreetly, examining his surroundings, Kenny noticed that there wasn't much cover for them to get behind if they did so happen to attack them. Several boulders here and there and a dip in the middle. Kenny wondered about the walls and the rules of them still applied in this situation. They were still in their exams so Kenny's mind was beginning to sizzle up from over thinking everything. Sliding his left hand into his right pocket, arms now crossed, he slipped four senbon in between his fingers; ready to make a distraction, even if it was going to be a small and brief one.

He continued to sit there in a silence, watching the feet of the two threatening ninja. Shark boy obviousl didn't like being underestimated and was already wound up. He was going to try...or maybe not...He looked as if he was protecting Otto so that's one less person for Kenny to worry about...They had Nao, a sannin, so things had a slight chance...



“Gentlemen, this exam is over.” Naota raised his head, those black eyes glaring directly at the two strangers. As he did, the cage within his mind creaked open, allowing a tide of thoughts to wash over him. Riding the forefront of it was a cold feeling, the voice that plagued him since he killed Kami Uchiha.

So... you finally have a challenge.

Shut up.

Those eyes are strong. Much better than your own. You should take them.

Shut. Up. This is my fight.

Smoke began to curl from Naota's nostrils, a smile forming on his face; a crack in the mask.. His left hand slipped into the pouch at his waist and withdrew Mercy. The trench knife slid down his fingers, settling in a reverse grip. Limbs trembled, anticipation building along them as his chakra began to surge within his body. His right hand lifted, pointing behind him. “All of you genin; leave now. No need to throw away your lives.” He didnt trust that woman; no, she came with an Uchiha that meant him harm. She would get what this male had coming to him as well. Mercy was those who kept thier distance. That smile grew wider, the impassive mask cracking and crumbling away. With a sweeping gesture, the hand was turned to the duo, beckoning them as the Sannin's eyes turned red, the pupil swirling and filling with one Tomoe. “Come at me, bro.”




the other sat down across from him and extended his hand. Synn smiles a little still stressed from the fact that they where now in screwed town. he holds out his hand and shakes it briefly. One of the kiri nin seemed to remember his history lessons but that wouldn't do him much good if he couldn't fight constantly blind, that and his partner was blatantly asking for that display of pain. Damn. Too many high ranks... was not worth one rank up to challenge these kinds of odds. and then. they where dismissed and his book snaps shut and he stands. turning in a blur of red designs and begins walking quickly in a different direction.

"Finally. I was beginning to wonder if we where just here to die as distractions."



“All of you genin; leave now. No need to throw away your lives.”
Skye didn't have to think twice about that order. Naota was a on a higher level than he was, so there was no arguing with his demand. Even if Skye stayed, he would most likely be killed by a larger attack, or maybe even targeted by one of the two. Naota looked serious and ready to fight. He was even using his Sharingan now. This would get ugly real fast if he didn't act at that very moment. Taking a few steps back at first, he eventually turned and quickly jumped away. At this point, he just hoped no one would hit him while his back was turned. Making it to the outer wall, he glanced back once more to see if his temporary allies had done the same. If they did, he would leave. Though if the others stayed, he would have to think about his next action.



Otto looked at the jonin at first wondering if this was just a test of their mettle, but after a quick look at each player in this equation he realized that this was dead serious. Otto hesitates then says to every genin"alright let's go we will only get in the way". Otto jumps out of the hole headed in the general direction of the Hokage's Office; hoping to find the hokage and send him to end the pending confrontation.

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